12 przekazywanie ob wacht 3



TEMAT (zgodny z konwencją STCW): Przekazywanie obowiązków wachtowych zgodnie z SMCP

DATA ZAJĘĆ: 10.03/ 12.03


MATERIAŁY: Standardowe Zwroty Porozumiewania się na statku.

Translate SMCP commands:

IV-A/ 3.7 Briefing on special events

. 1 Engine alarm at ... UTC/local time due to ......

. 2 Speed reduced at ... UTC/local time due to ......

. 3 Engine(s)stopped at ... UTC/local time due to ......

. 4 Course altered at ... UTC/local time due to ....

. 5 Master/Chief Engineer called at ... UTC/local time due to ... .

IV-A/ 3.8 Briefing on temperatures, pressures and soundings

. 1 ...(equipment) temperature ... degrees (centigrade).

. 1.1 ... temperature below normal.

. 1.2 ... temperature above normal.

. 1.3 ... temperature critical.

. 2 ...(equipment) pressure ... kiloponds/bars.

. 2.2 ... pressure above normal.

. 2.3 ... pressure critical.

. 3 Ballast/fresh water/fuel/ oil/slop sounding ... metres/ cubic metres.

. 3.1 Sounding of no ... cargo tank ... metres/ cubic metres.

. 3.2 Sounding of no ... cargo hold ... centimetres.

. 3.3 Sounding of ... ... .

IV-A/ 3.9 Briefing on operation of main engine and auxiliary equipment

. 1 (present) revolutions of main engine(s) ... per minute.

. 2 (present) output of main engine(s) ... kilowatts.

. 2.1 (present) output of auxiliary engine(s) ... kilowatts.

. 3 (present) pitch of propeller(s) ... degrees.

. 4 Problems with machinery.

. 4.1 Problems with main engine(s).

. 4.2 Problems with auxiliary engine(s).

. 4.3 Problems with ... .

. 5 No problems with ... .

. 6 Call watch engineer (if problems continue).

. 6.1 Call watch engineer ... minutes before arrival at approach/at ... UTC/local time.

IV-A/ 3.10 Briefing on pumping of fuel, ballast water, etc.

. 1 No pumping at present.

. 2 Filled (no.) ... double bottom tank(s).

. 2.1 Filling (no.) ... double bottom tank(s).

. 3 Discharged (no.) ... double bottom tank(s).

. 3.1 Discharging (no.) ... double bottom tank(s).

. 4 Filled (no.) ... tanks(s).

. 4.1 Filling (no.) ... tanks(s).

. 5 Discharged (no.) ... tanks(s).

. 5.1 Discharging (no.) ... tanks(s).

. 6 Transferred fuel/ballast/ fresh water/ oil from (no.) ... tank(s) to (no.) ... tank(s).

. 6.1 Transferring fuel/ballast/ fresh water/ oil from (no.) ... tank(s) to (no.) ... tank(s).

. 7 Require further generator to operate additional pump(s).

IV-A/ 3.11 Briefing on special machinery events and repairs

. 1 Breakdown of main engine(s) (at ... UTC/local time)..

. 1.1 Breakdown of main engine(s) from ... to ... UTC/local time.

. 2 Breakdown of ... (at ... UTC/local time)

. 2.1 Breakdown of ... from ... to ... UTC/local time.

. 3 Total blackout (at ... UTC/local time).

. 3.1 Total blackout from ... to ... UTC/local time.

. 3.2 Blackout in ...(at ... UTC/local time) .

. 3.3 Blackout in ... from ... to ... UTC/local time.

. 4 Main engine(s) stopped ... at ... UTC/local time due to ... ..

. 4.1 Main engine(s) stopped from ... to... UTC/local time due to ... .

. 5 Speed reduced (at ... UTC/local time) due to ... .

. 5.1 Speed reduced from ... to ... UTC/local time due to ... .

. 6 Call Master/ Chief engineer if revolutions of main engine(s) below ... per minute.

. 6.1 Call Master/ Chief engineer/ watch engineer if ... .

IV-A/ 3.12 Briefing on record keeping

. 1 Log books/record books completed and signed.

. 1.1 Note book entries will be copied (into the log books/ record books) after watch.

. 2 Change paper of data logger/ echo sounder/ ... recorder.

. 2.1 Refill toner/ ink of data logger/ echo sounder/ ... recorder .

IV-A/ 3.13 Handing and taking over the watch or the conn

.1 (The Master or an officer handing over the watch should say:)

You now have the watch.

.1.1 (The relieving officer should confirm and say:)

I now have the watch.

.2 (The Master when called to the bridge and taking over the conn from the officer of the

watch, should say:)

I now have the conn.

.2.1 (The officer of the watch should confirm and say:)

You now have the conn.


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