Revison Guide R001

Learning Objectives

LO1– Understanding Computer Systems

  • Computer System

  • Input and Output

  • System Software

  • Application Software

  • Storage and connectivity

  • 6 Assistive Technologies

LO2 – Know how to work with information and data to meet specified business needs

  • Data Capture Methods.

  • Designing data capture forms

  • 3 File Formats for storing data

  • Data Validation

  • Data Storage technologies

  • Data transferral methods

  • Speed and optimisation considerations when transferring data

  • Back-up and recovery systems

LO3 - Know how ICT can be used to support business working practices.

  • Business communications

  • How diary management software can be used for work schedules

  • How documents can be created collaboratively.

LO4 – Understand how legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used.

  • The moral and ethical issues affecting business computer users

  • The implications and consequences for organisations of data loss, corruption and theft.

  • Threats to security and how to deal with them.

  • Using automatic and manual updat8ing facilities for opening systems and security software

LO1 – Understanding Computer Systems

Computer Systems

Desktop PC


  • Usually high performance

  • Easy to replace or update component

  • Positions of monitor can be adjusted for comfort to reduce potential health problems (neck, back and eye strain)

  • Screen size can be very large


  • Can take a lot of space

  • Not portable



  • Portable because they’re small, light and track pads/keyboards are built in.

  • Can run from its own battery


  • More easily damaged or stolen

  • More difficult to repair or updates (components are built in)

  • Battery life can be limited.

Net book


  • Very portable because they’re much smaller and lighter than laptops

  • Battery lasts longer than laptops


  • Usually lower specification than other computers

  • More easily damaged and difficult to upgrade and repair.

  • No optical disk drive (CD/DVD/Blue ray).

  • Easily lost or stolen



  • Very light weights and this so highly portable

  • Can support a variety of apps.


  • Cannot easily be used to carry out many office tasks, in terms of creating and editing files due to touch screen.

  • Typing on a touch screen is a different experience from typing on a conventional keyboard (for some).

  • Limited connectivity to external devices (e.g. Flash Memory Drives...)



  • Small and light, pocket size

  • Ideal for mobile communication with colleagues, viewing information, sending and receiving e-mails while away from the office

  • Can also be used for entertainment and web browsing.


  • Cannot carry out many office tasks.

  • Can be too small for easy typing and viewing of complex documents

  • Can be easily lost o stolen

Input and Output

Storage Devices

Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

The largest, Hard Disc Drives can hold several terabytes (TB). Fit internally in computers, cannot be unplugged whenever and swapped.

External Hard Drive

Can hold almost as much data as HDDS, though is portable and can plug into almost any machine using a USB port. Can be expensive for the large drives.

USB Flash Memory

Pocket size memory, very portable and can plug into almost any machine using a USB port. Very cheap.

Blue Ray

Hold much more than DVDs and CDs, though the technology is currently expensive and can only play with expensive blue ray drives/players.


Holds several gigabytes (GB), much more than a CD and becoming much more common . Becoming much cheaper.


Only holds around 700 megabytes (MB), as more computers come with DVD RW Drives CDs are slowing being replaced. Very cheap.




WAP (Wireless Access Point)


This is a device that is attached, but not actually part of the computer system. They can be connect by Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or by a wire.

Physical Impairment

Puff-Suck Switch

Braille Keyboard

Foot Mouse

Text to Speech Software

Speech to Text Software



USB (Universal Serial Bus)


Monitoring Locations and Employees

GPS (Global Positions System)

Using satellites a locations of a GPS receive device (e.g. smart phone) can be located anywhere on Earth at anytime. GPS uses four satellites for each location, where their locations (distance lines on the diagram) meet is where the receiver (e.g. smart phone) is.

This is commonly used to:

Electronic Tagging

Electronic tagging commonly used to tag criminals to ensure they do not leave their house after a certain time. This is a tag, which if moves over a certain distance from its base unit will alert the authorities (and the criminal will be arrested).

Monitoring Internet and Communications

It is the responsibility of a company to ensure that their Internet and e-mail is used appropriately. For example, estate agents should only using the internet to look up properties, not to gamble, watch online TV or social network.

Possible Procedures:

Notes: A company must, by law, make the employee aware of their ‘Company Policy’ in terms of monitoring their Internet and Communications. They must also let others know when their phone calls may be recorded (e.g. customers).

Operating Systems (software)

An Operating System manages hardware and allows programs to be run on a computer. There are two types of operating system, GUI or Command Line (DOS) and Graphical User Interface (Windows, OSX ...). Command line uses coded commands to perform tasks. GUIs use images, icons, animations, menus and windows.

Mobile Device Operating Systems

Utility Software


A Firewall allows a users to select what programs can use the Internet, blocking the rest. It also prevents other computers connecting to yours, preventing hackers.

Hardware Firewalls – This a Box like machines which are much faster than software files. For a large network (business/school) a hardware firewall is essentials. Though, they’re very expensive and difficult to set up.

