10 Sport
Ćwiczenie 1.
Do każdej dyscypliny sportu dopasuj nazwę miejsca, gdzie jest ona zwykle uprawiana.
on the circuit on the pitch in the ring on the table
on the course in the pool on the rink on the track
on the court on the range
Ćwiczenie 2.
Do każdej dyscypliny sportu dopasuj odpowiedni sprzęt (lub jego części) z listy i uzupełnij nimi tabelę.
bat, ball cue, balls ice-skates
bow, arrows gloves, boots racket, net
cap, goggles helmet, steering-wheel shorts, spikes
clubs, ball
Ćwiczenie 3.
Wpisz do tabeli wyrazy oznaczające osoby uprawiające wymienione dyscypliny sportu.
Ćwiczenie 4.
Uzupełnij nazwy dyscyplin lekkoatletycznych, wykorzystując podane wyrazy. Następnie podaj ich polskie nazwy.
throw jump vault put
Ćwiczenie 5.
Połącz wyrazy tak, aby otrzymać odpowiednie zwroty. W niektórych przypadkach istnieje kilka możliwości.
to break a. for the competition
to do b. a record
to enter c. a point
to kick d. a goal
to lose e. by one goal
to play f. a cup
to score g. a ball
to win h. football
i. athletics
Ćwiczenie 6.
Podaj przynajmniej po jednym przykładzie na każdy z podanych rodzajów sportu.
outdoor sports 5. airsports
indoor sports 6. combat sports
winter sports 7. board games
water sports 8. extreme sports
Ćwiczenie 7.
Odpowiedz na pytania.
What sport do you practise regularly? How often do you practise it? Where? Why do you practise it? When did you start doing it?
Is it important to practise sports? Why?
What is your favourite sport? Why are you a fan of it? If it is a team sport, do you support any team? What team is it? What is the name of the team captain?
Give names of well-known sportsmen and sportswomen. What are they famous for? Which disciplines of sport do they represent?
Why are football and tennis called spectator sports? What football matches can attract the most spectators? Name some famous football teams.
Have you ever been to a football match? A tennis tournament? A chess tournament? An athletic contest? A bullfight? If yes, what do you remember about it? If not, which one would you go to and why?
Describe to your partner one sporting event that you remember well (because you attended it or saw it on TV): a football match, an athletic contest, a tennis tournament, etc. Which team won the match? Who scored points/goals? Who broke the world record in this sport? Give all the names and details you can.
Why do so many sportsmen and sportwomen want to participate in the Olympic Games?
Why do you think the Paralympics started to be organized?
10. What is necessary to do a particular sport? In which sports do you need to have the following qualities?
co-operation |
muscle control |
special diet |
courage |
physical strength |
team spirit |
determination |
regular training |
trust |
gracefulness |
self-discipline |