MANGI, My favourite music group.

1. My favourite music group.

Most of teenagers like lisening to music.They are fascinated by groups or singers.Some people like heavy metal,pop,jazz or clasical music.And many,like me,like rock music.I listen to groups like Nirvana, Offspring, Garbage,but my favourite is Polish group T.Love.This group started its carrer in Częstochowa 15 years ago.At that time they appeared in Jarocin and Malbork.In 1984 they made their first record on witch there were hits like: IV LO, Wychowanie.In the 80's their hits were like national songs for young people.In 1991 second LP was made called „Pocisk miłości”, later „Revolution Day” King, I love you, Prymityw, Al Capone.Many of these became hits.Their last album „Boys don't cry” oppeared in shops 3rd November `97. There are 5 boys in T.Love. Perkosz, Majcher - guitars, Nouzim - bass guitar.Sidney 2000 Polak - drums and Muniek - lirics and lead vocal. I like this group and I have their many CD's.

2. My visit in London.

For my holidays I visited my aunt in London. London is one of the most interesting cities of Europ and most frequent place to visit during holidays London lays on the river Thames. A place that tourists always want to see is the Houses of Parlament and Big Ben. Not far from the Houses of Parlament there is a Westminster Abbey. It's a place burrying many Kings, poets and other famous people. Worth visiting are also: The Tower Bridge, Tower of London as well as one of the most beutiful cathedrals St. Paul's Cathedral and the Backingham Palace where the Queen lives with her family. London is also the centre of opera and ballet. Royal Opera House is one of the most famous theatres in the world. In London there are also many museus. Very interesting is Madame Tussad's where I saw vax figures of kings, politicions and many other famous people. Tourists can also go to the British Museum and the Tate Gallery. London is very interesting and beautiful.

3. Should businesswoman marry ?

Nowdays more and more women are becoming businesswoman. They are very active, hard working for their careeres. They resign fun, rest and social life. The question is should businesswoman marry? It's not an easy question. Should a woman start a family or not depends on her character. I can say yes or no. If her career is number 1 in her life I think she shouldn't. She would forget her family and children would feel they aren't loved and unhappy. She wouldn't have time for them only for her job. However if she feels she would make a good mother and wife and she could run her home she could marry. A real woman can be a good wife as well as a good businesswoman. A family don't have to be an her way to career and vice - versa.

4. Being famous may be a horrible experience.

Being famouse is very profitable, but it might be a horrible experience. Popularity can be very hard. We often hear from famous people about the lack of the respect of privacy by their fans or journalists. Their life is spied by people all over the world. It's very stressfull. We often hear about musicians, who became alkoholics or even drug takers. Some people comitted even a suicide. Famous people are viwed as they presented in papers or on TV, where very often their words are not true. Journalists in order to get a sensational news often lie with may make a person's life destroyed. Wasn't it journalist's (colled paparazzi) foult that princess Diana died in Paris. The facts that we want to know a famous people makes we are not sensitive. It's the other, unpleasant, side of being famous.

5. How can we stop the destruction of the rain forest ?

People destroy rain forest, but they are very important to our planet. They are beautiful, quiet factories producting oxygen, food, it's a setting of many form of life. Tree's umbrella protects the sail against heavy rains, plants absorb and store the carbon dioxide. Roots system control river water flow. Thought cutting down this forest people make the sail erase witch is no longer protected by trees. It may also leed to droughts. Burning trees increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere witch causes the greenhouse effect. People cut the forest to gain land and wood. How can we stop this? I think a lot depends on developed cauntries. If we limited egoistic needs into egzotic wood beef, agriculture product exporting from tropical countries, and help those countries then we could make the situation look better. We could buy big areas of land and plant there new trees. We should also let people know that their action can destroy the whole planet. The untouched tropical forest can be more profitable than feeding eattle there or cutting the trees. If authorities of these countries finally understood than maybe they would stop their catastrofical actions.

