modals practice 5 (Graver & Bywater)

practical grammar I practice sheet 5 MODALS

I. In each item below one or two options may be possible to complete the sentence. Underline those that are possible.

Example: I may / might / will be willing to spare you half an hour this afternoon.

  1. Might / Can / Would you mind lifting your feet for a moment while I hoover?

  2. May / Could / Would you be so kind as to give me some advice?

  3. Shall / Will / Can I carry that rather heavy-looking case for you?

  4. Will / Could / Can you possibly come back a little later?

  5. May / Would / Might you be willing to refund the money we have already paid you?

  6. Do you think you will / may / could stand a little further away?

II. Write each of the following sentences using the two prompt words printed underneath it.

1. I'd like to help but unfortunately it's not possible. wish/I

I wish I could help but unfortunately I can't.

2. Could you possibly help me with the dishes? possible / hand


3. Our previous cat would only go out if the door was opened specially for him. used / unless


4. He threatened to tell my wife unless I admitted to everything. said/if


5. Shall I pay by cheque or would you rather I paid cash? like/prefer


6. I'd be very grateful if you could forward any letters to the above address. appreciate/kind


III. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the two prompt words given.

Example: He promised to be here by ten o'clock without fail. said/ definitely

He said he would definitely be here by ten o'clock.

1. Don't you regret reacting in the way you did? think/ should


2. I bet she felt a bit of a fool when she realised who she had been speaking to. must / dawned


3. I expect you'll be at Heathrow before me. should/do


4. Do you think I should have given her a set of keys? ought/left


5. Our stubborn young son always refused to treat visitors to the house with respect. would / respectfully


6. It's possible that she put those goods in her bag accidentally. may / mistake


IV. Put into the negative.

1.You must go to school for ten years in England.

2. I have a clean handkerchief every day.

3. She used to live in that manor house over there.

4. She had her photograph taken yesterday.

5. I have time to deal with it now.

6.You must work hard to pass that examination.

7.That must be his cousin over there.

8. Be extravagant if you feel like it.

9. You must see that film: it is extraordinary.

10. I had an enormous breakfast on that occasion.

11. You must start work immediately.

12. That house used to belong to my grandfather.

V. Answer the following in the positive.

1. 'Need you leave so early?'

2. 'Did you use to teach there?'

3. 'Did you enjoy your holiday?'

4. 'Were you able to do it?'

5. 'Do you need to get a visa to go to Russia?'

6. 'Need I write a bread-and-butter letter?'

7. 'Didn't your wife use to play a lot of bridge?'

VI. Answer the following in the negative.

1.'Didn't you have a chance to mention it?'

2. 'Must you take the examination?'

3. 'Have you time to deal with this enquiry?'

4. 'Dare he do it?

5. 'Did you use to like learning English?'

VII. Insert would or should in the blanks provided.

`It's quite extraordinary that you ___________________ call just now because who ________________ be here but Alexander, who has not seen you for ages. It __________________ seem that he has heard intriguing reports of your recent behaviour, so he is dying to meet you again. He told me that when you were together at University you _________________ spend hours discussing the validity of moral codes. Of course you ____________ make fun of conventional morals (it is only to be expected that you _______________ at that stage of your development) but _________________ you mind not shocking him too much today? It is impossible that he ________________ not be keyed up by the rumours about you and if you ________________ inadvertently mention to him that the accounts of your relations with his cousin are true, googness only knows what he _______________ do. I was talking to him about Helen only last week, and what ______________ he do but treat me to a long harangue on the unfair treatment of women in our society! So if you _____________ watch what you say I ______________ be very grateful.'

VIII. Insert didn't need to or needn't have in the following sentences, making any necessary changes to the words in brackets

  1. You (not need be) ___________________________ so rude to my sister yesterday. Why were you?

  2. I (not need mark) ____________________________ all this work because I now find that the student has left.

  3. She (not need buy) ___________________________ another coctail dress as she had two already.

  4. I (not need write) ____________________________ that letter after all because I received a telegram telling me what I wanted to know.

  5. I (not need rush) _____________________________ to get there on time as she turned out to be half an hour late.

  6. I (not need worry) ___________________________ so much about that examination as it proved much easier that I had expected.

  7. I (not need spend) _____________________________ so much time clearing away the snow yesterday. It would have melted this morning anyway.

  8. She (not need pay) ____________________________ to go to that ballet because she had been given a complimentary ticket.

  9. I (not need get) _________________________________ the car out for such a short journey, as I would easily walk there.

  10. You (not need interrupt) ___________________________the class to tell me that, you could have come up to me afterwards to tell me.

  11. I (not need buy) ___________________________ a catalogue because you could hire one for a shilling.

  12. I (not need pay) ____________________________ so much for as I did for that book; I saw the same one for ten shillings yesterday.

  13. He (not need tell) _____________________________ me that something was wrong: I could see it the moment he came into the room.

  14. He (not need have) ____________________________ that swimming pool made in the garden. The weather has been too cold for him to use it.

  15. If you had taken a bit more care you (not need get) ______________________________ your stockings so badly splashed on the way here.


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