zdania czasowe ćwiczenia

Fill in the gaps with the words in the correct tense.

1. If the rain ______________ there will be a flood. (not stop)

2. Don't leave before you ____________ our message. (get)

3. If all ____________ well we shall land tonight. (go)

4. Take care of my luggage while I _____________ my ticket. (get)

5. Tomorrow if the weather is good we _______________ to London. (go)

6. I won't go away until my wife ________________ back. (come)

7. You will send me some money as soon as I _____________ there. (get)

8. We will set to work when the holidays _______________ over. (be)

9. I _____________ it as soon as I get back. (do)

10. When you ___________ Mr Smith ask him to call immediately. (see)

11. We will stay in the waiting room while Robert ___________ for a porter. (look)

12. I'll make you a nice cup of tea as soon as the water ____________. (boil)

13. If you come past six o'clock you ______________ him waiting. (not find)

14. I think I'll wait here until your bus ______________. (come)

15. If you _______________ so excited you will hardly be able to think! (be)

1. She will be very happy if you ______________ her to the theatre. (take)

2. We'll go swimming as soon as school _____________ over. (be)

3. She will be a good actress if she _____________ hard. (work)

4. I will open the door when father _____________. (ring)

5. I won't see him again if he ___________ today. (not come)

6. We will begin as soon as Tom _____________ ready. (be)

7. I will stay here until it ______________ warmer. (get)

8. Mother will bring us cakes when she ___________ out. (go)

9. If he_______________ time he will come with us. (have)

10. Don't leave until I _____________ you a message. (send)

11. I will notify you as soon as I ____________ from her. (hear)

12. You won't go until I _______________ the truth. (know)

13. He will come every day to help you with your work while I______________ away. (be)

14. You will have a chocolate if you ______________ good. (be)

15. Give Chris this letter as soon as you _______________ him. (see)

1. He __________ (tell) you all about it as soon as he ____________ (see) you.

2. Current policy of the government ______________ (not change) until people __________ (start) to protest against it.

3. When our present financial situation _______________ (improve), we ____________ (be able to) afford a photocopier.

4. The assistant _____________ (sell) all the paintings by the time I ___________ (get) back.

5. I ___________ (not let) you go out until you _________ (do) your homework.

6. I __________ (give) Roy a kiss if he ______________ (be) good.

7. She is going away soon. I ____________ (be) very sad when she _____________ (leave).

8. As soon as we _________ (find) the instructions, we ______________ (follow) the new route.

Complete the sentences with when, if, before, as soon as, or until. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

1. I'll have a bath ___________ I go to bed.

2. I'm coming to London tomorrow. I'll ring you ________________ I arrive.

3. We're planning a barbecue _____________ it's nice at the weekend.

4. Wait here ____________ I get back.

5. __________ you have any problems, just ask for help.

6. I'm going to give up this job _______________ I find a better one.

7. I'm only going to do this job _____________ I find a better one.

8. I want to get home ___________ it gets dark.

9. I'm going to study English ___________ I'm completely fluent.

10. Don't forget to give me your address ___________ you leave.

Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present perfect. (Sometimes both are possible).

apologise blow drink finish rain read see

1. I won't speak to him unless he ___________ to me for being do rude.

2. I'll phone you as soon as the meeting ______________.

3. The train will depart after the guard ___________ his whistle.

4. I'm not going to bed until I ______________ this cup of tea.

5. If you ___________ Rob, tell him I'm looking for him.

6. Take an umbrella in case it _________.

7. By the time you _____________ this letter, I will be in France.

Complete the second sentences so that the meaning is the same as the first. Use the word in capitals and the present simple or present perfect in the time clause.

1. We won't play tennis if it isn't sunny tomorrow. UNLESS

I won't play tennis unless it's sunny tomorrow.

2. I'll let you stay out late when you are sixteen. UNTIL

I won't ________________________________ sixteen.

3. I'll take the photo, then I'll give you your camera back. AS SOON AS

I'll __________________________________________ the photo.

4. John will get home, then I'll cook dinner. AFTER

I'll ________________________________________ home.

5. I won't hang out the washing because it might rain. IN CASE

I won't _______________________________________ rains.

6. You can't leave the table until you've eaten everything. BEFORE

You must _______________________________________ the table.

7. I won't buy you a cake if you don't behave yourself. UNLESS

I won't ______________________________________ yourself.

8. Think hard about it. Then decide what to do. UNTIL

Don't decide __________________________________________it.

Complete the sentences with your ideas.

1. As soon as this lesson finishes, I'm going to…

2. If I have time this evening, I'll…

3. If our teacher gives us a lot of homework, I won't…

4. While I'm doing my homework, I'll…

5. I won't go to bed until…

6. When my English is fluent, I'm going to…

7. As soon as I'm earning a good salary, I'll…

8. Before I get old, I'm going to…

9. When I'm old, I won't…


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