002VeganDiet1996-2000, Kuchnia wegetariańska przepisy, kuchnia wegetariańska

Bibligrafia: Dieta wegańska Rastafarianizm


1. Saha P R; Trumbo P R The nutritional adequacy of a limited vegan diet for a Controlled Ecological Life-Support System. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) (1996), 18(4-5), 63-72.


Purdue University, as well as the Johnson and Kennedy Space Centers and NASA Ames Research Center, are investigating approximately 5-10 plants that will be grown hydroponically to provide not only the energy and nutrients, but also the oxygen for humans habitating in Mars and lunar bases. The growth and nutritional status of rats fed either a control diet (adequate in all macro- and micronutrients) or a strict vegetarian diet consisting of 5 (vegan-5) or 10 (vegan-10) candidate crop species were investigated. In addition, vegan-10 diets were supplemented with mineral and/or vitamin mix at a level similar to the control diets to assess the effect of supplementation on nutrient status. The assessment of inedible plant material as an alternative food source was also investigated. Results of this study demonstrated that consumption of the vegan-10 diet significantly improved weight gain of rats compared to that for rats fed the vegan-5 diet. Mineral supplementation, at a level present in the control diet, to the vegan-10 diet improved growth and nutrient status, but growth was significantly lower compared to the control-fed rats. Inclusion of inedible plant material, high in ash content, improved some indices of nutrient status, without improving growth.

Controlled Terms


Biological Availability

Body Weight


*Diet, Vegetarian

Dietary Fiber

*Ecological Systems, Closed


Iron: PK, pharmacokinetics


Nutritive Value

*Plants, Medicinal

Pyridoxine: BL, blood


Vegetable Proteins


Vitamin B 12: BL, blood

Zinc: PK, pharmacokinetics

Supplementary Terms

nasa discipline life support systems; nasa discipline number 93-10; nasa program nscort; non-nasa center

Registry Numbers

65-23-6 (Pyridoxine)

68-19-9 (Vitamin B 12)

7439-89-6 (Iron)

7440-66-6 (Zinc)

Chemical Names

0 (Micronutrients)

0 (Vegetable Proteins)

2. Suzuki, Hideo. Serum vitamin B12 levels in strict long-term vegans who eat brown rice. Sogo Rinsho (1996), 45(3), 595-8.


The levels of vitamin B12 and several biochem. parameters of 11 strict long-term vegans who eat brown rice (VB) were examd. They did not intake meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products for 10-48 yr and ate 2-4 g of sea weeds, "Nori", a day. Brown rice was cooked by a pressure cooker. The levels of B12 of VB were significantly lower than those of the control group, but the values of 10 person were within the std. value (230-800 pg/mL). There was no difference in MCV. The B12 of VB seemed to be derived from sea weeds, "Nori".

Indexing -- Section 18-2 (Animal Nutrition)

Blood serum

(serum vitamin B12 levels in strict long-term vegans who eat brown rice)


(brown, serum vitamin B12 levels in strict long-term vegans who eat brown rice)

68-19-9, Vitamin B12

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(serum vitamin B12 levels in strict long-term vegans who eat brown rice)

Supplementary Terms

serum vitamin brown rice diet

3. Lightowler H J; Davies G J; Trevan M D Iodine in the diet: perspectives for vegans. Journal of the Royal Society of Health (1996), 116(1), 14-20.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female; Male





Child, Preschool

*Diet, Vegetarian



Infant, Newborn

Iodine: AD, administration & dosage

*Iodine: DF, deficiency

Middle Aged

Nutritional Requirements


Registry Numbers

7553-56-2 (Iodine)

4. Kunkel, H. O. Interests and values in the recommended dietary allowances and nutritional guidelines for Americans. Journal of Nutrition (1996), 126(9S, Workshop on New Approaches, Endpoints and Paradigms for RDAs of Mineral Elements, 1995), 2390S-2397S.


Evidence is provided show that interests, values and belief systems have affected the development of recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) and nutrition guidelines for Americans in the past and can be expected to do so in the future. The conflicts of the 1980s relative to the nutritional guidelines for Americans and the RDAs illustrate that tension among values that can parallel a conflict of interests. In the conflicts of the 1980s, we saw an apparent conflict between those policies that attempt to optimize outcomes for a large class of affected parties and those policies that attempt to establish constraints on actions which appear to threaten individual autonomy and freedom of choice. The former approach derives from utilitarian, consequential moral philosophy which evaluates policies by evaluating costs and harms, and weighing them against benefits to all parties. The latter has its strongest advocates in contemporary libertarianism which takes individual freedom to be the bottom line. Ethical vegetarianism, a belief system which would limit RDAs and guidelines to those that can be translated to vegan and other vegetarian diets, has been a more recent entry into the discussions. Such human value issues suggest that a set of RDAs or of nutrition guidelines is analogous to and may be considered to be an ethic. An ethic is a theory reached via the method of reflective equil. that is a coherent ordered triple set of beliefs: a set of considered moral judgments, a set of moral principles, and a set of relevant scientific background theories. The reasoning, however, can become circular and unsound when the considered moral judgments, moral principles and relevant background are not independent sources of information. If they are mixed or, for example, an intuition is mistaken for a scientific conclusion, the reasoning can be flawed.

Indexing -- Section 18-7 (Animal Nutrition)

Animal nutrition


(interests and values in the recommended dietary allowances and nutritional guidelines for Americans)

Supplementary Terms

nutrition recommended dietary allowance

5. Verhagen H; Rauma A L; Torronen R; de Vogel N; Bruijntjes-Rozier G C; Drevo M A; Bogaards J J; Mykkanen H Effect of a vegan diet on biomarkers of chemoprevention in females. Human & experimental toxicology (1996), 15(10), 821-5.


1. In order to study the potential beneficial effects of a vegan diet, a cross-sectional study was performed and several biomarkers of chemoprevention were measured in a population of female 'living food' eaters ('vegans'; n = 20) vs matched omnivorous controls (n = 20). 2. White blood cells obtained from fresh blood samples were subjected to the single-cell gel-electrophoresis assay. There was no statistically significant difference between the vegans and controls in the parameters 'tail length' and 'tail moment'. However, the 'tail moment' was significantly lower in a subset of the vegans (i.e.in those who did not use any vitamin and/or mineral supplements). 3. Fresh blood samples were exposed in vitro to the mutagen mitomycin C just prior to culturing. After culturing the number of binucleated lymphocytes with micronuclei was scored. There was no difference between the controls and vegans in the incidence of baseline micronuclei, nor in the number of mitomycin C-induced micronuclei. However, a significant correlation (r = -0.64, P < 0.01) between the number of mitomycin C-induced micronuclei and the activity of erythrocyte superoxide dismutase was found in the vegans. The number of baseline micronuclei increased with age in both groups. These findings may be of biological relevance. 4. The content of glutathione-S-transferase-alpha in plasma was not different between the vegans (n = 12) and controls (n = 12). 5. The present data indicate a few differences in biomarkers of chemopreventive potential in strict vegans vs matched omnivorous controls. The significance of these changes as biologically relevant indicators of beneficial effects of vegan diets in humans needs to be determined in studies with a larger number of subjects.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female



Aging: BL, blood

*Antibiotics, Antineoplastic: TO, toxicity

Cells, Cultured


Cross-Sectional Studies

DNA Damage: DE, drug effects

DNA Damage: GE, genetics

DNA, Single-Stranded

*Diet, Vegetarian


Erythrocytes: DE, drug effects

Erythrocytes: EN, enzymology

Glutathione Transferase: BL, blood


Leukocytes: CY, cytology

*Leukocytes: DE, drug effects

Micronuclei, Chromosome-Defective: DE, drug effects

Middle Aged

*Mitomycin: TO, toxicity

Superoxide Dismutase: BL, blood

Registry Numbers

50-07-7 (Mitomycin)

Chemical Names

0 (Antibiotics, Antineoplastic)

0 (DNA, Single-Stranded)

EC (Superoxide Dismutase)

EC (Glutathione Transferase)

6. Rauma, A.-L.; Rautio, A.; Pasanen, M.; Pelkonen, O.; Torronen, R.; Mykkanen, H. Coumarin 7-hydroxylation in long-term adherents of a strict uncooked vegan diet. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (1996), 50(1/2), 133-137.


Coumarin 7-hydroxylation was investigated in 21 Finnish vegans (20 females, one male) consuming a strict, uncooked vegan diet (living food diet) and in their matched omnivorous controls, by means of an in vivo coumarin test. A capsule contg. 5 mg of coumarin (Venalot) was taken after an overnight fast, and urine samples were collected before and 2, 4 and 6 h after the drug administration. The extent and rate of urinary excretion of 7-hydroxycoumarin was detd. using HPLC. The total urinary excretion of 7-hydroxycoumarin during 6 h was 58 (range 23-85) and 64 (range 39-92)% of the administered dose in the vegan and control groups. The coumarin index (excretion of 7-hydroxycoumarin during the first 2 h as percentage of total excretion) was 72% in the vegan and 78% in the control groups. A neg. correlation was obsd. between the coumarin index and the consumption of wheatgrass juice by the vegans (r= -0.60, P < 0.01, n = 21). Proportion of slow hydroxylators (excreting 7-hydroxycoumarin after 4 h) was not statistically different between the groups (5/21 in the vegans vs. 8/20 in the controls). According to the present study, the clearly different dietary patterns and nutrient intakes between the vegans and the omnivores resulted in similar extent and rate of 7-hydroxycoumarin formation, indicating only a minor effect on coumarin hydroxylase (CYP2A6) activity by the plant substances in the uncooked vegan diet.

Indexing -- Section 1-2 (Pharmacology)


(vegetarian, coumarin 7-hydroxylation in long-term adherents of a strict uncooked vegan diet)

9035-51-2, Cytochrome P 450, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(2A6; coumarin 7-hydroxylation in long-term adherents of a strict uncooked vegan diet)

91-64-5, Coumarin

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(coumarin 7-hydroxylation in long-term adherents of a strict uncooked vegan diet)

39401-02-0, Coumarin 7-hydroxylase

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(cytochrome P 4502A6-dependent; coumarin 7-hydroxylation in long-term adherents of a strict uncooked vegan diet)

Supplementary Terms

coumarin metab vegan diet; hydroxylase coumarin vegan diet; cytochrome P 4502A6 vegan diet

7. Van Dusseldorp, Marijke; Arts, Ilja C. W.; Bergsma, Jolanda S.; De Jong, Nynke; Dagnelie, Pieter C.; Van Staveren, Wija A. Catch-up growth in children fed a macrobiotic diet in early childhood. Journal of Nutrition (1996), 126(12), 2977-2983.


To study the relationship between diet and growth, a longitudinal anthropometric study was conducted in a Dutch population consuming a macrobiotic diet. Measurements (anthropometry and food habit questionnaire) were taken in 1985 (0-7 y), 1987, and in 1993 (7-16 yr, n = 209). Z-scores were calcd. for anthropometric measures and changes expressed as the differences between 1993 and the mean of 1985 and 1987. Anal. indicated significant (P < 0.002) catch-up in height [(mean Z-score SEM) + 0.59 0.07] and arm circumference (+0.34 0.09) for age (boys and girls combined). In 1993, both girls and boys were still significantly (P < 0.05) below the ref. for height and sum of four skinfolds for age, and girls were below ref. for wt.-for-height and arm circumference for age. In girls, multiple regression analyses showed a significant pos. effect of the consumption frequency of dairy products on catch-up growth in height, wt. and arm circumference, after adjustment for menarche, age, and baseline height, wt. and arm circumference (P < 0.05). The addn. of moderate amts. of dairy products to a vegan type of diet improved growth of children, esp. girls.

Indexing -- Section 18-7 (Animal Nutrition)

Development, mammalian postnatal

Nutrition, animal

(catch-up growth in children fed a macrobiotic diet in early childhood)

Development, mammalian postnatal

(child; catch-up growth in children fed a macrobiotic diet in early childhood)


(macrobiotic; catch-up growth in children fed a macrobiotic diet in early childhood)

Supplementary Terms

macrobiotic diet growth children


Allen, L; Eur J Clin Nutr 1994, 48(suppl 1), S75

American Academy Of Pediatrics Committee On Nutrition; Pediatrics 1977, 59, 460

Dagnelie, P; Eur J Clin Nutr 1994, 48, S103

Dagnelie, P; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59, S1187

Dagnelie, P; Eur J Clin Nutr 1988, 42, 1007

Deurenberg, P; Br J Nutr 1990, 63, 293

Dreizen, S; J Pediatr 1967, 70, 256

Dwyer, J; Am J Clin Nutr 1983, 37, 815

Dwyer, J; J Am Diet Assoc 1980, 77, 434

Gerver, W; Doctoral thesis, Groningen State University 1988

Kulin, H; Am J Clin Nutr 1982, 36, 527

Kushi, M; The book of macro-biotics, the universal way of health, happiness and peace 1987

Michaelsen, K; Eur J Clin Nutr 1995, 49, 467

Roberts, I; Br Med J 1979, 1, 296

Robson, J; Pediatrics 1974, 53, 326

Roede, M; Tijdschr Soc Gezondheidsz 1985, 63(suppl), 1

Sas Institute Inc; SAS/STAT User's Guide, Version 6, 4th ed 1989

Smeets, F; Tijdschr Soc Gezondheidsz 1992, 70, 227

Tanner, J; Arch Dis Child 1975, 50, 142

Tirapegui, J; Clin Sci (Lond) 1994, 87, 599

van Staveren, W; J Am Diet Assoc 1985, 85, 1579

Waterlow, J; Eur J Clin Nutr 1994, 48(suppl 1), S72

Weststrate, J; Int J Obes 1989, 13, 465

Yayha, Z; Clin Sci (Lond) 1994, 87, 213

Young, V; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59(suppl), S1203

8. Tate A R; Watson D; Eglen S; Arvanitis T N; Thomas E L; Bell J D Automated feature extraction for the classification of human in vivo 13C NMR spectra using statistical pattern recognition and wavelets. Magnetic resonance in medicine : official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (1996), 35(6), 834-40.


If magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is to become a useful tool in clinical medicine, it will be necessary to find reliable methods for analyzing and classifying MRS data. Automated methods are desirable because they can remove user bias and can deal with large amounts of data, allowing the use of all the available information. In this study, techniques for automatically extracting features for the classification of MRS in vivo data are investigated. Among the techniques used were wavelets, principal component analysis, and linear discriminant function analysis. These techniques were tested on a set of 75 in vivo 13C spectra of human adipose tissue from subjects from three different dietary groups (vegan, vegetarian, and omnivore). It was found that it was possible to assign automatically 94% of the vegans and omnivores to their correct dietary groups, without the need for explicit identification or measurement of peaks.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female; Male

Adipose Tissue


Diet, Vegetarian


*Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: MT, methods

*Pattern Recognition, Automated

*Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted

9. Thomas, E. L.; Frost, G.; Barnard, M. L.; Bryant, D. J.; Taylor-Robinson, S. D.; Simbrunner, J.; Coutts, G. A.; Burl, M.; Bloom, S. R.; et al. An in vivo 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of the relationship between diet and adipose tissue composition. Lipids (1996), 31(2), 145-51.


13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a noninvasive technique used in the study of lipids. We applied 13C MRS to assess the effects of long-term dietary variation on adipose tissue compn. in humans. In vivo 13C MRS was used to analyze the fatty acid compn. of adipose tissue in 88 healthy volunteers with significantly different diets (38 vegans, 11 vegetarians, and 39 omnivores) assessed by anal. of dietary records. Results were compared with the serum lipid profile. 13C MRS revealed clear differences in the adipose tissue compn. of vegans, which contained more unsatd. (P < 0.01) and fewer satd. fatty acids (P < 0.01) compared with omnivores and vegetarians. The vegan subjects had a significantly lower intake of satd. fatty acids and higher intake of polyunsatd. fatty acids than either the omnivore or the vegetarian groups (P < 0.01). These findings were assocd. with significantly lower levels of serum total cholesterol and low d. lipoprotein-cholesterol in the vegan group compared with the omnivores. The results demonstrate the use of 13C MRS for the noninvasive study of adipose tissue compn. and its application to the study of the interaction between long-term dietary and metabolic risk factors in humans.

Indexing -- Section 18-5 (Animal Nutrition)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process)

(adipose; in vivo 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of the relationship between diet and adipose tissue compn.)

Fats and Glyceridic oils

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process)

(dietary; in vivo 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of the relationship between diet and adipose tissue compn.)

Adipose tissue


(in vivo 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of the relationship between diet and adipose tissue compn.)


Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process)

(low-d., cholesterol; in vivo 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of the relationship between diet and adipose tissue compn.)


(vegetarian, in vivo 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of the relationship between diet and adipose tissue compn.)


(vegetarian, lacto-ovo-, in vivo 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of the relationship between diet and adipose tissue compn.)

57-88-5, Cholesterol, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process)

(serum; in vivo 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of the relationship between diet and adipose tissue compn.)

Supplementary Terms

vegan diet adipose fatty acid; vegetarian diet adipose fatty acid

10. Judd P A; Long A; Butcher M; Caygill C P; Diplock A T Vegetarians and vegans may be most at risk from low selenium intakes. BMJ (Clinical research ed.) (1997), 314(7097), 1834.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female; Male

*Diet, Vegetarian: AE, adverse effects


Risk Factors

*Selenium: DF, deficiency

Registry Numbers

7782-49-2 (Selenium)

11. Ball M Vegetarian, vegan or meat eater. The pros and the cons. Australian family physician (1997), 26(11), 1269-74.


This article discusses the potential health benefits of a vegetarian diet, while highlighting some potential problems that may occur if such a dietary regimen is adopted, particularly in certain groups. It emphasises the importance of health professionals contributing to people's knowledge of nutrition in order to allow them to choose a healthy diet, whether they are vegetarian or meat eaters.

Controlled Terms

*Diet, Vegetarian



Iron, Dietary: AD, administration & dosage

Soybean Proteins

Chemical Names

0 (Iron, Dietary)

0 (Soybean Proteins)

12. Dagnelie P C Some algae are potentially adequate sources of vitamin B-12 for vegans. The Journal of nutrition (1997), 127(2), 379; author reply 380.

Controlled Terms


*Diet, Vegetarian

Erythrocyte Indices



*Vitamin B 12: BL, blood

*Vitamin B 12 Deficiency: BL, blood

Registry Numbers

68-19-9 (Vitamin B 12)

13. Davis D R Some algae are potentially adequate sources of vitamin B-12 for vegans. The Journal of nutrition (1997), 127(2), 378; author reply 380.

Controlled Terms



Chlorella: CH, chemistry

*Diet, Vegetarian



Seaweed: CH, chemistry

Vitamin B 12: AN, analysis

*Vitamin B 12: BL, blood

Registry Numbers

68-19-9 (Vitamin B 12)

14. Krajcovicova-Kudlackova M; Simoncic R; Bederova A Risks and advantages of the vegetarian diet. Casopis lekar u c eskych (1997), 136(23), 715-9.


The authors summarize the health risks and advantages of alternative nutrition-lactovegetarian, lactoovovegetarian and vegan. These dietary patterns involve risk in particular during pregnancy, lactation and for the growing organism. Veganism excluding all foods of animal origin involves the greatest risk. General nutritional principles for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, oncological diseases and diabetes are fully met by the vegetarian diet. Vegetarians and vegans have low risk factors of atherosclerosis and conversely higher levels of antisclerotic substances. Overthreshold values of essential antioxidants in vegetarians imply a protective action against reactive metabolic oxygen products and toxic products of lipid peroxidation and may reduce the incidence of free radical diseases. The authors also draw attention to some still open problems of vegetarianism (higher n-3 fatty acids, taurine, carnitine). In the conclusion semivegetarianism is evaluated.

Controlled Terms

*Diet, Vegetarian

Diet, Vegetarian: AE, adverse effects


Risk Factors

15. Parsons T J; van Dusseldorp M; van der Vliet M; van de Werken K; Schaafsma G; van Staveren W A Reduced bone mass in Dutch adolescents fed a macrobiotic diet in early life. Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (1997), 12(9), 1486-94.


This study investigated the effect of a macrobiotic (vegan-type) diet, low in calcium and vitamin D, consumed in early life, on bone mineral during adolescence. Bone mineral content (BMC) and bone area were measured in 195 adolescents (103 girls, 92 boys) aged 9-15 years, using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Ninety-three adolescents (43 girls, 50 boys) had followed a macrobiotic diet in childhood, and 102 (60 girls, 42 boys) were control subjects. After adjustment for bone area, weight, height, percent body lean, age, and puberty, BMC was significantly lower in macrobiotic subjects, in boys and girls, respectively, at the whole body, -3.4% and -2.5%, spine, -8.5% and -5.0%, femoral neck, -8.0% and -8.2%, midshaft radius, -6.8% and -5.6%, and also in girls, at the trochanter, -5.8% (p < 0.05). No group differences were observed at the wrist. Group differences were not explained by current calcium adjusted bone mass at age 9-15 years, observations which may hold important implications for fracture risk in later life.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female; Male

Absorptiometry, Photon


Body Weight

*Bone Density

Calcium, Dietary


*Diet, Macrobiotic: AE, adverse effects

Diet, Vegetarian: AE, adverse effects


Vitamin D

Registry Numbers

1406-16-2 (Vitamin D)

Chemical Names

0 (Calcium, Dietary)

16. Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, Marica; Simoncic, R.; Bederova, A.; Klvanova, J. Plasma fatty acid profile and alternative nutrition. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism (1997), 41(6), 365-370.


Plasma profile of fatty acids was examd. in a group of children consisting of 7 vegans, 15 lactoovovegetarians and 10 semivegetarians. The children were 11-15 yr old and the av. period of alternative nutrition was 3.4 yr. The results were compared with a group of 19 omnivores that constituted an av. sample with respect to biochem. and hematol. parameters from a larger study of health and nutritional status of children in Slovakia. Alternative nutrition groups had significantly lower values of satd. fatty acids. The content of oleic acid was identical to omnivores. A significant increase was obsd. for linoleic and alpha-linolenic (n-3) acids. The dihomo-gamma-linolenic (n-6) acid and arachidonic (n-6) acid values were comparable to omnivores for all alternative nutrition groups. Values of n-3 polyunsatd. fatty acids in lactoovovegetarians were identical to those of omnivores whereas they were significantly increased in semivegetarians consuming fish twice a week. Due to the total exclusion of animal fats from the diet, vegans had significantly reduced values of palmitoleic acid as well as eicosapentaenoic (n-3) acid and docosahexaenoic (n-3) acid resulting in an increased n-6/n-3 ratio. Values of plasma fatty acids found in alternative nutrition groups can be explained by the higher intake of common vegetable oils (high content of linoleic acid), oils rich in alpha-linolenic acid (cereal germs, soybean oil, walnuts), as well as in n-3 polyunsatd. fatty acids (fish). The results of fatty acids (except n-3 in vegans) and other lipid parameters confirm the beneficial effect of vegetarian nutrition in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Indexing -- Section 18-7 (Animal Nutrition)

Nutrition, animal

(blood plasma fatty acid profile in vegetarian children)

Development, mammalian postnatal

(child; blood plasma fatty acid profile in vegetarian children)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(monounsatd.; blood plasma fatty acid profile in vegetarian children)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(polyunsatd., n-3; blood plasma fatty acid profile in vegetarian children)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(polyunsatd., omega-6; blood plasma fatty acid profile in vegetarian children)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(polyunsatd.; blood plasma fatty acid profile in vegetarian children)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(satd.; blood plasma fatty acid profile in vegetarian children)


(vegetarian; blood plasma fatty acid profile in vegetarian children)

57-10-3, Hexadecanoic acid, biological studies

57-11-4, Octadecanoic acid, biological studies

60-33-3, 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-, biological studies




544-63-8, Tetradecanoic acid, biological studies







Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(blood plasma fatty acid profile in vegetarian children)

Supplementary Terms

diet vegetarian child blood fatty acid

17. Agostoni, C.; Marangoni, F.; Riva, E.; Giovannini, M.; Galli, C. Plasma arachidonic acid and serum thromboxane B2 concentrations in phenylketonuric children negatively correlate with dietary compliance. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (1997), 56(3), 219-222.


The study addresses the relationship of plasma arachidonic acid and thromboxane prodn. with the dietary compliance in treated phenylketonuric patients, whose vegan-like dietary pattern makes them a useful model to evaluate the effects of the near-total avoidance of animal fats. Thirteen treated phenylketonuric children were compared with twelve healthy controls for arachidonic acid intake, plasma fatty acids and platelet thromboxane B2 prodn., assessed as accumulation of this eicosanoid in serum. The calcd. intake of arachidonic acid was lower in phenylketonurics than in controls and this was assocd. with lower levels in plasma lipids. Plasma arachidonic acid concns. and serum thromboxane B2 prodn. was obsd. only in phenylketonuric patients (r = 0.74, P = 0.01). While well-compliant PKU subjects have low arachidonic acid and thromboxane concns. in plasma, the low compliance with animal food avoidance, evoking higher phenylalanine levels, results in elevation of both plasma arachidonic acid and serum thromboxane B2. This gives support to the hypothesis that the consumption of animal fats may affect the prodn. of arachidonic acid-derived platelet eicosanoids.

Indexing -- Section 14-5 (Mammalian Pathological Biochemistry)

Development, mammalian postnatal

(child; plasma arachidonic acid and serum thromboxane B2 concns. in phenylketonuric children neg. correlate with dietary compliance)


Platelet (blood)

(plasma arachidonic acid and serum thromboxane B2 concns. in phenylketonuric children neg. correlate with dietary compliance)


(vegetarian; plasma arachidonic acid and serum thromboxane B2 concns. in phenylketonuric children neg. correlate with dietary compliance)

506-32-1, Arachidonic acid

Role: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except adverse); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study)

(plasma arachidonic acid and serum thromboxane B2 concns. in phenylketonuric children neg. correlate with dietary compliance)

54397-85-2, Thromboxane b2

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(plasma arachidonic acid and serum thromboxane B2 concns. in phenylketonuric children neg. correlate with dietary compliance)

Supplementary Terms

arachidonate plasma thromboxane B2 phenylketonuria children

18. von Schenck U; Bender-Gotze C; Koletzko B Persistence of neurological damage induced by dietary vitamin B-12 deficiency in infancy. Archives of disease in childhood (1997), 77(2), 137-9.


