
Quick 06A People

1 Underline the correct modal verb in these sentences.

0 You've got a great tan. You | might have | may not have | must have | had good weather on your holiday!

1 I'm afraid Georgina isn't at her desk, she | may be | may have | may not | at lunch.

2 They've just bought a pram and a child car seat. They | can be | must be | might be | expecting a baby.

3 Keith | can't have | mustn't have | mightn't have | received my message because he hasn't phoned.

4 The weather forecast said it | can | must | might | snow tonight.

5 I haven't seen her for 20 years. She | could | can't | must | be 28 years old now.

6 Hurry up! You | might have | can | may | be too late for your train!

7 You | must | could | can | get a distinction if you worked harder.

8 You | mustn't | couldn't | can't | win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket.

9 I feel awful! I | must have eaten | must eat | must be eating | some bad shellfish.

10 Look at his CD collection! He | may have loved | can have loved | must have loved | classical music!

(10 marks)

2 Underline the correct form of the main verb (after the modal).

0 You mustn't | park | have parked | be parking | here it a No Parking zone.

1 She's so thin! She must have | be | been | being | on a diet!

2 She told me she couldn't | rode | ride | ridden | a horse.

3 In ten years time I might | will be | been | be | married with six children!

4 We may | have gone | went | go | to New Zealand next summer.

5 I keep phoning him but there's no answer. He might | fall | have fallen | be falling | asleep.

6 He was buying a Spanish dictionary when I saw him, he must | have learnt | be learning | learn | Spanish.

7 She didn't leave until 6 o'clock so she can't | arrive | arrives | have arrived | yet.

8 Sorry I didn't phone you. I was watching a boring programme on T.V. and I must | fell | be falling | have fallen | asleep.

9 I'm so pleased to see you. I was so worried! You might | have | have had | has | an accident.

10 You can't | be | to be | being | hungry. You ate a huge lunch.

(10 marks)

3 Write the opposites of these adjectives.

0 lucky _____unlucky_____

1 honest ________________

2 expensive ________________

3 possible ________________

4 dependent ________________

5 usual ________________

(5 marks)

4 Complete the sentences with the correct verb below.

get, get, get




0 We all like to ___get____ together with our friends.

1 Don't let the bad weather __________ you down.

2 Do you __________ on with all your colleagues at work?

3 The doctor told me to __________ up eating cakes.

4 She said that I needed more exercise. I should __________ up jogging.

5 It's very hot and humid here, but you soon learn to __________ up with it.

(5 marks)

5 Underline the correct word in to complete these sentences.

0 He has to put suntan cream on his head because he's | fair | bald | fringe |.

1 She can't be more than 12. She must be in her | late | mid | early | teens.

2 Like his father, Ahmet, Ali has got a dark | complexion | build | shape |.

3 I think she's in her late | forehead | plaits | forties |.

4 I can feel your moustache when I kiss your | lips | plaits | freckles |.

5 My brother's got shoulder length | freckled | grey | short | hair.

6 Most men in their late sixties are | long haired | bald | short |.

7 I can't see your | forehead | freckles | chin | because of your fringe.

8 I've got long blonde wavy | hairs | hair | hare |.

9 I'm not overweight! I'm just very | well-built | slim | thin |!

10 My great grandfather needs glasses because he's very | middle-aged | elderly | good looking |.

(10 marks)

6 Write the correct personality adjective from the box to describe the people in these sentences.







0 She is always smiling and never gets depressed.


1 He married a rich woman because he wanted a big house and fast cars.


2 You never know with George. One day he's cheerful another day he's bad tempered.


3 If I have a problem, Sheila will always help me.


4 I know he's not rich but look at this necklace he bought me!


5 I explained to him that it was very dangerous but he would not change his mind!


(5 marks)

7 Complete the text with the modals in the table.

had to


wasn't able to


were able to

didn't have to

After I retired from work, I was a happy and carefree individual. I ___didn't have to___ (0) go to work or get up early every morning. I just _______________ (1) remember to take my medicine every day. I _______________ (2) do whatever I wanted everyday and nobody worried about what I was doing. The only thing

I _______________ (3) do was travel because I didn't have much money. I had reasonably good health but I _______________ (4) lift heavy weights. After my wife retired we _______________ (5) share many happy years together.

(5 marks)



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