POZIOM PODSTAWOWY, Liceum - notatki

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#Arkusz I

Rozumienie ze słuchu

~ZADANIE 1. ( 5 punktów )~

Obok publikujemy teksty nagrań. Proponujemy, niech ktoś dobrze znający angielski przeczyta Ci je na głos. Na egzaminie usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi pięciu osób dotyczące ich ostatnich wakacji. Określ główny temat wypowiedzi każdej osoby, dobierając go z listy tematów oznaczonych literami A-F. Wpisz odpowiednią literę obok numeru osoby. Jeden z tematów nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punk.

A - entertaiment

B - food

C - hotel

D - journey

E - weather

F - price

1.1.___ 1.2.___ 1.3.___ 1.4.___ 1.5.___

~ ZADANIE 2. ( 4 punkty )~

Zapoznaj się ze zdaniami podanymi poniżej. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dwie osoby mówiące o swoich wrażeniach z rejsu dookoła świata. Z podanych możliwości odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą - zgodną z treścią usłyszanych informacji. Zakreśl literę a, b lub c. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.


2.1.Mark is competing in the race because:

a)he was asked to be captain

b)he enjoys the challenge

c)he's always wantad to sail round the world

2.2.How did he feel before the race?:

a)happy to say goodbye to people

b)excited about meeting the crew

c)worriet about the yacht


2.3.During the race it was most important to:

a)get enough sleep

b)get over sea sickness

c)work as a team

2.4.During one storm the worst problem was:

a)getting uncomfortably wet

b)falling over on deck

c)getting hit by things

~ZADANIE 3. ( 6 punktów )~

Zapoznaj się ze zdaniami 3.1-3.6. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę między dwiema osobami na temat otrzymanego rachunku za elektryczność. Na podstawie usłyszanych informacji zdecyduj, które z podanych zdań jest prawdziwe /TRUE/, a które fałszywe /FALSE/. Zaznacz wskazanym znakiem / V / poprawną odpowiedź. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.

3.1.The wether was warm during the last three month. TRUE FALSE

3.2.They've needed the heating a lot. TRUE FALSE

3.3.They electricity bill is bigger than last year. TRUE FALSE

3.4.He's going to pay the bill immediately. TRUE FALSE

3.5.Electricity prices are higher than last year. TRUE FALSE

3.6.She is surprised at the size of the bill. TRUE FALSE

#Transkrypcja tekstów#


1. The resort was gorgeous with a beautiful sandy beach. The trouble was everything cost a fortune. Restaurants, excursions, windsurfing, jetskis, they had everything, but basically we did nothing at all because we couldn't afford it. After dwo days we were broke, so we just ate sandwiches after that and watched everyone else enjoying themselves.

2. I was dead by the end of it. I'd always wanted to go, so I thought I'd better make the most of it. We didn't do muchduring the day because we had to catch up on our sleep, but in the evenings we saw three musicals and then went clubbing to a different place every night. Terrific! I can't wait to get back.

3. Yes, absolutely brilliant. The hotel was a high - rise dump, they hadn't even finished buildin it. The food was wonderful if you like raw eggs for breakfast, and the service was as friendly as you could expect from a prison

camp. It was the perfect destination for your worst enemy.

4. When we got to the check - in they told us there would be a slight delay. Six hours later we finally got on to an ancientplane, and when we were airborne, I just closed my eyes and prayed. When we arrived, we were too late for the train and, in any case, our baggage had got lost somewhere.

5. On the first day, we went down to the resturant and it was disgusting. Some kind of revolting raw fish with a spicy sauce, ugh! So for the rest of the time we decided to check out other places in the town where we were really spoilt for choice. There were the most amazing places, and we couldn't wait for dinnertime to arrive.


Mark Taylor

I've been sailing now for 15 years - that's wy I was asced to be captain. I've actually sailed round the world once before - three years ago - so I know how challenging it can be. In fact, it was because I liked the challenge that I decided to do this again. It's not an easy voyage, but it's very satisfying when you cross that finishing line. Before the race, I was quite looking forwart to meeting the rest of the crew. I was going to be sharing an 18 - metre yacht with them for the next few months, so it was important that we go on together. Fortunately it was fine. Funnily enough, the most difficult thing was saying goodbye to my family. But after so many months of preparation, I was keen to leave.

Karen Turner

There were lots of things we had to get used to during the race. The main thing was working as a team - essential if you want to win. Lack of sleep was another problem. At night we took it in turns to sail the boat, so we could only sleep for four hours at a time. And then of course there's seasickness. It usually takes a few days to get over this. I remember feeling ill during a storm in the Bay of Biscay. I also kept on slipping and hurting myself! The sea was very rough and seemed to make absolutely everything wet. I was completely soaked and uncomfortable. But the worst thing is stuff falling on you. If the ship is sailing through a rough sea, then something is bound to hit you on the head.