A case is reported of a 14 month old boy with severe dietary vitamin B-12 deficiency caused by his mother's vegan diet. Clinical, electroencephalography (EEG), and haematological findings are described. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed severe frontal and frontoparietal cranial atrophy. Vitamin B-12 supplements led to a rapid improvement of haematological and neurological symptoms. Serum vitamin B-12 and urinary methylmalonate excretion were normal 10 days after treatment began. After six weeks, EEG was normal and cranial MRI after 10 weeks showed complete disappearance of all structural abnormalities. Cognitive and language development, however, remained seriously retarded at the age of 2 years. It is concluded that infantile vitamin B-12 deficiency induced by maternal vegan diets may cause lasting neurodisability even though vitamin B-12 supplementation leads to rapid resolution of cerebral atrophy and electroencephalographic abnormality.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Male



Brain: PA, pathology

Cognition Disorders: ET, etiology

Cognition Disorders: PA, pathology

*Diet, Vegetarian: AE, adverse effects



Language Development Disorders: ET, etiology

Language Development Disorders: PA, pathology

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

*Psychomotor Disorders: ET, etiology

Psychomotor Disorders: PA, pathology

*Vitamin B 12 Deficiency: CO, complications

Vitamin B 12 Deficiency: PA, pathology

19. Thomas, E. L.; Hanrahan, J. D.; Ala-Korpela, M.; Jenkinson, G.; Azzopardi, D.; Iles, R. A.; Bell, J. D. Noninvasive characterization of neonatal adipose tissue by 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Lipids (1997), 32(6), 645-651.


In vivo 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was applied noninvasively to analyze the fatty acid compn. of adipose tissue in 21 full-term newborn infants and 6 mothers. To assess the effects of gestational and postnatal age on adipose tissue compn., the authors studied preterm infants at birth, term infants at the ages of 6 wk and at 6 mo. The authors also investigated the influence of maternal diet on infant adipose tissue compn. by studying the breast-fed infants of women who maintained either an omnivore or a vegan diet. Significant differences were obsd. in adipose tissue compn. of neonates compared with their mothers. Neonates had more satd. and less unsatd. fatty acids than their mothers. The authors also obsd. changes in adipose tissue compn. with maturity. From birth to 6 wk of age 13C MR spectra showed a significant increase in the amt. of unsatd. fatty acids, particularly polyunsatd. fatty acids. Similarly, differences were seen as a result of gestational age. Preterm infants had relatively fewer unsatd. fatty acids than full-term infants. A greater proportion of these unsatd. fatty acids were polyunsatd. Our results demonstrate that 13C MRS can be utilized to assess noninvasively neonatal adipose tissue lipid compn. and to monitor the effects of developmental changes due to gestational age and oral feeding.

Indexing -- Section 9-5 (Biochemical Methods)

NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance)

(carbon-13; noninvasive characterization of neonatal adipose tissue lipids by 13C-magnetic resonance spectroscopy)

Adipose tissue


(noninvasive characterization of neonatal adipose tissue lipids by 13C-magnetic resonance spectroscopy)

Fatty acids, analysis

Lipids, analysis

Role: ANT (Analyte); ANST (Analytical study)

(noninvasive characterization of neonatal adipose tissue lipids by 13C-magnetic resonance spectroscopy)

Fatty acids, analysis

Role: ANT (Analyte); ANST (Analytical study)

(polyunsatd.; noninvasive characterization of neonatal adipose tissue lipids by 13C-magnetic resonance spectroscopy)

Fatty acids, analysis

Role: ANT (Analyte); ANST (Analytical study)

(unsatd.; noninvasive characterization of neonatal adipose tissue lipids by 13C-magnetic resonance spectroscopy)

Supplementary Terms

neonate adipose tissue lipid 13C NMR

20. Chiu, J.-F.; Lan, S.-J.; Yang, C.-Y.; Wang, P.-W.; Yao, W.-J.; Su, I.-H.; Hsieh, C.-C. Long-term vegetarian diet and bone mineral density in postmenopausal Taiwanese women. Calcified Tissue International (1997), 60(3), 245-249.


This study examd. bone d. among postmenopausal Buddhist nuns and female religious followers of Buddhism in southern Taiwan and related the measurements to subject characteristics including age, body mass, phys. activity, nutrient intake, and vegetarian practice. A total of 258 postmenopausal Taiwanese vegetarian women participated in the study. Lumbar spine and femoral neck bone mineral d. (BMD) were measured using dual-photon absorptimetry. BMD measurements were analyzed first as quant. outcomes in multiple regression analyses and next as indicators of osteopenia status in logistic regression analyses. Among the independent variables examd., age inversely and body mass index pos. correlated with both the spine and femoral neck BMD measurements. They were also significant predictors of the osteopenia status. Energy intake from protein was a significant corelate of lumbar spine BMD only. Other nutrients, including calcium and energy intake from nonprotein sources, did not correlate significantly with the two bone d. parameters. Long-term practitioners of vegan vegetarian were found to be at a higher risk of exceeding lumbar spine fracture threshold (adjusted odds ratio = 2.48, 95% confidence interval = 1.03-5.96) and of being classified as having osteopenia of the femoral neck (3.94, 1.21-12.82). Identification of effective nutrition supplements may be necessary to improve BMD levels and to reduce the risk of osteoporosis among long-term female vegetarians.

21. Schecter, Arnold; Cramer, Paul; Boggess, Kathy; Stanley, John; Olson, James R. Levels of dioxins, dibenzofurans, PCB and DDE congeners in pooled food samples collected in 1995 at supermarkets across the United States. Chemosphere (1997), 34(5-7, Chlorinated Dioxins, PCB and Related Compounds 1995), 1437-1447.


Food, particularly dairy products, meat, and fish, has been identified as the primary immediate source of intake of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) for the general population. PCDD/Fs were previously reported in individual analyses of food samples from a no. of countries, including the U.S., the former Soviet Union, and Vietnam. Daily intake of dioxins and related chems. were previously estd. in Americans at various ages in these reports. The levels of dioxins, dibenzofurans, dioxin toxic equiv. (TEQs), selected dioxin-like PCBs, and DDE (a persistent metabolite of DDT) were measured in 12 pooled food samples from over 90 individual specimens collected from supermarkets throughout the United States during 1995. Samples were pooled by food groups and then analyzed. Food samples were collected in Binghamton, New York; Atlanta, Georgia; Chicago, Illinois; San Diego, California; and Louisville, Kentucky. In addn. to the meat, dairy, and fish samples, a vegan (all vegetable, fruit and grain, no animal product) diet, was simulated; this showed the lowest level of dioxins.

Indexing -- Section 17-5 (Food and Feed Chemistry)

Cereal (grain)

Dairy products


Food contamination




(dioxins and dibenzofurans and PCB and DDE congeners in food samples collected at supermarkets across US)

Proteins, general, occurrence

Role: POL (Pollutant); OCCU (Occurrence)

(dioxins and dibenzofurans and PCB and DDE congeners in food samples collected at supermarkets across US)

72-55-9, DDE, occurrence

92-52-4D, Biphenyl, chloro derivs.

132-64-9D, Dibenzofuran, polychlorinated

262-12-4D, Dibenzo-p-dioxin, polychlorinated

1746-01-6, 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

3268-87-9, Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

19408-74-3, 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

30402-14-3, Tetrachlorodibenzofuran

30402-15-4, Pentachlorodibenzofuran

31508-00-6, PCB 118

32598-13-3, PCB 77

32598-14-4, PCB 105

32774-16-6, PCB 169

33284-52-5, PCB 80

34465-46-8, Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

35065-27-1, PCB 153

35065-28-2, PCB 138

35065-29-3, PCB 180

35822-46-9, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

36088-22-9, Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

37871-00-4, Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

38380-07-3, PCB 128

38998-75-3, Heptachlorodibenzofuran

39001-02-0, Octachlorodibenzofuran

39227-28-6, 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

39635-33-1, PCB 127

40321-76-4, 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

41464-48-6, PCB 79

41903-57-5, Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

51207-31-9, 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran

55673-89-7, 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Heptachlorodibenzofuran

55684-94-1, Hexachlorodibenzofuran

57117-31-4, 2,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran

57117-41-6, 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran

57117-44-9, 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran

57465-28-8, PCB 126

57653-85-7, 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

60851-34-5, 2,3,4,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran

67562-39-4, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzofuran

70362-49-1, PCB 78

70362-50-4, PCB 81

70648-26-9, 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran

72918-21-9, 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran

74472-37-0, PCB 114

Role: POL (Pollutant); OCCU (Occurrence)

(dioxins and dibenzofurans and PCB and DDE congeners in food samples collected at supermarkets across US)

Supplementary Terms

dioxin dibenzofuran PCB DDE food contamination

22. Williams, Paul T. Interactive effects of exercise, alcohol, and vegetarian diet on coronary artery disease risk factors in 9242 runners: The National Runners' Health Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1997), 66(5), 1197-1206.


In a national survey, 199 male and 152 female vegetarian runners and 7054 male and 1837 female omnivorous runners provided data on weekly intakes of alc., red meat, fish, and fruit, and weekly distance run. This information was compared with physician-supplied medical data to test whether 1) running benefits vegetarians, 2) alc. and running distance contribute independently to concns. of high-d.-lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and 3) running mitigates the hypertensive effects of alc. Greater reported weekly distance run by vegetarians was assocd. with greater HDL-cholesterol concns. [slopes SEs for men and women, resp.: 0.0030.001 and 0.0050.002 (mmol/L)/km] and lower waist (-0.060.02 and -0.080.02 cm/km), hip (-0.050.03 and -0.070.02 cm/km), and chest (-0.050.02 cm/km for both) circumferences. In men and women, alc. and running distance contributed independently to higher HDL-cholesterol concns. Men who ran >72 km and drank>177 mL (6 oz) alc./wk were five times more likely to have clin. defined high HDL cholesterol (1.55 mmol/L, or 60 mg/dL) than were nondrinkers running <24 km/wk. Regardless of running level, men's blood pressure increased in assocn. with alc. intake. These data suggest that 1) running distance in vegetarians and vegans has the same relation to HDL cholesterol (increasing) and adiposity (decreasing) as reported previously for omnivores, 2) alc. and running distance contribute independently to higher HDL cholesterol, and 3) running does not abate the hypertensive effects of alc. in men. Also, vigorous exercise provides important health benefits beyond those obtained by diet.


1) Us Department Of Agriculture; Report of the dietary guidelines advisory committee on the health guidelines for Americans 1995

2) Williams, P; N Engl J Med 1996, 334, 1298

3) Williams, P; Arch Intern Med 1997, 157, 191

4) Williams, P; Metabolism 1994, 43, 655

5) Williams, P; Circulation 1990, 81, 1293

6) Hartung, G; JAMA 1983, 249, 747

7) Hartung, G; Am J Cardiol 1986, 58, 148

8) Hartung, G; N Engl J Med 1980, 302, 357

9) Williams, P; Metablism 1986, 35, 45

10) Wood, P; N Engl J Med 1988, 319, 1173

11) Clevidence, B; Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1995, 15, 179

12) Cox, K; J Hypertens 1993, 11, 191

13) Hostmark, A; Plant Foods Hum Nutr 1993, 43, 55

14) Masarei, J; Aust N Z J Med 1984, 14, 400

15) Sacks, F; N Engl J Med 1975, 292, 1148

16) Wood, P; Ann N Y Acad Sci 1977, 301, 748

17) Fortmann, S; Am J Cardiol 1988, 62, 89

18) Melby, C; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59, 103

19) Sacks, F; JAMA 1981, 246, 640

20) Janelle, K; J Am Diet Assoc 1995, 95, 180

21) Sacks, F; JAMA 1985, 254, 1337

22) Connor, W; Am J Clin Nutr 1978, 31, 1131

23) Thompson, P; Metabolism 1984, 33, 1003

24) Knuiman, J; Atherosclerosis 1982, 43, 71

25) Haskell, W; N Engl J Med 1984, 310, 805

26) Elmstahl, S; Eur J Clin Nutr 1996, 50, 143

27) Goldbohm, R; Eur J Clin Nutr 1995, 49, 420

28) Folsom, A; Am J Epidemiol 1985, 121, 570

29) Yasim, S; Physical activity and the heart 1967, 372

30) Ainsworth, B; Med Sci Sports Exerc 1993, 25, 92

31) Fuller, W; Measurement error models 1987

32) Mood, A; Introduction to the theory of statistics 3rd ed 1974, 178

33) National Cholesterol Education Program; Second report of the Expert Panel on detection, evaluation and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults (Adult treatment panel II) 1993

34) Reddy, S; Atherosclerosis 1992, 95, 223

35) Hunt, I; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 48(suppl 3), 850

36) Carroll, K; Am J Clin Nutr 1978, 31, 1312

37) Sacks, F; J Lipid Res 1983, 24, 1012

38) Williams, P; Metabolism 1990, 39, 460

39) Kiens, B; J Clin Invest 1989, 83, 558

40) Kiens, B; Clin Physiol 1987, 7, 1

41) Roberts, K; Eur J Appl Physiol 1988, 57, 75

42) Lithell, H; Hum Nutr Clin Nutr 1985, 39, 289

43) Nagel, D; Eur J Appl Physiol 1989, 59, 16

44) Fuchs, C; N Engl J Med 1995, 332, 1245

45) Gaziano, J; N Engl J Med 1993, 329, 1829

46) Williams, P; Atherosclerosis 1983, 47, 173

47) Valimaki, M; Metabolism 1991, 40, 1168

48) Puchois, P; Arch Intern Med 1990, 150, 1638

49) Valimaki, M; Eur J Clin Invest 1988, 18, 472

50) Steenkamp, H; Arteriosclerosis 1990, 10, 1026

51) Hartung, G; Atherosclerosis 1993, 100, 33

52) Macmahon, S; Hypertension 1987, 9, 111

53) Duncan, K; Am J Clin Nutr 1983, 37, 763

54) Drewnowski, A; Appetite 1992, 18, 207

55) Pate, R; JAMA 1995, 273, 402

56) American College Of Sports Medicine; Guidelines for exercise testing and prescriptions 4th ed 1991

23. Duggan B; O'Kane H Hypercholesterolaemia in a vegan. The Ulster medical journal (1997), 66(1), 57-8.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Male

Coronary Artery Bypass

*Diet, Vegetarian


*Hypercholesterolemia: BL, blood

Middle Aged

Risk Factors

24. Peltonen R; Nenonen M; Helve T; Hanninen O; Toivanen P; Eerola E Faecal microbial flora and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis during a vegan diet. British journal of rheumatology (1997), 36(1), 64-8.


To clarify the role of the faecal flora in the diet-induced decrease of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) activity, 43 RA patients were randomized into two groups: the test group to receive living food, a form of uncooked vegan diet rich in lactobacilli, and the control group to continue their ordinary omnivorous diets. Based on clinical assessments before, during and after the intervention period, a disease improvement index was constructed for each patient. According to the index, patients were assigned either to a group with a high improvement index (HI) or to a group with a low improvement index (LO). Stool samples collected from each patient before the intervention and at 1 month were analysed by direct stool sample gas-liquid chromatography of bacterial cellular fatty acids. This method has proved to be a simple and sensitive way to detect changes and differences in the faecal microbial flora between individual stool samples or groups of them. A significant, diet-induced change in the faecal flora (P = 0.001) was observed in the test group, but not in the control group. Further, in the test group, a significant (P = 0.001) difference was detected between the HI and LO categories at 1 month, but not in the pre-test samples. We conclude that a vegan diet changes the faecal microbial flora in RA patients, and changes in the faecal flora are associated with improvement in RA activity.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female; Male

*Arthritis, Rheumatoid: DH, diet therapy

*Arthritis, Rheumatoid: MI, microbiology

Bacteria: CH, chemistry

Bacterial Physiology

Chromatography, Gas

Colon: MI, microbiology

*Diet, Vegetarian

Fatty Acids: AN, analysis

*Feces: MI, microbiology


Middle Aged

Random Allocation

Chemical Names

0 (Fatty Acids)

25. Conquer, Julie A.; Holub, Bruce J. Docosahexaenoic acid (omega-3) and vegetarian nutrition. Vegetarian Nutrition (1997), 1(2), 42-49.


A review with 59 refs. Vegetarians are at decreased risk of certain chronic diseases, but they may be at increased risk of inadequate dietary intake and status of certain micronutrients such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA is physiol. necessary for brain and eye retinal functions and possibly reprodn. It is often found in decreased levels in blood plasma, erythrocytes, and platelets of vegans and possibly vegetarians. The levels of DHA are generally lower in the breast milk of vegans compared to omnivores due to the greater direct consumption of DHA in the latter. The physiol. significance of decreased DHA status is still unclear due to the lack of comparison in DHA levels in organs such as the brain, retina, and testes and in related functions. Higher levels of DHA in the blood and heart tissues may be cardioprotective. For vegan/vegetarians who consume no or little DHA, increasing the DHA status in the blood/organs/cells should be considered.

Indexing -- Section 18-0 (Animal Nutrition)

Nutrition, animal

(dietary n-3 docosahexaenoic acid intake and vegetarian nutrition in humans)


(vegetarian; dietary n-3 docosahexaenoic acid intake and vegetarian nutrition in humans)

6217-54-5, Docosahexaenoic acid

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process); USES (Uses)

(dietary n-3 docosahexaenoic acid intake and vegetarian nutrition in humans)

Supplementary Terms

review nutrition vegetarian docosahexaenoate intake


Agren, J; Lipids 1995, 30, 365

Anderson, R; Exp Eye Res 1974, 14, 129

Breckenridge, W; Biochem Biophys Acta 1973, 320, 681

Brooksbank, B; Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology 1989, 11, 157

Brossard, N; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1996, 64, 577

Chen, Z; Lipids 1995, 30, 15

Connor, W; FASEB Journal 1993, 7, A152

Conquer, J; Journal of Nutrition 1996, 126, 3029

Conquer, J; Lipids 1997, 32, 341

Cotman, C; Biochem 1969, 8, 4606

Decsi, T; European Journal of Pediatrics 1994, 153, 520

Decsi, T; Acta Pediatr Suppl 1994, 395, 31

Dwyer, J; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1988, 48, 712

Dwyer, J; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1994, 59, 1255S

Emken, E; Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1994, 1213, 277

Ferrier, L; Amerian Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1995, 62, 81

Garratt, J; European Journal of Pharmacology 1996, 314, 393

Hachey, D; Amerian Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1994, 59(supplement), 454S

Health And Welfare Canada; Nutrition Recommendations The Report of the Scientific Review Committee 1990

Hibbeln, J; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1995, 62, 1

Holman, R; Lipids 1994, 29, 61

Honore, E; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 1994, 91, 1937

Indu, M; Nutrition Research 1992, 12, 569

Key, T; British Medical Journal 1996, 313, 775

Kirkeby, K; Acta Med Scand 1968, 183, 143

Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Die Nahrung 1995, 39, 452

Laugharne, J; Lipids 1996, 31, 163S

Leng, G; Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis 1994, 14, 471

Ma, J; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1995, 62, 572

Makrides, M; Lancet 1995, 345, 1463

Martinez, M; Lipids 1996, 31, S145

Melchert, H; Atherosclerosis 1987, 65, 159

Mitchell, E; Clinical Pediatrics 1987, 26, 406

Neuringer, M; Annual Review of Nutrition 1988, 8, 517

Nishikawa, M; Journal of Physiology 1994, 475, 83

Nissen, H; Andrologia 1983, 15, 264

O'Brien, J; Journal of Lipid Research 1965, 6, 545

Pan, W; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1993, 58, 354

Pepe, S; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 1994, 91, 8826

Polinger, J; Neuropharmacology 1996, 35, 969

Raper, N; Journal of the American College of Nutrition 1992, 11, 304

Reddy, S; European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1994, 48, 358

Resnicow, K; Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1991, 91, 447

Roshanai, F; Human Nutrition and Applied Nutrition 1984, 38, 345

Sanders, T; Journal of Pediatrics 1992, 120, S71

Sanders, T; European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1992, 46, 823

Sanders, T; British Journal of Nutrition 1981, 45, 613

Sanders, T; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1978, 31, 805

Sebastian, S; Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 1987, 79, 373

Simon, J; American Journal of Epidemiology 1995, 142, 469

Siscovick, D; Journal of the American Medical Association 1995, 274, 1363

Soderburg, M; Lipids 1991, 26, 421

Stevens, L; Physiological Behavior 1997, 59, 915

Stevens, L; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1995, 62, 761

Svennerholm, L; Journal of Lipid Research 1968, 9, 570

Thorogood, M; British Medical Journal 1994, 308, 1667

Uauy, R; Lipids 1996, 31, S167

Vuoristo, M; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1994, 59, 1325

26. Spiller G A; Bruce B Vegan diets and cardiovascular health. Journal of the American College of Nutrition (1998), 17(5), 407-8.

Controlled Terms

*Cardiovascular Diseases: PC, prevention & control


*Diet, Vegetarian




27. Barr S I; Prior J C; Janelle K C; Lentle B C Spinal bone mineral density in premenopausal vegetarian and nonvegetarian women: cross-sectional and prospective comparisons. Journal of the American Dietetic Association (1998), 98(7), 760-5.


OBJECTIVE: To compare spinal bone mineral density (BMD) and 1-year BMD change between premenopausal vegetarian and nonvegetarian women. DESIGN: Cross-sectional comparison of spinal BMD at baseline and prospective comparison of a subsample. SETTING: A western Canadian metropolitan area. SUBJECTS/SAMPLES: Healthy vegetarian (n = 15 lacto-ovo-vegetarian, n = 8 vegan) and nonvegetarian (n = 22) women aged 20 to 40 years, with regular menstrual cycles and stable body weight completed baseline measurements. Twenty of these women (6 lacto-ovo-vegetarian, 5 vegan, 9 nonvegetarian) participated in repeat measurements at approximately 13 months. STATISTICAL ANALYSES PERFORMED: Descriptive statistics, independent sample and paired t tests, 1-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression were used to compare groups and to assess associations with BMD. RESULTS: At baseline, subjects were 27.2 +/- 5.1 years old. Vegetarians had lower body mass index (21.1 +/- 2.3 vs 22.7 +/- 1.9, P < .05) and percent body fat (24.0 +/- 5.5% vs 27.4 +/- 5.1%, P < .05); they also tended to have lower BMD (1.148 +/- 0.111 g/cm2 vs 1.216 +/- 0.132 g/cm2, P = .06), although this was not apparent with weight as a covariate (P = .14). Baseline BMD was predicted by vitamin B-12 intake and total body fat (R2 = .24, P = .001). Participants in the follow-up differed only in their being older than nonparticipants. Over 1 year, mean BMD increased significantly (1.1%): by diet group, nonvegetarians' BMD increased but vegetarians' BMD was unchanged. No other monitored variables were associated with BMD change. APPLICATIONS/CONCLUSIONS: Vegetarian women should be aware of links between low BMD and low body weight/body fat, and should maintain adequate intakes of nutrients believed to affect BMD.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female


Analysis of Variance


Body Mass Index

*Bone Density

Cross-Sectional Studies

*Diet, Vegetarian

Follow-Up Studies


*Lumbar Vertebrae: PH, physiology

Ovulation: PH, physiology

*Premenopause: PH, physiology

Prospective Studies

Regression Analysis

28. Kudlackova, M.; Bederova, A.; Simoncic, R.; Ursinyova, M.; Hladikova, V.; Magalova, T.; Klvanova, J.; Brtkova, A. Risks of vegetarian nutrition. Chemical Papers (1998), 52(Focus Issue), 477.


Blood levels of Fe, Ca, Zn, Cd, total protein, Hb, and polyunsatd. fatty acids were detd. in 54 semivegetarians, 82 lactoovo vegetarians, 44 vegans, and 88 control omnivorous adults 19-63 yr old. The vegetarians were on their diets on av. for 4.5 yr. Relations of the biochem. indexes with the type of diet consumed are discussed.

Indexing -- Section 18-7 (Animal Nutrition)

Proteins, general, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(blood; vegetarian nutrition and blood indexes in humans)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(polyunsatd.; vegetarian nutrition and blood indexes in humans)


Nutrition, animal

(vegetarian nutrition and blood indexes in humans)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(vegetarian nutrition and blood indexes in humans)


(vegetarian; vegetarian nutrition and blood indexes in humans)

7439-89-6, Iron, biological studies

7440-43-9, Cadmium, biological studies

7440-66-6, Zinc, biological studies

7440-70-2, Calcium, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(vegetarian nutrition and blood indexes in humans)

Supplementary Terms

vegetarian nutrition blood index


1) Dwyer, J; Annu Rev Nutr 1991, 11, 61

2) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Nahrung 1997, 41, 311

3) Wing, A; Nutr Res 1992, 12, 1205

29. Hackett A; Nathan I; Burgess L Is a vegetarian diet adequate for children. Nutrition and health (Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire) (1998), 12(3), 189-95.


The number of people who avoid eating meat is growing, especially among young people. Benefits to health from a vegetarian diet have been reported in adults but it is not clear to what extent these benefits are due to diet or to other aspects of lifestyles. In children concern has been expressed concerning the adequacy of vegetarian diets especially with regard to growth. The risks/benefits seem to be related to the degree of restriction of he diet; anaemia is probably both the main and the most serious risk but this also applies to omnivores. Vegan diets are more likely to be associated with malnutrition, especially if the diets are the result of authoritarian dogma. Overall, lacto-ovo-vegetarian children consume diets closer to recommendations than omnivores and their pre-pubertal growth is at least as good. The simplest strategy when becoming vegetarian may involve reliance on vegetarian convenience foods which are not necessarily superior in nutritional composition. The vegetarian sector of the food industry could do more to produce foods closer to recommendations. Vegetarian diets can be, but are not necessarily, adequate for children, providing vigilance is maintained, particularly to ensure variety. Identical comments apply to omnivorous diets. Three threats to the diet of children are too much reliance on convenience foods, lack of variety and lack of exercise.

Controlled Terms



Anemia: ET, etiology


*Child Nutrition Disorders: ET, etiology

Child, Preschool

*Diet, Vegetarian: AE, adverse effects

Food Handling



Nutrition Policy

Nutritional Requirements

*Nutritional Status

Nutritive Value

30. Lightowler, Helen J.; Davies, G. Jill. Iodine intake and iodine deficiency in vegans as assessed by the duplicate-portion technique and urinary iodine excretion. British Journal of Nutrition (1998), 80(6), 529-535.


