Derek Duke was falling behind with his rent and when approach he asked us to sign Assured Shorthold Tenancy with him. We refused to do it because the tenancy that he wanted us to sign was for unfurnished flat (he is renting half furnished room) and he also stated that he paid £600 deposit but he only paid £200. He also asked us to sign his application for housing benefit. We also refuse to do it because he stated there that he is not behind with his rent and that is paying £130 weekly for the room (he is paying £100).
In the same day he started to behave in very aggressive and anti-social manner. He used threats against us, such as: I cut your throat, be careful on your way back from work because you might not come back.
When we were trying to come to an agreement with him he was saying that we speak foreign to him and we should shut up, and that we do not have any rights and he is powerful in this house because he is from England and we are from Poland and we need to remember that.
The police were contacted and they advise to do everything in our power to get him out of the house.
He is also very inconsiderate, he listen to the TV very loudly in the night time and very early mornings. We are constantly tired because of that. Our neighbors are also affected and they have been making complaints to the police and council.
He also parked his car in a way that we were unable to move our car. We were force to demolished small part of the brick fence to be able to leave for work.
Derek Duke came back and he is remaining in the property.