6. Money spent on armaments should be spent on the aid for hungry, ill and homeless.

Money spent on armaments should be spent on the aid for hungry, ill and homeless. There are many people in need, both in Third World countries and in rich ones. People are opressed by hunger, droughts, floods, diseases. Main problems of developed countries are unemployment. diseases like canser or AIDS. However govermments of these countries still spent more money on armourments than for help people in need. Strong countries even have nuclear weapon, very dangerous, for example bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima or explosion in Czarnobyl. Even the smallest conflict may turn into a global scale war and using of nuclear weapon may kill us all. Hunger and diseases may also lead to a crisis. Instead of buing weapon we could spent some money on building new houses for homeless, or food for hungry. Money for nuclear weapons could help find cures for diseases like AIDS and cancer.

7. What are the positive sides of old age ?

Young people think that old ones are lonely and helpless, often ill and complain about their lives. It's difficult to be an old man, but being old has its good points too. Such a man knows life is very experienced. This is why he can handle many problems. He can advise his children and grandchildren how to avoid the some problems. An old man don't have to work and has a lot of free time. He can travelall over the world and read if he likes. He already passed matura exam and he doesn't have to worry about stressful exams. He doesn't have to worry about his future, becouse his life is very stable. Certain age gives you the retire money, so they have constant source of money. As we can see being an old man has its good points too.

8. My hobby.

I think that everybody has (or should have) his hobby. Something that he likes doing. Some people collect stamos, shells post cards, other collect paintings, ride horses, jog etc.I like reading interesting books and most of my free time I spend on that. I also like collecting books, especially those witch might be usefull. For example I have my first book that I read on my own. I also collect book I need for study e.g.(exampli gratia) dictionares, enciclopedias, school books. I also collect magazines. There are many things worth doing. I think reading is among them. When I read I learn many ineresting things. They also help me solve different problems.

9. Television is a useless monster.

People like watching TV. Sometime TV is very usefull if people can choose what's good for them. In my opinion TV is a useless monster becouse people it to escape from problems. But it's like an alkohol it gives you only temporary satisfaction TV is very harmful for our nerwe system. Watching TV is killing for a family life. However in Poland many families watch TV during dinner conversation or even when quests come to our house. Members of the family are only physically present but there is no contact beetwen them. For children afternoon with parents is only a long TV series. Many films is filled with agression. Cruel scenes and violence deprive people sensitivess. In Modern world we talk a lot about freedom of an individual but we seem to be unaware of how much TV limits us.

10. Is professional sport sport or a part of show business.

Sport is very importmant to every of us. Back to ancient times people practiced sport either for fun or for health. The winner become very famous. Nowdays it is different. Today big money help win so sportsmen participate not for pleasure but in order to get a prize so called fair-play unles are not importmant, only winning matters. World wide broadcasting involed many companies into a sport.

It makes sport equals good money. Almost every sportsmen uses his fame to make money. So today's sport isn't a „pure” sport. It become a way of making money.

12. Advertising should be banned as it only tells lies.

Nowdays a commercialis very important. Products advertised on TV seem to be better then others. Is it always true? Probobly not. There are, of course, product wich are better then others. However those advertised are of the some quality as others but they are advertised as the best. Some „lies” in commercial are supposed to impove the articles and they are to increase selling. However only a part of the information included in an advertisement is true

Producer try to get to their potential customers throug radio and TV. Commercials are to exert an influence on our subsconscing. It makes customers buy the product. We know that advetising is a part of a selling process but think it shouldn't untrue. There are many true information in an advertisement whichhelps us a lot.

13. Dangerous sports should be prohibited.

Many people like dangerous sports. They think they make life more interesing. In my opinion such way of spending free time should be forbidden. People doing dangerous sports risk health and even life. Car racing, highmountains climbing, paraschooting - they are only examples of dangerous sports. Both men and women do them. They want to feel emotions and increased level of choresterol. This is why pepole act like that. Not many of them think of consequences of possible accident. Their relatives also suffer becouse of that.