I intake and I deficiency were investigated in thirty vegans (eleven males and nineteen females) consuming their habitual diet. I intake was estd. using the chem. anal. of 4 d weighed duplicate diet collections. The probability of I-deficiency disorders (IDD) was judged from the measurement of urinary I excretion in 24 h urine specimens during the 4 d. There was wide variation in I intake. Mean I intake in males was lower than the ref. nutrient intake (RN1; Department of Health, 1991) and mean intake in females was above the RN1, although 36% of males and 63% of females had I intakes below the lower RN1. Mean I intake in subjects who consumed seaweed (n 3) was in excess of the RN1, and approached the provisional max. tolerable daily intake (World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives, 1989). The probability of IDD in the group investigated was moderate to severe: three of five subgroups were classified as moderate and two subgroups were classified as severe IDD possibility. The findings highlight that vegans are an 'at risk' group for I deficiency. The I status of vegans and the subclin. effects of low I intakes and infrequent high I intakes on thyroid function in this group should be further studied. Our work has also raised the question of adequate I intakes in groups where cow's milk is not consumed, and has exposed a need for more research in this area.

Indexing -- Section 18-1 (Animal Nutrition)

Nutrition, animal


(iodine intake and iodine deficiency in vegans as assessed by the duplicate-portion technique and urinary iodine excretion)


(vegetarian; iodine intake and iodine deficiency in vegans as assessed by the duplicate-portion technique and urinary iodine excretion)

7553-56-2, Iodine, biological studies

Role: ADV (Adverse effect, including toxicity); BIOL (Biological study)

(deficiency; iodine intake and iodine deficiency in vegans as assessed by the duplicate-portion technique and urinary iodine excretion)

7553-56-2, Iodine, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(iodine intake and iodine deficiency in vegans as assessed by the duplicate-portion technique and urinary iodine excretion)

Supplementary Terms

vegan diet iodine nutrition


Abdulla, M; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1981, 34, 2464

Abdulla, M; Biological Trace Element Research 1989, 21, 173

Bingham, S; Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews 1987, 57, 705

Bingham, S; British Journal of Nutrition 1995, 73, 531

Bingham, S; Clinical Science 1983, 64, 629

Bingham, S; Manual on Methodology for Food Consumption Studies 1988, 53

Broadhead, G; British Medical Journal 1965, 1, 343

Delange, F; Thyroid 1994, 4, 107

Department Of Health; Dietary Reference Values for Food Energy and Nutrients for the United Kingdom Report on Health and Social Subjects no 41 1991

Department Of Health; Nutritional Aspects of Cardiovascular Disease Report on Health and Social Subjects no 46 1994

Draper, A; British Journal of Nutrition 1993, 69, 3

Dunn, J; Thyroid 1993, 3, 119

Dunn, J; Methods for Measuring Iodine in Urine 1993

Fehily, A; Human Nutrition:Applied Nutrition 1983, 37A, 419

Gaitan, E; Endemic Goiter and Endemic Cretinism 1980, 219

Gregory, J; The Dietary and Nutritional Survey of British Adults 1990

Katamine, S; Nutrition Reports International 1987, 35, 289

Key, T; Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 1992, 5, 323

Lee, S; British Journal of Nutrition 1994, 72, 435

Lightowler, H; Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 1996, 55, 13A

Malvaux, P; Journal of Clinical Endocrinology 1969, 29, 1372

Ministry Of Agriculture Fisheries And Food; The Dietary and Nutritional Survey of British Adults - Further Analysis 1994

Moxon, R; Analyst 1980, 105, 344

Nelson, M; Human Nutrition:Applied Nutrition 1987, 41A, 187

Rauma, A; Nutrition Research 1994, 14, 1789

Sandell, E; Mikrochemica Acta 1937, 1, 9

Stockley, L; Ecology of Food and Nutrition 1985, 17, 263

The Realeat Survey; The Realeat Survey 1984-1997 Changing Attitudes to Meat Consumption 1997

West, C; Design Concepts in Nutritional Epidemiology 1995, 101

World Health Organization; Indicators for Assessing Iodine Deficiency Disorders and their Control through Salt Iodization 1994

World Health OrganizationFood And Agriculture Organization Joint Expert Committee On Food Additives; Toxicological Evaluation of Certain Food Additives and Contaminants 1989

World Health OrganizationUnited Nations Children'S FundInternational Council For The Control Of Iodine Deficiency Disorders; Global Prevalence of Iodine Deficiency Disorders Micronutrient Deficiency Information System, Working Paper no 1 1993

31. Dickman, M. D.; Leung, C. K. M.; Leong, M. K. H. Hong Kong male subfertility links to mercury in human hair and fish. Science of the Total Environment (1998), 214(1-3), 165-174.


Mercury concns. found in the hair of 159 Hong Kong males aged 25-72 (mean age = 37 yr) was pos. correlated with age and was significantly higher in Hong Kong subjects than in European and Finnish subjects (1.2 and 2.1 ppm, resp.). Mercury in the hair of 117 subfertile Hong Kong males (4.5 ppm, P < 0.05) was significantly higher than mercury levels found in hair collected from 42 fertile Hong Kong males (3.9 ppm). Subfertile males had approx. 40% more mercury in their hair than fertile males of similar age. Although there were only 35 female subjects, they had significantly lower levels of hair mercury than males in similar age groups. Overall, males had mercury levels that were 60% higher than females. Hair samples collected from 16 vegetarians living in Hong Kong (vegans that had consumed no fish, shellfish or meat for at least the last 5 yr) had very low levels of mercury. Their mean hair mercury concn. was only 0.38 ppm.

Indexing -- Section 17-5 (Food and Feed Chemistry)

Section cross-reference(s): 4


(disorder; male subfertility links to mercury in human hair and fish in Hong Kong)

Trace metals

Role: POL (Pollutant); OCCU (Occurrence)

(heavy; male subfertility links to mercury in human hair and fish in Hong Kong)

Aristichthys nobilis

Arnoglossus tenuis

Cheilinus undulatus

Cirrhina molitorella

Ctenopharyngodon idella

Cynoglossus melampetalus


Epinephelus akaara

Epinephelus coioides


Food contamination


Heteromycteris matusbari


Mylio macrocephalus

Nemipterus virgatus

Platycephalus indicus

Saurida tumbil

Siganus canaliculatus

Sparus latus

Stromateoides argenteus

Trichiurus haumela

(male subfertility links to mercury in human hair and fish in Hong Kong)


(male; male subfertility links to mercury in human hair and fish in Hong Kong)

Heavy metals

Role: POL (Pollutant); OCCU (Occurrence)

(trace; male subfertility links to mercury in human hair and fish in Hong Kong)

7439-97-6, Mercury, biological studies

Role: ADV (Adverse effect, including toxicity); POL (Pollutant); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(male subfertility links to mercury in human hair and fish in Hong Kong)

7439-96-5, Manganese, occurrence

7440-50-8, Copper, occurrence

7440-66-6, Zinc, occurrence

Role: POL (Pollutant); OCCU (Occurrence)

(male subfertility links to mercury in human hair and fish in Hong Kong)

Supplementary Terms

mercury fish hair male fertility


Airey, D; Environ Health Perspect 1983, 52, 306

Airey, D; J Environ Sci Health 1983, 31, 157

Allen, S; Chemical analysis of ecological materials 1974

Cordier, S; Br J Ind Med 1991, 48, 375

Earnst, E; Pharmacol Toxicol 1990, 69, 440

Enviro-Chem; Report on marine sediment analyses in Victoria Harbour, Doc Ref 93/MS-110-R1 1994

Environmental Protection Department; Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong, Monitoring Section, Waste and Water Services Group 1993, 236

Harriss, R; Environment 1978, 20, 25

Kromhut, D; N Engl J Med 1985, 312, 1205

Lee, I; J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1975, 194, 171

Mackay, D; University of Toronto's Institute of Environmental Studies Report Series 1986, 163

Moe; Environment Ontario reference manual of chemical contaminants in Ontario sport fish 1990

Mohamed, M; Pharmacol Toxicol 1987, 60, 29

Nriagu, J; The Biogeochemistry of mercury in the environment 1979

Phillips, D; Mar Ecol Prog Ser 1981, 6, 285

Richardson, M; Reproductive toxicology 1993

Rodgers, D; Water Air Soil Pollut 1995, 80, 829

Salonen, J; J Am Heart Assoc 1995, 91, 645

Shaw, B; M Sc Thesis, University of Hong Kong 1995

Stevens, J; Mar Biol 1974, 26, 287

Suter, K; Mutation Res 1975, 30, 365

Waldbott, G; Health effects of environmental pollutants 1973, 316

Wilkinson, S; Biotechnol Lett 1989, 11, 861

World Health Organization; Environmental Health Criteria 86: Mercury 1989, 115

World Health Organization; Environmental Health Criteria 101: Methylmercury 1990, 144

World Health Organization; Environmental Health Criteria 118: Inorganic Mercury 1991, 169

32. Bederova, A.; Kudlackova, M.; Magalova, T.; Klvanova, J. Essential fatty acids and iron levels in vegetarian and nonvegetarian children. Chemical Papers (1998), 52(Focus Issue), 476.


Blood plasma profiles of polyunsatd. fatty acids and blood serum levels of iron were analyzed in 15 lactoovo vegetarian, 9 vegan, and 19 control omnivorous children. Hyposiderinemia was found in 33, 78, and 11% of children in the 3 resp. groups. Polyunsatd. fatty acid formation in children without sufficient dietary fatty acid intakes is discussed without presenting numerical data.

Indexing -- Section 18-7 (Animal Nutrition)

Blood plasma

Blood serum

Nutrition, animal

(essential fatty acids and iron blood levels in vegetarian and nonvegetarian children)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(polyunsatd.; essential fatty acids and iron blood levels in vegetarian and nonvegetarian children)


(vegetarian; essential fatty acids and iron blood levels in vegetarian and nonvegetarian children)

7439-89-6, Iron, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(essential fatty acids and iron blood levels in vegetarian and nonvegetarian children)

Supplementary Terms

nutrition vegetarian blood iron fatty acid


1) Smuth, C; Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 1995, 52, 59

2) Rao, G; Nutr Res 1984, 4, 145

3) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Nahrung 1997, 41, 311

4) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Cs Pediat 1995, 50, 579

5) Brenner, R; Mol Cell Biochem 1974, 3, 41

33. Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, Marica; Simoncic, Robert; Bederova, Alzbeta; Klvanova, Jana; Magalova, Tatiana; Grancicova, Elena. Effect of fat composition on plasma fatty acid profile. Biologia (Bratislava) (1998), 53(6), 765-769.


Fatty acid plasma profile was assessed in 12 vegans, 25 lactoovovegetarians and 14 semivegetarians aged between 19 and 44 yr. The results were compared with a group consisting of 23 omnivores. The alternative nutrition groups had significantly lower content of satd. fatty acids. Oleic acid content was similar to that of the omnivores. The group of vegetarians and vegans had significantly higher values of linoleic (n-6) and -linolenic (n-3) acids constituting an abundant supply for fatty acid desatn. and elongation. The content of γ-linolenic, dihomo-γ-linolenic and arachidonic acids (n-6) was comparable to that of the omnivores in all alternative nutrition groups. The value of higher n-3 polyunsatd. fatty acids in lactoovovegetarians was equiv. to that of the omnivores, whereas it was increased in semivegetarians (consuming fish twice a week). Due to the low iron levels and to the total elimination of animal fat from the diet the contents of eicosapentaenoic acid (n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (n-3) were significantly reduced in the vegans. The favorable plasma fatty acid profile and other lipid parameters in the alternative nutrition groups reflect the optimal nutrition compn. with respect to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Higher supply of -linolenic acid in vegans for n-3 fatty acid formation and the neg. influence of their values due to iron deficiency is an apparent discrepancy in vegan nutrition.

Indexing -- Section 18-5 (Animal Nutrition)

Cardiovascular system

(disease; effect of fat compn. on plasma fatty acid profile)


(effect of fat compn. on plasma fatty acid profile)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process)

(effect of fat compn. on plasma fatty acid profile)

Fats and Glyceridic oils, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(effect of fat compn. on plasma fatty acid profile)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process)

(polyunsatd., omega-3; effect of fat compn. on plasma fatty acid profile)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process)

(satd.; effect of fat compn. on plasma fatty acid profile)


(vegetarian, lacto-ovo-; effect of fat compn. on plasma fatty acid profile)


(vegetarian; effect of fat compn. on plasma fatty acid profile)

60-33-3, 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (9Z,12Z)-, biological studies

463-40-1, -Linolenic acid

6217-54-5, Cervonic acid

10417-94-4, Timnodonic acid

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process)

(effect of fat compn. on plasma fatty acid profile)

Supplementary Terms

plasma fatty acid alternative diet fat; vegetarian diet fat plasma fatty acid; lactoovovegetarian diet fat plasma fatty acid; polyunsatd fatty acid plasma vegetarian diet


Brenner, R; Mol Cell Biochem 1974, 3, 41

Dwyer, J; J Nutr 1995, 125, 656S

Dyerberg, J; Lancet 1978, 2, 117

Friedewald, T; Clin Chem 1972, 18, 499

Gey, K; Int J Vit Nutr Res 1995, 65, 65

Gibson, S; Brit Med J 1966, 1, 1152

Goodnight, S; Arch Pathol Lab Med 1993, 117, 102

Grundy, S; J Nutr 1989, 119, 529

Halliwell, B; J Lab Clin Med 1992, 119, 598

Innis, M; Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1993, 71, 699

Jiang, Z; Nutr 1993, 9, 513

Ketsin, M; Am J Clin Nutr 1989, 50, 280

Kinsella, J; Nutr 1990, 6, 24

Krajcovicova-Kuklackova, M; Ann Nutr Metab 1994, 38, 331

Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Nahrung 1996, 40, 17

Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Oncol Rep 1996, 3, 119

Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Hygiena 1997, 42, 139

Lapage, G; J Lipid Res 1986, 27, 114

Lee, B; J Chromatogr 1992, 581, 41

Okayasu, T; Arch Biochem Biophys 1981, 206, 21

Pokorny, J; Fat technology 1986, 450

Pronczuk, A; J Am Coll Nutr 1992, 11, 50

Simopoulos, A; Am J Clin Nutr 1991, 54, 438

Weber, P; Advances in prostaglandins, thromboxane and leukotriene research 1990, 217

34. McCarty, Mark F. Dietary glycemic index may influence cancer risk by modulating IGF-I activity: a hypothesis. Journal of Medicinal Food (1998), 1(2), 123-140.


A review with 196 refs. Diets with high glycemic index increase hepatocyte exposure to insulin and could up-regulate the insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) activity both by stimulating the IGF-I synthesis and by suppressing hepatic prodn. of IGF binding protein (IGFBP-1). The resulting increase in IGF-I activity may have a cancer promotional impact due to IGF-I role as a progressional growth factor and antiapoptotic agent in many normal and neoplastic tissues. Although direct epidemiol. data linking the glycemic index of habitual diets to cancer risk are currently scarce, the profusion of reports suggesting that legumes (low glycemic index staple foods) are cancer-preventive is consistent with the thesis that low glycemic index diets are protective in this regard. The apparent protection assocd. with high intakes of fruits and of fiber-rich foods may also be partially traceable to decreased glycemia. Slowly digested starch may be stored preferentially in the liver, accounting for its favorable impact on satiety and glycemic regulation; through induction of hepatic glucokinase, high-dose biotin may enhance hepatic uptake of portal glucose and thus decrease the effective glycemic index of meals. Choosing low glycemic index starchy foods is one of measures (which include exercise, very-low-fat vegan diet, appropriate body wt. redn., caloric restriction, and intake of chromium, biguanides, and possibly high-dose biotin) that tend to minimize diurnal insulin secretion in the context of good glycemic control, thereby decreasing the risk for atherothrombotic disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer, and perhaps even slowing the aging process.

Indexing -- Section 18-0 (Animal Nutrition)

Section cross-reference(s): 14



Nutrition, animal

(dietary glycemic index hypothetic link to cancer risk via modulation of insulin-like growth factor I activity)

Carbohydrates, biological studies

Role: FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); USES (Uses)

(dietary glycemic index hypothetic link to cancer risk via modulation of insulin-like growth factor I activity)

67763-96-6, Igf 1

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(dietary glycemic index hypothetic link to cancer risk via modulation of insulin-like growth factor I activity)

Supplementary Terms

review nutrition carbohydrate glycemia insulin growth factor disease prevention


Adlercreutz, C; J Nutr 1995, 125, 757S

Alavanja, M; J Natl Cancer Inst 1993, 85, 1906

Anderson, J; Diabetes Care 1989, 12, 337

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Franceschi, S; Int J Cancer 1995, 63, 785

Fukagawa, N; Am J Clin Nutr 1990, 52, 524

Gatti, E; Ann Nutr Metab 1984, 28, 1

Geil, P; J Am Coll Nutr 1994, 13, 549

Gesek, F; Am J Physiol 1991, 260, F695

Giovannucci, E; Cancer Causes Control 1995, 6, 164

Giovannucci, E; Cancer Res 1998, 58, 442

Golay, A; Diabetes Care 1986, 9, 260

Goodman, M; Am J Epidemiol 1997, 146, 294

Grahnen, A; Acta Paediatr 1993, 82(Suppl 391), 9

Granfeldt, Y; Eur J Clin Nutr 1991, 45, 489

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Guler, H; Acta Endocrinol 1989, 121, 101

Guler, H; Acta Endocrinol 1989, 121, 753

Gulliford, M; Am J Clin Nutr 1989, 50, 773

Haber, B; Lancet 1977, 2, 679

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Holt, S; Appetite 1992, 18, 129

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Hsieh, Y; Nutr Res 1992, 12, 787

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Vaulont, S; FASEB J 1994, 8, 28

Venter, C; Med Hypoth 1989, 29, 161

Vesely, D; Science 1982, 216, 1329

Werner, H; Adv Cancer Res 1996, 68, 183

Wilson, M; J Endocrinol 1995, 145, 121

Wolever, T; World Rev Nutr Diet 1990, 62, 120

Wolever, T; Am J Clin Nutr 1995, 62(1 Suppl), 212S

Wolever, T; Nutr Res 1986, 6, 349

Wright, S; FASEB J 1994, 8, 654

Zawadzki, K; J Appl Physiol 1992, 72, 1854

Zhang, H; J Nutr Sci Vitaminol 1996, 42, 517

35. Medkova I L; Manchuk V T; Mosiakina L I; Polivanova T V; Lundina T A; Koroleva-Munts L I Data from an expedition to study a Siberian vegan settlement. Voprosy pitaniia (1998), (3), 3-7.


Health status, the way of life and nourishment of 84 vegans in Siberian village (Krasnoyarsk region) were studied and compared with those of 26 meat-eaters. The investigation included work with a questionnaire, clinico-diagnostic and laboratory research. It was shown that a vegetarian diet improves the serum lipid spectrum (cholesterol, LPLD, cholesterol of LPNP, atherogenic coefficient), normalizes weight and cardiovascular system. The vegans had normal levels of vitamin B12 and serum Fe but the calcium level in this group was lowered as compared with the control group. The pathology of internals (nephroptosis, lithic diathesis, tendency to lithogenesis) was observed. Apparently, the high serum Zn levels found in both groups aren't directly caused by the diet but by climate and geographic factors.

Controlled Terms




*Diet, Vegetarian

*Health Status


Life Style

Lipids: BL, blood

Middle Aged

*Nutritional Status



Chemical Names

0 (Lipids)

36. Papke, Olaf; Schecter, Arnold. Comparison of PCDD/PCDF-concentrations in blood of persons with vegan and with usual diets. EnviroAnalysis, Proceedings of the Biennial International Conference on Chemical Measurement and Monitoring of the Environment, 2nd, Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 11-14, 1998 (1998), 221-226.


Food of animal origin represents the main source of PCDD/PCDFs for the general population. A study was made of PCDD/PCDFs in consumers of an exclusively vegetarian diet. It was found that 2 people with a strong vegetarian diet (vegans) with no consumption of food of animal origin showed much lower dioxin levels in their blood lipids compared to comparison groups.

Indexing -- Section 17-5 (Food and Feed Chemistry)



(vegan diet in relation to PCDD/PCDF concns. in blood)

132-64-9D, Dibenzofuran, chloro derivs.

262-12-4D, Dibenzo-p-dioxin, chloro derivs.

1746-01-6, 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

19408-74-3, 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

35822-46-9, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

39227-28-6, 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

40321-76-4, 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

51207-31-9, 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran

55673-89-7, 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Heptachlorodibenzofuran

57117-31-4, 2,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran

57117-41-6, 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran

57117-44-9, 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran

57653-85-7, 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

60851-34-5, 2,3,4,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran

67562-39-4, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzofuran

70648-26-9, 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran

72918-21-9, 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran

Role: POL (Pollutant); OCCU (Occurrence)

(vegan diet in relation to PCDD/PCDF concns. in blood)

Supplementary Terms

blood dioxin vegetarian diet; PCDD PCDF vegetarian diet


1) Rappe, C; Chlorinated Dioxins and Dibenzofurans in the total Environment 1983, 355

2) Schecter, A; Chemosphere 1985, 14, 933

3) Beck, H; Chemosphere 1989, 18, 507

4) Furst, P; Chemosphere 1987, 16, 1983

5) Patterson, D; Anal Chem 1987, 59, 2000

6) Papke, O; Chemosphere 1989, 19, 941

7) Beck, H; Chemosphere 1992, 25, 1539

8) Furst, P; Chemosphere 1990, 20, 787

9) Schecter, A; Environmental Health Perspectives 1994, 102(11), 2

10) Birmingham, B; Chemosphere 1989, 19, 507

11) Stephens, R; Anal Chem 1992, 64, 3109

12) WHO Regional Office for Europe; Consultation on the third round of interlaboratory quality control studies on levels of PCBs, PCDDs, and PCDFs in human milk, blood and fish 1992

13) NATO/CCMS(North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society); International toxicity equivalency factors (I-TEF) method of risk assessment for complex mixtures of dioxins an related compounds 1988, 176

14) Schecter, A; Dioxin 98 1998

15) Papke, O; Organo Compounds 1997, 33, 530

16) Welge, P; Organohalogen Compounds 1993, 23, 13

37. Schecter, Arnold; Paepke, Olaf. Comparison of blood dioxin, dibenzofuran, and coplanar PCB levels in strict vegetarians ( vegans ) and the general United States population. Organohalogen Compounds (1998), 38(Human Exposure, Epidemiology, Risk Assessment and Management), 179-182.


Blood of a male and a female vegan had 244 and 330, pooled blood from men and women of the general population had 634 and 906 ppt total measured levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); the total dioxin toxic equivs. (TEQs) were 4.4 and 8.7 compared to 24.2 and 29.3 ppt. A diet high in fruits and vegetables and low in meat, fish, and dairy products was suggested to decrease body burden of PCDDs, PCDFs, and coplanar PCBs.

Indexing -- Section 4-3 (Toxicology)


(blood dioxin, dibenzofuran, and coplanar PCB in strict vegetarians (vegans) and the general United States population)

92-52-4D, Biphenyl, chloro derivs.

132-64-9D, Dibenzofuran, chloro derivs.

262-12-4D, Dibenzo[b,e][1,4]dioxin, chloro derivs.

32598-13-3, PCB 77

32774-16-6, PCB 169

57465-28-8, PCB 126

Role: BSU (Biological study, unclassified); POL (Pollutant); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(blood dioxin, dibenzofuran, and coplanar PCB in strict vegetarians (vegans) and the general United States population)

Supplementary Terms

dioxin dibenzofuran PCB polychlorinated blood vegan; biphenyl dibenzodioxin dibenzofuran chlorinated blood vegan


1) Schecter, A; Dioxins and Health 1994, 449

2) Schecter, A; Environ Health Persp 1994, 102, 962

3) Startin, J; Dioxins and Health 1994, 115

4) Papke, O; Chemosphere 1989, 19, 941

38. Gilbert P Common feeding problems in babies and children: 2. Professional care of mother and child (1998), 8(3), 63-4, 66.


Weaning is the cause of much concern among first-time mothers. A milk-only diet is advised until 3-4 months of age. Health professionals should ensure the baby receives a sufficient and balanced diet during the weaning period, to meet the needs for energy and growth. Breast milk or infant formula should continue up to the age of at least one year. The weaning period is a good time to educate parents in good nutrition. A wide variety of foods should be the aim in child nutrition, but each different type needs to be started separately during weaning. Care is needed to ensure vegetarian babies receive enough proteins, vitamins and minerals (especially iron). Failure to thrive has a multitude of causes, and treatment must be that of the cause. Strictly vegan children who eat no dairy products will need added synthetic vitamin B12. Failure to thrive may be due to physical problems (eg choanal atresia), infection, vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia, parental ignorance or poverty. Other causes include coeliac disease, cow's milk protein allergy, cystic fibrosis, severe eczema or asthma, or diabetes.

Controlled Terms

Failure to Thrive: PC, prevention & control



*Infant Care: MT, methods

*Infant Food

Infant Nutrition Physiology: ED, education

Nutritional Requirements

Parents: ED, education

Pediatric Nursing: MT, methods


39. Toohey, M. Lynn; Harris, Mary A.; Williams, DeWitt; Foster, Gwen; Schmidt, W. Daniel; Melby, Christopher L. Cardiovascular disease risk factors are lower in African-American vegans compared to lacto-ovo-vegetarians. Journal of the American College of Nutrition (1998), 17(5), 425-434.


African-American strict vegetarians (vegans) may have lower blood pressure (BP) and more favorable blood serum lipid profiles than their lacto-ovo vegetarian (LOV) counterparts. Blood plasma ascorbic acid (AA) concns. could explain these differences in cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Habitual dietary intake, anthropometric characteristics, BP, and blood lipids and AA concns. were detd. in African-Americans (14 male vegans, av. age 45.6 yr; 49 male LOV, av. age 49.8; 31 female vegans, av. age 51.1; 94 female LOV, av. age 52.1). Body mass index (BMI) was lower in vegans (24.71.9 kg/m2) compared to LOV (26.40.45 kg/m2). There were no diet or gender differences in BP. Blood serum total cholesterol (3.750.12 vs. 4.510.10 mM), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C; 2.060.13 vs. 2.650.09 mM), and triglycerides (0.940.07 vs. 1.170.04 mM) were lower in vegans compared to LOV, but there were no dietary group differences in HDL-C. The ratio of total cholesterol/HDL-C was lower in vegans than in LOV (3.00.13 vs. 3.70.13). There were no differences in blood plasma AA concns. In the entire sample, plasma AA levels were inversely related to BP (systolic BP r=-0.46, diastolic BP r=-0.32), but unrelated to the serum lipid concns. Thus, although African-American vegans exhibit more favorable serum lipid profiles than LOV and plasma AA is inversely related to BP, they do not explain differences in cardiovascular disease risk factors between vegans and LOV.

