Assimilation and elision


1. Assimilation of English consonants affecting their manner of articulation:

a. stops (plosives):

b. English/r/: - retroflex, post-alveolar (ray, parade),

- devoiced fricative obstruent (trip, cream),

- alveolar flap (through, three);

2. Assimilation of English consonants affecting their place of articulation:

alveolars: /t/, /d/, /s/, /z/, /n/, /l/:

3. Assimilation of English consonants affecting the work of the vocal cords:

4. Absence of assimilation:




  1. Leaving out consonant /t/ before a word beginning with a consonant except /h/(it kept still, she's left-handed); when the final consonant cluster is /skt/, /k/ is left out before a vowel and /h/ (I asked Ann) and both /k/ and /t/ are left out before a consonant (He risked losing);

  2. Leaving out consonant /d/ before a word beginning with a consonant except /h/, /l/, /w/, /r/, /s/ (an old car);

  3. Leaving out consonant /h/ at the beginning of unstressed pronouns, auxiliary verbs and question words (ask him, John has left, the person who did it…);

  4. Leaving out /l/ after /ɔ:/ (almost, always);

  5. Leaving out /d/ in and and /v/ in of (before a consonant)(red and blue, Adam and Eve, a bottle of water).



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