The Chakras

The Chakras

Chakras are energy centers that are positioned along the body. They function as energy transformers, taking the energy from the environment around you and transporting it into and around your body. They also take energy from your body and release it into the environment.

In Sanskrit the word chakra means “wheel” and refers to the shape and the spinning nature of chakras. A healthy and balanced chakra will spin clockwise and quicker than one out of balance and will be able to transform the energies around you faster.

There are seven main chakra centers that are positioned along the spine from the base all the way up to the top of your head. Each of these is associated with different emotions, glands, and parts of the body. An imbalance in any of these energy centers can affect your health. The food we eat, the people we spend our time with, the environment, our attitude and stress are just a few of the things that can affect the health of our chakras.

When your chakras are healthy and clear, your life flows smoothly. When any of these energy centers of the body become weak, blocked or over-stimulated, it may lead to symptoms of physical, emotional or spiritual imbalance. Regular Reiki healing sessions and daily meditation are both wonderful ways to achieve and maintain balance in the body. Keeping your chakras healthy will help to keep your body in balance resulting in emotional and physical wellness.

The ROOT CHAKRA is Red and is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with issues of survival, drive, ambition, grounding ones energy in the physical dimension, your life forces and balancing experiences that create fight or flight.

The SACRAL/SPLEEN CHAKRA is Orange and is positioned in the lower abdomen just about two inches below the navel. It is associated with creativity, sexuality, relationship and reproduction.

The SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is Yellow and is located below the sternum above the stomach. It is associated with issues of personal power, emotions (especially blocked emotions), passion for living, and the ability to protect oneself from being the target of negative or aggression emotions.

The HEART CHAKRA is Green or Pink and is positioned in the center of the chest. It is associated with compassion, friendship, empathy and the ability to give and receive love.

The THROAT CHAKRA is Light Blue and located in the throat and upper chest area. It is associated with communication, expression and speaking ones truth.

The THIRD EYE/BROW CHAKRA is Dark Indigo Blue and located between your eyebrows. It is associated with intuition, understanding, visualization and inner vision.

The CROWN CHAKRA is Violet and White and located at the crown of the head. It is associated with cosmic awareness, spirituality and your connection with the Divine.

Chakra Meditation

Close your eyes and take a few deep cleansing breathes, allowing yourself to be centered, grounded and in this present moment. Visualize in the center of the room, a beautiful ball of sparkling white light, as you focus your attention on this light, see it become larger and brighter, until it completely surrounds and embraces you. Allow the light to cleanse your mind, body, spirit and emotions.

Bring your awareness back to the center of your being and focus on your breathing. Allow your breath to deepen, breathing in and breathing out, easily and effortlessly. As you exhale, just relax into the exhalation, allowing everything that does not need to be here go with the breath. Any concerns, any tensions. Let go of any thoughts, just focus on your breath.

Notice if there is any tension held in the body. Starting at the top of your head, begin to relax the muscles around your head, your face, around your eyes, your neck and your shoulders. Let go of all tension, feeling relaxed and comfortable in this moment.

Move your attention to the back of your neck and soften the muscles of your spine, relaxing your spine – vertebrae by vertebrae. Feel your arms, chest and stomach naturally relax as your breathing becomes deeper and deeper, letting go of any tension you have been holding. Feel this message of relaxation spread down into your hips, thighs, legs and feet, until your entire being is completely relaxed.

ROOT CHAKRA – Now imagine roots going from your feet down into the center of the earth. Feeling the energy of the earth, bring the energy up through your roots and into your root chakra. Your Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine and it is where you connect to the world. Imagine a vibrant red whirlpool of light opening from the base of your spine. See it start to spin in a clockwise motion, slowly at first but then getting faster, the light vibrantly red and more intense.

Imagine a rich red beam of light, like a thick cord, shooting out from the centre of this chakra. Imagine it going all the way down deep into the earth. Feel your legs and hips pulsating with energy as your root chakra opens and you root yourself into the earth. Feel the strong sense of connection you have to the world around you. Enjoy this strong feeling of being grounded.

SACRAL CHAKRA – Now go back to the center of the earth, bring the earth energy up through your root and into your sacral center. The Sacral Chakra is located at your lower abdomen and is the centre of your creativity. Imagine a wheel of rich orange light coming out from your sacral chakra. Again, see it starting to spin clockwise and see the light getting more intense and stronger as it does. Feel the sacral chakra pulsating and full of energy.

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – Going back to the earth and bringing the energy up to your solar plexus, its luminous yellow sun intensifying as you increase its light. The Solar Plexus Chakra is just below the belly button and this is where you experience your ‘gut feelings’. See a golden yellow light starting to grow and spin clockwise as you focus upon it. Imagine this light glowing strongly and spinning more intensely. Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out, notice the pulsating rhythm of your solar plexus.

HEART CHAKRA – Going back to the earth, bring the energy up through your chakras, expanding each chakra as you run energy through it. Rising up and into your heart, visualize your Heart Chakra in the centre of your chest. This is the chakra concerned with feelings of love. Picture a beautiful emerald green wheel of light gently spinning clockwise, getting faster as you spend your time concentrating upon it. As your heart chakra opens, pay attention to your increased awareness and sensitivity.

THROAT CHAKRA – Bring the energy up through the earth intensifying each chakra as it reaches into your throat. The Throat Chakra, your centre for expression and communication is located between the inner collarbones. See in your mind a gentle pale blue wheel of light spinning clockwise at the bottom of your throat. If you feel any tension in this area, gently roll your neck side to side, front to back, releasing the excess energy. Enjoy the feelings that come as the spinning of the pale blue light increases in speed and intensity.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA – Bring earth energy up through your chakras and into the vast indigo ocean of your third eye. The Third Eye Chakra, located between your eyebrows, is the centre for your intuition. Visualize this chakra spinning clockwise a rich indigo blue. Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out relax in the energy.

CROWN CHAKRA – Go back to the earth and bring the energy up through your chakras intensifying each chakra, lifting the energy up to its final destination, the crown chakra. The Crown Chakra, located at the top of your head, is your connection to the spiritual world and the divine spirit of creation. Imagine a violet light coming out the top of your head and starting to slowly spin clockwise. Filling the crown with vibrant ultra violet light, visualize the energy cascading from your crown like a fountain, filling your energy field and returning back to earth.

When you feel this connection to be really strong look down and see all of your chakras spinning vibrantly. Now imagine opening up your crown chakra to the universe. Feel your body and spirit filled with power as you are connected directly to the divine and universal truth.

Now imagine a brilliant white light coursing through you and your chakras, shooting down from the universe into your crown, causing each of your chakras to spin faster and glow even more intensely.

See the white light shooting down into your root chakra and connect with the red beam of light that is connecting you to the earth. Take a few moments to enjoy the sensations of this magical display as your energies fill your being.

As we prepare to close your crown and root chakras, imagine the spinning of these vibrant wheels slowing down and coming to a halt. Now imagine the beams of white and red light that are connecting you to the universe and the earth begin to fade away.

Move your attention to the other chakras seeing each of them start to slow their spinning until they come to a stop, they are now just glowing brightly.

Take a few deep breaths and start to reawaken your body and your mind to your surroundings.

When you are ready open your eyes.


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