Indexing -- Section 18-7 (Animal Nutrition)

Section cross-reference(s): 14

Blood plasma

Blood pressure

(blood plasma lipids and ascorbic acid in African-American vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians and cardiovascular disease risk)

Glycerides, biological studies


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(blood plasma lipids and ascorbic acid in African-American vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians and cardiovascular disease risk)

Lipids, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(blood; blood plasma lipids and ascorbic acid in African-American vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians and cardiovascular disease risk)

Cardiovascular system

(disease; blood plasma lipids and ascorbic acid in African-American vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians and cardiovascular disease risk)


(vegetarian; blood plasma lipids and ascorbic acid in African-American vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians and cardiovascular disease risk)

50-81-7, Vitamin c, biological studies

57-88-5, Cholesterol, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(blood plasma lipids and ascorbic acid in African-American vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians and cardiovascular disease risk)

57-88-5, Cholest-5-en-3-ol (3)-, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(blood; blood plasma lipids and ascorbic acid in African-American vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians and cardiovascular disease risk)

Supplementary Terms

blood lipid ascorbate vegetarian cardiovascular disease risk


1) Armstrong, B; Am J Epidemiol 1977, 105, 444

2) Armstrong, B; Am J Clin Nutr 1979, 32, 2472

3) Burslem, J; Metabolism 1978, 27, 711

4) Knuiman, J; Atherosclerosis 1982, 43, 71

5) Sacks, F; J Am Med Assoc 1985, 254, 1337

6) Melby, C; Am J Pub Health 1989, 79, 1283

7) Melby, C; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59, 103

8) Phillips, R; Am J Clin Nutr 1978, 31, S191

9) McDougall, J; J Am Coll Nutr 1995, 14, 491

10) Choi, E; Nutr Res 1991, 11, 1377

11) Jacques, P; Ann NY Acad Sci 1992, 669, 205

12) Jacques, P; J Am Coll Nutr 1992, 11, 139

13) Krzanowski, J; J Florida Med Assoc 1991, 78, 435

14) Moran, J; Am J Clin Nutr 1993, 57, 213

15) Salonen, J; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 48, 1226

16) Yoshioka, M; Int J Vit Nutr Res 1984, 54, 343

17) Jacques, P; J Am Coll Nutr 1987, 6, 169

18) Simon, J; J Am Coll Nutr 1992, 11, 107

19) Koh, E; Oklahoma State Med Assoc J 1984, 77, 177

20) Trout, D; Am J Clin Nutr 1991, 53, 322S

21) Bordia, A; Atherosclerosis 1980, 35, 181

22) Janero, D; Free Rad Biol Med 1990, 9, 515

23) Toohey, M; J Nutr 1996, 126, 121

24) US Department of Agriculture; Agriculture Handbooks no 8:1-21 1976-1988

25) Friedewald, W; Clin Chem 1972, 18, 449

26) Zannoni, V; Biochem Med 1974, 11, 41

27) Yagi, K; Biochem Med 1976, 15, 212

28) Tatum, V; Lipids 1990, 2, 3030

29) Keys, A; Metabolism 1965, 14, 776

30) Rauma, A; Am J Clin Nutr 1995, 621, 221

31) Feldman, E; Clin Res 1992, 40, 627A

32) Efstratopoulos, A; J Hypert 1993, 11(suppl 5), S112

33) Prabha, P; Prostaglandins Leukotrienes Essential Fatty Acids 1990, 41, 27

34) Ceriello, A; Clin Sci 1991, 81, 739

35) Xie, A; J Mol Cell Cardiol 1990, 22, 911

36) Aviv, A; Hypertension 1989, 14, 584

37) Sagar, S; Mol Cell Biochem 1992, 3, 103

38) Jialal, I; Atherosclerosis 1990, 82, 185

40. Lau E M; Kwok T; Woo J; Ho S C Bone mineral density in Chinese elderly female vegetarians, vegans , lacto-vegetarians and omnivores. European journal of clinical nutrition (1998), 52(1), 60-4.


OBJECTIVES: To compare the bone mineral density and dietary intake of elderly Chinese vegetarian women with omnivores, to compare the bone mineral density of Chinese 'vegans' and 'lactovegetarians', and to study the relationship between nutrient intake and BMD in vegetarians. DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey. SETTING AND SUBJECTS: A community-based study. The vegetarian women (aged 70-89 y) (n = 76) were non-institutionalized subjects. All of them were Buddhists. Their bone mineral density were compared to normal elderly volunteers (aged 70-89 y) (n = 109) who were recruited to establish normal BMD ranges. Their dietary intake was compared to omnivorous subjects from a previous dietary survey (n = 250). METHODS: Dietary assessment was by the 24 h recall method, and bone mineral density was measured by dual-X-ray-densitometry. The analysis of co-variance was used to compare the BMD between vegetarians and omnivores, with adjustment for potential confounders. The BMD in 'vegans' and 'lactovegetarians' were compared by similar methods. The t-test was used to compare dietary intake between omnivores and vegetarians. The relationship between nutrient intake and BMD was studied by correlation and multiple regression. RESULTS: The dietary calorie, protein and fat intake were much lower, but the sodium/creatinine ratio was much higher in vegetarians than omnivores. The BMD at the spine was similar between vegetarians and omnivores. However, the BMD at the hip was significantly lower in vegetarians at some sites (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in BMD between 'vegans' and 'lactovegetarians'. BMD in vegetarians appeared to be positively correlated with energy, protein and calcium intake; and negatively associated with urinary sodium/creatinine levels. CONCLUSIONS: There is a relationship between diet and BMD. The BMD at the hip was lower in vegetarians than omnivores, but no difference was observed between 'vegans' and 'lactovegetarians'.

There is a complex relationship between the intake of various nutrient and BMD in vegetarians.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female


Aged, 80 and over


*Bone Density


*Diet, Vegetarian

Dietary Carbohydrates: AD, administration & dosage

Dietary Fats: AD, administration & dosage

Dietary Proteins: AD, administration & dosage

Energy Intake

Hong Kong


Life Style

Chemical Names

0 (Dietary Carbohydrates)

0 (Dietary Fats)

0 (Dietary Proteins)

41. Mezzano, Diego; Munoz, Ximena; Martinez, Carlos; Cuevas, Ada; Panes, Olga; Aranda, Eduardo; Guasch, Viviana; Strobel, Pablo; Munoz, Blanca; Rodriguez, Soledad; Pereira, Jaime; Leighton, Federico. Vegetarians and cardiovascular risk factors. Hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and plasma homocysteine. Thrombosis and Haemostasis (1999), 81(6), 913-917.


The authors studied hemostatic and inflammatory cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF), and total plasma homocysteine (tHcy) in vegetarians (23 lacto- or ovolactovegetarians and 3 vegans), matched by age, sex, and socioeconomic status with omnivorous controls. Vegetarians had lower proportion of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids in blood plasma lipids, shortened bleeding time, and increased blood platelet count and in vitro platelet function (aggregation and secretion). Plasma levels of all coagulation or fibrinolytic factors and natural inhibitors synthesized in the liver were lower in vegetarians than in controls. Whereas for some factors this decrease was significant (fibrinogen, factor VIIc, antithrombin III, protein S, plasminogen) for the remaining (factors VIIIc, Vc, prothrombin, protein C) a trend in the same direction was found. For hemostatic proteins of predominantly extrahepatic origin (von Willebrand factor, tPA, PAI-1) this tendency was not present. No differences in inflammatory proteins (C-reactive protein and 1-protease inhibitor) were detected in both groups. THcy was significantly increased in vegetarians, and correlated only with cobalamin levels. The increased platelet function and tHcy found in vegetarians may counteract the known cardiovascular health benefits of vegetarian diet (VD).

Indexing -- Section 18-7 (Animal Nutrition)

Section cross-reference(s): 14

Proteins, specific or class

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(C-reactive; cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)

Blood coagulation

Platelet (blood)

(cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)

Fibrinogen degradation products


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(low-d.; cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)

Cell aggregation

(platelet; cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)

Blood-coagulation factors

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(protein S; cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)


(vegetarian; cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)

9001-25-6, Blood-coagulation factor VII

9001-27-8, Factor VIII

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(-cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)

57-88-5, Cholest-5-en-3-ol (3)-, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(blood; cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)

54-47-7, Pyridoxal-5-phosphate

59-02-9, -Tocopherol

59-30-3, biological studies

68-19-9, Vitamin B 12

502-65-8, Lycopene

506-32-1, Arachidonic acid

7235-40-7, -Carotene

9001-24-5, Blood-coagulation factor V

9001-26-7, Prothrombin

9001-91-6, Plasminogen

9035-58-9, Thromboplastin

9041-92-3, 1 Protease inhibitor

32839-18-2, Docosahexaenoic acid

32839-30-8, Eicosapentaenoic acid

105844-41-5, Plasminogen activator inhibitor


139639-23-9, Tissue type plasminogen activator

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)

9001-90-5, Plasmin

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(complex with antiplasmin; cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)

9002-04-4, Thrombin

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(complex with antithrombin; cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)

9049-68-7, Antiplasmin

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(complex with plasmin; cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)

9000-94-6, Antithrombin

60202-16-6, Protein C

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(complex with thrombin; cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis, inflammatory markers, and blood plasma homocysteine in vegetarians)

Supplementary Terms

vegetarian cardiovascular risk metastasis inflammation marker blood homocysteine


1) Thorogood, M; BMJ 1990, 300, 1271

2) Margetts, B; BMJ 1986, 293, 1468

3) Thorogood, M; BMJ 1987, 295, 351

4) Hostmark, A; Plant Food Hum Nutr 1993, 43, 55

5) Mann, J; Heart 1997, 78, 450

6) Fraser, G; Arch Int Med 1997, 157, 2249

7) Key, T; BMJ 1996, 313, 775

8) Arntzenius, A; N Eng J Med 1985, 312, 805

9) Ornish, D; Lancet 1990, 336, 129

10) Ness, A; Int J Epidemiol 1997, 26, 1

11) Ravnskov, U; J Clin Epidemiol 1998, 51, 443

12) Ridker, P; Thromb Haemost 1997, 78, 53

13) Haines, A; Thromb Res 1980, 19, 139

14) Schmidt, T; Acta Physiol Scand Suppl 1997, 640, 158

15) Pan, W; Am J Clin Nutr 1993, 58, 354

16) Ho, C; Proc Natl Sci Counc Repub China B 1993, 17, 35

17) Fisher, M; Arch Int Med 1986, 146, 1193

18) Butcher, L; Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 1990, 39, 221

19) Sanders, T; Eur J Clin Nutr 1992, 46, 823

20) Agren, J; Lipids 1995, 30, 365

21) Chetty, N; Thromb Res 1983, 30, 619

22) Thompson, S; N Eng J Med 1995, 332, 635

23) Kuller, L; Am J Epidem 1996, 144, 537

24) Ridker, P; N Eng J Med 1997, 336, 973

25) Ridker, P; Circulation 1998, 97, 425

26) Alexander, D; Eur J Clin Nutr 1994, 48, 538

27) Rauma, A; J Nutr 1995, 125, 2511

28) Schneede, J; Pediat Res 1994, 36, 194

29) Graffar, M; Courrier 1956, 6, 445

30) Christie, W; Gas Chromatography and Lipids. A Practical Guide 1989, Part 2, 64

31) Motchnik, P; Methods Enzymol 1994, 234, 269

32) Mezzano, D; Thromb Haemost 1996, 76, 312

33) Macy, E; Clin Chem 1997, 43, 52

34) Pronczuk, A; J Am Coll Nutr 1992, 11, 50

35) Harker, L; Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Basic Principles and Clinical Practice 1994, 1506

36) Dyerberg, J; Lancet 1979, 2(8140), 433

37) Kromhout, D; N Eng J Med 1985, 312, 1205

38) Shekelle, R; N Eng J Med 1985, 313, 820

39) Mead, T; Lancet 1986, 2, 533

40) Mead, T; Lancet 1993, 342, 1076

41) Mann, K; Blood 1998, 92(Suppl), 38a

42) Boers, G; Thromb Haemost 1997, 78, 520

43) D'Angelo, A; Blood 1997, 90, 1

44) Nygard, O; N Eng J Med 1997, 337, 230

45) Herbert, V; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59(5 Suppl), 1213s

42. McCarty, M. F. Vegan proteins may reduce risk of cancer, obesity, and cardiovascular disease by promoting increased glucagon activity. Medical Hypotheses (1999), 53(6), 459-485.


A review with 380 refs. Amino acids modulate the secretion of both insulin and glucagon and the compn. of dietary proteins can influence the balance of glucagon and insulin activity. Soybean protein and many other vegetable proteins are higher in non-essential amino acids than most animal-derived food proteins and could preferentially favor glucagon prodn. Acting on hepatocytes, glucagon promotes (and insulin inhibits) cAMP-dependent mechanisms that down-regulate lipogenic enzymes and cholesterol synthesis, while up-regulating hepatic LDL receptors and prodn. of the insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) antagonist binding protein IGFBP-1. The insulin-sensitizing properties of many vegan diets high in fiber and low in satd. fat could amplify these effects by down-regulating insulin secretion. The relatively low essential amino acid content of some vegan diets may decrease the hepatic IGF-I synthesis. Diets featuring vegetable proteins can be expected to lower elevated blood serum lipid levels, promote body wt. loss, and decrease circulating IGF-I activity. The latter effect should impede cancer induction as seen in animal studies with soybean protein, lessen neutrophil-mediated inflammatory damage, and slow growth and maturation in children. Humans on vegan diets tend to have low blood serum lipid levels, lean physiques, shorter stature, later puberty, and decreased risk for certain prominent Western cancers. Vegan diets have documented clin. efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis. Low-fat vegan diets may be esp. protective in cancers linked to insulin resistance (breast and colon cancer) and prostate cancer. The high IGF-I activity assocd. with heavy ingestion of animal products may be largely responsible for the epidemic of Western-type cancers in wealthy societies. Increased phytochems. intake is also likely to contribute to the decrease of cancer risk in vegans. Regression of coronary stenoses has been documented with using low-fat vegan diets coupled with exercise training;

such regimens also tend to markedly improve diabetic control and lower elevated blood pressure. Risk of many other degenerative disorders may be decreased in vegans, although decreased growth factor activity may be responsible for increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke. By altering the glucagon/insulin balance, it is conceivable that supplemental intakes of key non-essential amino acids could enable omnivores to enjoy some of the health advantages of vegan diets. An unnecessarily high intake of essential amino acids in the abs. sense or relative to the total dietary protein may be as grave a risk factor for Western-type degenerative diseases as is excessive fat intake.

Indexing -- Section 18-0 (Animal Nutrition)

Section cross-reference(s): 14


Nutrition, animal


(dietary vegetable proteins may decreased risk of cancer, obesity and cardiovascular disease by promoting increased glucagon activity)

Amino acids, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process); USES (Uses)

(dietary vegetable proteins may decreased risk of cancer, obesity and cardiovascular disease by promoting increased glucagon activity)

Proteins, general, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process); USES (Uses)

(dietary; dietary vegetable proteins may decreased risk of cancer, obesity and cardiovascular disease by promoting increased glucagon activity)

Cardiovascular system

(disease; dietary vegetable proteins may decreased risk of cancer, obesity and cardiovascular disease by promoting increased glucagon activity)


(vegetarian; dietary vegetable proteins may decreased risk of cancer, obesity and cardiovascular disease by promoting increased glucagon activity)

9004-10-8, Insulin, biological studies

9007-92-5, Glucagon, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(dietary vegetable proteins may decreased risk of cancer, obesity and cardiovascular disease by promoting increased glucagon activity)

Supplementary Terms

review nutrition vegetable protein amino acid glucagon insulin disease; cancer obesity cardiovascular disease vegetable protein amino acid review


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43. Fisher M Vegan pregnancy. Midwifery today with international midwife (1999), (52), 30-3.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female

Calcium, Dietary: AD, administration & dosage

Calcium, Dietary: AN, analysis

*Diet, Vegetarian

Dietary Proteins: AD, administration & dosage

Dietary Proteins: AN, analysis

Energy Intake


Menu Planning

*Nutritional Requirements

Nutritive Value


Chemical Names

0 (Calcium, Dietary)

0 (Dietary Proteins)

44. Hanninen O; Rauma A L; Kaartinen K; Nenonen M Vegan diet in physiological health promotion. Acta physiologica Hungarica (1999), 86(3-4), 171-80.


We have performed a number of studies including dietary interventions and cross-sectional studies on subjects consuming uncooked vegan food called living food (LF) and clarified the changes in several parameters related to health risk factors. LF consists of germinated seeds, cereals, sprouts, vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts. Some items are fermented and contain a lot of lactobacilli. The diet is rich in fiber. It has very little sodium, and it contains no cholesterol. Food items like berries and wheat grass juice are rich in antioxidants such as carotenoids and flavonoids. The subjects eating living food show increased levels of carotenoids and vitamins C and E and lowered cholesterol concentration in their sera. Urinary excretion of sodium is only a fraction of the omnivorous controls. Also urinary output of phenol and p-cresol is lowered as are several fecal enzyme levels which are considered harmful. The rheumatoid arthritis patients eating the LF diet reported amelioration of their pain, swelling of joints and morning stiffness which all got worse after finishing LF diet. The composite indices of objective measures showed also improvement of the rheumatoid arthritis patients during the intervention. The fibromyalgic subjects eating LF lost weight compared to their omnivorous controls. The results on their joint stiffness and pain (visual analogue scale), on their quality of sleep, on health assessment questionnaire and on general health questionnaire all improved. It appears that the adoption of vegan diet exemplified by the living food leads to a lessening of several health risk factors to cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Rheumatoid patients subjectively benefited from the vegan diet which was also seen in serum parameters and fecal analyses.

Controlled Terms


*Diet, Vegetarian

Food Analysis

*Health Promotion: MT, methods


45. Futamura, Azusa; Hashimoto, Yoshiaki; Okubo, Shigeo; Aihara, Takashi; Watanabe, Hiroko; Fujita, Akihito; Koda, Mitsuo; Nakahara, Kazuhiko. Urine C-peptide excretion in hypocaloric states and factors affecting its excretion. Rinsho Byori (1999), 47(6), 566-570.


Recent evidence suggests that hyperinsulinemia may contribute to the development of various risk factors of atherosclerosis. To examine the effects of energy intake on insulin secretion, 24-h urine C-peptide was measured in twelve women with rheumatoid arthritis who were not taking any medicine and stayed in Koda hospital for a diet therapy which lasted 55 days. They were basically placed on a 1200 kcal/day vegan diet combined with three 3-5-day fasting periods (200 kcal/day). Urine C-peptide excretion markedly decreased from 31-40 to 8-14 g/day during the fasting periods. Among the anthropometric variables examd., the av. level of urine C-peptide excretions measured in the fasting periods showed a significant correlation with the percentage and the amt. of body fat. However, such correlation was not obsd. while the calorie intake was 1200 kcal. No clin. lab. parameter showed a significant correlation with urinary C-peptide excretion. These results suggest that the major determinant of urine C-peptide excretion is food intake and that hyperinsulinemia could be easily improved by restricting energy intake.

Indexing -- Section 14-14 (Mammalian Pathological Biochemistry)

Section cross-reference(s): 2, 15


(restricted; urine C-peptide excretion in hypocaloric states and factors affecting its secretion in women with rheumatoid arthritis)


Rheumatoid arthritis


(urine C-peptide excretion in hypocaloric states and factors affecting its secretion in women with rheumatoid arthritis)


(vegetarian; urine C-peptide excretion in hypocaloric states and factors affecting its secretion in women with rheumatoid arthritis)

9004-10-8, Insulin, biological studies

Role: ADV (Adverse effect, including toxicity); BIOL (Biological study)

(hyperinsulinemia; urine C-peptide excretion in hypocaloric states and factors affecting its secretion in women with rheumatoid arthritis)

59112-80-0, C-Peptide

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); THU (Therapeutic use); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process); USES (Uses)

(urine C-peptide excretion in hypocaloric states and factors affecting its secretion in women with rheumatoid arthritis)

9004-10-8, Insulin, biological studies

Role: BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study)

(urine C-peptide excretion in hypocaloric states and factors affecting its secretion in women with rheumatoid arthritis)

Supplementary Terms

C peptide urine hyperinsulinemia rheumatoid arthritis; fasting energy intake hyperinsulinemia rheumatoid arthritis

46. Nicholson A S; Sklar M; Barnard N D; Gore S; Sullivan R; Browning S Toward improved management of NIDDM: A randomized, controlled, pilot intervention using a lowfat, vegetarian diet. Preventive medicine (1999), 29(2), 87-91.


OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether glycemic and lipid control in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDM) can be significantly improved using a low-fat, vegetarian (vegan) diet in the absence of recommendations regarding exercise or other lifestyle changes. METHODS: Eleven subjects with NIDDM recruited from the Georgetown University Medical Center or the local community were randomly assigned to a low-fat vegan diet (seven subjects) or a conventional low-fat diet (four subjects). Two additional subjects assigned to the control group failed to complete the study. The diets were not designed to be isocaloric. Fasting serum glucose, body weight, medication use, and blood pressure were assessed at baseline and biweekly thereafter for 12 weeks. Serum lipids, glycosylated hemoglobin, urinary albumin, and dietary macronutrients were assessed at baseline and 12 weeks. RESULTS: Although the sample was intentionally small in accordance with the pilot study design, the 28% mean reduction in fasting serum glucose of the experimental group, from 10.7 to 7.75 mmol/L (195 to 141 mg/dl), was significantly greater than the 12% decrease, from 9.86 to 8.64 mmol/L (179 to 157 mg/dl), for the control group (P < 0.05). The mean weight loss was 7.2 kg in the experimental group, compared to 3. 8 kg for the control group (P < 0.005). Of six experimental group subjects on oral hypoglycemic agents, medication use was discontinued in one and reduced in three. Insulin was reduced in both experimental group patients on insulin. No patient in the control group reduced medication use. Differences between the diet groups in the reductions of serum cholesterol and 24-h microalbuminuria did not reach statistical significance; however, high-density lipoprotein concentration fell more sharply (0.20 mmol/L) in the experimental group than in the control group (0.02 mmol/L) (P < 0.05).

CONCLUSION: The use of a low-fat, vegetarian diet in patients with NIDDM was associated with significant reductions in fasting serum glucose concentration and body weight in the absence of recommendations for exercise. A larger study is needed for confirmation. Copyright 1999 American Health Foundation and Academic Press.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female; Male



Blood Glucose: AN, analysis

Blood Pressure

Body Weight

*Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2: DH, diet therapy

Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2: ME, metabolism

*Diet, Fat-Restricted

*Diet, Vegetarian

Energy Intake

Energy Metabolism


Hemoglobin A, Glycosylated: ME, metabolism


Lipids: BL, blood

Middle Aged

Multivariate Analysis

Pilot Projects

Chemical Names

0 (Blood Glucose)

0 (Hemoglobin A, Glycosylated)

0 (Lipids)

47. Appleby, Paul N.; Thorogood, Margaret; Mann, Jim I.; Key, Timothy J. A. The oxford vegetarian study: an overview. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1999), 70(3, Suppl.), 525S-531S.


The Oxford Vegetarian Study is a prospective study of 6000 vegetarians and 5000 nonvegetarian control subjects recruited in the United Kingdom between 1980 and 1984. Cross-sectional analyses of study data showed that vegans had lower total- and LDL-cholesterol concns. than did meat eaters; vegetarians and fish eaters had intermediate and similar values. Meat and cheese consumption were pos. assocd., and dietary fiber intake was inversely assocd., with total-cholesterol concn. in both men and women. After 12 yr of follow-up, all-cause mortality in the whole cohort was roughly half that in the population of England and Wales (standardized mortality ratio, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.42, 0.51). After adjusting for smoking, body mass index, and social class, death rates were lower in non-meat-eaters than in meat eaters for each of the mortality endpoints studied [relative risks and 95% CIs: 0.80 (0.65, 0.99) for all causes of death, 0.72 (0.47, 1.10) for ischemic heart disease, and 0.61 (0.44, 0.84) for all malignant neoplasms]. Mortality from ischemic heart disease was also pos. assocd. with estd. intakes of total animal fat, satd. animal fat, and dietary cholesterol. Other analyses showed that non-meat-eaters had only half the risk of meat eaters of requiring an emergency appendectomy, and that vegans in Britain may be at risk for iodine deficiency. Thus, the health of vegetarians in this study is generally good and compares favorably with that of the nonvegetarian control subjects. Larger studies are needed to examine rates of specific cancers and other diseases among vegetarians.


1) Phillips, R; Cancer Res 1975, 35(suppl), 3513

2) Phillips, R; Am J Clin Nutr 1978, 31(suppl), S191

3) World Health Organization; Manual of the international statistical classification of diseases, injuries, and causes of death. 9th rev 1978

4) Thorogood, M; Br Med J 1987, 295, 351

5) Thorogood, M; BMJ 1990, 300, 1297

6) Edington, J; J Hum Nutr Diet 1989, 2, 407

7) Thorogood, M; Community Med 1989, 11, 230

8) Anderson, J; Prev Med 1979, 8, 525

9) Appleby, P; J Hum Nutr Diet 1995, 8, 305

10) Thorogood, M; BMJ 1994, 308, 1667

11) Key, T; Am J Clin Nutr 1999, 70(suppl), 516S

12) Mann, J; Heart 1997, 78, 450

13) Barker, D; Br Med J 1988, 296, 953

14) Appleby, P; J Epidemiol Community Health 1995, 49, 594

15) Key, T; Br J Nutr 1990, 64, 111

16) Lightowler, H; J Royal Soc Health 1996, 14

17) Key, T; J Hum Nutr Diet 1992, 5, 323

18) Ball, M; J Royal Soc Med 1991, 84, 527

19) Thorogood, M; J Public Health Med 1993, 15, 61

20) Anon; Gallup. The Realeat Survey 1997--changing attitudes to meat consumption 1997

21) Riboli, E; Int J Epidemiol 1997, 26(suppl), S6

48. Mann, N. J.; Li, D.; Sinclair, A. J.; Dudman, N. P. B.; Guo, X. W.; Elsworth, G. R.; Wilson, A. K.; Kelly, F. D. The effect of diet on plasma homocysteine concentrations in healthy male subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1999), 53(11), 895-899.


