15 Weather in our country

Weather in our country

The Czech Republic has a moderate continental climate. A year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Spring begins on the 21st March. Spring comes earlier to the lowland than to the highland. The weather in spring, especially in April is relly changeable. It is snowy, sometimes it is rainy and sometimes it is sunny. Temperatures are round zero. Thi season a lot of plaints and animals begin to wake up from the hibernation. Flowers and trees come into blossom and animals push their ears and noses out. In our gardens the first flowers appear: white snowdrops, snowflakes, primroses, crocuses… Birds come back from the south and sing. The natural play with all colours and everything is coloured and beautiful.

On the 21st June begins summer - the hottest season of the year. In summer here usually is sunshine and acassionaly it is rainy. But summer storms are wonderful. Everything smell of rainwater. Lightnings turn the all sky, it thunder and that it starts raining. I like it very much. It is very romantic but it is very dangerous to stay under a tree because the lightning might hit in. Summer is the most popular season with people especially children. They have a long summer holiday and can be out for long time because the sun shines far into the night and summer nights are very hot too. It is a very hot season. Temperatures are round thirty so many people go swimming in a swimming pools. Girls especially want to get a suntan. We must fuss suntan creams over. Girls usually wear short T-shirts and mini skirts. Boys like it very much. In summer many people go on holiday. They go abroad or stay in our country. They work in their gardens and so on. This saeson is also the time for strawberries, bilberries, raspberries, blackberries and cranberries and the harvest of corn.

September 23 is the date when autumn begins. This season is not popular with children. They must go to school again. But it is a very nice season for me. Leaves fall down from trees, sun shines and everything round us radiate hot, rest and positive energy. Everywhere are hot colours - red, green, yellow, orange and brown… But birds flock together and set out to the south, the sky is often cloudy, wind blows and in the morning there may be hoarfrost on the grass and haze or fog. So many children flies kites. It can be negative for some paople and then they used to have depressions of it. I don't know why. Animals lay in a

stock and prepare for a winter season. Flowers are finished, trees finish blossoming. Everything starts sleeping.

Winter comes on the 21st December, but in fact it often begins earlier. Typical winter weather brings snowfall, ice wind and hard frosts. It is snowy and everything round us is white. Temperatures are below freezing. We must wear jumpers, fur coats, gloves or mittens, scarfs and huts. Many beautiful and favourite holidays are in winter: Christmas day, St. Nicolas's Day, New Year's Day, Valentine's Day and each other. The most of animals sleep but some animals (like some birds, does, deers,…) don't sleep so we must feed them. People go skiing in the mountains and hills but we must také care of avalanches. Children throw snowballs, build snowmas, go sledging, slidging, or skating on lakes. They are very happy, when winter is for long time but gardeners often become worried about their fruit trees.

My favourite season

I preffer summer. This season is very nice and hot. Sun shines very much and we can go swimming. We can wear only a T-shirt and some shorts or skirt. We needn't wear jackets, fur coats and warm trousers. Days are very long and hot. Summer thunderstorm - it is perfect and night walks under the stars are magic and beautiful.


Polltion is damage to the air, sea, rivers or land caused by chemical, waste and harmful gases. Pollutants include toxic waste, pesticides and fertilizers.

Acid rain

Acid rain is rain that is harmful to the environment because it contains acid from factory smoke. Acid rain causes damage to trees, rivers and building.

The destruction of habitats

All over the world, wildlife is being threatened because habitats and woodlands are being destroyed. Rainforests are being cut down so that people can use the land to grow crops. Many species of animal have become extinct and many more are endangered.

The greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is caused by harmful gases known as greenhouse gases. These gases are produced when we burn fuels, especially coal burned in power stations to make electricity. These gases go up into the Earth's atmosphere and stop heat from leaving the Earth. Because the heat cannot escape, the Earth is getting warmer. This is know as global warming.Global warming may cause the ice at the North Pole and South Pole to melt and sea levels to rise, leading to serious flooding in many parts of the world. In other places, temperatures will rise and there will be less rain, turning more of the land into desert.

Holes in the ozone layer

The ozone layer is a layer of gases that protects us from ultraviolet light from the sun, which can have a harmful effect on animals and causes skin cancer in humans. The ozone layer is being damaged by chemicals, especially CFCs and when holes appear in the ozone layer, harmful light from the sun reaches the Earth.

Alternative forms of transport

One of the main problems with cars is that they cause a lot of pollution and offten carry only one person. Public transport is more environmentally friendly because buses and tains can carry large numbers of people at the same time. Car pools are anotherway of reducing the number of cars on the roads. Even cleaner solutions are electric cars and bicycles.

Green products

We can help the environment by choosing to buy green products. Examples of green products are recycled paper, wood from sustainable sources and organic fruit and vegetables.


Recycling is when you use something again instead of throwing it away. Glass, cans, paper and plastic can all be recycled.

snowdrop = sněženka spruce = smrk stork = čáp doe = laň

primrose = petrklíč larch = modřín owl = sova deer = jelen

rose = růže maple = javor hawk = jestřáb hedgehog = ježek

sunflower = slunečnice elm = jilm jay = sojka wolf = vlk

nettle = kopřiva firtree = jedle faleon = sokol squirrel = veverka

ox-eye daisy = kopretina oak = dub vulture = sup wild pig = divočák

dandelion = pampeliška pine = borovice eagle = orel fox = liška

pansy = maceška beech = buk tit = sýkorka

chiesry = čekanka birch = bříza blackbird = kos

tulip = tulipán chestnut tree = kaštan

cornflower = chrpa

dahlia = jiřina

daffodil = narcis

crocus = krokus

violet = fialka

Nováková Tereza


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