

Chelsea Middleton is a fiery-tempered, outgoing, energetic college student finishing up her degree. She is a member of several clubs at her school, has countless friends and loves to party and live life in the fast lane. She is always on the go, stays out late at night and wakes up early in the morning. She loves life and surrounds herself with people and things to do. She hasn't shared with anyone that she has a fear of abandonment and keeps herself busy because she is afraid that she will spend her life alone.

One night while she is out partying with friends, Chelsea has way too much to drink and finds herself left alone in the club. She stumbles out into the alley behind the club and begins making her way back to her apartment when she is suddenly attacked. Chelsea finds herself pressed up against the brick wall of the club and suddenly feels lips caressing her neck. She feels a hand up against her chest, but is too intoxicated to fight back. Chelsea finds herself moaning and moving against the stranger, when suddenly she feels a bite on her neck. She feels her life drained from her and becomes weaker as she collapses against the stranger. She can't hear or see him in the dark and she faints from the lightheadedness.

When Chelsea awakes again, she finds herself lying in a large plush bed, surrounded by deep red and warm gold sheets and blankets. The room is huge and decorated in rich, warm, and dark colors. Not recognizing where she is, Chelsea moves the sheets away and starts to move off the bed. Her body feels strange as though she is a lot lighter. She also notices each slight movement as she walks around the room. She comes to a mirror and pauses, screaming as she looks in a mirror. Her skin is deathly pale, circles are under her eyes and her eyes have changed from their normal light brown to a deep almost black shade.

The door opens at her scream and Chelsea stares at a man who is just as pale as she is with the same dark eyes. She asks what he did to her and the man looks at her guiltily, asking her to sit down on the bed. As Chelsea sits, the man introduces himself as Jonathan Turner. He explains to her that he didn't mean to bring her into this situation and begins to start apologizing profusely. Confused and upset, Chelsea demands that he tells her what is going on.

Jonathan explains that he is a vampire and drank from Chelsea behind the bar she was partying at and that he got out of control because her blood tasted so good. He accidentally drained her and changed her into a vampire before he realized what he was doing. Chelsea doesn't believe his story and calls him crazy, rising off the bed to get in his face as she screams at him. Jonathan starts backing up and Chelsea angrily shoves him out of the way, running out the door of the bedroom.

As she runs through the house, Chelsea notices how bleak and depressing it is. All the windows are covered and the hall is dark. When she finds the back door, Chelsea doesn't waste any time throwing it open and running outside. She starts to scream as her skin starts to burn and she feels as though she is on fire. Chelsea crumbles to the ground, clutching at the grass and screaming in pain as she burns. Jonathan runs out behind her and although he is burning too, he grabs her and brings her back in the house, closing and bolting the door behind him.

Chelsea sits on the floor of the house and starts crying, confused as to why she can't leave and why this is happening to her. Jonathan apologizes again and rubs at her back and Chelsea angrily pushes him away, telling him that he did this to her. Jonathan tells her again that he is sorry and that she has free access to anything that she needs in the house and to help herself. He excuses himself, letting her be to sort out her feelings.

Over the following week, Chelsea remains in the bedroom depressed and quiet. She doesn't find herself hungry or thirsty and doesn't leave for any reason. One afternoon, she lays in the bed seething about her problem and mad that she is in the situation. In a moment of anger, Chelsea punches the mattress of the bed and the entire bed frame collapses. Chelsea looks in disbelief at the damage she has caused and takes another hit at the dresser, jumping back as it collapses as well under her punch. Surprised at her new found strength, Chelsea experiments within the room and tests punches and kicks on the furniture. She is again surprised that she doesn't get tired or break a sweat.

Thinking about her predicament in a new light, Chelsea decides to leave the room and goes down the hall in search of a bathroom. When she finds it, she draws herself a bath and relaxes in the warm water, day dreaming about what else she can do with her new strength. She is awoken by the sound of a door. Chelsea opens her eyes to see Jonathan standing in the doorway. Their eyes meet in shock as Chelsea quickly covers her chest and yells at him to get out. Jonathan can't help but laugh and closes the door behind him as he leaves. After a few minutes, Chelsea decides to leave the bath and give Jonathan a piece of her mind. She collects her clothes and realizes she doesn't have any other ones. She wraps up in a towel and grabs her things, leaving the bathroom and heading back to her room.