MAN: I can't believe it! There must be something wrong; Ł200 is ridiculous!

WOMAN: Is that the electricity bill or the gas?

MAN: Electricity, but we can't have used Ł200's worth in three months, can we?

WOMAN: Well, it's been pretty cold so we've had the heating on much more that usual.

MAN: Yeah, but not all day and every day. In any case, it was colder this time last year and the bill was nothing like as big as this one. I'm going to ring up and ask about it.

WOMAN: Don't forget they put up electricity charges last month, so Ł200 is about what I was expecting.

#Arkusz II

Rozumienie tekstu czytanego

~ZADANIE 4. ( 4 punkty )~

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Na podstawie zawartych w nim informacji zdecyduj, które z podanych rad są prawdziwe

/ TRUE /, a które fałszywe / FALSE /. Zaznacz wskazanym znakiem / V / poprawną odpowiedź. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.


Some people who have difficulties in sleeping automatically turn to sleeping pils. But before even thinking about them, it's a good idea to try and prepare yourself for sleep. Here'ssome advice.

Before going to sleep, don't discuss exciting problems, quarrel with your family or watch a murder mystery on TV. Sleep can be completely destroyed by too much excitement or worry. Also excercise before sleep is not a good idea. You can open the door to let out the dog, but don't take him for a long walk.

The old advice to read in bed before sleep has now changed into new one: be careful what you read before sleep. An interesting detective story can keep you awake till the morning comes. It's better to count sheep, or listen to the news on the radio - many people find it more effective than any sleeping pill!

4.1. Don't do anything stressful before going to sleep TRUE FALSE

4.2. Go for a walk but leave your dog at home TRUE FALSE

4.3. Don't read in bed before sleep TRUE FALSE

4.4. Listen to the radio but don't count sheep TRUE FALSE

~ZADANIE 5. ( 5 punktów )~

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. W zdaniach umieszczonych pod tekstem wybierz właściwe - zgodne z tekstem - zakończenie. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a, b, c lub d. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.


Mount St Helens, the volcano is Clark County, Washington State, erupted on Monday morning. The disaster has caused at least ten deaths as well as masive destruction in that region of the state.

The mountain was hit by two earthquakes just before half past eight. Then, at eight thirty - two, the top of the mountain was blown of by an explosion that was heard two hundred miles away. Huge blocks of ice and rock fell onto the surrounding area and the mountain was left 1,300 feet shorter. Then the tremendous heat inside was released. Hot ash and gas came out of the mountain, causing a lighting storm as it rose into the air. White ash, along with steam and thick mud, continue the pour from the giant crater left by the explosion.

At each stage of this dramatic eruption people have been killed. The explosion caused the first casualties; several people were injured or died due to the force and heat of it. Then the hot ash started fires which have burned vast areas of forest, causing more deaths. Fortunately, fre - fighters have managed to put most of them out. The volcanic cloud was so large and dark that it was said to have turned day into night, forcing airports to close temporarily. One more life was lost as a pilot flew his aeroplane into the cloud and hit electricity cables. Mud from the volcano has been running down the moun - tainside and filling rivers, causing flooding. People living naerby have been forced to leave their homes as the waterMud from the volcano has been running down the moun - tainside and filling rivers, causing flooding. People living naerby have been forced to leave their homes as the waterMud from the volcano has been running down the moun - tainside and filling rivers, causing flooding. People living naerby have been forced to leave their homes as the water continues to rise.

Rescue workers have picked up casualties and survivors by helicopter, and are moving them away from the dangerous areas. More victims are expected to be found during the next few day. One witness said that it had been like the end of the world. “ I really thought we were all going to die, “ Jerry Irvin said. “ I've never been so terrified in my life.”

Scientists say that the top of the mountain had been `growing' by five feet per day for several weeks before the explosion. They say that ash and mud cloud continue the pour out of St. Helens for up to fifteens years. Meanwhile, the people of Clark County are learning to cope with nature's fury.

5.1. When the volcano erupted, the top of the mountain:

  1. grew taller

  2. landed two hundred miles away

  3. turned into mud

  4. was broken into pieces

5.2. The first people to die were killed by:

  1. the forest fires

  2. the explosion

  3. the thick mud

  4. the lightning storm

5.3. The volcanic cloud:

  1. made everything very dark

  2. damaged many aeroplanes

  3. wasn't very big

  4. damaged the forest

5.4. People had to laeve their homes as:

  1. their houses were burnt

  2. the mountains fell on their homes

  3. they had no electricity

  4. there was flooding in the area

5.5. Before the eruption:

  1. scientist had been making the mountain bigger

  2. the people of Clark County had learnt how to cope with a volcano

  3. the mountain had been getting taller

  4. ash and mud been pouring out of St. Helens for fifteen years

~ZADANIE 6. ( 11 punktów )~

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe informacje o miejscowościach nawiedzanych przez duchy, oznaczone literami A - L. Następnie odpowiedz na pytania 6.1. - 6.11. Obok każdego pytania wpisz odpowiednią literę. Nie możesz dwukrotnie udzielić tej samej odpowiedzi. Jedna z miejscowości nie pasuje do żadnego pytania. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.