The effects of habitual omnivorous and vegetarian diets on folate and vitamin B12 status and the subsequent effects on blood plasma homocysteine concns. were studied in 139 free-living habitual meat-eaters and habitual vegetarians in Australia. The men (18 vegans, 43 ovolacto vegetarians, 60 moderate meat-eaters, 18 high meat-eaters) were aged 20-55 yr. Fasting plasma or serum from each subject was analyzed for folate, vitamin B12, and homocysteine concns. A semi-quant. Food Frequency Questionnaire was completed by a subset of subjects from each group to det. methionine intake. The 2 meat-eating groups consumed greater levels of methionine. There was no clear trend in plasma folate status between groups, but plasma vitamin B12 concns. decreased progressively from the high-meat-eating group to vegans. An inverse trend was obsd. with plasma homocysteine concns., with vegans showing the highest levels and high-meat-eaters the lowest. Thus, dietary methionine intake has no observable effect on blood plasma homocysteine concns. In habitual diets, where folate intake is adequate, lower vitamin B12 intake from animal foods leads to depleted plasma vitamin B12 concns. with a concomitant increase in homocysteine concns. The suggested mechanism is a failure to transfer Me groups from Me tetrahydrofolate by vitamin B12 in the remethylation of homocysteine to methionine.

Indexing -- Section 18-2 (Animal Nutrition)

Blood plasma

Nutrition, animal

(dietary influences on blood plasma folate, vitamin B12 and homocysteine concns. in healthy men)


(vegetarian; dietary influences on blood plasma folate, vitamin B12 and homocysteine concns. in healthy men)

59-30-3, Folic acid, biological studies

68-19-9, Vitamin b12

6027-13-0, L-Homocysteine

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(dietary influences on blood plasma folate, vitamin B12 and homocysteine concns. in healthy men)

63-68-3, L-Methionine, biological studies

Role: FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); USES (Uses)

(dietary influences on blood plasma folate, vitamin B12 and homocysteine concns. in healthy men)

Supplementary Terms

nutrition vegetarian methionine intake blood folate vitamin B12 homocysteine


Araki, A; J Chromatogr 1987, 71, 227

Arnesen, E; Int J Epidemiol 1995, 24, 704

Chanarin, I; Blood Rev 1990, 3, 211

Dudman, N; Clin Chem 1996, 42, 2028

Finkelstein, J; J Nutr Biochem 1990, 1, 228

Ford, R; Diagnostic Tests Handbook 1987

Herbert, V; Am J Clin Nutr 1987, 45, 671

Herbert, V; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 48, 852

Herbert, V; Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 7th edn 1988, 388

Jacobsen, D; Clin Chem 1994, 40, 873

Kluijtmans, L; Circulation 1997, 96, 2573

Li, D; Eur J Clin Nutr 1999, 53, 612

Lindenbaum, J; New Eng J Med 1988, 318, 1720

Lussier-Gacan, S; Am J Clin Nutr 1996, 64, 587

McCully, K; Atherosclerosis Rev 1983, 11, 157

Miller, D; Am J Clin Nutr 1991, 53, 524

Mudd, S; The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Diseases 1978, 458

Pancharuniti, N; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59, 940

Pancharuniti, N; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59, 940

Piefrzik, K; Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 1996, 5, 157

Selhub, J; JAMA 1993, 2770, 2693

Shimakawa, T; An Epidemiol 1997, 7, 285

Stabler, S; J Clin Invest 1988, 81, 466

Stampfer, M; JAMA 1992, 268, 877

Tucker, K; J Nutr 1996, 126, 3025

Ubbink, J; Clin Invest 1993, 71, 993

Ubbink, J; J Nutr 1994, 124, 1927

Ucland, P; Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. Hemostasis and Endothelial Function 1992, 183

Verhoef, P; Stroke 1994, 25, 1924

Verhoef, P; Am J Epidemiol 1996, 143, 845

Wilcken, D; J Clin Invest 1976, 57, 1079

49. Li D; Sinclair A; Mann N; Turner A; Ball M; Kelly F; Abedin L; Wilson A The association of diet and thrombotic risk factors in healthy male vegetarians and meat-eaters. European journal of clinical nutrition (1999), 53(8), 612-9.


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess thrombosis tendency in subjects who were habitual meat-eaters compared with those who were habitual vegetarians. DESIGN: Cross-sectional comparison of habitual meat-eaters and habitual vegetarians. SETTING: Free living subjects. SUBJECTS: One hundred and thirty-nine healthy male subjects (vegans n = 18, ovolacto vegetarians n = 43, moderate-meat-eaters n = 60 and high-meat-eaters n = 18) aged 20-55 y who were recruited in Melbourne. OUTCOME MEASURES: Dietary intake was assessed using a semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire. The parameters of thrombosis were measured by standard methods. RESULTS: Saturated fat and cholesterol intakes were significantly higher and polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) was significantly lower in the meat-eaters compared with vegetarians. In the meat-eaters, the platelet phospholipids AA levels were significantly higher than in the vegetarians, but there was no increase in ex vivo platelet aggregation and plasma 11-dehydro thromboxane B2 levels. Vegetarians, especially the vegans, had a significantly increased mean collagen and ADP stimulated ex vivo whole blood platelet aggregation compared with meat-eaters. The vegan group had a significantly higher mean platelet volume than the other three dietary groups. However, meat-eaters had a significantly higher cluster of cardiovascular risk factors compared with vegetarians, including increased body mass index, waist to hip ratio, plasma total cholesterol (TC), triacylglycerol and LDL-C levels, ratio of TC/HDL-C and LDL-C/HDL-C and plasma factor VII activity. CONCLUSIONS: Consumption of meat is not associated with an increased platelet aggregation compared with vegetarian subjects.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Male


Blood Coagulation Factors: AN, analysis

Cross-Sectional Studies

*Diet, Vegetarian

Fatty Acids: BL, blood

*Food Habits


Lipoproteins: BL, blood


Middle Aged

Platelet Aggregation

Risk Factors

*Thrombosis: EP, epidemiology

Thromboxane B2: AA, analogs & derivatives

Thromboxane B2: BL, blood

Registry Numbers

54397-85-2 (Thromboxane B2)

67910-12-7 (11-dehydro-thromboxane B2)

Chemical Names

0 (Blood Coagulation Factors)

0 (Fatty Acids)

0 (Lipoproteins)

50. Kjeldsen-Kragh, Jens. Rheumatoid arthritis treated with vegetarian diets. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1999), 70(3, Suppl.), 594S-600S.


The notion that dietary factors may influence rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been a part of the folklore of the disease, but scientific support for this has been sparse. In a controlled, single-blind trial we tested the effect of fasting for 7-10 d, then consuming an individually adjusted, gluten-free, vegan diet for 3.5 mo, and then consuming an individually adjusted lactovegetarian diet for 9 mo on patients with RA. For all clin. variables and most lab. variables measured, the 27 patients in the fasting and vegetarian diet groups improved significantly compared with the 26 patients in the control group who followed their usual omnivorous diet throughout the study period. One year after the patients completed the trial, they were reexamd. Compared with baseline, the improvements measured were significantly greater in the vegetarians who previously benefited from the diet (diet responders) than in diet nonresponders and omnivores. The beneficial effect could not be explained by patients' psychol. characteristics, antibody activity against food antigens, or changes in concns. of prostaglandin and leukotriene precursors. However, the fecal flora differed significantly between samples collected at time points at which there was substantial clin. improvement and time points at which there were no or only minor improvements. In summary, the results show that some patients with RA can benefit from a fasting period followed by a vegetarian diet. Thus, dietary treatment may be a valuable adjunct to the ordinary therapeutic armamentarium for RA.


1) Panush, R; Rheum Dis Clin North Am 1991, 17, 259

2) Pearson, D; J Allergy Clin Immunol 1988, 81, 351

3) Bock, S; J Pediatr 1990, 117, 561

4) Panush, R; Arthritis Rheum 1986, 29, 220

5) Panush, R; J Rheumatol 1990, 17, 291

6) van de Laar, M; Ann Rheum Dis 1992, 51, 298

7) Felder, M; Clin Rheumatol 1987, 6, 181

8) Kjeldsen-Kragh, J; PhD thesis. University of Oslo 1995

9) Panush, R; Arthritis Rheum 1983, 26, 462

10) Kjeldsen-Kragh, J; Lancet 1991, 338, 899

11) Skoldstam, L; Scand J Rheumatol 1979, 8, 249

12) Uden, A; Ann Rheum Dis 1983, 42, 45

13) Hafstrom, I; Arthritis Rheum 1988, 31, 585

14) Hicklin, J; Clin Allergy 1980, 10, 463

15) Darlington, L; Progress in rheumatology III 1987, 128

16) Wojtulewski, J; Food allergy and intolerance 1987, 723

17) Beri, D; Ann Rheum Dis 1988, 47, 69

18) Shatin, R; Med J Aust 1964, 2, 169

19) Parke, A; Br Med J 1981, 282, 2027

20) Bourne, J; Ann Rheum Dis 1985, 44, 592

21) Lunardi, C; Clin Exp Rheumatol 1988, 6, 423

22) Kjeldsen-Kragh, J; Scand J Rheumatol 1995, 24, 85

23) Kjeldsen-Kragh, J; Br J Rheumatol 1994, 33, 569

24) Kjeldsen-Kragh, J; Clin Rheumatol 1994, 13, 475

25) Porter, D; Br J Rheumatol 1993, 32, 463

26) Parker, J; Curr Opin Rheumatol 1989, 1, 39

27) Chandra, R; Am J Clin Nutr 1991, 53, 1087

28) Darlington, L; Progress in rheumatology III 1987, 137

29) Kjeldsen-Kragh, J; Clin Exp Rheumatol 1995, 13, 167

30) Phinney, S; Am J Clin Nutr 1990, 51, 385

31) Sanders, T; Eur J Clin Nutr 1992, 46, 823

32) Haugen, M; Br J Nutr 1994, 72, 555

33) Ebringer, A; Lancet 1985, 2, 305

34) Rogers, P; Br J Rheumatol 1988, 27(suppl 2), 90

35) Deighton, C; Br J Rheumatol 1992, 31, 241

36) Wilson, C; Ann Rheum Dis 1995, 54, 216

37) Takeuchi, F; Arthritis Rheum 1990, 33, 1867

38) Kjeldsen-Kragh, J; Ann Rheum Dis 1995, 54, 221

39) Olhagen, B; Acta Med Scand 1968, 184, 395

40) Mansson, I; Clin Exp Immunol 1971, 9, 677

41) Eerola, E; J Clin Microbiol 1988, 26, 1745

42) Peltonen, R; Br J Rheumatol 1994, 33, 638

43) Peltonen, R; Br J Rheumatol 1997, 36, 64

44) Wordsworth, B; Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1989, 86, 10049

45) Silman, A; BMJ 1991, 303, 200

46) Goldin, B; Ann Med 1990, 22, 43

47) Moore, W; Cancer Res 1975, 35, 3418

48) Kowsari, B; J Am Diet Assoc 1983, 82, 657

49) Roubenoff, R; J Clin Invest 1994, 93, 2379

50) Haugen, M; Clin Rheumatol 1993, 12, 62

51. Martins Y; Pliner P; O'Connor R Restrained eating among vegetarians: does a vegetarian eating style mask concerns about weight?. Appetite (1999), 32(1), 145-54.


The present study explored the relationships among dietary style (ranging from meat eating to veganism), cognitive restraint and feminist values. Two-hundred and twenty-seven participants with varying dietary styles completed the restraint subscale of the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ) and Attitudes Towards Feminism Scale (ATFS). Results indicated that among males, those who are high in cognitive restraint are more likely to exhibit a vegetarian dietary style than those low in cognitive restraint. Among women who are high in feminist values, those with high cognitive restraint are more likely to exhibit a vegetarian dietary style than those with low cognitive restraint, whereas for women low in feminist values those with high and low cognitive restraint are equally likely to exhibit vegetarian and non-vegetarian dietary styles. It is suggested that for some individuals, adoption of a vegetarian dietary style is an attempt to mask their dieting behaviour from others. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female; Male



*Body Image

Body Weight



Diet, Reducing

*Diet, Vegetarian: PX, psychology

*Feeding Behavior: PX, psychology



Middle Aged

52. Bederova, A.; Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M.; Klvanova, J.; Magalova, T.; Brtkova, A.; Bartekova, S. Plasma essential fatty acids and iron in children on vegetarian and mixed diets. Klinicka Biochemie a Metabolismus (1999), 7(2), 108-112.


The plasma profile of polyunsatd. fatty acids and serum iron levels were analyzed in alternative nutrition groups of children (15 lactoovovegetarians and 9 vegans). Estd. values were compared with an av. group of children on a mixed diet (omnivores, n = 19). Hyposiderinemia was found in 33% of the vegetarians and 78% of the vegans. The corresponding incidence of hyposiderinemia for children in the control groups was 11%. Iron insufficiency has a neg. effect on the metab. of long-chain fatty acids - decrease of 6-desaturase activity. Formation of higher polyunsatd. fatty acids by desatn. and elongation from linoleic and -linolenic acids is the only possibility in alternative nutrition groups (the dietary source is lacking). The exogenous effects on the arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid levels from intake of egg and milk fat are negligible in lactoovovegetarians; the content and intake of these acids are minimal. The fatty acid index (calcd. as product-to-substrate ratio) for the formation of dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (20:3/18:2, n-6) was significantly lower in both alternative nutrition groups vs omnivores and only insignificantly lower in vegans compared to lactoovovegetarians (involved 6-desaturase activity). The index for formation of eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5/18:3 - n-3, involved the 6+5-desaturase activity). The index for formation of eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5/18:3 - n-3, involved the 6+5-desaturase activities) was significantly decreased in vegans compared to lactoovovegetarians. The ratios of arachidonic-to-linoleic acids and docosahexaenoic-to--linolenic acids (including all desaturase activities in n-6 and n-3 lineage) were also significantly lower in vegans compared to vegetarians (higher incidences of hyposiderinemia). The discrepancy in alternative nutrition of vegan children is a higher supply of linoleic and -linolenic acids for the formation of polyunsatd. fatty acids (compared to both omnivores and lactoovovegetarians) and a neg.

impact of iron insufficiency on their formation (esp. with respect to fatty acids of the n-3 lineage).

Indexing -- Section 18-1 (Animal Nutrition)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process)

(essential; plasma essential fatty acids and iron in children on vegetarian and mixed diets)

Anemia (disease)

(iron-deficiency; plasma essential fatty acids and iron in children on vegetarian and mixed diets)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(long-chain; plasma essential fatty acids and iron in children on vegetarian and mixed diets)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process)

(polyunsatd., omega-3; plasma essential fatty acids and iron in children on vegetarian and mixed diets)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process)

(polyunsatd., omega-6; plasma essential fatty acids and iron in children on vegetarian and mixed diets)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); MFM (Metabolic formation); BIOL (Biological study); FORM (Formation, nonpreparative); PROC (Process)

(polyunsatd.; plasma essential fatty acids and iron in children on vegetarian and mixed diets)


(vegetarian, lacto-ovo-; plasma essential fatty acids and iron in children on vegetarian and mixed diets)


(vegetarian; plasma essential fatty acids and iron in children on vegetarian and mixed diets)

7439-89-6, Iron, biological studies

Role: ADV (Adverse effect, including toxicity); BIOL (Biological study)

(deficiency; plasma essential fatty acids and iron in children on vegetarian and mixed diets)

9082-66-0, 6-Fatty acid desaturase

51901-23-6, 5-Desaturase

Role: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except adverse); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(plasma essential fatty acids and iron in children on vegetarian and mixed diets)

7439-89-6, Iron, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process)

(plasma essential fatty acids and iron in children on vegetarian and mixed diets)

Supplementary Terms

essential fatty acid child iron vegetarian diet; lactoovovegetarian child iron polyunsatd fatty acid


1) Smuth, C; Fatty Acids 1995, 52, 59

2) Cunnane, S; J Nutr 1987, 117, 1514

3) Chen, S; Nutr Res 1985, 5, 21

4) Fogerty, A; Amer J clin Nutr 1984, 39, 201

5) Sherman, A; Lipids 1982, 17, 639

6) Johnson, S; Lipids 1989, 24, 141

7) Rao, G; Nutr Res 1984, 4, 145

8) Dwyer, J; Ann Rev Nutr 1991, 11, 61

9) Donovan, U; J Amer Coll Nutr 1995, 5, 463

10) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Nahrung 1997, 41, 311

11) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Pediat 1995, 50, 579

12) Bederova, A; Hygiena 1994, 39, 74

13) Bederova, A; Ces a Slov Gastroent 1995, 49, 163

14) Gibson, S; Brit med J 1966, 1, 1152

15) Lapage, G; J Lipid Res 1986, 27, 114

16) Pamplona, R; Mech Ageing Dev 1986, 53, 53

17) Innis, S; Canad J Physiol Pharmacol 1993, 71, 699

18) Gey, K; Brit med Bull 1993, 49, 679

19) Anon; Vestnik MZ SR 1997, 45(7-8), 58

20) Hurrell, R; Nutr Rev 1997, 55, 210

21) Hallberg, L; Amer J clin Nutr 1987, 45, 988

22) Hurrell, R; Amer J clin Nutr 1992, 56, 573

23) Torre, M; Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 1991, 1, 1

24) Layrisse, M; Food Nutr Bull 1990, 12, 301

25) Herbert, V; J Amer diet Assoc 1992, 92, 1502

26) Hallberg, L; Ann N Y Acad Sci 1987, 498, 324

27) Layrisse, M; Amer J clin Nutr 1974, 27, 152

28) Forbes, A; Amer J clin Nutr 1989, 49, 225

29) Kajaba, I; Tabulky zlozenia a vyzivovych hodnot pozivatin 1982

30) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Klin Biochem Metab 1997, 5, 103

31) Okayasu, T; Arch Biochem Biophys 1981, 206, 21

32) Jiang, Z; Nutr 1993, 9, 513

33) Pokorny, J; Technologie tuku 1986, 424

34) Brenner, R; Mol Cell Biochem 1974, 3, 41

53. Thomas, H. V.; Davey, G. K.; Key, T. J. Oestradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin in premenopausal and post-menopausal meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans. British Journal of Cancer (1999), 80(9), 1470-1475.


Endogenous estradiol is strongly assocd. with breast cancer risk but its determinants are poorly understood. To test the hypothesis that vegetarians have lower plasma estradiol and higher sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) than meat-eaters we assayed samples from 640 premenopausal women (153 meat-eaters, 382 vegetarians, 105 vegans) and 457 post-menopausal women (223 meat-eaters, 196 vegetarians, 38 vegans). Vegetarians and vegans had lower mean body mass indexes (BMI) and lower plasma cholesterol concns. than meat-eaters, but there were no statistically significant differences between meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans in pre- or post-menopausal plasma concns. of estradiol or SHBG. Before adjusting for BMI there were small differences in the direction expected, with the vegetarians and vegans having higher SHBG and lower estradiol (more noticeable amongst post-menopausal women) than the meat-eaters. These small differences were essentially eliminated by adjusting for BMI. Thus this study implies that the relatively low BMI of vegetarians and vegans does cause small changes in SHBG and in post-menopausal estradiol, but that the compn. of vegetarian diets may not have any addnl. effects on these hormones.

Indexing -- Section 2-4 (Mammalian Hormones)

Section cross-reference(s): 18

Globulins, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin); estradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin in premenopausal and post-menopausal meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans)

Body weight

Nutrition, animal

(estradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin in premenopausal and post-menopausal meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans)


(meat; estradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin in premenopausal and post-menopausal meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans)


(postmenopause; estradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin in premenopausal and post-menopausal meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans)


(premenopause; estradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin in premenopausal and post-menopausal meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans)


(vegetarian; estradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin in premenopausal and post-menopausal meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans)

57-88-5, Cholest-5-en-3-ol (3)-, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(blood; estradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin in premenopausal and post-menopausal meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans)

50-28-2, Estradiol, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(estradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin in premenopausal and post-menopausal meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans)

Supplementary Terms

estradiol menopause meat eater vegetarian vegan; sex hormone binding globulin estradiol menopause diet


Adlercreutz, H; Am J Clin Nutr 1989, 49, 433

Appleby, P; Int J Obesity 1998, 22, 454

Armstrong, B; J Natl Cancer Inst 1981, 67, 761

Barbosa, J; Am J Clin Nutr 1990, 51, 798

Department of Health; Report of the Panel on Dietary Reference Values 1991

Dowsett, M; Cancer Res 1987, 47, 1957

Fentiman, I; Nutr Cancer 1988, 11, 101

Franks, S; J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1991, 39, 835

Friedewald, W; Clin Chem 1972, 18, 499

Goldin, B; N Engl J Med 1982, 307, 1542

Gray, G; Prev Med 1982, 11, 103

Hankinson, S; J Natl Cancer Inst 1998, 90, 1292

Judd, H; Obstet Gynecol 1982, 59, 680

Key, T; Br Med J 1996, 313, 816

Key, T; Br J Cancer 1990, 62, 631

Key, T; Public Health Nutr 1998, 1, 33

Persky, V; Cancer Res 1992, 52, 578

Pike, M; Epidemiol Rev 1993, 15, 17

Potischman, N; J Natl Cancer Inst 1996, 88, 756

Resnicow, K; J Am Diet Assoc 1991, 91, 447

Riboli, E; Int J Epidemiology 1997, 26, S6

Rose, D; Nutr Cancer 1990, 13, 1

Shultz, T; Nutr Cancer 1983, 4, 247

Shultz, T; Am J Clin Nutr 1987, 46, 905

Siiteri, P; Handbook of Physiology 1973, 2, 615

Siiteri, P; Hormones and Breast Cancer 1981, 87

Thomas, H; Cancer Causes Control 1997, 8, 922

Thomas, H; J Natl Cancer Inst 1997, 89, 396

Thorogood, M; Br Med J Clin Res Ed 1987, 295, 351

54. Wilson A K; Ball M J Nutrient intake and iron status of Australian male vegetarians. European journal of clinical nutrition (1999), 53(3), 189-94.


OBJECTIVE: The study was designed to investigate the iron intake and status of Australian, male vegetarians aged between 20 and 50 y. DESIGN: Cross-sectional comparison of male vegetarians and age/sex matched omnivores. SETTING: Free-living community subjects. SUBJECTS: 39 ovolactovegetarians, 10 vegans and 25 omnivores were recruited by local advertisement. OUTCOME MEASURES: A 12-d semiquantitative dietary record to assess iron and zinc intake. Iron status was assessed by measurement of serum ferritin and haemoglobin concentrations. RESULTS: Mean (s.d.) daily iron intakes of both the ovolactovegetarians (20.4 (7.7) mg/d) and vegans (22.9 (6.2) mg/d), were significantly higher than the omnivores' intake of 15.8 (4.5) mg/d. Ovo-lactovegetarians and vegans had significantly (P < 0.001 and P < 0.05, respectively) lower serum ferritin concentrations than omnivores: mean (s.d.): 64 (46.9), 65 (49.9) and 121 (72.5) ng/ml, respectively. Significantly more ovolactovegetarians and vegans than omnivores had serum ferritin concentrations below 25 ng/ml and below 12 ng/ml (P < 0.05). A higher proportion of omnivores had concentrations above 200 ng/ml (P < 0.05). The differences in serum ferritin concentrations between the vegetarians and omnivores remained significant even after exclusion of iron supplement users. CONCLUSION: Australian male vegetarians had iron intakes higher than those of omnivores and above recommended levels, but their iron status was significantly lower.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Male



Cross-Sectional Studies

*Diet, Vegetarian

Dietary Carbohydrates: AD, administration & dosage

Dietary Fats: AD, administration & dosage

Dietary Proteins: AD, administration & dosage

Energy Intake

Ferritins: BL, blood

Hemoglobins: ME, metabolism


*Iron: AD, administration & dosage

Middle Aged

*Nutritional Status

Zinc: AD, administration & dosage

Registry Numbers

7439-89-6 (Iron)

7440-66-6 (Zinc)

9007-73-2 (Ferritins)

Chemical Names

0 (Dietary Carbohydrates)

0 (Dietary Fats)

0 (Dietary Proteins)

0 (Hemoglobins)

55. Wiley V; Carpenter K; Wilcken B Newborn screening with tandem mass spectrometry: 12 months' experience in NSW Australia. Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992). Supplement (1999), 88(432), 48-51.


Since 1998, the NSW Newborn Screening Program has used electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) to analyse samples from all babies born in NSW and the ACT (approximately 95000 per year) for selected amino acids and acylcarnitines. The software rules editor initially interprets all results where ratio of analyte to internal standard is modified by input from the external standard curves per analyte. The numerical results are then downloaded to the NSW Newborn Screening database, which provides automatic, analyte specific follow-up test cascade. We have analysed samples from 137 120 consecutive newborns received by the program, requested repeat samples from 122 babies, and found abnormal levels in 17 babies with phenylketonuria, 1 tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency, 3 hyperphenylalaninaemia, 1 maple syrup urine disease, 1 tyrosinaemia type II, 1 congenital lactic acidosis, 2 medium-chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, 1 short-chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, 1 beta-ketothiolase deficiency, 2 vitamin B12 deficient babies of vegan mothers and 1 glutaric aciduria type I. Using population data plus that obtained from retrospective samples with proven disorders we have established cut-off levels for each analyte tested. This coupled with the ability of the database to provide ratios of various analytes gives excellent screening specificity and sensitivity for the detection of at least 40 rare inborn errors of metabolism.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female; Male

*Amino Acid Metabolism, Inborn Errors: DI, diagnosis

*Carnitine: AA, analogs & derivatives

Carnitine: AN, analysis


Infant, Newborn

*Mass Spectrometry: MT, methods

*Neonatal Screening: OG, organization & administration

Pilot Projects

Program Evaluation

Sensitivity and Specificity

South Australia

Western Australia

Registry Numbers

541-15-1 (Carnitine)

Chemical Names

0 (acylcarnitine)

56. Key, Timothy J.; Fraser, Gary E.; Thorogood, Margaret; Appleby, Paul N.; Beral, Valerie; Reeves, Gillian; Burr, Michael L.; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Frentzel-Beyme, Rainer; Kuzma, Jan W.; Mann, Jim; McPherson, Klim. Mortality in vegetarians and nonvegetarians: detailed findings from a collaborative analysis of 5 prospective studies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1999), 70(3, Suppl.),


We combined data from 5 prospective studies to compare the death rates from common diseases of vegetarians with those of nonvegetarians with similar lifestyles. A summary of these results was reported previously; we report here more details of the findings. Data for 76172 men and women were available. Vegetarians were those who did not eat any meat or fish (n = 27808). Death rate ratios at ages 16-89 yr were calcd. by Poisson regression and all results were adjusted for age, sex, and smoking status. A random-effects model was used to calc. pooled ests. of effect for all studies combined. There were 8330 deaths after a mean of 10.6 y of follow-up. Mortality from ischemic heart disease was 24% lower in vegetarians than in nonvegetarians (death rate ratio: 0.76; 95% CI: 0.62, 0.94; P < 0.01). The lower mortality from ischemic heart disease among vegetarians was greater at younger ages and was restricted to those who had followed their current diet for >5 y. Further categorization of diets showed that, in comparison with regular meat eaters, mortality from ischemic heart disease was 20% lower in occasional meat eaters, 34% lower in people who ate fish but not meat, 34% lower in lactoovovegetarians, and 26% lower in vegans. There were no significant differences between vegetarians and nonvegetarians in mortality from cerebrovascular disease, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, or all other causes combined.