Anti Virus

Anti Virus software scans for harmful programs (viruses), detects and deletes them.

Updates form the Internet is frequents, keeping it up-to-date with all modern viruses.


This utility software automatically copies the files from one machine and put them onto another. For example a school will have some backup software which automatically copies all of the files from the server and put these copies onto a backup server in a different location. If this is damaged, hacked or stolen, the backup copies can be recovered, putting them back onto the new server.
Backup Device Examples:

  • Cloud

  • DVD/Blue Ray RW

  • Backup Server

  • USB Flash Drive

  • External Hard Drive

  • Another Computer

  • ...

Application Software


E-mail software allows users to log in multiple e-mail accounts through an application.

Other Features:

  • Address Book

  • Automatic signature

  • Pass word

  • Organise e-mails into folders

  • Vacation rules/Auto Response

  • Address groups

  • ...

Web Browsing

Web browsers allow us to browse the Internet.


  • Go back and forth through websites

  • Bookmark useful/favourite websites

  • Elect a home page

  • Save browsing history (past pages visited)

  • ...

Word Processing

Word Processing software allows us write and produce documents (e.g. letters, reports, books, magazines, newspapers...).


  • Format text

  • Write text

  • Customise print margins

  • Change page size

  • Add automatic fields (e.g. page number ...)

  • Insert images

  • ...


Database software allows us to create a system that can hold masses of data/information. We can then search and separate this data as we wish, displaying it in professional reports.


  • Store Data

  • Search Data

  • Print Reports

  • Create forms to easily access the data

  • Update/add new data

  • ...


A spreadsheet allows us to manage and calculate masses of numerical data using functions and formulas. We can use these calculations to produce instant graphs and formatting options that make it easier to read an analyse.


  • Functions and formulas

  • Format cell appearance

  • Format text

  • Produce automated graphics

  • Automatically update all calculations

  • Set conditions to change depending on results (e.g. display target not met is a total is bellow 500).

  • Computer calculates everything, taking out human error

  • ...


Multimedia software allows different media sources, such as text, images, animation, film and audio to be combined and presented to an audience. Interaction, like buttons, can also be added.


  • Add and format text

  • Add and format audio

  • Add and format video

  • Add and format animation

  • ...


Slide shows can combine text and images to display a series of slides in aid of presentations.


  • Speaker notes to prompt the presenter in what to say

  • Links to other media and websites

  • Automatic timings

  • Animations and slide transitions

  • ...

LO2 – Know how to work with information and data to meet specified business needs

Data Capture Methods

Designing Data Capture Forms

Things to consider

Things to avoid

Data Validation

File Organisation and Formats for storing data

Folder Structure and File Names

File Formats

Text Data Audio Video Image Other

.doc and .docx

Word Document


Saves as text with commas to separate data


Store compressed audio/video (iTunes)


Microsfots compressed video format


Bit Map image, uncompressed

.ppt and .pptx

PowerPoint Slideshows documents.


Outlook e-mail document

.xmlstores data as text, works in most programs


MIDI file (musical instrument digital interface)


Flash animation or video file


Stores digital photos, can be compressed


Can contain text and images. Works on all computer systems


Rich text (with colour etc...), opened in all word processors


Compressed audio format used by most programs


Quicktime video file


Stores digital photos, can be compressed


Text files, opened in all word processors


Large audio format used by Windows systems


Small image file which is not high quality, but ideal for low detailed images


Windows Media player format, usually quit large

Back-up and recovery systems

Zipping & Compressing Files


Password Protect a File

Optimiszing Media Files (Images, Audio, Video etc...)

LO3 - Know how ICT can be used to support business working practices.

Communication methods

Voice Telephone

  • Real time voice conversations can be held

  • Voicemail can be left

  • Mobile and Smart Phones can send images, videos etc... during calls

  • Mobiles have poor network signal in some areas

  • Landlines require someone to be in to answer

  • Phone calls are real time, therefore different countries time differences may be an issue.


  • It’s cheap – usually free with mobile phone packages

  • Short messages can be instantly sent

  • Can connect to many people around the world almost instantly

  • Only short messages can be sent

  • Can be difficult to type SMS on a phone or small keypad

  • Needs a phone network signal to be sent and received

Instant Messaging

  • Messages are sent in real time and responses can be sent instantly

  • Files/images can be sent in conversations

  • It is similar to talking face to face but with text

  • Conversations can hold many people at once (group messaging).

  • Text does not express tone of voice or emotions

  • People can send viruses through files/images


  • Information’s can be sent quickly to many people at once

  • Effective in providing quick answers to questions

  • Files and images can be sent as attachments

  • Can be accessed using computers, tablets, smart phones with Internet access

  • Employees, customers and friends email address can be stored in an address book.

