*he represents neo-classical standards
*poet, play writer, prose writer
*he composed 2 longer poems, distinguishing vanities, sins of a country life:
-“London” -written in Heroic Couplet
-“Irene” -tragedy in neo-classical manner
*he was more successful as a prose writer:
-“Rasselas Prince of Abissinia”
*oriental tale- set in exotic setting
*its also Parable- treating of a search for happiness-searching is fruitless
#PARABLE- is a kind of work in which a moral lesson is given
~Samuel Johnson wrote in a heavy prose style
*marked by Latinized vocabulary, by elaborate sentences, structure and an abstract mode of expression. It was called JOHNSONESE STYLE
*lover of beautiful landscapes of uncivilized nature
*he came to London with his poem:
-“Winter” later he expanded it into
^ neoclassical traditional aspects:
*Completeness all 4 seasons described completely- full cycle of nature
*the inner order, discipline in the poem everything is described in harmony/order
*he makes references to mythology
*poem written in blank verse, very rhythmical
^ romantic elements:
*nature as a protagonist not as background or decoration
*new attitude towards nature: uncivilised, wild mountains etc not gardens
*wild animals, from English country: deer, hare
*tiny details,
*nature which is presented seems to be alive
~it's evidence that poet is in love with nature, very emotional connection with it
*there are hints at folk superstition
-“Elegy written in a Country Church”
*poem of both neoclassical and romantic elements:
~N-> atmosphere of melancholy, general reflections on life and deth
~R->poem inspired by personal loss (friend died), he starts to speak of himself, how he will be remembered by those who will live, a strictly personal note which he introduces into the poem
*middle class man, he was writing for ordinary people not for higher classes( drama for them)
*a printer started writing in the age of 50
-“Pamela” or “ Virtue rewarded”
1st sentimental novel
*Pamela- young maid on the age of 15, pretty, her lady dies and the lady son become her master, Squire B.
*Squire B. Tries to seduce Pamela
*the major part concentrate on Squire B. On his trying of seduce, he tries tricks
*Pamela resist his attempts, in the end Squire B. Propose to her and they are married
*this is a reward for her virtues
*she becomes a Lady, she is promoted to a higher social class
#SENTIMENTAL NOVEL- a novel which depicts feelings, emotions, sentiments
*Pamela is in love but she also fears of Squire different part of novel there are different emotions
~Such novels become popular because feelings and emotions were new in English literature after a long period of Enlightenment
*Pamela can be regarded as prosecutor of that type of novel
*author concentrated on an inner actions, he penetrates human character
*used method of introspection
~Pamela is called the NOVEL OF CHARACTER- analyzes deeply
~it's a novel of manner
~Pamela the 1st female biography- fictional
*Pamela as didactic novel- author wanted to teach young readers how to behave in adults life
*Pamela- is narrative by letters which she wrote to her parents, they sometimes replay they are like commentators
They play the role of chorus-> technique called:
#EPISTOLARY TECHNIQUE- it derives from the Epistles, letters written by Apostles included in Bible
*story of a young lady who is forced by her parents to marry someone who she doesn't love-> Mr Solmes
*girl run away from home with her lover R. Lovelace
*Robert takes dishonest advantage of the situation and he rapes Clarissa who dies because of a disease really she dies of shame- it turns into tragedy. Lovelace is killed by relative of girl
~Richardson wanted to show negative consequences p7of the parents decisions
*Clarissa makes terrible mistake disobeying her parents
~Same type of Novel as Pamela
~Letters: he introduces 2 writers Lovelance-> J.Belford; Clarissa-> Miss Howe
*it's improved because in “Pamela” Square B. Didn't have a chance to present his point of few
-“Elegy written in a Country Church”