14. The trip of my life.

The trip of my life was the one to the Tatras. It was my first time in this mountains. The views were breahtaking. One of the advantages was living in real highlanders cottages and recional cooking.Whole class had a lovely time early in the morning we got up, had breakfast.About 9 we went to Zakopane by bus. Everyday we climbed higher mountain. We had a wanderful gwide, who is a teacher in aur School. Those who menaged to climb the highest mountains could be reny proud of himself. I will never forget that trip.

15. My weekenday

At six o'clock in the morning i'm sbim sleeping. every morning od seven o'clock my alarm clock rings.I wake up and stay in bed for ten minutes.There at ten past seven I jump aut of bed and go to the bathroom.There I wash.

At half past seven I come back to my bedroom, take off

my pyjamas and put on my clothes.At eight o'clock I begin my breakfast.At twenty past eight I am ready to go to school. I walk there every day.Usually I'm in my school from guater to 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with are hour for lunch. The break usually us from 130 to 200 o'clock p.m. I have it in school's conteen. At 3 o'clock I walk back home. After it I do my homework. At a quarter to six I sit down to dinner (I always have it at that time). At eight o'clock I listen to the radio and watch TV. At nine o'clock I do my homework again or I write esseys. At about eleven p.n. I go to bed.

16. Should hunting be forbidden ?

Many people spent their free time on hunting. Especially men like shooting to rar animals. In my opinion hunting should be forbidden. We cannot take animal's lives away only for our pleausure. Animals also feel pain, they are sensitive too. People kill animals witchare in danger of extinction. It exerts an influence on enviromment. Lack of animals may lead to unchangeable changes in the whole eco-system. A man will also feel the loss of many animal spiecies. Maybe we should make animal number increase ?

17. Schools are like prisons.

For many students schools seems to be like prison. They are made sit by their desks for hours, they dream about freedom. Instead of listening boring lectures they would like to outsite visit some cafes or stay in bed and watch TV

However students attend lectures quite regurarly, wearing slippers and name cards. School however is not a prison. Teachers are not quards hunting for student's lives. Everyone can freely leave the building becouse there are no bars in windows and doors. Pupils have their rights. They can appeal what is forbidden to the prisoners. School is a place of study and fun (for some) but also unpleasant experience.

18. The capital of Poland.

Warsaw - the capital of Poland. It is in the centre of the country on the banks of the Vistula river. It's one of the biggest polish cities. It's the setting of the most important polish authorities. It's a big industrial,science and cultural centre. There are 16 universities, operas. There are also museums, cinemas and theatres. After the Second World War Warsaw was very destroyed. In Warsaw there are many churches and monuments. Our capital is also famous for these pleaces. Tourists also visit „Stadion

X-lecia” and the building of the Senat. There are also many parks and forests. Warsaw is not only the capital but it's also a voivodship town. It is the pride of all Poles.

19. My favourite painter.

My favourite painter is Jan Matejko. He is considered to be one of the greatest Polish painter of XIX century. He worked in cracow. He graduated at Jagiellonian University. He was a historical painter. He painted patriotical scenes of Polish history. His most famous painting is „Battle at Grunwald”. My favourite is „Hołd pruski”. His other paintings are „Kazania Skargi”, „Unia Lubelska”, „Kościuszko pod Racławicami”. His monumental paintings are in the National Museum in Warsaw. Matejko painted also portraits. Most famous is the portrait of Tarnowski and „Wife's Picture”. He's also the author of walls in Mariacki Church in Cracow. He also drew a seriescalled „Polish Kings and Princess” and an album „Clothes in Poland”. Thanks to his paintings, His name is known all over the world.

20. What is your vision of the world in 2099 ?

My vision of the world in 2099 is the following: There will be no motor traffic in the centres of cities. We will travel along city streets on moving pavements. Outside cities we will use electric cars. For long distances we will travel by hovercraft. Very fast express trains will travel on overhead rails. Supersonic airliners will carry passengers on intercontinental routes. Air and water pollution will be under control. The present school system will be replaced by permanent lifelong education. We will have plenty of spare time to enjoy life. Population growth will be brought to a halt. The economic gap between the developed countries and Third World will narrow. There will be no more wars. Homeless will find home for themselfs. Every home will have a video telephone. People will be happy.


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