  • E-mail text does not express tone of voice or emotions. Something maybe misunderstood

  • Address could be types wrong and emails may go to the wrong person

  • People may not receive emails due to no Internet connection

  • Attachments can contain viruses

  • E-mails accounts can get hacked with emails containing viruses

Chat Rooms

  • Brings people together who have common interests

  • Users may not have the opportunity to interact with people around the world due to their remote location

  • Information’s provided by users maybe false/untrue

  • You do not know who you are talking to

  • Can be addictive


  • Ideas can be shared between users

  • Posts/threads can be read and reread

  • They can be time consuming to maintain and monitor (check posts are in the correct place, monitor abusive posts)

  • Comments/Posts are not available in real time

Bulletin Boards

  • Any registered user and make comments which are visible to everyone immediately

  • Fast responses to quick questions

  • Ideal for general discussions on topics

  • Needs to be moderated for abuse and language by a responsible/trustworthy person

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

  • With broadband Internet connection which are visible to everyone

  • Calls can be made wherever there is a broadband connection by signing into a service

  • Three way calls can be made

  • Voice mails can be left

  • Images and files can be sent while a call is occurring

  • Skype and Google talks are the most common services

  • PC-to-voice phone calls can be costly

  • No service during power cuts

  • Low speed Internet connections will affect the quality or disconnection

  • Using the PC at the same time or surfing the Internet on another device can reduce the quality of the call

Video Conferencing

  • People don’t need to travel for meetings

  • Save on Fuel/travel costs

  • Better for the environment

  • People taking part can be all over the world

  • Skype and Google Talk can also be used for these services

  • Time zones may be different if people are in different parts of the world

  • The equipment can fail or systems may crash

  • Training maybe required for set up

  • Everyone requires the equipment to take part, this can be costly.


  • Webcams are used during video conferences

  • They allows real-time face-tot-face personal interaction

  • Allows people from all over the world to communicate

  • Reduces travel expenses

  • Objects, charts, props etc... can be shown

  • Requires an Internet connection to connect to other machines

  • Requires a fast Internet connection


  • They are an easy way it keep updated on a project

  • Can be used

  • As marketing tool by businesses

  • Used by people travelling to keep friends and loved ones updated on their activities

  • Need to be moderated, which can take a lot of time

  • Posts are not private and information could be leaked.

Social Networking

  • Enables users to upload images/files to share

  • Connections between friends can be made

  • Can be to promote businesses and increase awareness

  • A business can ‘follow’ competitors to see what they are doing

  • Lack of anonymity – some users may post too many private details, affecting their work and private life

  • Can be addictive

  • Scams and identity theft can occur


E-mail Etiquette


Diary Management Software

LO4 – Understand how legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used.

All business has to do five things to ensure safety for all their employees:

  1. Analyse workstations and assess and reduce risks

  2. Ensure the workstations meet the minimum requirements

  3. Plan work so that there are breaks or changes of activity

  4. Arrange and pay for eye tests and glasses (if special ones are needed)

  5. Provide health and safety training and information

Health and Safety

RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)


Neck and back pain

Eye Strain

Data Protection Act

Monitoring People by Organisations

ID Cards with RFID Chips and Key Fobs

Cards or Fobs are each paired with each holder. This is great for security as they work like keys but copies can only be made by the building administration

Logs can be kept where each person goes and when

Some people would find that logs kept on their whereabouts within a building is invading their privacy

Like keys, ID Cards and Fobs can be stolen, though ID Cards usually have a photograph


Some people would have issues of being watched all of the time, invading their privacy

By law, could not have them in public toilets

By law could not have them in changing rooms

Call Monitoring/Recording

Many organisations record calls made. This allows them to keep logs of all calls made, should any issues arise in the future (e.g. customer complaints). Calls are also recorded din telephone sales for staff training.

This also deters employees for making private phones calls from work and encourages them to stay on task (as they’re being monitored) work.

Consumer Surveillance

Loyalty cards are common with shops, especially supermarkets. This allows the business to track which customer is buying what (swiped for points on every purchase), targeting offers at particular people.

For example, if a person buys a lot of baby food and nappies, then the store know to send this person offers of baby products, making the advertising much more targeted and affective.

Threats to Data Security

Organisations which store data must keep this secure. If it is on paper then it must be in locked cabinets and rooms. If it is digital other percussions must be taken...

Data Encryption

These software programs allows files to be scrambled up so no one can read/open them. A specific ‘Secret Key’ program is then needed to unscramble the file and make it readable.

Software Updates

Automatic Software Updates

If Operating Systems are set to ‘Auto Update’, this usually happens when the computer is shutting down, noticeable if taking a while to turn off.

Security software (Anti Virus, firewalls...) will automatically update while the computer is being used, this is to tackle any new viruses instantly.

Manual Software Updates

Manual updating an operating system can leave it outdated as the user may forget to check for updates. This could lead to certain software packages not working correctly as they need the attest versions (common with smart phone applications).

Manual updates of security software can leave it open to the threat of new viruses.


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