Are you interested in ghosts? Do you need any advice about where to find them? Here's some information about ghosts in Britain. We're not promising you'll find any ghostly activities, but if you have time, you might like to carry out your own investigation!

A - Cupar

The Royal Hotel is haunted by a hooded monk.

B - Edinburgh

A demonic drummer has banged about the castle since the 17th century and Holyroodhouse has the majestic apparition of Mary, Queen of Scots.

C - Manchester

The Gray Man of the Great Western Hotel wears a grey sweater and is apparently most often seen in the cellars.

D - Birmingham

The beautiful Jacobean mansion of Aston Hall has a heap of ghosts due to a murderous 17th century owner. With any luck, you'll see a housekeeper in a green dress with a white collar, a grey lady and a servant who died in the attic.

E - Gloucester

People say the courteous spirits at the Bishop's House help visitors on with their coats.

F - Swansea

The Grand Theatre has a White Lady who leaves a scent of violets. She is thought to be the spirit of a young actress who left the theatre to board the ill - fated Titanic.

G - Cardiff

Cardif Castle has a giant ghost that 3 metres tall.

H - Bristol

Leigh Woods, by Clifton Gorge, is said to be haunted by Clifton Suspension Bridge builder, Isambard Brunel.

I - Torquay

Torre Abbey has the ghost of a brightly - lit coach and horses, driving a smiling Lady Cary down the avenue.

J - Brighton

Brighton's seaside is home to the spectral 10th century galley, the Nicholas, which sank with all hands ( and pilgrim passengers ) returning from Constantinople.

K - Eastbourne

The Devonshire Park Theatre is haunted by a violinist in evening dress.

L - York

The Treasurer's House is haunted by Roman soldies.

6.1. these ghosts are not British?

6.2. this ghost is religious?

6.3. this ghostly vision carries one passanger?

6.4. this ghost played a stringed instrument?

6.5. this ghost wears a pleasant perfume?

6.6. this ghost is enormous?

6.7. you are treated kindly by these ghost?

6.8. this ghostly image is a ship?

6.9. you have to go underground to see this solitary ghost?

6.10. this ghost was a construction engineer?

6.11. this ghost was a monarch?

#Arkusz III

Wypowiedź pisemna

~ZADANIE 7. ( 5 punktów ) ~

Opiekujesz się grupą młodzieży zagranicznej przebywającą na wakacjach w Polsce. Chciałbyś zorganizować wyjazd w góry dla kilkunastu osób. Napisz krótkie ogłoszenie, które umieścisz na tablicy informacyjnej. Przedstaw w nim następujące informacje:

W zadaniu nie jest określony limit słów. Oceniana jest umiejętność zwięzłego przekazania wszystkich informacji określonych w poleceniu i poprawność językowa. Za to zadanie możesz otrzymać maksymalnie 5 punktów.

~ZADANIE 8. ( 10 punktów )~

Właśnie wróciłeś ze szkolnej wycieczki do Wielkiej Brytanii.. Mieszkałeś tam u angielskiej rodziny. Niestety zostawiłeś w domu swoich gospodarzy coś ważnego. Napisz list, w którym:

Pamiętaj o zachowaniu odpowiedniej formy i stylu listu. Nie umieszczaj żadnych informacji o sobie. Podpisz się jako XYZ. Długość listu powinna wynosić od 120 - 150 słów. Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji, forma oraz poprawność i bogactwo językowe.Za to zadanie możesz otrzymać 10 punktów.


#Arkusz I - rozumienie ze słuchu

~ZADANIE 1.~ - 1.1. F ; 1.2. A ; 1.3. C ; 1.4. D ; 1.5. B

~ZADANIE 2.~ - 2.1. b ; 2.2. b ; 2.3. c ; 2.4. c

~ZADANIE 3.~ - 3.1. F ; 3.2. T ; 3.3. T ; 3.4. F ; 3.5. T ; 3.6. F

#Arkusz II - rozumienie tekstu czytanego

~ZADANIE 4.~ - 4.1. T ; 4.2. F ; 4.3. F ; 4.4. F

~ZADANIE 5.~ - 5.1. d ; 5.2. b ; 5.3. a ; 5.4. d ; 5.5. c

~ZADANIE 6.~ - 6.1. L ; 6.2. A ; 6.3. I ; 6.4. K ; 6.5. F ; 6.6. G ; 6.7. E ; 6.8. J ;

6.9. C ; 6.10. H ; 6.11. B


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