I. Put one correct word in each --> gap[Author:AW] .

1. Your secretary gave my your phone number ............... my polite request.

2. I wasn't pleased ............... the quality of the CD player, so I took it back.

3. `Do you believe in love at first ............... ?' `Of course, I do.'

4. Because the footbridge was destroyed, the travellers had no other choice ................. swim across the river.

5. The criminal has been sentenced ............... life. He'll stay in prison till he dies.

6. It wasn't ............... I read the book myself that I realised how captivating it was.

7. Sorry. We don't allow people ............... age. You must be 18 to enter the pub.

8. I think you're making a ............... out of a molehill. The problem isn't really that big.

9. This summer we're having our house ............... up. The renovation work will take at least two weeks.

10. You ............... to have booked tickets for the performance. Why didn't you do it?

II. Put the words in the correct --> form[Author:AW] .

1 . There's no .............................. to the museum on Mondays. We ADMIT

must come on another day.

2 . The constant .............................. of food suppfies results in a very DEFICIENT

high death rate in the area.

3. A .............................. number of the candidates can speak more CONSIDER

than one foreign language. It's not an easy choice we have to make.

4. How can you stand working under so much .............................. ? PRESS

5. Sooner or later, you will get punished for your .............................. of REGARD

the traffic regulations. You're a crazy driver.

6. When I saw that .............................. look in her eyes, I understood REGRET

she was torn leaving her home and all her friends behind.

7. Something must be wrong with the car. It uses an ............................ EXCEED

amount of petrol, which didn't happen before.

8. I cannot distinguish the letters. The handwriting is ........................... . LEGIBLE

9. There's no .............................. for your cruelty. You won't escape JUSTIFY

punishment this time.

10. I have a .............................. to put on weight fast, especially when INCLINE

I haven't done physical exercise for some time.

III. Write in the correct --> words[Author:AW] .

1. The enemy soldiers were forced to _ _ r _ _ _ d _ _ after seven days of heavy fighting. Those who survived were taken as Prisoners of War.

2. In Japan, it's customary to _ _ e _ _ people with a bow.

3. Once there was a big castle on the hill. Today, there are just _ _ m _ _ _ s of it; just an old wall and a rubble of stones.

4. It would be a good idea to _ _ _ f _ _ m our hotel booking to make sure we have somewhere to sleep when we arrive in Rome.

5. You must not bring any sharp tools on the plane board. It's _ _ _ b _ _ d _ _

6. The thunder struck on a tree _ r _ _ c _ which fell onto my car and damaged it.

7. After the destroyer was hit with a torpedo, the captain ordered the crew to _ b _ _ d _ _ ship.

8. I don't _ _ _ g _ people by their appearances. I like to meet their characters.

9. Mike says he hit me on the head by accident but I'm sure he did it on _ _ r _ o _ _ .

10. I don't know Rob well. He's not my friend, rather an _ _ q _ _ _ n _ _ _ c _ .

IV. Choose the correct --> answer[Author:AW] .

1. `How do you ............... Michael's proposals?' `I think they are noteworthy.'

a) view b) notice c) observe d) look

2. You needn't worry. The financial problems do not ............... your department.

a) relate b) concern c) regard d) refer

3. `How about ............... a party on Saturday?' `Good idea.'

a) exploding b) launching c) boosting d) shooting

4. Our sales are falling rapidly on ............... of the economic recession.

a) reason b) cause c) account d) result

5. Neither of the boys would ............... up to breaking the window, so I had to punish both of them.

a) admit b) own c) tell d) owe

6. Roger ............... in power. His chances of winning the fight are rather slim.

a) fails b) misses c) lacks d) avoids

7. The bomb that exploded in the subway station was ............... by terrorists.

a) planted b) settled c) cropped d) established

8. Jenny sprained her ankle and so she could hardly walk, let ............... climb.

a) no b) less c) barely d) alone

9. The jury didn't believe in the man's testimony. It simply didn't hold ............... .

a) air b) water c) earth d) fire

10. Many English words are of Latin ............... .

a) outcome b) resource c) origin d) foundation

1 at 2 with 3 sight 3 but 5 for 6 until/till 7 under 8 mountain 9 done 10 were/ought

1 admittance 2 deficiency 3 considerable 4 pressure 5 disregard 6 regretful 7 excessive 8 illegible 9 justification 10 inclination

1 surrender 2 greet 3 remains 4 confirm 5 forbidden 6 branch 7 abandon 8 judge 9 purpose 10 acquaintance

1A 2B 3B 4C 5B 6C 7A 8D 9B 10C


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