Curriculum Vitae, Matura - teksty użytkowe

Curriculum Vitae


Professional Status:

Address ( in Poland ):

Telephone: Home:


Personal details

Date and Place of Birth:

Martial Status:



And Qualifications:


Job Experience:

Professional Experience



Other Activities: Charity work


  1. Podanie o pracę, jeśli dane w CV są wyczerpujące, jest krótki, np.:

Mr M. Bradley 31-000 Kraków

Personnel Officer ul. Tlenowa 1

Central European Industrial Project Poland

Kulich Gyula ut.295


Hungary 6th October 2002

Dear Mr Bradley,

Regional Coordinating Officer - Southern Poland

Please consider my candidature for the above post. I enclose my curriculum vitae with full details of my professional qualifications and career, and also the names of two referees.

I shall be able to attend an interview in Budapest at any time convinient for you on prior appointment. If successful , I shall be ready to commute or travel frequently between Cracow and Budapest, either by car or by train. My present employers require three months' notice of leave for the termination of my current contract of employment.


Jan Kowalski

  1. Jeśli CV nie zostało załączone lub jeśli trzeba podać pewne informacje, list winien być pełniejszy, np.:

Dr K. Winter, 31-000 Kraków

Personel Officer, ul. Zdrowotna 99

WHO Salus Cordis Project,

01-100 Warszawa,

ul. Zielona 20 6th October 2000

Dear Dr Winter,

Medical Secretary Vacancy

Having seen your advertisement in “Gazeta Wyborcza” (2nd October) for the vacancy of Chief Medical Secretary in your regional office in Cracow, I would like to submit my application for the post.

Please find enclosed my curriculum vitae, which presents a detailed description of my professional experience, including two periods of work abroad (in England and Canada) for Professor Żylak, who has said he is willing to write a letter of reference for me if required.

I shall be glad to come for an interview at any time convenient for you, and am looking forward from you.

Yours sincerely,

Renata Nowak

  1. Można też składać podanie o pracę w pełniejszej wersji:

Mr. W. Renfrew, 31-000 Kraków

Youth Opportunities Officer, ul. Tygrysia 1/13,

International Professional Liaison Scheme, Poland

10, rue Ste Rosalie,

Geneva, 6th March 2002


Dear Mr Renfrew,

My English teacher has just shown me your advertisement, published in today's “Gazeta Wyborcza”, offering temporary job opportunities in Western European countries for young school-leavers from Poland. I am 18 and shall be finishing grammar school (XXX Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. M. Kopernika) in June this year, after taking the matura final examination in May. Although I have applied for a place at a Polish university to read English starting from the next academic year, I would welcome the chance to work in a short-term position abroad, to improve my practical language skills (English, French, and German, also some Russian) and also to broaden my pre-university occupational experience in preparation for future permanent employment.

Of the list of potential openings, there are three fields which I am interested in: the computer industry, ecology-related jobs, and the telecommunications industry. Apart from languages, my other special-interest subjects at school have included physics, chemistry and biology (the former two of which I shall be taking in the matura examination). I have also attended an optional computer course organised by one of my teachers at school, where I have used an IBM PC (working in Windows) regularly for the past twelve months. In my father's office I have had sporadic access to an Apple Mackintosh network, but sufficient for me to appreciate differences and similarities.

My leisure activities outside school include a number of sports, although I am no record-holder. I am a member of a local youth club (Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury), where I belong to the swimming and table tennis sections. I also belong to a Polish scouting organisation and have had the opportunity not only of spending a few scouting jambores and holidays in Poland, but also of contributing to their organisation. I would be glad to be able to meet scouts from other countries.

Two teachers from my school, Mr Z. Zając and Mr L. Wilk, have offered to write testmonials for me if necessary. (School address: 31-000 Kraków, ul. Szkolna 5). I shall be looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Renata Nowak


  1. Wiedza, inteligencja, poziom wykształcenia i kwalifikacje zawodowe, zdolności, umiejętności oratorskie, zdolność przekonywania i argumentowania, pracowitość, pilność, tzw. mądrość życiowa:

Knowledge, intelligence, intellectual acumen, education, educational achievement(s), accomplishment, ability(-ies), skill(s), talent, faculty for, facility for,, potential for, aptitude for, professional qualifications, (being) a good speaker, (being) a good orator, being good at presenting an argument ( a case), skills of negotiation, skills of persuasion, argumentative skills, capacity for hard work, diligence, experience.

