language testb

10 Language Test Student B

Vocabulary (20 marks)

1 Przyjrzyj się obrazkom i wpisz nazwy środków transportu w odpowiednie miejsca.

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0 scooter______________ 3 ____________________

1 ____________________ 4 ____________________

2 ____________________ 5 ____________________

Uzupełnij brakujące litery w nazwach pięciu innych środków transportu.

6 b __ __e 9 t __ __ __n

7 l __ __ __ y 10 u __ d __ __ g __ __ __ __ __

8 c __ __

10 marks

2 Zaznacz słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych.

0 climb / shop / valley / sightsee

1 plane / ocean / coach tram

2 island / sea / river / lorry

3 swimming / train / windsurfing climbing

4 lake / bike / motorbike / taxi

5 tree / rock / bus / coast

5 marks

3 Przyjrzyj się obrazkowi i podpisz zaznaczone miejsca.

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Grammar (20 marks)

4 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w czasie past simple.

go / make / come / sit / find / drive

0 I went to France with my cousins last summer.

1 I _____ next to Mario in my English lesson today.

2 My dad _____ the dinner last night.

3 We _____ to the beach in my brother's car.

4 My sister _____ my mobile phone under the fridge.

5 Erin and Polly _____ to my house yesterday.

5 marks

5 Napisz pytania, korzystając z podpowiedzi.

0 you / find your keys ?

Did you find your keys?____________________

1 Erin / go to the cinema with you?


2 you / do your Maths homework?


3 they / drive to the supermarket ?


4 we / get to school late?


5 your brother / make this coffee ?


10 marks

6 Przeczytaj podane informacje i napisz zdania na temat Elli, używając czasu past simple i wyrazu ago.

Today is Sunday 10th April, 2009. It is 5 o'clock in the evening.

0 Friday, 8th April 2009 - have English exam

Jason had an English exam two days ago.______

1 10th April 2007 - go to Paris



2 9 a.m, 10th April 2009 - have breakfast



3 10th December 2008 - visit grandparents



4 Sunday, 3rd April 2009 - play football with brother



5 Tuesday, 5th April 2009 - go to cinema with best friend



5 marks

Communication (20 marks)

7 Zaznacz właściwą odpowiedź.

0 How was your holiday?

a) In a hotel. / b) It was great, thanks.

c) Yes, I did, thanks.

1 What did your parents do?

a) They went sightseeing. / b) It was hot.

c) I went sightseeing.

2 What was the food like?

a) Not great. / b) It was good fun.

c) It was windy.

3 Where did you stay?

a) We went climbing. / b) We went to Ireland.

c) On a campsite.

4 How did you get there?

a) By plane. / b) On train. / c) By foot.

5 What was the hotel like?

a) It was sunny. / b) It was really cool!

c) It was delicious.

10 marks

8 Napisz pytania do dialogu.

Ryan: Hi, Lily! 0 How was your holiday?

Lily: It was a bit boring.

Ryan: 1 ________________________________________

________________________________________ ?

Lily: I went to the mountains with my parents.

Ryan: 2 ________________________________________

________________________________________ ?

Lily: Not very good. It was cold and windy.

Ryan: 3 ________________________________________

________________________________________ ?

Lily: We stayed in a hostel.

Ryan: 4 ________________________________________

________________________________________ ?

Lily: We went climbing every day and we did some sightseeing.

Ryan: 5 ________________________________________

________________________________________ ?

Lily: It was good, especially the pizzas!

10 marks



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/ 60

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2009 Pearson Longman ELT



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