Suffering, Afo

choose freedom

bozia nie karze, bozia doswiadcza

Pracuj tak, jakbys nie potrzebowal pieniedzy.

Kochaj tak, jakby nikt nigdy ciebie nie zranil.

Tancz, jakby nikt na ciebie nie patrzyl.

Spiewaj, jakby nikt cie nie sluchal.

Zyj, jakby byl raj na ziemi.

Jest moc w czlowieku (...), która mu powstac kaze, chociaz rad by spoczac, i wierzyc znów w to wszystko, co wczoraj zluda sie jeno okazalo marna, i chciec znowu tego, czego mu sto razy zycie juz pragnac zakazalo.

Kto nie ma odwagi do marzen, nie bedzie mial sily do walki.

Jesli chcesz aby ludzie wokól ciebie byli szczesliwi, sam musisz byc szczesliwy.

Ludzie, ktorzy nie lubia kotow musieli w przeszlym zyciu byc myszami.

Dopoki walczysz jestes zwyciezca.

Suffering is obligatory. Misery is optional.

I wish you all the best. I do not care about you.

“I know it seems hard sometimes but remember one thing.

Through every dark night, theres a bright day after that.

So no matter how hard it get, stick your chest out, keep ya head up.... and handle it.”

-- Tupac Shakur

Slepota nie jest kalectwem, kalectwem jest nieumiejetnosc jej zniesienia.

John Milton

"Problem nie tkwi w tym, jak osiagnac wolnosc. Wolnosc jest twoja wewnetrzna natura. Nie musisz jej osiagac. Problem tkwi w tym, jak pozbyc sie kajdan: przede wszystkim musisz rozpoznac i zrozumiec, ze kajdany sa kajdanami, a nie ozdoba. Wiezienie jest wiezieniem, a nie domem. Istnieje tysiac rodzajów kajdan. Wleczesz je za soba z nadzieja, ze jakos dociagniesz do cmentarza. Wydaje sie, ze na tym swiecie, ulge i odpoczynek mozesz znalezc tylko w grobie. Gdziekolwiek indziej sie znajdziesz - znowu kajdany, znowu wiezienie. Nazwy sie zmieniaja, ksztalty sie zmieniaja... chrzescijanin staje sie hinduista, hinduista chrzescijaninem, ale to tylko zmiana wiezienia - tak naprawde nie ma zadnej przemiany, zadnej wolnosci. To tylko zmiana starych kajdan na nowe. Nie pytaj jak osiagnac wolnosc - pytaj jak ja utraciles. Urodziles sie wolny, jak zatem stales sie niewolnikiem? Urodziles sie jako ludzkie istnienie jak stales sie chrzescijaninem, mahometaninem, hinduista?"

The problem does not lie in how we achieve freedom. Freedom is your inner nature. You do not have to reach it. The problem is how to get rid of the shackles: first of all you need to recognize and understand that the chains are chains, not decoration. Prison is a prison, not a house. There are thousands types of chains. You are dragging them behind you with the hope that somehow you get to the cemetery. You think that in this world, relief and relaxation you can find only in the grave. Wherever you go you find handcuffs, prison again. The names change, the shapes are changing ... Christian becomes a Hindu, Hindu a Christian, but it is only a change of prison - in fact there is no change, no freedom. It's just a change of the old shackles to new ones. Do not ask me how to achieve freedom - ask me how I have lost it. You were born free, so how did you become a slave? You were born as a human being as you have become a Christian, Muslim, Hindu. The problem does not lie in how we achieve freedom. Freedom is your inner nature. You do not have the reach. The problem is how to get rid of the shackles of: first of all you need to recognize and understand that the chains are chains, not decoration. Prison is a prison, not a house. There are a thousand types of chains. Dragging them behind him with the hope that somehow tightening to the cemetery. It seems that in this world, relief and relaxation you can find only in the grave. Wherever you go - again, handcuffs, prison again. The names change, the shapes are changing ... Christian becomes a Hindu, Hindu, Christian, but it is only a change in prison - not really can be no change, no freedom. It's just a change of the old shackles of a new one. Do not ask me how to achieve freedom - ask me how I have lost. You were born free, so how did you become a slave? You were born as a human being so how did you become a Christian, Muslim, Hindu?


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