Rozmowa tel. (aranżowanie spotkania)
Useful Phrases
- Good afternoon, Jane. I am calling to arrange a meeting between divisional directors. I was wondering whether we could meet on Thursday evening.
- Good afternoon, Mr Sharp. I'm afraid Mr Jackson and Mr Evans are busy on Thursday evening.
- Are there any other times this week when they're fine?
- Let me just see ... . Yes, Mr Jackson and Mr Evans are available on Tuesday morning at 10.
- That sounds fine. Please put it down in our diary. I'll be expecting my divisional directors on Tuesday morning.
- I certainly will.
- Thank you, goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Useful Vocabulary
to be busy - być zajętym
Let me just see ... - Niech sprawdzę ...
That sounds fine. - Odpowiada mi to.
to arrange a meeting - umówić się na spotkanie, ustalić jego termin
to be free - być wolnym
put down - napisać, zapisać
diary - kalendarz, terminarz
divisional director - dyrektor oddziału, wydziału