26 Countable and Uncountable Nouns, Tragedia Piotra Włostowica, Moje dokumenty

26 Countable and Uncountable Nouns, Articles and Quantifiers

1 Określ, czy podane rzeczowniki są policzalne (wpisz C), czy niepoliczalne (wpisz U). (0,5 punktu za każdą odpowiedź = 5 punktów)











2 Napisz podane rzeczowniki w liczbie mnogiej. (0,5 punktu za każdą poprawną odpowiedź = 2 punkty)

  1. man


  1. woman


  1. child


  1. tooth


3 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź. (8 punktów)

  1. We have got very few / little time to catch the train.

  2. They met a few / few years ago.

  3. Many / Much thanks for your help.

  4. He needs a few / a little more money.

  5. She has any / no friends and feels lonely.

  6. There were very few / little people at the concert.

  7. How many / much times have you visited Paris?

  8. How many / much time do you need to finish this article?

4 Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając a, an, the lub . (10 punktów)

  1. I bought you ______________ book you wanted. I found it in _______________ small bookshop near ________________ Royal Theatre.

  2. Some people seem to think that ________________ money is _________________ most important thing in _____________ life.

  3. We went on __________________ holiday to _______________ island in ___________________ Greece. It was ________________ fabulous trip!

Total: __________/ 25


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