1) Snowdon, D; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 48(suppl), 739

2) Burr, M; Am J Clin Nutr 1982, 36, 873

3) Beeson, W; Cancer 1989, 64, 570

4) Frentzel-Beyme, R; Nutr Cancer 1988, 11, 117

5) Thorogood, M; BMJ 1994, 308, 1667

6) Key, T; Public Health Nutr 1998, 1, 33

7) World Health Organization; Manual of the international statistical classification of diseases, injuries, and causes of death. 9th rev 1978

8) Fox, A; The Registrar General's social classes: origin and uses 1977

9) Coleman, M; A Fortran program for cohort study analysis, IARC internal report no 89/006 1989

10) Anon; The GLIM system release 4 manual 1993

11) DerSimonian, R; Control Clin Trials 1986, 7, 177

12) Phillips, R; J Nat Cancer Inst 1980, 65, 1097

13) Key, T; BMJ 1996, 313, 775

14) Snowdon, D; Prev Med 1984, 13, 490

15) Fraser, G; Arch Intern Med 1992, 152, 1416

16) Burr, M; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 48(suppl), 830

17) Chang-Claude, J; Epidemiology 1992, 3, 395

18) Burr, M; J Hum Nutr 1981, 35, 437

19) Thorogood, M; Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 1987, 295, 351

20) Malter, M; Nutr Cancer 1989, 12, 271

21) West, R; Am J Clin Nutr 1968, 21, 853

22) Dwyer, J; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 48(suppl), 712S

23) Law, M; BMJ 1994, 308, 363

24) Fraser, G; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59(suppl), 1117S

25) Kinlen, L; Lancet 1982, 1, 946

26) Giovannucci, E; Cancer Res 1994, 54, 2390

27) Thun, M; J Natl Cancer Inst 1992, 84, 1491

28) Fraser, G; Am J Clin Nutr 1999, 70(suppl), 532S

29) Hunter, D; N Engl J Med 1996, 334, 356

30) Rao, D; Br J Cancer 1994, 70, 129

31) Mills, P; Am J Epidemiol 1988, 127, 440

32) Mills, P; Cancer 1989, 64, 582

33) Snowdon, D; Am J Epidemiol 1984, 120, 244

57. O'Connell T C; Hedges R E Investigations into the effect of diet on modern human hair isotopic values. American journal of physical anthropology (1999), 108(4), 409-25.


Carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis of body tissues is one of the few techniques that can furnish quantitative information about the diet of archaeological humans. The study of the effects of various diets on modern human isotopic values can help to refine palaeodietary theories, and such work also enables the testing of palaeodietary theories independent of archaeological remains and interpretations. This report discusses the use of modern human hair as a sample material for isotopic analysis. The biogenic carbon and nitrogen isotopic signal is well preserved in hair, and the isotopic values of the keratin can be related to diet. We show that atmospheric and cosmetic contamination of hair keratin does not appear to affect the measured isotopic values. In a small study of Oxford residents, we demonstrate that the magnitude of the nitrogen isotopic values of hair keratin reflects the proportion of animal protein consumed in the diet: omnivores and ovo-lacto-vegetarians have higher delta15N than vegans. There was an observed relationship between the reported amount of animal protein eaten (either meat or secondary animal products) and the nitrogen isotopic values within the two groups of omnivores and ovo-lacto-vegetarians, indicating that an increasing amount of animal protein in the diet results in an increase in the delta15N of hair keratin. This provides the first independent support for a long-held theory that, for individuals within a single population, a diet high in meat equates to elevated nitrogen isotopic values in the body relative to others eating less animal protein. The implications of such results for the magnitude of the trophic level effect are discussed. Results presented here also permit a consideration of the effects of a change of diet in the short and long term on hair keratin isotopic values.

Controlled Terms


Breast Feeding

Carbon Isotopes

Cloning, Molecular


Dietary Proteins

*Hair: CH, chemistry


Keratins: ME, metabolism

Nitrogen: ME, metabolism


Registry Numbers

68238-35-7 (Keratins)

7727-37-9 (Nitrogen)

Chemical Names

0 (Carbon Isotopes)

0 (Dietary Proteins)

58. Key T J; Davey G K; Appleby P N Health benefits of a vegetarian diet. The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (1999), 58(2), 271-5.


Compared with non-vegetarians, Western vegetarians have a lower mean BMI (by about 1 kg/m2), a lower mean plasma total cholesterol concentration (by about 0.5 mmol/l), and a lower mortality from IHD (by about 25%). They may also have a lower risk for some other diseases such as constipation, diverticular disease, gallstones and appendicitis. No differences in mortality from common cancers have been established. There is no evidence of adverse effects on mortality. Much more information is needed, particularly on other causes of death, other morbidity including osteoporosis, and long-term health in vegans. The evidence available suggests that widespread adoption of a vegetarian diet could prevent approximately 40,000 deaths from IHD in Britain each year.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female; Male

Body Mass Index

Cholesterol: BL, blood

*Diet, Vegetarian

*Health Promotion

Heart Diseases: MO, mortality


Obesity: EP, epidemiology

Registry Numbers

57-88-5 (Cholesterol)

59. Fujita, Akihito; Hashimoto, Yoshiaki; Nakahara, Kazuhiko; Tanaka, Toshiro; Okuda, Toyoko; Koda, Mitsuo. Effects of a low calorie vegan diet on disease activity and general conditions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rinsho Byori (1999), 47(6), 554-560.


There is little objective information about diet therapy for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Japan. We studied 14 patients with RA who stayed in the Koda hospital for 55 days. They basically took a 1200 kcal vegan diet consisting of unpolished rice gruel, juice of raw vegetables, soya bean curd, and sesame seeds, and undertook a 3-5-day fast three times. During the 55-day stay, av. body wt. decreased by 5.1 kg. Lansbury index and ESR decreased whereas CRP did not change. WBC decreased and the differential cell counts showed a decrease of neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes without a change in lymphocytes or basophils. RBC, Hb, and MCV increased. LDL-C decreased, while HDL-C increased. There was no change in total protein or albumin. These data suggest that this combination of a low calorie vegan diet and fasting may contribute to improve RA with little undesirable effects on the patient's general conditions.

Indexing -- Section 18-4 (Animal Nutrition)

Section cross-reference(s): 15

Proteins, specific or class

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(C-reactive; effect of low calorie vegan diet on disease activity and general conditions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


Rheumatoid arthritis

(effect of low calorie vegan diet on disease activity and general conditions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(high-d., cholesterol; effect of low calorie vegan diet on disease activity and general conditions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


(indexes; effect of low calorie vegan diet on disease activity and general conditions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(low-d., cholesterol; effect of low calorie vegan diet on disease activity and general conditions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


(no. of; effect of low calorie vegan diet on disease activity and general conditions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


(restricted; effect of low calorie vegan diet on disease activity and general conditions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


(vegetarian; effect of low calorie vegan diet on disease activity and general conditions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis)

Supplementary Terms

blood index fasting rheumatoid arthritis vegan; CRP LDL HDL cholesterol rheumatoid arthritis

60. Okubo, Shigeo; Hashimoto, Yoshiaki; Futamura, Azusa; Watanabe, Nobuko; Mashige, Humiko; Fujita, Akihito; Koda, Mitsuo; Nakahara, Kazuhiko. Effects of a 5-day fast on clinical laboratory data from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rinsho Byori (1999), 47(6), 561-565.


There have been few studies on the effects of a fast on clin. lab. data in Japanese. We studied twelve women with rheumatoid arthritis who were not taking any medicine and stayed in the Koda hospital for a diet which lasted 55 days. They basically took a 1200 kcal vegan diet and undertook a 3-5-day fast three times. The clin. lab. data obtained before and after the second fast(day 27-day 31) were compared. Av. body wt. decreased by 1.5 kg. There were no changes in CRP. Rapid turnover proteins such as 1 and 2-microglobulin decreased, whereas albumin, IgG, IgA, and IgM increased. HDL-C increased without a change in LDL-C or triglycerides. Free T3 decreased and free T4 increased, while TSH did not change. The increases in albumin, Ig, HDL-C, and free T4 were not consistent with the results of previous studies. This difference may have been due to the low calorie vegan diet before the fast.

Indexing -- Section 18-4 (Animal Nutrition)

Section cross-reference(s): 2, 15


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(A; effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)

Proteins, specific or class

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(C-reactive; effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(G; effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(Lp(a); effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(M; effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)

Glycerides, biological studies

Proteins, general, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(blood; effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


Rheumatoid arthritis

(effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(high-d., cholesterol; effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(low-d., cholesterol; effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


(restricted; effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)

Albumins, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(serum; effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


(vegetarian; effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(1-; effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(2-; effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)

57-88-5, Cholest-5-en-3-ol (3)-, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(blood; effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)

51-48-9, T4, biological studies

60-27-5, Creatinine

4429-04-3, Fructosamine

6893-02-3, T3

9002-71-5, TSH

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(effect of 5-days fast on blood index and thyroid hormones of patients with rheumatoid arthritis)

Supplementary Terms

fasting rheumatoid arthritis serum lipid protein; thyroid hormone Ig rheumatoid arthritis

61. Macko, Stephen A.; Engel, Michael H.; Andrusevich, Vladimir; Lubec, Gert; O'Connell, Tamsin C.; Hedges, Robert E. M. Documenting the diet in ancient human populations through stable isotope analysis of hair. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences (1999), 354(1379), 65-76.


Fundamental to the understanding of human history is the ability to make interpretations based on artifacts and other remains which are used to gather information about an ancient population. Sequestered in the org. matrixes of these remains can be information, for example, concerning incidence of disease, genetic defects and diet. Stable isotopic compns., esp. those made on isolates of collagen from bones, have been used to help suggest principal dietary components. A significant problem in the use of collagen is its long-term stability, and the possibility of isotopic alteration during early diagenesis, or through contaminating condensation reactions. In this study, the authors suggest that a commonly overlooked material, human hair, may represent an ideal material to be used in addressing human diets of ancient civilizations. Through the anal. of the amino-acid compn. of modern hair, as well as samples that were subjected to radiation (thus simulating ageing of the hair) and human hair that is up to 5200 yr old, the authors obsd. little in the way of chem. change. The principal amino acids obsd. in all of these samples are essentially identical in relative abundances and content. Dominating the compns. are serine, glutamic acid, threonine, glycine and leucine, resp. accounting for approx. 15%, 17%, 10%, 8% and 8% of the total hydrolyzable amino acids. Even minor components (for example, alanine, valine, isoleucine) show similar constancy between the samples of different ages. This constancy clearly indicates minimal alteration of the amino-acid compn. of the hair. Further, it would indicate that hair is well preserved and is amenable to isotopic anal. as a tool for distinguishing sources of nutrition. Based on this observation, the authors have isotopically characterized modern individuals for whom the diet has been documented. Both stable nitrogen and carbon isotope compns. were assessed, and together provide an indication of trophic status, and principal type (C3 or C4) of vegetation consumed.

True vegans have nitrogen isotope compns. of about 7.permill. whereas humans consuming larger amts. of meat, eggs, or milk are more enriched in the heavy nitrogen isotope. Large cross-sections of modern humans from North America and Europe also were studied to provide an indication of the variability seen in a population (the supermarket diet). There is a wide diversity in both carbon and nitrogen isotope values based at least partially on the levels of seafood, corn-fed beef and grains in the diets. Following anal. of the ancient hair, similar trends were obsd. in certain ancient populations. For example, the Coptics of Egypt (1000 BP) and Chinchorro of Chile (5000-800 BP) have diets of similar diversity to those obsd. in the modern group but were isotopically influenced by local nutritional sources. In other ancient hair (Egyptian Late Middle Kingdom mummies, .apprx.4000 BP), a much more uniform isotopic signature indicated a more const. diet. A primary vegetarian component also was recognized in the diet of the Neolithic Ice Man of the Oetztaler Alps (5200 BP). In certain cases, it appears that sulfur isotopes may help to further constrain dietary interpretations, owing to the good preservation and sulfur content of hair. It appears that anal. of the often-overlooked hair in archaeol. sites may represent a significant new approach for understanding ancient human communities.

Indexing -- Section 20-3 (History, Education, and Documentation)

Section cross-reference(s): 18

Plant (Embryophyta)

(C3; paleodiet reconstruction through stable isotope anal. of hair from ancient human populations)

Plant (Embryophyta)

(C4; paleodiet reconstruction through stable isotope anal. of hair from ancient human populations)

Wheat (Triticum turgidum)

(Dicoccon Group; paleodiet reconstruction through stable isotope anal. of hair from ancient human populations)

Amino acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(of hair from Coptic mummies and Ice Man and modern humans)




(paleodiet reconstruction through stable isotope anal. of hair from ancient human populations)

Castor bean






Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)

(paleodiet reconstruction through stable isotope anal. of human hair and authentic foods from mummy burial sites)


Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BUU (Biological use, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); USES (Uses)

(paleodiet reconstruction through stable isotope anal. of human hair and authentic foods from mummy burial sites)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Date (Phoenix dactylifera)


(seed; paleodiet reconstruction through stable isotope anal. of human hair and authentic foods from mummy burial sites)

7440-44-0, Carbon, biological studies

7704-34-9, Sulfur, biological studies

7727-37-9, Nitrogen, biological studies

13965-97-4, Sulfur-34, biological studies

14390-96-6, Nitrogen-15, biological studies

14762-74-4, Carbon-13, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BUU (Biological use, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); USES (Uses)

(paleodiet reconstruction through stable isotope anal. of hair from ancient human populations)

Supplementary Terms

diet ancient human isotope hair


Ambrose, S; J Arachaeol Sci 1991, 18, 293

Ambrose, S; Investigations of ancient human tissue 1993, 59

Ambrose, S; Prehistoric human bone-archaeology at the molecular level 1993, 1

Arriaza, B; Beyond death 1995

Baba, N; J Hyg Chem 1973, 19, 47

Bockle, B; Appl Environ Microbiol 1995, 61, 3705

Chisholm, B; Science 1982, 216, 1131

Chisholm, B; J Europ Study Group Phys Chem Math Tech Appl Archaeol 1983, 8, 391

Deniro, M; Geochim Cosmochim Acta 1978, 42, 341

Deniro, M; Geochim Cosmochim Acta 1981, 45, 341

Deniro, M; Geochim Cosmochim Acta 1985, 49, 97

Friedrich, A; Appl Environ Microbiol 1996, 62, 2875

Haaltzka, M; PhD thesis University of Vienna 1985

Hare, P; Chemistry and biochemistry of the amino acids 1985, 415

Hare, P; J Arachaeol Sci 1991, 18, 277

Hoepfel, F; Der Mann im Eis 1992

Hofmann, I; Die Kulturen des Nitals von Aswan bis Senner Vom Messilithikum bis zum Ende der christlichen Epoche 1967

Jones, R; Search 1981, 12, 85

Katzenberg, M; Can Soc Forens Sci J 1989, 22, 7

Katzenberg, M; Am J Phys Anthropol 1993, 90, 267

Koch, P; Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science 1994, 63

Lehninger, A; Principles of biochemistry 1994

Lovell, N; Archaeometry 1986, 28, 51

Lubec, G; J Arch Sci 1987, 14, 113

Lubec, G; FASEB J 1994, 8, 1166

Macavoy, S; Naturwissenschaften (In the press) 1998

Macko, S; Phil Trans R Soc Lond B 1991, 333, 367

Macko, S; Analyt Chem 1997, 69, 926

Macko, S; Chem Geol 1998, 152, 1

Minagawa, M; Appl Geochem 1992, 7, 145

Minagawa, M; Biomed Mass Spectrom 1984, 12, 502

Nakagawa, A; Biomed Mass Spectrom 1985, 12, 502

Nakamura, K; Biomed Mass Spectrom 1982, 9, 390

O'Connell, T; DPhil thesis University of Oxford 1996

Ostrom, P; Organic geochemistry 1993, 785

Ostrom, P; Geology 1993, 21, 491

Rowley-Conway, P; Archeologie du Nil Moyen 1989, 3, 131

Saitoh, M; Hair growth 1969, 183

Schoeller, D; Ecol Food Nutr 1986, 18, 159

Schoeninger, M; Geochim Cosmochim Acta 1984, 48, 625

Schoeninger, M; Science 1983, 220, 1381

Sealy, J; Geochim Cosmochim Acta 1987, 51, 2707

Serban, A; Org Geochem 1988, 13, 1123

Sillen, A; Am Antiquities 1989, 54, 504

Spielmann, K; Am Antiquities 1990, 55, 745

Stenhouse, M; Radiocarbon dating 1979, 324

Tauber, H; Nature 1981, 292, 332

Tieszen, L; J Arachaeol Sci 1991, 18, 227

Tieszen, L; Stable isotopes in ecological research 1988, 167

Tieszen, L; Prehistoric human bone-archaeology at the molecular level 1993, 121

Tieszen, L; Oecologia 1983, 57, 32

Vogel, J; S Afr J Sci 1978, 74, 298

Vogel, J; Am Antiquities 1977, 42, 238

Webb, Y; Search 1980, 11, 200

White, C; J Archaeol Sci 1993, 20, 657

White, C; J Archaeol Sci 1989, 16, 451

White, C; Am J Phys Anthropol 1994, 93, 165

Whittle, A; Neolithic Europe a survey 1985

Yoshinaga, J; Ecol Food Nutr 1991, 26, 17

Yoshinaga, J; Am J Phys Anthropol 1996, 100, 23

62. Haddad, Ella H.; Berk, Lee S.; Kettering, James D.; Hubbard, Richard W.; Peters, Warren R. Dietary intake and biochemical, hematologic, and immune status of vegans compared with nonvegetarians. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1999), 70(3, Suppl.), 586S-593S.


The dietary and nutritional status in vegans and nonvegetarians was evaluated using 4-day dietary records and biochem., hematol., and immunol. measures. Female and male vegans tended to have lower intakes of fat, satd. fat, monounsatd. fat, and cholesterol and higher intakes of dietary fiber than nonvegetarians. With computed food and supplement intakes, vegan diets provided higher amts. of ascorbate, folate, magnesium, copper, and manganese in both female and male subjects. The body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) of the vegans was lower than in nonvegetarians; 9 of the 25 vegans had BMI <19. Blood serum ferritin concns. were lower in vegan men, but iron and zinc status did not differ between the genders. The mean serum vitamin B12 and methylmalonic acid concns. did not differ, but 10 of the 25 vegans had a vitamin B12 deficit manifested by macrocytosis, circulating vitamin B12 concns. <150 pM, or serum methylmalonic acid >376 nM. Vegans had lower leukocyte, lymphocyte, and platelet counts and lower concns. of complement factor 3 and blood urea nitrogen, but higher serum albumin concns. Vegans did not differ from nonvegetarians in functional immunocompetence assessed by mitogen stimulation or natural killer cell cytotoxic activity assays.

Indexing -- Section 18-7 (Animal Nutrition)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(A; blood biochem., hematol. and immunity indexes in humans on vegan or nonvegetarian nutrition)

Proteins, specific or class

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(C-reactive; blood biochem., hematol. and immunity indexes in humans on vegan or nonvegetarian nutrition)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(G; blood biochem., hematol. and immunity indexes in humans on vegan or nonvegetarian nutrition)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(M; blood biochem., hematol. and immunity indexes in humans on vegan or nonvegetarian nutrition)

Blood serum


Nutrition, animal

Platelet (blood)

(blood biochem., hematol. and immunity indexes in humans on vegan or nonvegetarian nutrition)




Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(blood biochem., hematol. and immunity indexes in humans on vegan or nonvegetarian nutrition)


(cell-mediated; blood biochem., hematol. and immunity indexes in humans on vegan or nonvegetarian nutrition)


(natural killer cell; blood biochem., hematol. and immunity indexes in humans on vegan or nonvegetarian nutrition)

Albumins, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(serum; blood biochem., hematol. and immunity indexes in humans on vegan or nonvegetarian nutrition)


(vegetarian; blood biochem., hematol. and immunity indexes in humans on vegan or nonvegetarian nutrition)

56-88-2, Cystathionine

57-13-6, Urea, biological studies

59-30-3, Folic acid, biological studies

68-19-9, Vitamin b12

516-05-2, Methylmalonic acid

6027-13-0, L-Homocysteine

6061-96-7, 2-Methylcitric acid

7440-66-6, Zinc, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(blood biochem., hematol. and immunity indexes in humans on vegan or nonvegetarian nutrition)

7439-89-6, Iron, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process); USES (Uses)

(blood biochem., hematol. and immunity indexes in humans on vegan or nonvegetarian nutrition)

Supplementary Terms

nutrition vegetarianism blood biochem index immunity


1) Hardinge, M; Am J Clin Nutr 1954, 2, 73

2) Wokes, F; Am J Clin Nutr 1955, 3, 375

3) Guggenheim, K; Br J Nutr 1962, 16, 467

4) Ellis, F; Proc Nutr Soc 1967, 26, 209

5) Ellis, F; Am J Clin Nutr 1970, 23, 249

6) Sanders, T; Br J Nutr 1978, 40, 9

7) Lindenbaum, J; N Engl J Med 1988, 318, 1720

8) Bar-sella, P; Isr J Med Sci 1990, 26, 309

9) Harland, B; J Am Diet Assoc 1978, 72, 259

10) Latta, D; Nutr Rep Int 1984, 30, 141

11) Dwyer, J; Annu Rev Nutr 1991, 11, 61

12) Strachan, D; Thorax 1995, 50, 175

13) Smith, J; Clin Chem 1997, 25, 1487

14) Allen, R; Metabolism 1993, 42, 978

15) Stabler, S; Blood 1993, 81, 3404

16) Kelly, J; J Immunol 1979, 122, 1556

17) Pross, H; J Clin Immunol 1981, 1, 51

18) Cook, J; Am J Clin Nutr 1979, 32, 2115

19) Lindenbaum, J; Am J Hematol 1990, 34, 99

20) Abdulla, M; Am J Clin Nutr 1981, 34, 2464

21) Roshanai, F; Hum Nutr Appl Nutr 1984, 38A, 345

22) Calkins, B; Am J Clin Nutr 1984, 40(suppl), 896S

23) Draper, A; Br J Nutr 1993, 69, 3

24) Alexander, D; Eur J Clin Nutr 1994, 48, 538

25) Janelle, K; J Am Diet Asoc 1995, 95, 180

26) Hazell, T; Eur J Clin Nutr 1988, 42, 509

27) Hallberg, L; Ann N Y Acad Sci 1987, 498, 324

28) Anderson, B; Am J Clin Nutr 1981, 34, 1042

29) Reddy, S; Br J Nutr 1990, 64, 331

30) Salonen, J; Circulation 1992, 86, 803

31) Freeland-Graves, J; J Am Diet Assoc 1980, 77, 655

32) Freeland-Graves, J; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 48(suppl), 859S

33) Stabler, S; Blood 1990, 76, 871

34) Savage, D; Am J Med 1994, 96, 239

35) Miller, D; Am J Clin Nutr 1991, 53, 524

36) Gibson, R; Principles of nutritional assessment 1990

37) Chandra, R; Arch Dis Child 1975, 50, 225

38) Haller, L; Clin Exp Immunol 1978, 34, 248

39) Kelley, D; Eur J Clin Nutr 1994, 48, 9

40) Barone, J; Am J Clin Nutr 1989, 50, 861

63. Kirk S F; Cade J E; Barrett J H; Conner M Diet and lifestyle characteristics associated with dietary supplement use in women. Public health nutrition (1999), 2(1), 69-73.


OBJECTIVES: To describe the characteristics of dietary supplement users in a large cohort of women and test the hypothesis that supplement users would be more likely to have a healthier lifestyle than non-users. DESIGN: Comparison of nutrient intakes from food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) data for 8409 supplement users and 5413 non-users. Use of logistic regression modelling to determine predictors of supplement use in this cohort. SUBJECTS: 13,822 subjects from the UK Women's Cohort Study (UKWCS) for whom data on supplement use was available. RESULTS: Significant differences in nutrient intakes from FFQ were seen between the two groups, with supplement users having higher intakes of all nutrients, except for fat and vitamin B12. Use of dietary supplements was associated with being vegetarian, vegan or fish-eating, consuming more fruit and vegetables, being more physically active and having a lower alcohol intake. Supplement use was less likely in those with a body mass index above 25 and those who reported smoking regularly. CONCLUSIONS: The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that supplement use is associated with a healthier lifestyle profile and an adequate nutritional intake, suggesting that supplement users do not need to take supplements to meet a nutrient deficiency.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female



*Dietary Supplements: UT, utilization

*Food Habits

Great Britain


*Life Style

Logistic Models

Middle Aged

Nutritive Value

Odds Ratio

64. Hokin, Bevan D.; Butler, Terry. Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B-12) status in Seventh-Day Adventist ministers in Australia. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1999), 70(3, Suppl.), 576S-578S.


Cross-sectional surveys conducted in 1992, 1994, and 1997 evaluated the blood serum vitamin B12 status in 340 Australian Seventh-Day Adventist ministers. Of this group, 245 were lactoovovegetarians or vegans who were not taking vitamin B12 supplements. Their mean serum vitamin B12 concn. was 199 pM (58-538 pM); 53% had values below the ref. range for the method used (171-850 pM) and 73% had values <221 pM (the lower recommended limit). Dual-isotope Schillings test in 36 lactoovovegetarians with abnormally low vitamin B12 concns. indicated that dietary deficiency was the cause in 70% cases. Questionnaires supported the dietary deficiency as the cause of low serum vitamin B12 levels in this population of lactoovovegetarians and vegans, 56 (23%) of whom consumed sufficient servings of vitamin B12-contg. foods to obtain the min. daily maintenance allowance of the vitamin (1 g).

