Transitivity types revision


  1. Identify and label the main sentence elements (S, V, Od, Oi, Cs, Co, A) in the sentences below and classify the main verb according to its transitivity type:

At the break of dawn, the raven brought us some alarming news.

Baby dragons look really cute…

…but those blue-eyed frozen zombies scare me out of my wits.

In each episode of the series, they brutally butcher at least one character.

Tyrion told the assembled lords and ladies some amusing stories.

Many people consider a wedding without at least three deaths rather dull.

The Wall will melt before I let this happen!

On important occasions Sansa styles her hair particularly carefully.

Back in the castle Tyrion called his nephew a vicious idiot.

As the ceremony continued, King Joffrey was growing increasingly bored.

How long have you been whispering in the shadows?

  1. Find subordinate clauses, finite and non-finite, and decide which sentence elements they are:

I really don’t know why they didn’t call you back.

The plan is to start with the ceiling and then do the floor.

Didn’t I tell you not to press the red button?

I simply can’t imagine living without chocolate.

It is amazing what one can accomplish with a bit of courage.

You promised me that you would never mention that again!

The trouble is that the car still won’t start.

I heard Alex shouting furiously at his cat.

Why they never apologized is beyond my comprehension.

It is important to keep your notes in order.

  1. Label the category and function of the underlined structures:

They seemed to be quarreling about something.

When I told her the details, her face turned a vivid shade of green.

We intended to make a formal complaint.

Did they offer you a free pizza with your order?

When you come back, please do the dishes.

I found his version of the story very hard to believe.

A whole box of cookies disappeared without a trace.

Most of the students quite predictably forgot their homework.

He never tells his girlfriends the truth.

To many reasonable people, such an idea would sound ridiculous.

Giving up was out of the question.

What made you so sad?

  1. Label the category (NP, AP, AdvP, PP,finite clause, non-finite clause) and function (S, Od, Oi,Cs, Co, A) of the underlined element.

Label the underlined elements: Category Function
The task seemed quite easy at first.
Take those dirty shoes off the table!
I consider such details unimportant.
We’ll be back in half an hour.
Give your mother my kind regards.
We believe that the picture is a fake.
Children learn incredibly quickly.
Reading books with no pictures is rather tedious.
Don’t call your brother an idiot.
I went to the library to get a copy of Quirk.
Label the underlined elements: Category Sentence element
We found the new teacher incredibly annoying.
That they knew the answer was surprising.
Could you make me another sandwich?
She looked rather tired.
I found this book in our library.
She believes the earth to be flat.
I asked them the same question.
The last bit of cake is in the fridge.
I want to stay at home.
She seemed the right person to ask.
Label the underlined elements: Category Sentence element
When you leave, don’t forget to turn off the light.
Have you already heard the news?
People who always speak never listen.
I consider such exercises rather tedious.
Do you seriously like him?
It is important to be on time.
He finally told his father the truth.
They said that the test was easy.
The story is about a very shy dragon.
They returned after midnight.


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