  1. Sprawiedliwość, właściwe postępowanie z ludźmi, umiejętność kierowania nimi, zdolność decydowania, rozeznanie, uznanie ze strony innych i autorytet, przyjazny oraz otwarty stosunek do ludzi, tolerancja, wielkoduszność, zdolność oceniania sytuacji i wyciągania właściwych wniosków:

Justice, sense of justice, sense of fairness, fair play (with respect to other people), managerial qualities, management qualities, leadership qualities, being respected and recognised as an authority, sociability, friendliness, social accessibility, (having a sense of) awareness of other people's problems (having a sense of) community spirit, (being) public-spirited, (being) open-minded, tolerance, generosity, liberality, ability to judge and appraise situations, ability to reach/draw (the right) conclusions.

  1. Odwaga osobista, odwaga cywilna, popieranie słusznej sprawy, uczciwość, energia i niezłomność w działaniu, wytrwałość, lojalność, budzi zaufanie, solidarność:

Personal courage, being outspoken, standing up for what one believes is right, honesty, integrity, sense of (personal) honour, perseverance, loyalty, (he/she) inspires confidence, (sense of) solidarity.

  1. Skromność, prostota osobista, naturalny sposób bycia, unikanie przepychu, umiarkowanie, nie narzucanie się, skromne obyczaje, umiarkowane wymagania osobiste, uprzejmość, wolność od nałogów, przystępność i umiejętność przyjmowania krytyki, otwartość na uwagi postronne:

Personal modesty, simple lifestyle, being content with what one has got, being unostentatious, unpretentious, not over-ambitious, (sense of) courtesy, (sense of) decorum, (sense of) propriety, (sense of) decency, temperance, moderation, no bad habits, gentleness, mildness, composure, not ruled by his/her passions/emotions, sober-minded, sober, down-to-earth, open to criticism/correction, ability to take criticism, willing(ness) to lean.


Wyrażenia otwierające korespondencję

In reply to/With reference to your advertisement in…of…I would like to apply for the position of…in your company.

W odpowiedzi na? W związku z ofertą pracy zamieszczoną przez Waszą firmę w...z dnia...chciałbym ubiegać się o stanowisko w Waszym przedsiębiorstwie.

I see from your advertisement in…that you are looking for a…

Z oferty zamieszczonej w…dowiedziałem się…,że Wasza firma poszukuje…

I recently heard from…that there is a vacancy in your…department.

Ostatnio dowiedziałem się, że do objęcia jest stanowisko w dziale…w Waszym przedsiębiorstwie.

...of...has told me that some time in May there will be a vacancy/an opening for…in your office.

…z…poinformował mnie, że w maju będzie do objęcia wolne stanowisko…w Waszym biurze.

Wykształcenie/doświadczenie zawodowe

I for…years.

Uczęszczałem do szkoły…w latach…

I enrolled for a year's course at…

Zapisałem się na roczny kurs…

I studied...


I have a degree in…from the University of…

Mam tytuł naukowy…uzyskany na Uniwersytecie…

During training for my present job I attended classes in…

W czasie praktyki przygotowującej mnie do obecnej pracy uczęszczałem na zajęcia…

I have trained as a…

Miałem praktykę jako…

I served my apprenticeship at…

Praktykę w swoim zawodzie odbyłem w…

… and am thoroughly familiar with all aspects of office work/export procedure/trade.

Dokładnie są mi znane wszelkie aspekty pracy biurowej/związanej z eksportem/handlem.

I have had… years' experience in …

Przez … pracowałem w …

I speak French and German fluently.

Mówię płynnie po francusku i niemiecku.

My proficiency in Italian means that I would be able to handle all the Italian correspondence on my own.

Moja biegłość w języku włoskim oznacza, że będę mógł samodzielnie prowadzić wszelką korespondencję w tym języku.


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