Extreme Sports wersja ANG


Extreme Sports is a form of physical activity for people with high physical strength , and most importantly, resistance to stress . Epinephrine is the driving force for extreme athletes who often can not imagine life without it . There are many sports disciplines with a higher level of risk. Below are the ones that are most popular among professionals , enthusiasts and people who breathlessly follow the struggles of athletes . Deciding on the extreme sport should be to prepare . Extreme athlete must be in very good physical and mental , regularly train and stand out above-average self-preservation and the ability to respond quickly to the situation .

Jump with a parachute

Skydiving is one of the most popular forms of extreme sport . The first parachute jumps performed always accompanied by qualified and experienced jumper - that is, the so-called . tandem. Usually jumps are performed at a height of about 3000-4000 m above the surface . Parachuting guarantee a huge dose of adrenaline . Tandem jumping , which is accompanied by an instructor pilot jumper can be performed by each man , in whom there was no objection to such activity . Absolute contraindications to jump with a parachute are : diseases of the spine ( instability , intervertebral discs , etc. . ) , Chronic fragility of bones , severe nervous system diseases (eg multiple sclerosis) , failure of the circulatory system and diseases of the heart and coronary vessels, as well as respiratory disease and epilepsy .

 Bungee Jump

Bungee jump from a man really needs a lot of courage . Stroke of the huge amount of building , bridge or crane with the help of a rope , which is designed to protect us from hitting the ground for many people is the ordinary madness. Bungee jumping enthusiasts argue , however, quite another for them because it is a sport , without which they can not do without. Emotions and experiences that accompany the person Leapt turn out to be impossible to describe , and very often they are also addictive. A very important reason that a bungee jump is one of the most popular extreme sports is the fact that virtually everyone can jump . Actually limitation is only your own fear .


More and more often we hear about the achievements of mountaineers or climbers , who are often at the expense of their health and life gain new heights in the world by typing in the columns of history. Mountain climbing is a very dangerous sport. Man is exposed to a significant burden , pressure changes , changing weather conditions and the fight against the forces of nature , which often turn out to be difficult to overcome. Beginner climbing enthusiasts can begin their adventure with her special climbing wall , where they will have the opportunity to explore the capabilities of your body. The road from the climbing wall at the alpine peak is very long and bumpy , and overcome it you only the most persistent and determined .


Rafting, in other words, extreme kayaking torrent rivers or streams is becoming increasingly popular extreme sports discipline . Rafting on the river full of dangerous obstacles in the form of stone waterfalls , strong currents and eddies of really no mean feat . Participants runoff must be prepared for a ruthless struggle against the forces of nature.


Mountain biking is gaining in recent times more and more fans . It is a sport that requires the rider great strength and physical condition , attention focus, and most importantly courage. On steep slopes full of obstacles is not difficult to fall or injury , but did not deter the biggest fans of this sport. Contrary to popular belief, downhill biking is not usually abounds in jumping and performing various "tricks " in the air - as in alpine ski racer competitions must focus on selecting the optimal path , without losing interest .

Base Jumping

Base jumping is a relatively new form of extreme sport . This sport has unfortunately notorious - mainly because of its many amateurs who enamored the new extremely dangerous sport sacrificed for this new love is what they treasured - that is, health and life . While traditional skydiving place with a fairly high altitude , it is assumed base jumping sometimes jump out of a relatively small amount - typically around a few hundred meters above ground level . This is what connects the base jumping with a parachute jumps is the use of a parachute , but in this discipline extreme sports because of a very low altitude and flight short jumper uses only one parachute - the second is redundant , because in reality jumper would not use it. Base Jumpers have very little time to spread the equipment during the flight. In addition, usually jumps are performed in a small space - often in a dense urban area where there is a much greater risk of failure during landing. Base jumper who does not want to lose the health or life , must be a person trained and experienced . The best experience for Base Jumper is earlier adventure with parachuting and hang gliding or paragliding , which allow you to acquire practical knowledge of the action of winds and fight them in the air .

Extreme sports generally require a lot of experience, courage and appropriate physical preferences. Many sports is characterized by a high risk of health hazards and life. not every person is suitable for extreme sports, but if you are able to do, it gives you a very great pleasure and satisfaction. Allows you to train your body and believe that everything is possible.

Please note that the most popular extreme sports owe their enormous fame in general scale of the risk and the amount of adrenaline produced during their practice . Each sport to extreme accompanied by strong emotions, but also great danger . To an extreme sport has earned us the damage , keep all safety precautions and continually train starting from the low-level risk , the amount and complexity of the feat .


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