Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań mat, szkolne, 2015 2016

Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań

Dopasuj do każdego z poniższych zdań opcję (a, b, c), która stanowi tłumaczenie fragmentu w nawiasie, poprawnie uzupełniającego lukę.

1. Jane and Alice (wynajmują) … a flat together for the last two years.

a) are renting

b) have been renting

c) rent

2. Jack and Helen (wynajmują) … a holiday cottage this summer.

a) are renting

b) have been renting

c) rent

3. We (sprzątamy) … this room for an hour and it still looks dirty.

a) are cleaning

b) have been cleaning

c) have cleaned

4. Remember to (zamknąć drzwi na klucz) … when you go out.

a) close the door

b) lock the door

c) put the key in

5. Jack (pracuje) … in the garden at the moment.

a) is working

b) works

c) work

6. My oldest brother (nie lubi) … getting up early on Saturdays.

a) don't like

b) doesn't like

c) isn't liking

7. Jack (zamierza kupić) … a new car next month.

a) is buying

b) is going to buy

c) will buy

8. Did Jimmy and Mark share a flat (kiedy studiowali) … in England?

a) when they were studying

b) when were they studying

c) when they were to study

9. (Czy ty też myślałeś) … that parents and teachers knew everything when you were little?

a) You also thought

b) Were you also thinking

c) Did you also use to think

10. My grandpa (nauczył) … me how to say the alphabet when I was four.

a) taught

b) studied

c) learned

11. John often (pije) … coffee in the morning.

a) is drinking

b) drinks

c) has drunk

12. We (odwiedzimy) … you next summer, I promise!

a) visits

b) are visiting

c) will visit

13. Harry (pojechał) … to Paris last July.

a) has gone

b) goed

c) went

14. Mike (poszedł) … to a shop. He should be back soon.

a) has been

b) went

c) has gone

15. Jerry (pomalował) … his bedroom and now it is very nice.

a) has painted

b) painted

c) have painted

16. My sister (napisała) … an e-mail to me last week.

a) has written

b) writes

c) wrote

17. (Czy ty kiedykolwiek) … been to Great Britain?

a) Did you once

b) When did you

c) Have you ever


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