Fall Semester 2014
Instructor: mgr Agnieszka Piasecka
Class 1 Ice-breaking, class policy, Tense, Aspect, Mood
Present Simple, pronunciation Exercises: (T&M1 28, 29 G 29-33; 37)
Class 2 Present Continuous, Present Simple vs. Present Continuous; Stative verbs
Exercises: G 45, 46, 49, 50, 53, 54; G 53, 54; T&M1 31, 32; T&M2 117, 118; V ch1: 1-8; F&H ch1: 1-6
Class 3 Quiz 1 (Present Simple vs. Present Continuous, Spelling rules)
Past Simple (HG 1A; G 38, 39; F&H ch2 : 1)
Class 4 Past Continuous; Past Simple vs. Past Continuous (T&M1 36, 37; T&M2 119, 20, 121; G 47, 48; V ch 3: 1-8; F&H ch2: 2)
Class 5 Quiz 2 (Irregular verbs)
Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous (T&M1 42-44; T&M2 122, 125; G 58-64; V ch 4: 1-8; F&H ch 3: 1-6)
Class 6 Present Perfect vs. Past Simple (T&M1 39-41; T&M2 123, 124; G 60 )
Class 7 Revision Present, Past, Present Perfect
Class 8 Quiz 3 (Present Perfect vs. Past Simple & Continuous)
Past Perfect (T&M2 126; F&H ch2: 3)
Class 9 Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous vs. Past Simple (G 66-68; HG pp 16-18 ex.1; F&H ch2: 4,-6; LJ 2.3, 8.3, 24.2)
Class 10 Quiz 4 (Past Perfect vs. Past Simple)
Ways of expressing future (T&M1 47-58; T&M2 132-138; G 43, 44, 51, 52; V ch 2: 1-7)
Class 11 Ways of expressing future ( HG 1B 2, 3 ; F&H ch4: 16) Future in the past (F&H ch 5: 1-5; LJ 20.3)
Class 12 Quiz 5 (Ways of expressing future)
Sequence of tenses; Revision and Consolidation: all the tenses ( T&M2129-131; B pp 20 - 25; HG 1B 1; G 1, 2, 3; V ch 5: 1-8)
Class 13 Conditional sentences (T&M1: 62-67; T&M2 139-148; G 70-88; V ch 8: 1-8; F&H ch 10: 1-7; HG 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F)
Class 14 Conditional sentences (ctd)
As there may not be enough time to do all the exercises in class as planned, the students
will have to do all the remaining exercises on their own as self-study. My observation is that the
students' use of the grammatical structures in spoken language is not satisfactory. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the students do not merely fill in the missing forms in writing, but also actually “say” all the sentences in the exercises aloud.
Basic sources
T&M A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar (theory & exercises 1 & 2)
G B.D. Graver, Advanced English Practice
F&H M. Foley, D. Hall, Advanced Learners' Grammar. A self-study reference & practice book with answers
V M. Vince, Advanced Language Practice
Supplementary sources
HG H. Gethin, Grammar in Context
B F.V. Bywater, A Proficiency Course in English
LJ Leo Jones, Cambridge Advanced English
H M. Hewings, Advanced Grammar in Use