When she comes to her room, Chelsea finds Jonathan inside, looking around in disbelief. He asks what happened and Chelsea tells him it's only fair she destroys his property since he destroyed her life. The two have an argument and Chelsea shoves him out of the room, locking the door behind him. She searches the room for some clothes to wear and, after finding nothing, opts to put her dress back on.

She leaves the room and goes back to the front door, finding it cracked. Peeking outside, she sees that it is night time and leaves the house. Once outside, she finds Jonathan sitting at an iron table on the front lawn, drinking what looks like a glass of wine. She approaches behind him and silently takes a seat at the table. She asks him “what now?” and Jonathan looks at her confused. She asks him what happens now, where does she go and how is she supposed to live? Jonathan tells her that since it is his fault she has been turned, that she is welcome to stay with him for as long as she pleases and that he will teach her how to live again.

Over the next few weeks, Jonathan begins to teach Chelsea how to live as a vampire. He teaches her how to hunt and how to use her new powers like tracking, heightened strength, heightened speed and awareness. The two grow close and Chelsea begins to forgive Jonathan for harming her and changing her into a vampire, finding that she enjoys his company and no longer worried about being alone. One night the two go out to hunt and go back to the club where Chelsea was turned. They go inside and Chelsea finds herself at home in her familiar club environment. Before long, she is dancing on the floor again and Jonathan watches her, becoming entranced by her movements. The desire he felt when he tasted her blood starts to return and he joins her, moving with her while she dances. The two soon find their lips pressed together as well as their bodies. Desperately they make their way into the alley behind the club and Jonathan makes love to her against the bricks.

As they start to leave, a friend of Chelsea's recognizes her and asks where she has been. She starts to make a scene, telling Chelsea that her parents have been searching for her and that the college has posted missing person posters everywhere. Ashamed by the pain he has caused her, Jonathan bolts from the alley. Chelsea desperately chases after him but he is gone in a flash and she can't sense his presence. Using her powers, Chelsea continues to search for him every night and worries that he may be in trouble. She has trouble tracking him and her focus is blurred by her emotions and loneliness. Eventually, she gives up.

One night when Chelsea is sitting outside on the lawn, Jonathan slowly approaches. Coldly, she asks where he has been and Jonathan replies that he has caused too much pain and ruined her life. Chelsea angrily yells at Jonathan, telling him that he did take away her life—but he has given her love and the true companionship she has always wanted. Chelsea desperately tells him that he should feel worse for leaving her afterward and making her worry about him. As she starts to cry, Jonathan embraces her and holds her close, promising not to leave again. Although she is technically a vampire, Chelsea has never felt more alive and enjoyed her life more.


Chapter 1: Chelsea is an energetic college student who surrounds herself with others to keep from feeling lonely. She spends her weekends partying and having fun. While at a party, she is attacked by a strange man and faints.

Chapter 2: Chelsea awakes to find herself in a strange bed and home. The man who attacked her is there and he is apologetic for his actions. He explains that his name is Jonathan, that he is a vampire and that he accidentally changed her. Chelsea tries to escape, but finds that she can no longer tolerate sunlight.

Chapter 3: Jonathan brings Chelsea inside and saves her from the sun. Chelsea gets mad at Jonathan for turning her and pushes him out of his room. She remains locked inside, depressed and upset, until she realizes that she has exceptional strength and powers now. Intrigued by her strength, she decides to make the best of her situation.

Chapter 4: Chelsea and Jonathan have an argument after he sees that she has destroyed the furniture in his room. They try to make up afterwards and Jonathan starts to teach Chelsea about her new powers and how to use them.

Chapter 5: During a hunt, Chelsea and Jonathan share an intimate moment at a club. They are interrupted soon afterward by an old friend of Chelsea's, and Jonathan runs away in shame at the pain he has caused her.

Chapter 6: Chelsea searches for Jonathan and eventually has to give up as she can't find him. He returns one night and Chelsea tells him how she truly feels for him. The two reconcile and stay together.


Chelsea Middleton

Age: 22, college student turned vampire. Dark brown hair and brown eyes.

Jonathan Turner

Age: unknown, appears to be 26. Vampire. Blonde hair and black eyes.


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