

Teacher’s name: Monika Toton

Date: 26 September 2012

Subject: My playroom – toys.

Class: 1 b

Level of the group: elementary

Number of students: 13

Aims of the lesson:

Teaching aids: handouts, CD, Student’s Book

Language items to be taught:

  1. Structural: - It’s (blue), It’s (ball), It’s a (red kite)

b) Functional: - recognition toys

- describing things

c) Lexical: - vocabulary connected with toys

Groupings: individual, pair work, group work

Procedures Aims Interaction Time
Teacher asks students about toys, students mention toys they possess, then she asks them with who they play usually. Students answer. - to focus students attention on the topic of the lesson T-SS 3’
Teacher shows pictures present toys and introduce names of them in English. - to introduce new vocabulary T-C 5’
Teacher shows pictures once again and asks students What’s this?, elicits answer It’s (a ball). Drilling pronunciation. - to practise pronunciation of new vocabulary T-C 5’

Teachers asks students to open books at page 24 and writes on the board the number.

She says Listen and point and plays the recording. Students point out toys they hear one by one.

- to practise listening skill



Teacher plays recording again and asks students listen and repeat after the speaker. - to practise pronunciation of the words T-C 4`

Teachers plays a recording and students listen to a rhyme. Next, the teacher asks four people to go to the board. She gives each person a toy and plays a recording once again. Rest of the class points the toy they hear.

The task is repeated several times. Then, whole class is able to repeat a rhyme after the speaker.

- to repeat a rhyme



Teacher invites one person to the board and asks her/him to imitate a toy. The rest of the class has to guess what toy is imitated. - to recognise toys S-C 6`
At the end of the lesson, teacher plays a song once again and encourages students to sing as a whole class. -to say a rhyme T-C 3’


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