

To Paty Cockrum, fan, friend, fine artist. You should see the pictures she sends me of Jean-Claud. She really is the voice of temptation.


Ricia Mainhardt, my agent, who came up with the title.

Marion Stensgard who answered my questions.

The Wild Canid Survival and Research Center (Wolf Sanctuary) for letting me use their library.

Bonnee Pierson, who helped with a very different kind of research.

The Alternate Historians: Rett Macpherson who went above and beyond the call of duty for research, N.L. Drew who heard parts of this book over the phone, Tom Drennan, whose book is finally ready to make the rounds, Mark Sumner who says everything will be all right, even when he doesn't know, Marella Sands who reminded me we're supposed to be having fun, and Deborah Millitello who holds my hands.

My husband, Gary, who always tells me the truth whether I want to hear it or not.

Sarah Sumner for bitching sessions.

Joan-Marie Knappenberger who let me use her house.

The Saint Louis Bread Company for letting me take up a table for hours at a time.

The newsletter everyone's been asking about is here. Write to my publisher and I'll send you one. Find out where I'll be. Find out what Anita and the gang are doing. Questions answered, mysteries solved.


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