Indexing -- Section 18-2 (Animal Nutrition)

Blood serum

Nutrition, animal

(cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) nutritional blood serum status in vegetarian Seventh-Day Adventist ministers in Australia)


(vegetarian; cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) nutritional blood serum status in vegetarian Seventh-Day Adventist ministers in Australia)

68-19-9, Vitamin b12

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process); USES (Uses)

(cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) nutritional blood serum status in vegetarian Seventh-Day Adventist ministers in Australia)

Supplementary Terms

nutrition vitamin B12 blood status vegetarianism


1) Anon; Vitamins basics 1st ed 1994

2) Katz, J; J Lab Clin Med 1963, 61, 266

3) Herbert, V; Present knowledge in nutrition 7th ed 1996, 191

4) National Research Council; Recommended dietary allowances 10th ed 1989

5) Joint FAO/WHO Expert Group; FAO Food Nutr Ser no 23 1988

6) Herbert, V; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 48(suppl), 852

7) Mozafar, A; Plant Soil 1994, 167, 305

8) Craig, W; Issues in Vegetarian Dietetics 1997, 8

9) English, R; J Food Nutr 1984, 41, 134

65. Dwyer J Convergence of plant-rich and plant-only diets. The American journal of clinical nutrition (1999), 70(3 Suppl), 620S-622S.


Discussants at the Third International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition considered the nutritional adequacy, benefits, and health outcomes of plant-only (e.g., vegan and fruitarian), plant-based (e.g., macrobiotic, lactovegetarian, semivegetarian, and meatless), and omnivorous dietary patterns. The increased availability of a variety of plant foods, the advent of nutrient-fortified plant foods, the use of vitamin and mineral supplements, and the widespread dissemination of sound information on dietary patterns mean that convergence between the essential nutrient profiles of plant-only and plant-rich, plant-based diets is possible. Special attention should be paid to nutrition among vulnerable groups by age or physiologic status if they consume diets based solely on plants. Research has shown that both plant-only and plant-based eating patterns have health benefits, most notably in reducing the risk of chronic, degenerative diseases. The panel concluded that evidence for a convergence of scientific opinion on the safety and healthfulness of plant-only diets that are appropriately planned to meet all nutrient requirements compared with plant-based diets is considerable.

Controlled Terms

Diet, Macrobiotic

*Diet, Vegetarian

Food Habits



Nutrition Physiology

*Plants, Edible: CL, classification

66. Dwyer, Johanna. Convergence of plant-rich and plant-only diets. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1999), 70(3, Suppl.), 620S.


Discussants at the Third International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition considered the nutritional adequacy, benefits, and health outcomes of plant-only (eg, vegan and fruitarian), plant-based (eg, macrobiotic, lactovegetarian, semivegetarian, and meatless), and omnivorous dietary patterns. The increased availability of a variety of plant foods, the advent of nutrient-fortified plant foods, the use of vitamin and mineral supplements, and the widespread dissemination of sound information on dietary patterns mean that convergence between the essential nutrient profiles of plant-only and plant-rich, plant-based diets is possible. Special attention should be paid to nutrition among vulnerable groups by age or physiol. status if they consume diets based solely on plants. Research has shown that both plant-only and plant-based eating patterns have health benefits, most notably in reducing the risk of chronic, degenerative diseases. The panel concluded that evidence for a convergence of scientific opinion on the safety and healthfulness of plant-only diets that are appropriately planned to meet all nutrient requirements compared with plant-based diets is considerable.

67. Xiang M; Lei S; Li T; Zetterstrom R Composition of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in human milk and growth of young infants in rural areas of northern China. Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) (1999), 88(2), 126-31.


The main source of fat in the diet in rural areas of northern China is soybean oil, therefore the pattern of essential fatty acids in human milk may be assumed to differ from that in milk from women in Western countries and to be similar to that of vegans. The concentrations of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in human milk and information on diet were analysed for 41 lactating women in rural areas of north China, and the growth of their infants was measured. The subjects were divided into two groups (group I, 1 mo postpartum; group II, 3 mo postpartum). The dietary intake of the mothers was high in carbohydrate and low in fat, protein and energy. The concentrations of linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linolenic acid (LNA) were high. The ratio of LA to LNA, (21.6), was higher than has been reported from other countries. The concentration of docosa-hexaenoic acid (DHA) was low and the ratio of arachidonic acid (AA) to DHA was much higher (2.8) than recommended and similar to that found in vegans. The concentrations of AA and DHA in the milk correlated positively with the infants' weight gain at the third month (p<0.05) and of DHA with length gain at the first and third months (p<0.01). Since the concentration of AA and, particularly, DHA in the milk declined during lactation, DHA deficiency may appear after 3-4 mo of age in breastfed Chinese rural infants. Further studies of Chinese rural mother-infant pairs are necessary to prove whether supplementation with suitable sources of AA and DHA, such as fish oil, should be recommended as lactation is lengthened to ensure optimal infant growth and development.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female

Age Factors


Arachidonic Acid: AN, analysis

Body Constitution: PH, physiology

*Child Development: PH, physiology



Docosahexaenoic Acids: AN, analysis

Energy Intake

*Fatty Acids, Unsaturated: AN, analysis

*Growth: PH, physiology



Infant Welfare

Infant, Newborn

Lactation: PH, physiology

*Milk: CH, chemistry

*Rural Population

Registry Numbers

25167-62-8 (Docosahexaenoic Acids)

506-32-1 (Arachidonic Acid)

Chemical Names

0 (Fatty Acids, Unsaturated)

68. Krajcovicova-Kudlackova M; Simoncic R; Bederova A; Brtkova A; Magalova T; Bartekova S Alternative nutrition and glutathione levels. Casopis lekar u c eskych (1999), 138(17), 528-31.


BACKGROUND: Low protein quality and quantity is reported to be a possible risk of alternative nutrition. Pulses contain 18-41% of methionine in relation to reference protein, moreover, its content in cereals is by one half lower. Therefore vegetarians and vegans may have an insufficient intake of sulphur-containing amino acids that may subsequently affect glutathione values (precursors of its synthesis). METHODS AND RESULTS: In groups of adults on an alternative diet--lactoovovegetarians (n = 47) and vegans (n = 44) aged 19-62 years with average duration on a vegetarian or vegan diet of 7.6 and 4.9 years, respectively, glutathione levels (GSH) were measured in erythrocytes (spectrophotometrically), as well as the activity of GSH-dependent enzymes. As nutritional control (n = 42) served an average sample of omnivores selected from a group of 489 examined, apparently healthy subjects of the same age range living in the same region. One to low protein intake (56% of RDA) exclusively of plant origin significantly lower levels of total proteins were observed in vegans with a 16% frequency of hypoproteinaemia (vs 0% in omnivores). In comparison to omnivores a significantly lower glutathione level was found (4.28 +/- 0.12 vs 4.84 +/- 0.14 mumol/g Hb, P < 0.01). Lactoovovegetarians because of their protein intake in adequate amounts with a 27% proportion of animal proteins (dairy products, eggs) consume a balanced mixture of amino acids, which is reflected in total protein levels similar to omnivores and significantly higher values of glutathione -5.26 +/- 0.12 mumol/g Hb, P < 0.05 (intake of glutathione in diet, higher consumption of fruit and vegetable in comparison to omnivores). A sufficient supply of glutathione as the substrate for enzymatic reactions of hydrogen peroxide or lipid hydroperoxide catabolism, as well as for detoxication of xenobiotics, was reflected in lactoovovegetarians in a significantly higher activity of glutathione-peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase in erythrocytes.

CONCLUSIONS: Low protein intake exclusively of plant origin, significantly lower protein levels with 16% frequency of hypoproteinaemia, significantly lower glutathione values in blood in comparison to omnivores and lactoovovegetarians confirm the risk of a vegan diet also in adult age.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female; Male


*Diet, Vegetarian

Diet, Vegetarian: AE, adverse effects

Dietary Proteins: AD, administration & dosage

*Glutathione: BL, blood


Middle Aged

Registry Numbers

70-18-8 (Glutathione)

Chemical Names

0 (Dietary Proteins)

69. Ball, M. J.; Ackland, M. L. Zinc intake and status in Australian vegetarians. British Journal of Nutrition (2000), 83(1), 27-33.


Vegetarians have lower incidence of many chronic diseases than omnivores, but vegetarian diets could lead to lower intakes of some minerals, particularly Zn. Dietary Zn intake was measured using 12-day weighed records in 99 vegetarians (10 vegans) aged 18-50 yr and 49 age- and sex-matched omnivores. In men, the mean daily Zn intake and Zn d. (mg Zn/MJ) values were similar in omnivores, ovolacto vegetarians and vegans, but in women they were lower in vegetarians (mean intake 6.8 mg vs. 8.4 mg in omnivores) and few achieved the recommended intake. More vegetarian than omnivorous women had daily Zn intakes <6 mg (44 vs. 13%). Mean blood serum Zn concns. were similar in female omnivores and vegetarians despite the differences in intake. Omnivorous men had lower mean serum Zn concns. (0.85 vs. 0.95 g/mL) and more subjects had levels below the ref. range of 0.72-1.44 g/mL than ovolacto vegetarians. Overall more women than men had low Zn concns. and these women generally had intakes <6 mg/day. There was a correlation between serum Zn concns. and dietary Zn d. in vegetarians, esp. in females, but not in omnivores. Ovolacto vegetarians did not have a greater risk of low Zn status than omnivores.

Indexing -- Section 18-1 (Animal Nutrition)

Blood serum

Nutrition, animal

(dietary zinc intake and status in Australian vegetarian humans)


(vegetarian; dietary zinc intake and status in Australian vegetarian humans)

7440-66-6, Zinc, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process); USES (Uses)

(dietary zinc intake and status in Australian vegetarian humans)

Supplementary Terms

nutrition vegetarian zinc intake blood


Alexander, D; European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1994, 48, 538

Anderson, B; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1981, 34, 1042

Donovan, U; Journal of Adolescent Health 1996, 18, 292

Dwyer, J; Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1988, 48, 712

Edington, J; Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 1988, 2, 407

Faber, M; South African Medical Journal 1986, 69, 733

Fell, G; Trace Element Analysis in Biological Specimens. Techniques and Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry 1994, 15, 553

Fortes, C; European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1997, 51, 97

Freeland Graves, J; Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1980, 77, 655

Gibson, R; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1994, 59, 1223s

Greger, J; Mineral Homeostasis in the Elderly. Current Topics in Nutrition and Disease 1989, 21, 171

Goldberg, G; European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1991, 45, 569

Harland, B; Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1978, 72, 259

Janelle, K; Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1995, 95, 180

Kadrabova, J; Biological Trace Element Research 1995, 50, 13

King, J; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1981, 34, 1049

Levin, N; Israeli Journal of Medical Sciences 1986, 22, 105

McLennan, W; National Nutrition Survey - Selected Highlights in Australia 1995

Marr, J; Human Nutrition: Applied Nutrition 1986, 40, 347

Messina, V; Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1997, 97, 1317

National Health and Medical Research Council; NHMRC - Recommended Dietary Intakes for use in Australia 1991

National Research Council; Recommended Dietary Allowances, 10th ed 1989

Nieman, D; Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1989, 89, 1763

O'Dell, B; Journal of Nutrition 1996, 126, 2342s

Retzlaff, B; Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1995, 95, 1274

Sandstead, H; Journal of Nutrition 1996, 126, 2410s

Schofield, W; Human Nutrition: Clinical Nutrition 1985, 39C(Suppl 1), 5

Srikumar, T; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1992, 55, 885

Srikumar, T; Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1992, 46, 661

Tietz, N; Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry 1987

Wood, R; FASEB Journal 1995, 9, A1640

World Health Organization Committee; Trace Elements in Human Nutrition and Health 1996, 72

70. Gruner, Tini M. Vitamin B12 - an undervalued vitamin. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand (2000), 25 71-84.


A review. Vitamin B12 is not commonly thought of as causing deficiency as it is present abundantly in most people's diet. Dietary sources include meat, seafood and dairy products. However, the vitamin does not always reach the target organs for use in metab. Factors affecting its uptake, transport in the blood and storage in tissues include the presence and efficacy of Intrinsic Factor, the plasma transport proteins transcobalamin II and haptocorrin, and the tissue storage proteins methylmalonyl-CoA mutase and methionine synthase. Further, currently employed blood tests fail to diagnose the deficiency accurately. More specific tests, such as homocysteine and methylmalonic acid, have been developed which are direct indicators of the metabolic activity of the vitamin. Hence a no. of people suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency go undiagnosed. Vegans and people who have impaired absorption, such as in pernicious anemia, after stomach or small intestine resection, on antacid treatment, and the elderly are most at risk of deficiency. The most efficacious treatment is by i.m. injection.

Indexing -- Section 18-0 (Animal Nutrition)

Nutrition, animal

(vitamin B12 is an undervalued vitamin)

68-19-9, Vitamin B12

Role: BSU (Biological study, unclassified); PRP (Properties); BIOL (Biological study)

(vitamin B12 is an undervalued vitamin)

Supplementary Terms

review vitamin B12


Allen, R; British Journal of Haematology 1976, 33, 161

Baker, H; Journal of the American College of Nutrition 1998, 17(3), 235

Beck, W; Biochemistry and Medicine 1982, 2

Beesley, R; American Journal of Physiology 1980, 239(6), G452

Belaiche, J; Folates and Cobalamin 1989

Booth, C; Gastroenterology 1967, 26(6), 1583

Carmel, R; American Journal of Hematology 1990, 34, 108

Carmel, R; Bailliere's Clinical Haematology 1995, 8(3), 639

Clementz, G; American Family Physician 1990, 41(1), 150

Cooksley, W; Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine 1974, 47(6), 531

Duo, L; Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2000, 9(1), 18

Grasbeck, R; Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 1958, 97, 780

Grasbeck, R; Clinical Biochemistry 1984, 17(2), 99

Green, R; Gastroenterology 1981, 81(4), 773

Gueant, J; Cobalamin and Related Binding Proteins in Clinical Nutrition 1990

Hall, C; Proceedings of the Third European Symposium on Vitamin B12 and Intrinsic Factor 1979

Hall, C; Folates and Cobalamins, Ch 4 1989

Herbert, V; American Journal of Hematology 1990, 34, 132

Herbert, V; Blood 1968, 32(2), 305

Herzlich, B; Laboratory Investigation 1988, 58(3), 332

Ho, C; European Journal of Haematology 1987, 38, 80

Idriss, J; Journal of Biological Chemistry 1991, 266(15), 9438

Jacob, E; Physiological Reviews 1980, 60(3), 918

Katz, M; Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 1979, 94(6), 817

Kirschmann, J; Nutrition Almanac 1979

Kolhouse, J; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA (Biochemistry) 1977, 74, 921

Kolhouse, J; New England Journal of Medicine 1978, 299(15), 785

Kumar, S; Methods in Enzymology 1980, 67, 80

Lindenbaum, J; American Journal of Hematology 1990, 34, 99

Lindenbaum, J; American Journal of Medicine 1979, 67(6), 1037

Linnell, J; Clinical Science 1984, 66(2), 113

Linnell, J; Biochemistry and Pathophysiology, Ch 6 1975

Marcell, P; Analytical Biochemistry 1985, 150, 58

Nexo, E; Scandinavian Journal of Clinical Loaboratory Investigations 1994, 54(Suppl 219), 61

Nicolas, J; Annales De Gastroenterologie Et D'Hepatologie 1994, 30(6), 270

Nicolas, J; Annales De Gastroenterologie Et D'Hepatologie, discussion 1994, 30(6), 281

Nicolas, J; Bailliere's Clinical Haematology 1995, 8(3), 515

Norman, E; American Journal of Medicine 1993, 94(6), 589

Norman, E; Blood 1982, 59(6), 1128

Norman, E; The Journal of Family Practice 1996, 42(5), 530

Okuda, K; Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 1958, 51, 17

Rasmussen, K; Clinical Chemistry 1989, 35(12), 2277

Rothenberg, S; Bailliere's Clinical Haematology 1995, 8(3), 499

Savage, D; American Journal of Medicine 1994, 96(3), 239

Schneider, Z; European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1997, 51(Suppl 1), S49

Seetharam, B; Vitamin Receptors: Vitamins As Ligands in Cell Communication 1994, 137, 78

Seetharam, S; American Journal of Physiology 1992, 262(2), G210

Stabler, S; American Journal of Nutrition, Supplement 1996, 1266S

Stabler, S; Journal of Clinical Investigations 1986, 77, 1606

Stabler, S; Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1995, 43, 1290

Swain, R; The Journal of Family Practice 1995, 41(6), 595

Termanini, B; American Journal of Medicine 1998, 104(5), 422

Ueland, P; Clinical Chemistry 1993, 39(9), 1764

Underwood, E; Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition (3rd ed) 1971

van Dusseldorp, M; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1999, 69(4), 664

van Kapel, J; Clinica Chimica Acta 1988, 172(2-3), 297

71. Green J Vegans , vegetarians and BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia). BJU international (2000), 85(1), 171.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Male

*Chemistry, Pharmaceutical

*Diet, Vegetarian: PX, psychology


*Prostatic Hyperplasia: DT, drug therapy

Treatment Refusal

72 DeRose, David J.; Charles-Marcel, Zeno L.; Jamison, Judith M.; Muscat, Joshua E.; Braman, Marc A.; McLane, Gerard D.; Keith Mullen, J. Vegan Diet-Based Lifestyle Program Rapidly Lowers Homocysteine Levels. Preventive Medicine (2000), 30(3), 225-233.


Background. Plasma homocysteine levels have been directly assocd. with cardiac disease risk. Current research raises concerns as to whether comprehensive lifestyle approaches including a plant-based diet may interact with other known modulators of homocysteine levels.Methods. We report our observations of homocysteine levels in 40 self-selected subjects who participated in a vegan diet-based lifestyle program. Each subject attended a residential lifestyle change program at the Lifestyle Center of America in Sulfur, Oklahoma and had fasting plasma total homocysteine measured on enrollment and then after 1 wk of lifestyle intervention. The intervention included a vegan diet, moderate phys. exercise, stress management and spirituality enhancement sessions, group support, and exclusion of tobacco, alc., and caffeine. B vitamin supplements known to reduce blood homocysteine levels were not provided.Results. Subjects' mean homocysteine levels fell 13%: from 8.66 mol/L (SD 2.7 mol/L) to 7.53 mol/L (SD 2.12 mol/L; P < 0.0001). Subgroup anal. showed that homocysteine decreased across a range of demog. and diagnostic categories.Conclusions. Our results suggest that broad-based lifestyle interventions favorably impact homocysteine levels. Furthermore, anal. of Lifestyle Center of America program components suggests that other factors in addn. to B vitamin intake may be involved in the obsd. homocysteine lowering. (c) 2000 American Health Foundation and Academic Press.

Indexing -- Section 18-3 (Animal Nutrition)

Cardiovascular system

(disease; vegan diet lowers homocysteine levels)

Nutrition, animal

(vegan diet lowers homocysteine levels)


(vegetarian; vegan diet lowers homocysteine levels)

6027-13-0, Homocysteine

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(vegan diet lowers homocysteine levels)

Supplementary Terms

vegan diet lifestyle homocysteine cardiovascular disease


1) Hoeg, J; JAMA 1997, 277, 1387

2) Castelli, W; Atherosclerosis 1996, 124(Suppl), S1

3) Stampfer, M; JAMA 1992, 268, 877

4) Welch, G; N Engl J Med 1998, 338, 1042

5) Graham, I; JAMA 1997, 277, 1775

6) Verhoef, P; Am J Epidemiol 1996, 143, 845

7) Arnesen, E; Int J Epidemiol 1995, 24, 704

8) Nygard, O; Am J Clin Nutr 1997, 65, 136

9) Nygard, O; JAMA 1995, 274, 1526

10) Ornish, D; Lancet 1990, 336, 129

11) Gould, K; JAMA 1995, 274, 894

12) Nygard, O; Am J Clin Nutr 1998, 67, 263

13) Anon; The Food Processor for Windows: Nutritional analysis and fitness software, version 6.0 1995

14) US Department of Agriculture; Data tables: results from USDA's 1994-1996 continuing survey of food intakes by individuals and 1994-1996 diet and health knowledge survey 1997, 6

15) Ward, M; QJM 1997, 90, 519

16) Malinow, M; N Engl J Med 1998, 338, 1009

17) Oakley, G; N Engl J Med 1998, 338, 1060

18) D'Angelo, A; Blood 1997, 90, 1

19) Houghton, L; Am J Clin Nutr 1997, 66, 1414

20) Pennington, J; Bowes and Church's food values of portions commonly used, 17th ed 1998, 316

21) Zulli, A; Life Sci 1998, 62(24), 2191

22) Zeisel, S; Modern nutrition in health and disease, 8th ed 1994, 449

23) Giri, S; Atherosclerosis 1998, 137, 359

24) Mijatovic, V; Obstet Gynecol 1998, 91, 432

25) Barak, A; Alcohol 1996, 13(4), 395

26) Barak, A; Alcohol 1996, 13, 483

27) Shaw, S; Biochem J 1989, 257, 277

28) Ueland, P; Clin Chem 1993, 39, 1764

73. Kaartinen K; Lammi K; Hypen M; Nenonen M; Hanninen O; Rauma A L Vegan diet alleviates fibromyalgia symptoms. Scandinavian journal of rheumatology (2000), 29(5), 308-13.


The effect of a strict, low-salt, uncooked vegan diet rich in lactobacteria on symptoms in 18 fibromyalgia patients during and after a 3-month intervention period in an open, non-randomized controlled study was evaluated. As control 15 patients continued their omnivorous diet. The groups did not differ significantly from each other in the beginning of the study in any other parameters except in pain and urine sodium. The results revealed significant improvements in Visual analogue scale of pain (VAS) (p=0.005), joint stiffness (p=0.001), quality of sleep (p=0.0001), Health assessment questionnaire (HAQ) (p=0.031), General health questionnaire (GHQ) (p=0.021), and a rheumatologist's own questionnaire (p=0.038). The majority of patients were overweight to some extent at the beginning of the study and shifting to a vegan food caused a significant reduction in body mass index (BMI) (p=0.0001). Total serum cholesterol showed a statistically significant lowering (p=0.003). Urine sodium dropped to 1/3 of the beginning values (p=0.0001) indicating good diet compliance. It can be concluded that vegan diet had beneficial effects on fibromyalgia symptoms at least in the short run.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female


Body Mass Index

Cholesterol: BL, blood


*Diet, Vegetarian

Disability Evaluation

Fatigue: DH, diet therapy

*Fibromyalgia: DH, diet therapy

Fibromyalgia: ME, metabolism

Fibromyalgia: PP, physiopathology

Hand Strength


Joints: PP, physiopathology

Middle Aged

Pain: DH, diet therapy


Severity of Illness Index

Sleep Disorders: DH, diet therapy

Sodium: UR, urine

Treatment Outcome


Registry Numbers

57-88-5 (Cholesterol)

7440-23-5 (Sodium)

74. Allen M W; Wilson M; Ng S H; Dunne M Values and beliefs of vegetarians and omnivores. The Journal of social psychology (2000), 140(4), 405-22.


Following the claim by some anthropologists and sociologists that 1 symbolic meaning of meat is a preference for hierarchical domination (C. J. Adams, 1990; N. Fiddes, 1989; D. D. Heisley, 1990; J. Twigg, 1983), the authors compared the values and beliefs of vegetarians and omnivores in 2 studies conducted in New Zealand. They compared the full range of vegetarians and omnivores on right-wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation, human values, and consumption values. The participants tending toward omnivorism differed from those leaning toward veganism and vegetarianism in 2 principal ways: The omnivores (a) were more likely to endorse hierarchical domination and (b) placed less importance on emotional states. Accordingly, the acceptance or rejection of meat co-varied with the acceptance or rejection of the values associated with meat; that finding suggests that individuals consume meat and embrace its symbolism in ways consistent with their self-definitions.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female; Male


*Diet, Vegetarian

*Feeding Behavior


Middle Aged


Social Dominance

*Social Values

75. Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M.; Blazicek, P.; Babinska, K.; Kopcova, J.; Klvanova, J.; Bederova, A.; Magalova, T. Traditional and alternative nutrition - levels of homocysteine and lipid parameters in adults. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation (2000), 60(8), 657-664.


Blood plasma homocysteine and lipid parameters were measured in adult humans consuming alternative diets (vegetarians and vegans) and traditional diets (omnivores). The frequency of hyperhomocysteinemia was 53% in the vegans group, 28% in vegetarians, and 5% in omnivores. With lower dietary methionine intake (low content in plant proteins), the remethylation metabolic pathway of homocysteine metab. prevails and is dependent on vitamin B12 and folate. The dietary intakes of vitamin B12 are zero in vegans, while vegetarians consume 124% RDA and omnivores 383% RDA. Blood serum vitamin B12 levels were lower in subjects consuming alternative diets with deficiency obsd. in 24% vegetarians, 78% vegans, and 0% omnivores. Serum folate levels were within the ref. range in all groups. Mild hyperhomocysteinemia in the groups consuming alternative diets was a consequence of vitamin B12 deficiency. Vegetarians and vegans met the RDA for energy and fat and had favorable proportions of satd., monounsatd., and polyunsatd. fatty acids in total energy intake; the linoleic/-linolenic acid ratio in their diet corresponded with the nutritional recommendations. They had low cholesterol consumption and higher vitamin E and C intakes. The optimal dietary fat intake and its correct compn. was reflected in lower atherosclerosis risk factors (cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, atherogenic index, satd. fatty acids, triacylglycerols) and higher levels of protective substances (linoleic acid, -linolenic acid, HDL-cholesterol, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin E/cholesterol ratio). The low lipid risk factors but higher occurrence of mild hyperhomocysteinemia in vegetarians may indicate diminished protective effects of alternative diets in cardiovascular disease prevention.

