Unit Test (2)

Name ________ Date


Section 1: Listening (Tapescript 98)

Listen and complete the sentences.

(1) Her favourite month of the year is _________.

(2) That is _________ in her country.

(3) The weather is _________.

(4) The countryside is _________.

(5) She usually wears _________ clothes.

(6) She goes for walks in the _________.

Section 2: Grammar and Vocabulary

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. Use a verb in the passive.


Somebody constructed the first Ice Hotel in 1990.

The first Ice Hotel ………………in 1990.

The first Ice Hotel …was constructed …in 1990.

(7) The hotel serves drinks in the bar.

Drinks ________________ in the bar.

(8) Someone pays Tony at the end of every month.

Tony _____________ at the end of every month.

(9) Someone made my mobile phone in Korea.

My mobile phone ____________ in Korea.

(10) Someone stole our car last year.

Our car _____________ last year.

(11) Someone gave Henry the wrong keys.

Henry __________ the wrong keys.

(12) Someone takes the guests' bags to their room.

The guests' bags ____________ to their room.

(13) Someone built this house in 1878.

This house _________ in 1878.

Complete each sentence with an appropriate word from the box.

rainbow desert stars planets cliffs fields glacier

(14) You can see a lot of ______________ in the sky tonight.

(15) You can go skiing on the ______________ even in summer.

(16) I stood on the ______________ and looked at the sea.

(17) After the storm, there was a beautiful ______________ in the sky.

(18) Do you think there is life on other ______________?

(19) Sue and Dave went for a walk through the beautiful green ______________.

(20) Yesterday, I drove through the ______________ to visit the pyramids.

Choose the correct word to complete the text.


It will be a very (21) foggy / fog morning in London today, with a possibility of (22) rain / rainy. Later, the (23) sun / sunny will come out and the afternoon will be nice and (24) warm / cold. Tomorrow will be very (25) wind/windy, with the possibility of storms.

Section 3: Reading

Read the text and mark sentences 26 to 30 True (T) or False (F).


Randy is a member of a team of people that make up the Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (VDAP). They're usually called the `volcano crisis assistance team' and they were the models for the heroes of the recent popular film, Dante's Peak. They visit volcanoes and try to answer the same three questions: 1) Will the volcano erupt? 2) How big will the eruption be? and 3) How much time do we have? Their main aim is to save lives.

Randy and his team visit volcanoes that have shown recent increases in seismic activity. `People call us when they think their local volcano is waking up. That's when we go into action. Our entire team can be on a plane in 24 hours. That's probably the main reason we are often called to the scene of a volcano site.'

Randy's team set up their equipment and show some local people how it works and what to watch for. When the volcano monitoring station is in place, Randy's team moves on to the next potentially active volcano site and they do it all again. They keep in contact with the local people and sometimes revisit the sites to check everything is all right.

He visits volcano sites about three or four times a year, but more often if there's increased volcanic activity. Randy and his team were involved in predicting the eruption of Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines. An estimated 20,000 lives were saved when his team predicted the time, the size, and the place of the eruption, the largest in the world in almost 80 years! Randy says he and his team have successfully predicted several other recent volcanic eruptions in Latin America.

(26) Randy's team was in the film Dante's Peak. T / F

(27) Randy's team asks locals the same three questions. T / F

(28) They can be prepared very quickly. T / F

(29) Randy's team checks the equipment every day. T / F

(30) His team predicted the Mt Pinaturbo eruption. T / F


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