PNJA test doc


As Britain basks in the sunshine, who’d be the parent caught short in the park this week (1) without the essential must – have, a bottle of factor 40? (2)Gone are the days when arrival of summer mean that children stripped (3) off and raced out of doors: today’s youngsters venture outside in the heat of sun(4)only when kitted out in top-to-toe UV-save sun suit, protective goggles and tie-on legionnaire-style hat.

But getting wise (5) to the dangers of sunshine, it seems, (6)may come at a price: and that price according to Dr Michael Holick, professor of dermatology at the Boston University School of Medicine , is that we are missing out(7)on Essential vitamin D. Fine to cover up so we don’t (8)get burned: not so fine in shielding (9) us/ourselves – and our children – from the goodness, as well as it badness, of the sun. As (10)much as 95 % of the vitamin D in our bodies comes from our exposure… sunlight, says Holick – and (11) if we don’t get enough we’re risking other health problems.

Cancer charities, (12)which have been bombarding us for more than 15 years with the message that covering up and slapping on the sunscreen is the way to behave in the sun, have greeted Holick comments with dismay.


Mike has applied for a teaching job – put in

We consider this town as our real home – look on

Mike’s illness was caused by overwork – bring on

I don’t believe you, you are deceiving me – take in

I can’t afford such expensive clothes on my salary – run to

Our teacher scolded us for being late – tell off


1. Mr Greene insisted on signing the contract before he left.

Mr Greene insisted that the ……………………………………………………………………

2. Don’t let them make fun of you.

Don’t let yourselves be laughted.

3. He had better not be late for the interview.

If I were you I wouldn’t be late for the interview.

4. I can’t tell you what it feels like because nobody’s given me $ 50,000

Never has someone given me $ 50,000, I can’t tell you what the feels like.

5. It didn’t matter how hard we tried, we still couldn’t get him to lower the price.

Hard though we tried, we still couldn’t get him to lower the price.

6. There were a lot of survivors and most of them were in pain.

There were a lot of survivors, the majority of whom were in pain.


1. If the stain doesn’t come out of your shirt when you wash it, try to soak it in bleach.

Unless the stain albo come off

2. ‘What time it is?’ I don’t know exactly but it must be getting up for midnight.

getting on

3. Susan, who lives in Australia, says in her letter that she is sorry to not have kept in touch.


4. Should you intend selling your car, let me know before you advertise it in a newspaper.

sell to

5. Well we do understand that the natural wind can speed ships, birds, storms and rain clouds on their way.


6. The police raided five houses in south – east London and arrested nine young men, five of them turned out to be Ukrainian.

Five of whom


1. I saw Harry arrive but I don’t remember ……………. him leave.

2. After we had been on the beach for an hour, down come the rain

3. Be that as it may, it is still no excuse.

4. Josephine came to the rescue, of course, for which/what I’m eternally grateful

5. Had it not been for your help, I wouldn’t have been able to quit gambling.

6. Little did the police suspect the judge as being the murder.

7. The official to ……………. you need to address your enquiry is temporarily unavailable.

8. What the government then ……………….. was to raise interest rate.


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