Rise of pragmatics

  1. Rise of pragmatics

I have put it there.

quantity - make your contribution as informative

as is required (not more)

quality - do not say what you believe to be false,

do not say that for which you lack adequate


relevance - make your contribution relevant

manner - avoid obscurity and ambiguity, be brief

and orderly

Daughter: Where is my ball?

Father: Why don't you look behind volume 6 of Dostoyevsky's Collected Works?

minimum effort and maximum cognitive benefit

successful communicator makes his (informative, persuasive etc) intentions `manifest' to himself and the partner(s):

George has a big cat.

Mary suggested black, but I chose white.

Even John came to the party.

The flag is red (= completely red)

I hope you brought the bread and the cheese. Ah, I brought the bread.

You left the door of the fridge open.

How do you like my hairstyle? Let's get going.

a) Generalized implicature (no special knowledge required):

I was sitting in a garden one day. A child looked over the fence.

b) scalar implicature:

I have completed some of the courses.

They are sometimes really interesting.

This should be stored in a cool place.

It is possible that they were delayed.

c) particularized implicature (the context necessary):

Hey, coming to the wild party tonight? My parents are visiting.

Where are you going with the dog? To the V-E-T.

Do you like ice-cream? Is the Pope Catholic?

The present King of France is bald (existential)

When did he leave? (structural)

Why are you so lazy?

How fast was the car going when it ran the red light?

He stopped smoking. (lexical)

He started complaining.

Cut us another slice.

He did not realize she was ill. (factive)

I am glad that it is over.

I dreamt I was rich. (non-factive)

If you were my friend, you would have helped me. (counterfactual)

locution (act of uttering)

illocution, illocutionary force (function of the utterance)

perlocution (effect of the utterance)

I sentence you to six months in prison

When you leave this building, you will get a



warning -hearer may not know sth will occur, speaker believes it will occur, it will not be beneficial)

assertives: The earth is flat. (S believes X)

declaratives: I pronounce you man and wife.

(S causes X)

expressives: I am sorry. (S feels X)

directives: Don't touch that! (S wants X)

commissives: I will be back. We will not do that.

(S intends X)

Shut the door.

Do you wear a seat belt?

­- indirect speech acts

Could you pass the salt?

There's a draught in here.

Do you have to stand in front of the TV?

You would make a better door than a window.

Will others be upset? Will they like me? How can I say what I want to say?

Stop that awful noise right now.

Are you going to stop soon because it is getting a

bit late and people need to get to sleep?

Could you lend me your pen?

I am sorry to bother you, but can I ask you for a pen or something.

There is going to be a party, if you can make it.

I would appreciate it if you let me use your pen.

Let us shut the door.

These biscuits smell wonderful.

Come on, let us go to the party. Everyone will be there.

modal auxiliary verbs (can, may, would)

modal lexical verbs (seem, believe, assume, suggest, argue, indicate, speculate)

adjectival, adverbial or nominal modal phrases (possible, unlikely, perhaps, apparently, virtually, assumption, claim, estimate)

approximators (roughly, about, often, occasionally)

introductory phrases (we believe, it is own knowledge)

if clauses (if true, if anything)

compound hedges (it seems reasonable, it would seem somewhat unlikely that)

What's the difference between a hungry man and a glutton? One longs to eat and the other eats too long.

How many lawyer jokes are there? Only three. The rest are true stories.

My wife is a monster

different communication purpose: to inform, to entertain, to mislead, to inspire esthetically, to persuade

- traditional definition: saying the opposite of what you mean:

It's lovely today, isn't it? (seeing the heavy rain outside)

- irony as mentioning (echoing) sth heard before (as opposed to using the expression for the first time)

It's lovely today, indeed.

- irony as the inappropriate, but relevant

I do so love the warm spring rain (one farmer to another, ploughing the dry field in the scorching sun)

PRAGMATIC COMPETENCE - responsible for mechanisms recovering un-coded meanings of messages

  1. Rise of text linguistics


cohesion, coherence, informativity, intentionality acceptability, situationality, intertextuality

In the street I was approached by a man. The man was very friendly.

My father once bought a Lincoln convertible. He did it by saving every penny he could. That car would be worth a fortune nowadays. However, he sold it to help pay for my college education. Sometimes I think I'd rather have the convertible.

My father bought a Lincoln convertible. The car driven by the police was red. That color does not suit her. She consists of three letters. However, a letter isn't as fast as a telephone call.

- endophoric (to cotext) and exophoric (to outside


Look at the sun. It's going down quickly.

It's going down quickly, the sun.

Look at that.

following text),

Peel and slice the potatoes. Put them in cold water.

I turned the corner and almost stepped on it. There

was a large snake in the middle of the path.

- underspecification: zero anaphora -

Drop the slices into hot oil. Cook [?] for three


Or the indefinite in place of the definite article

I just rented a house. The kitchen is really big.

The bus came on time, but he did not stop.

When you go to the polling station, give the clerk your

name and address.

He sat down, examined the menu, ordered a steak,

and got up and left.

The house has a kitchen.

The bus has a male driver.


walk into restaurant

look for table

decide where to sit

go to table

sit down


get menu

look at menu

choose food

waiter arrives

give order to waiter

waiter takes order to cook

wait, talk

cook prepares food etc.




Trying not to be out of the office for long, Suzy went into the nearest place, sat down and ordered a sandwich. It was quite crowded, but the service was fast, so she left a good tip when she had to rush back.

The animal ran towards the kennel.

The policeman held up his hand and stopped the car.

The housewife spoke to the manager about the increased meat prices.

role of relations between sentences, speech acts (illocution):

Self Employed Upholsterer. Free estimates. 332 5862.

Find a Ball. Win a House. Page 4.

What time is it?

Well, the postman's been already.

Can you go to Edinburgh tomorrow?

BA pilots are on strike.

`That's the telephone.'

`I'm in the bath.'


Did you want an ice lolly or not?

What kind have they got?

Hey, Michele, you've passed the exam.

informativity: Sea is water.

San Juan gunfire kills one.

intentionality/acceptability (goals, tolerance of range)

I cannot collect my sick pay. I have six children,

Can you tell me why?

situationality: (relevant factors):

Are you here or not?


Are you some sort of Hamlet?

criteria: succession, chronology, prescription (instruction), projection (for future or past)

narrative (+S+Ch-Pro-Pre)

procedural (+S +Ch+Pro+Pre)

expository (-S-CH-Pro-Pre)

hortatory (-S-Ch+Pre +Pro)

N: He went to get the eggs.

P: Take four eggs and throw them onto the pan.

E: The eggs lay on the kitchen table smelling rather suspicious.

H: You should always make sure that the eggs smell good before you use them.

Other distinctions:

narrative and non-narrative texts,

fiction vs non-fiction,

literary vs non-literary texts

non-narrative - not only temporal, generic truth, permanent across contexts, verifiable events, impersonal







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