Indexing -- Section 18-7 (Animal Nutrition)

Glycerides, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(blood; homocysteine and lipid blood plasma levels in adult humans eating traditional omnivore, vegetarian and vegan diets)

Blood plasma

Nutrition, animal

(homocysteine and lipid blood plasma levels in adult humans eating traditional omnivore, vegetarian and vegan diets)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(homocysteine and lipid blood plasma levels in adult humans eating traditional omnivore, vegetarian and vegan diets)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process); USES (Uses)

(homocysteine and lipid blood plasma levels in adult humans eating traditional omnivore, vegetarian and vegan diets)

Fats and Glyceridic oils, biological studies

Role: FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); USES (Uses)

(homocysteine and lipid blood plasma levels in adult humans eating traditional omnivore, vegetarian and vegan diets)


(vegetarian; homocysteine and lipid blood plasma levels in adult humans eating traditional omnivore, vegetarian and vegan diets)

57-88-5, Cholesterol, biological studies

60-33-3, Linoleic acid, biological studies

463-40-1, Linolenic acid

6027-13-0, L-Homocysteine

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(homocysteine and lipid blood plasma levels in adult humans eating traditional omnivore, vegetarian and vegan diets)

50-81-7, Vitamin c, biological studies

59-30-3, Folic acid, biological studies

68-19-9, Vitamin b12

1406-18-4, Vitamin e

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process); USES (Uses)

(homocysteine and lipid blood plasma levels in adult humans eating traditional omnivore, vegetarian and vegan diets)

63-68-3, L-Methionine, biological studies

Role: FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); USES (Uses)

(homocysteine and lipid blood plasma levels in adult humans eating traditional omnivore, vegetarian and vegan diets)

Supplementary Terms

nutrition vegetarian vegan blood homocysteine folate vitamin B12 lipid


1) Selhub, J; JAMA 1993, 270, 2693

2) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Klin Biochem Metab 1999, 7, 185

3) Herbert, V; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 48, 852

4) Millet, P; Am J Clin Nutr 1989, 50, 718

5) McCully, K; Am J Pathol 1969, 56, 111

6) Dwyer, J; Annu Rev Nutr 1991, 11, 61

7) Key, T; Proc Nutr Soc 1999, 58, 271

8) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Oncol Rep 1996, 3, 1119

9) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Ann Nutr Metab 1997, 41, 365

10) Vester, B; Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1991, 29, 549

11) Anon; Tabelarium of reference range of clinically estimated values 1992, 3

12) Lapage, G; J Lipid Res 1986, 27, 114

13) Lee, B; J Chromatogr 1992, 581, 41

14) Gibson, S; Br Med J 1966, 1, 1152

15) Strmiska, F; Food tables 1992, 17

16) Gey, K; Int J Vit Nutr Res 1995, 65, 65

17) Anon; Journal of Ministry of Health of Slovak Republic 1997, 45, 58

18) Shimakawa, T; Ann Epidemiol 1997, 7, 285

19) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Cas Lek ces 1999, 138, 528

20) Ueland, P; Clin Chem 1993, 39, 1754

21) Finkelstein, J; J Nutr Biochem 1990, 1, 228

22) Bar-Sella, P; Isr J Med Sci 1990, 26, 309

23) Ashkenazi, S; Clin Pediatr Phila 1987, 26, 662

24) Festen, H; Scand J Gastroenterol 1991, 188, 1

25) Herbert, V; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59, 1213

26) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Hygiena 1999, 44, 30

27) Blom, H; Am J Clin Nutr 1998, 67, 188

28) Pietrzik, K; Eur J Pediatr 1998, 157, S135-8

29) Nydahl, M; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59, 115

30) Stampfer, M; Am J Clin Nutr 1995, 62, S1365-9

31) Lichtenstein, A; Arterioscler Thromb 1993, 13, 1533

32) Mattson, F; J Lipid Res 1985, 26, 194

33) Simopoulos, A; Am J Clin Nutr 1991, 54, 438

34) Zock, P; Am J Clin Nutr 1998, 68, 42

35) Shils, M; Modern nutrition in health and disease 1994, 47

36) Esterbauer, H; Br Med Bull 1993, 49, 566

37) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Ateroscl 1998, 2, 78

76. Buffonge I The vegetarian/ vegan lifestyle. The West Indian medical journal (2000), 49(1), 17-9.

Controlled Terms

Colonic Neoplasms: PC, prevention & control

*Diet, Vegetarian

Health Status


Nutritive Value

77. McCarty, M. F. The origins of Western obesity: a role for animal protein? Medical Hypotheses (2000), 54(3), 488-494.


A review with 76 refs. is given. A reduced propensity to oxidize fat, as indicated by a relatively high fasting RQ, is a major risk factor for wt. gain. Increased insulin secretion works in various ways to impede fat oxidn. and promote fat storage. The substantial "spontaneous" wt. loss often seen with very-low-fat dietary regimens may reflect not only a reduced rate of fat ingestion, but also an improved insulin sensitivity of skeletal muscle that down-regulates insulin secretion. Redn. of diurnal insulin secretion may also play a role in the fat loss often achieved with exercise training, low-glycemic-index diets, supplementation with sol. fiber or chromium, low-carbohydrate regimens, and biguanide therapy. The exceptional leanness of vegan cultures may reflect an addnl. factor - the absence of animal protein. Although dietary protein by itself provokes relatively little insulin release, it can markedly potentiate the insulin response to co-ingested carbohydrate; Western meals typically unite starchy foods with an animal protein-based main course. Thus, postprandial insulin secretion may be reduced by either avoiding animal protein, or segregating it in low-carbohydrate meals; the latter practice is a feature of fad diets stressing "food combining". Vegan diets tend to be relatively low in protein, legume protein may be slowly absorbed, and, as compared to animal protein, isolated soy protein provokes a greater release of glucagon, an enhancer of fat oxidn. The low insulin response to rice may mirror its low protein content. Minimizing diurnal insulin secretion in the context of a low fat intake may represent an effective strategy for achieving and maintaining leanness.

Indexing -- Section 18-0 (Animal Nutrition)

Proteins, general, biological studies

Role: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except adverse); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study)

(dietary; role of animal protein in Western obesity)

Nutrition, animal

(role of animal protein in Western obesity)


(vegetarian; role of animal protein in Western obesity)

Supplementary Terms

nutrition protein vegan diet obesity review

78. Dickson J H; Oeggl K; Holden T G; Handley L L; O'Connell T C; Preston T The omnivorous Tyrolean Iceman: colon contents (meat, cereals, pollen, moss and whipworm) and stable isotope analyses. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences (2000), 355(1404), 1843-9.


The contents of the colon of the Tyrolean Iceman who lived ca. 5300 years ago include muscle fibres, cereal remains, a diversity of pollen, and most notably that of the hop hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia) retaining cellular contents, as well as a moss leaf (Neckera complanata) and eggs of the parasitic whipworm (Trichuris trichiura). Based almost solely on stable isotope analyses and ignoring the work on the colon contents, two recently published papers on the Iceman's diet draw ill-founded conclusions about vegetarianism and even veganism. Neither the pollen nor the moss is likely to have been deliberately consumed as food by the Iceman. All the available evidence concerning the Iceman's broad-based diet is reviewed and the significance of the colon contents for matters other than assessment of food intake is outlined.

Controlled Terms





Food Analysis


Isotopes: AN, analysis




Chemical Names

0 (Isotopes)

79. Allen, Naomi E.; Key, Timothy J. The effects of diet on circulating sex hormone levels in men. Nutrition Research Reviews (2000), 13(2), 159-184.


A review with more than 100 refs. There is considerable epidemiol. evidence that a Western-style diet may increase the risk of certain hormone-dependent conditions in men via its effects on hormone metab. Exptl. evidence also suggests that dietary factors may exert subtle effects on hormone metab. Here we review the clin. and epidemiol. evidence that diet is assocd. with circulating sex hormone levels in men. In comparison with factors such as age and BMI, nutrients do not appear to be strong determinants of sex hormone levels. Dietary intervention studies have not shown that a change in dietary fat and/or dietary fiber intake is assocd. with changes in circulating sex hormone concns. over the short term. The data on the effects of dietary phyto-estrogens on sex hormone levels in men are too limited for conclusions to be drawn. Observational studies between men from different dietary groups have shown that a vegan diet is assocd. with small but significant increases in sex-hormone-binding globulin and testosterone concns. in comparison with meat-eaters. However, these studies have not demonstrated that variations in dietary compn. have any long-term important effects on circulating bioavailable sex hormone levels in men. This lack of effect may be partly explained by the body's neg. feedback mechanism, which balances out small changes in androgen metab. in order to maintain a const. level of circulating bioavailable androgens. It appears, therefore, that future studies should look for dietary effects on the feedback mechanism itself, or on the metab. of androgens within the target tissues.

Indexing -- Section 18-0 (Animal Nutrition)

Dietary fiber

Nutrition, animal

(effects of diet on circulating sex hormone levels in men)



Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(effects of diet on circulating sex hormone levels in men)


Role: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except adverse); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study)

(phytoestrogens; effects of diet on circulating sex hormone levels in men)

58-22-0, Testosterone

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(effects of diet on circulating sex hormone levels in men)

Supplementary Terms

review nutrition sex hormone


Adlercretuz, H; Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 1987, 27, 1135

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Lado-Abeal, J; Nutrition 1999, 15, 351

Lampe, J; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1994, 60, 122

Lazarus, R; American Journal of Epidemiology 1998, 147, 173

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Lewis, S; British Journal of Cancer 1997, 76, 395

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Loukovaara, M; Steroids 1995, 60, 656

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80. Louwman, Marieke W. J.; Van Dusseldorp, Marijke; Van de Vijver, Fons J. R.; Thomas, Chris M. G.; Schneede, Jorn; Ueland, Per M.; Refsum, Helga; Van Staveren, Wija A. Signs of impaired cognitive function in adolescents with marginal cobalamin status. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2000), 72(3), 762-769.


The objective of this study was to investigate whether cognitive functioning is affected in adolescents (aged 10-16 yr) with marginal cobalamin status as a result of being fed a macrobiotic diet up to an av. age of 6 y. Data on dietary intake, psychol. test performance, and biochem. variables of cobalamin status were collected from 48 adolescents who consumed macrobiotic (vegan type) diets up to the age of 6 y, subsequently followed by lactovegetarian or omnivorous diets, and from 24 subjects (aged 10-18 yr) who were fed omnivorous diets from birth onward. Thirty-one subjects from the previously macrobiotic group were cobalamin deficient according to their plasma methylmalonic acid concns. Seventeen previously macrobiotic subjects and all control subjects had normal cobalamin status. The control subjects performed better on most psychol. tests than did macrobiotic subjects with low or normal cobalamin status. A significant relation between test score and cobalamin deficiency (P = 0.01) was obsd. for a test measuring fluid intelligence (correlation coeff.: -0.28; 95% CI: -0.48, -0.08). This effect became more pronounced (P = 0.003) within the subgroup of macrobiotic subjects (correlation coeff.: -0.38; 95% CI: -0.62, -0.14). The data suggest that cobalamin deficiency, in the absence of hematol. signs, may lead to impaired cognitive performance in adolescents.

Indexing -- Section 18-2 (Animal Nutrition)

Section cross-reference(s): 14

Development, mammalian postnatal

(adolescent; signs of impaired cognitive function in adolescents with marginal cobalamin status)

Nervous system

(disease; signs of impaired cognitive function in adolescents with marginal cobalamin status)



Memory, biological

(signs of impaired cognitive function in adolescents with marginal cobalamin status)


(vegetarian, lacto-; signs of impaired cognitive function in adolescents with marginal cobalamin status)


(vegetarian, lacto-ovo-; signs of impaired cognitive function in adolescents with marginal cobalamin status)


(vegetarian; signs of impaired cognitive function in adolescents with marginal cobalamin status)

516-05-2, Methylmalonic acid

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process)

(signs of impaired cognitive function in adolescents with marginal cobalamin status)

13408-78-1, Cobalamin

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence); PROC (Process); USES (Uses)

(signs of impaired cognitive function in adolescents with marginal cobalamin status)

Supplementary Terms

cobalamin adolescent cognitive function


16) Lozoff, B; N Engl J Med 1991, 325, 687

17) Walter, T; Pediatrics 1989, 84, 7

18) Pollitt, E; Am J Clin Nutr 1989, 50, 687

19) Bruner, A; Lancet 1996, 348, 992

20) Huebers, H; Blood 1990, 75, 102

21) Raven, J; Manual for the Raven's progressive matrices and vocabulary scales 1979

22) van Haassen, P; Nederlandstalige uitgave 1986

23) Stinissen, J; WAIS Nederlandstalige bewerking 1970

24) Rey, A; L'examen clinique en psychologie (Clinical and psychological examinations) 2nd ed 1964

25) Bleichrodt, N; Intelligentiemeting bij kinderen (Tests of intelligence in children) 1987

26) Benton, A; Multilingual aphasia examination manual revised 1978

27) Bleichrodt, N; Intelligentie-meting ten behoeve van het onderwijs in Indonesie (Tests of intelligence for educational purposes in Indonesia) 1989

28) Helms-Lorenz, M; Eur J Psych Assess 1995, 11, 158

29) Nevo; NEVO table (Dutch food and nutrition table) 1995

30) Brandts, H; De ontwikkeling van een voedingsmiddelen tabel met foliumzuur gehalten, rapportnr V98-089 (Development of a food-composition table including data on folic acid, report no 98-089) 1995

31) van der Heijden, L; Vitamine B 12 waarden in voedingsmiddelen Een inventarisering op basis van literatuur (Vitamin B-12 values of foods An inventory based on literature research) 1997

32) Dagnelie, P; Eur J Clin Nutr 1989, 43, 311

33) Schneede, J; Pediatr Res 1994, 36, 194

34) Herens, M; J Hum Nutr Diet 1992, 5, 1

35) Healton, E; Medicine (Baltimore) 1991, 70, 229

36) Meadows, M; Neurology 1994, 44, 1764

37) Doyle, J; Pediatr Hematol Oncol 1989, 6, 161

38) Oski, F; Pediatrics 1983, 71, 877

39) Lozoff, B; Pediatrics 1987, 79, 981

40) Walter, T; Baillieres Clin Haematol 1994, 7, 815

81. Fokkema, M. R.; Brouwer, D. A. J.; Hasperhoven, M. B.; Martini, I. A.; Muskiet, F. A. J. Short-term supplementation of low-dose γ -linolenic acid (GLA),  -linolenic acid (ALA), or GLA plus ALA does not augment LCP 3 status of Dutch vegans to an appreciable extent. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (2000), 63(5), 287-292.


Vegans do not consume meat and fish and have therefore low intakes of long chain polyunsatd. fatty acids (LCP). They may consequently have little neg. feedback inhibition from dietary LCP on conversion of -linolenic acid (ALA) to the LCP3 eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids. We investigated whether supplementation of 9 apparently healthy vegans with 2.01 g ALA (4 mL linseed oil), 1.17 g gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) (6 mL borage oil) or their combination increases the LCP3 contents of erythrocytes (RBC) and platelets (PLT), and of plasma phospholipids (PL), cholesterol esters (CE) and triglycerides (TG). The supplements changed the dietary LA/ALA ratio (in g/g) from about 13.7 (baseline) to 6.8 (linseed oil), 14.3 (borage oil) and 6.4 (linseed + borage oil), resp. ALA or GLA given as single supplements did not increase LCP3 status, but their combination augmented LCP3 (in CE) and EPA (in fasting TG) to a statistically significant, but nevertheless negligible, extent. We conclude that neg. feedback inhibition by dietary LCP, if any, does not play an important role in the inability to augment notably DHA status by dietary ALA. The reach of a DHA plateau already at low dietary ALA intakes suggests that dietary DHA causes a non-functional DHA surplus, or is, alternatively, important for maintaining DHA status at a functionally relevant level.

Indexing -- Section 18-5 (Animal Nutrition)

Phospholipids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(blood plasma; short-term supplementation of low-dose γ-linolenic acid and -linolenic acid does not augment -3 fatty acid status of Dutch vegans to an appreciable extent)

Glycerides, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(blood; short-term supplementation of low-dose γ-linolenic acid and -linolenic acid does not augment -3 fatty acid status of Dutch vegans to an appreciable extent)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(polyunsatd., n-3; short-term supplementation of low-dose γ-linolenic acid and -linolenic acid does not augment -3 fatty acid status of Dutch vegans to an appreciable extent)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(polyunsatd., omega-6; short-term supplementation of low-dose γ-linolenic acid and -linolenic acid does not augment -3 fatty acid status of Dutch vegans to an appreciable extent)


Nutrition, animal

Platelet (blood)

(short-term supplementation of low-dose γ-linolenic acid and -linolenic acid does not augment -3 fatty acid status of Dutch vegans to an appreciable extent)


(vegetarian; short-term supplementation of low-dose γ-linolenic acid and -linolenic acid does not augment -3 fatty acid status of Dutch vegans to an appreciable extent)

57-88-5D, Cholesterol, esters

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(blood plasma; short-term supplementation of low-dose γ-linolenic acid and -linolenic acid does not augment -3 fatty acid status of Dutch vegans to an appreciable extent)

463-40-1, -Linolenic acid

506-26-3, γ-Linolenic acid

Role: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except adverse); BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(short-term supplementation of low-dose γ-linolenic acid and -linolenic acid does not augment -3 fatty acid status of Dutch vegans to an appreciable extent)

60-33-3, 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (9Z,12Z)-, biological studies






Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(short-term supplementation of low-dose γ-linolenic acid and -linolenic acid does not augment -3 fatty acid status of Dutch vegans to an appreciable extent)

Supplementary Terms

vegan nutrition linolenate omega3 fatty acid


1) Daviglus, M; N Engl J Med 1997, 336, 1046

2) Kromhout, D; N Engl J Med 1985, 312, 1205

3) von Schacky, C; Am J Clin Nutr 2000, 71, 224S

4) de Lorgeril, M; Lancet 1995, 345(8951), 738

4) de Lorgeril, M; Lancet 1994, 343, 1454

5) Sanders, T; Am J Clin Nutr 2000, 71, 176S

6) Gerster, H; Int J Vitam Nutr Res 1998, 68, 159

7) The British Nutrition Foundation; Unsatruated fatty acids Nutritional and physiological significance 1993

8) Ide, T; J Lipid Res 1996, 37, 448

9) Horrobin, D; Rev Cont Pharmacother 1990, 1, 1

10) Brouwer, D; Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 1998, 59, 329

11) Feunekes, G; Am J Clin Nutr 1993, 58, 489

12) Ocke, M; Int J Epidemiol 1997, 26(Suppl 1), S49

13) Hoving, E; J Chromatogr 1988, 434, 395

14) Sanders, T; Br J Nutr 1981, 45, 613

15) Li, D; Am J clin Nutr 1999, 69, 872

16) Cunnane, S; Am J Clin Nutr 1995, 61, 62

17) Sanders, T; Clin Sci 1983, 64, 91

18) Emken, E; Biochim Biophys Acta 1994, 1213, 277

19) Salem, N; Pristaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 1999, 60, 407

20) Mantzioris, E; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59, 1304

21) Mantzioris, E; Am J Clin Nutr 1995, 61, 320

22) Nelson, G; Lipids 1997, 32, 421

23) Nelson, G; Lipids 1997, 32, 427

82. Ciani F; Poggi G M; Pasquini E; Donati M A; Zammarchi E Prolonged exclusive breast-feeding from vegan mother causing an acute onset of isolated methylmalonic aciduria due to a mild mutase deficiency. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland) (2000), 19(2), 137-9.


We describe a case of methylmalonic aciduria (MMA) occurred in a 22-month-old boy whose diet was exclusively based upon breast-feeding from a mother following a long-lasting strict vegetarian diet. Clinical picture showed a dramatic onset, with a profound drowsiness associated with a severe metabolic acidosis, hyperammonemia, macrocytic anemia, ketonuria, and massive methylmalonic aciduria without homocystinuria. Both symptoms and biochemical findings quickly improved thanks to prompt vitamin B(12)parenteral therapy. Biochemical and enzymatic findings allowed a diagnosis of mild mutase deficiency, which only and inadequate dietary B(12)contribution might have revealed. Our case highlights the risk of a prolonged strictly vegetarian diet of lactating mother for providing inadequate amounts of some nutrients to the breast-fed baby. Moreover, such a dietary behaviour could dramatically unmask otherwise clinically unapparent metabolic defects in the baby. Copyright 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female; Male


*Breast Feeding: AE, adverse effects

*Diet, Vegetarian



*Intramolecular Transferases: DF, deficiency

*Methylmalonic Acid: UR, urine

Time Factors

Registry Numbers

516-05-2 (Methylmalonic Acid)

Chemical Names

EC 5.4.- (Intramolecular Transferases)

83. Fokkema, M. R.; Brouwer, D. A. J.; Hasperhoven, M. B.; Hettema, Y.; Bemelmans, W. J. E.; Muskiet, F. A. J. Polyunsaturated fatty acid status of Dutch vegans and omnivores. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (2000), 63(5), 279-285.


We compared the polyunsatd. fatty acid (PUFA) status of Dutch vegans and omnivores to investigate whether disparities can be explained by different diets and long chain PUFA (LCP) synthesis rates. Dietary intakes and fatty acid compns. of erythrocytes (RBC), platelets (PLT), plasma cholesterol esters (CE) and plasma triglycerides (TG) of 12 strict vegans and 15 age- and sex-matched omnivores were detd. Vegans had higher 6 (CE, TG), 18:26 (RBC, CE, TG), 18:36 (TG), 20:36 (TG), 22:46 (TG), 22:53 (RBC, PLT), 22:53/22:63 (RBC, PLT) and 22:56/22:63 (RBC, PLT), and lower 22:46 (RBC, PLT), 22:46/22:56 (RBC, PLT), 3 (CE), LCP3 (CE, TG), 20:53 (RBC, PLT, CE), 22:53 (TG) and 22:63 (all compartments). Vegans had lower 20:46 (TG) after normalization of PUFA to 100%, and normalization of eicosanoid precursors to 100% revealed similar 20:46 (all), higher 20:36 (TG) and lower 20:53 (all). High 6 (notably 18:26) and low 3 (notably 20:53, 22:63) status in Dutch vegans derives from low dietary LCP3 and 18:33/18:26 ratio. Higher 18:36 and 20:36 in their TG may reflect higher hepatic 20:46 prodn. rate, whereas higher 20:46 and 22:46 in omnivores indicates 20:46 intake from meat.

Indexing -- Section 18-3 (Animal Nutrition)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(monounsatd.; polyunsatd. fatty acid status of Dutch vegans and omnivores)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(polyunsatd.; polyunsatd. fatty acid status of Dutch vegans and omnivores)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(satd.; polyunsatd. fatty acid status of Dutch vegans and omnivores)


(vegetarian; polyunsatd. fatty acid status of Dutch vegans and omnivores)

57-10-3, Hexadecanoic acid, biological studies

57-11-4, Octadecanoic acid, biological studies

60-33-3, 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (9Z,12Z)-, biological studies

112-80-1, 9-Octadecenoic acid (9Z)-, biological studies

112-85-6, Docosanoic acid





506-30-9, Eicosanoic acid



506-46-7, Hexacosanoic acid

544-63-8, Tetradecanoic acid, biological studies

557-59-5, Tetracosanoic acid


2313-14-6, 4,7,10,13,16-Docosapentaenoic acid








Role: BOC (Biological occurrence); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); OCCU (Occurrence)

(polyunsatd. fatty acid status of Dutch vegans and omnivores)

Supplementary Terms

nutrition vegan diet polyunsatd fatty acid


1) Dwyer, J; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 48, 712

2) Chang-Claude, J; Int J Epidemiol 1993, 22, 228

3) Chang-Claude, J; Epidemiology 1992, 3, 395

4) Innis, S; Prog Lipid Res 1991, 30, 39

5) Feunekes, G; Am J Clin Nutr 1993, 58, 489

6) Hulshof, K; Intake of energy and dietary nutrients by Dutch population groups-the national food consumption survey 1997-1998 Report 1998, V98.805

7) Hoving, E; J Chromatogr 1988, 434, 395

8) Abdulla, M; Am J Clin Nutr 1981, 34, 2464

9) Sanders, T; Br J Nutr 1981, 45, 613

10) Sanders, T; Eur J Clin Nutr 1992, 46, 823

11) Reddy, S; Eur J Clin Nutr 1994, 48, 358

12) Agren, J; Lipids 1995, 30, 365

13) Sanders, T; Am J Clin Nutr 1978, 31, 805

14) Phinney, S; Am J Clin Nutr 1990, 51, 385

15) Nelson, G; Lipids 1997, 32, 421

16) Nelson, G; Lipids 1997, 32, 427

17) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Ann Nutr Metab 1997, 41, 365

18) Finley, D; Am J Clin Nutr 1985, 41, 787

19) Sanders, T; Am J Clin Nutr 2000, 71, 176S

20) Kris-Etherton, P; Am J Clin Nutr 2000, 71, 179S

21) Sprecher, H; J Lipid Res 1995, 36, 2471

22) Horrobin, D; Rev Contemp Pharmacother 1990, 1, 1

84. Lightowler H J; Davies G J Micronutrient intakes in a group of UK vegans and the contribution of self-selected dietary supplements. Journal of the Royal Society of Health (2000), 120(2), 117-24.


Micronutrient intakes and the contribution of self-selected dietary supplements were investigated in 26 vegans, comprising 17 non-supplement users (NSU) and nine supplement users (SU), consuming their habitual diet. Micronutrient intakes were estimated using a four-day weighed record and the contribution of self-selected dietary supplements was assessed according to the manufacturers' declarations on the packaging. Mean daily intakes from food sources were similar in NSU and SU. Dietary supplements significantly increased intakes of riboflavin (p < 0.05), niacin (p < 0.05), folate (p < 0.01), vitamin A (p < 0.05) and vitamin D (p < 0.05). The mean daily contribution of dietary supplements ranged from 7-1640% of the reference nutrient intake (RNI). Intakes of vitamin B12 and selenium (Se) were below the appropriate lower reference nutrient intake (LRNI) in 80% and 65% of NSU respectively. After supplements, 33% of SU remained below the LRNI for vitamin B12 and 33% below the LRNI for Se. Some vegans who took supplements were not taking certain micronutrients in amounts sufficient to meet the RNIs but were taking a mix of micronutrients, some of which they needed and others which they did not need. Some vegans who did not take supplements had a potential need for the addition of supplements to their diets. Advice on the appropriate usage of dietary supplements for those on a vegan diet is needed.

Controlled Terms



Aged, 80 and over

Cross-Sectional Studies

*Diet, Vegetarian

*Dietary Supplements

Great Britain


*Micronutrients: AN, analysis

Middle Aged

Chemical Names

0 (Micronutrients)

85. Donaldson, Michael S. Metabolic vitamin B12 status on a mostly raw vegan diet with follow-up using tablets, nutritional yeast, or probiotic supplements. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism (2000), 44(5-6), 229-234.


Background: Pure vegetarian diets might cause cobalamin deficiency due to lack of dietary intake. It was hypothesized that a population following a vegan diet consuming mostly raw fruits and vegetables, carrot juice, and dehydrated barley grass juice would be able to avoid vitamin B12 deficiency naturally. Methods: Subjects were recruited at a health ministers' reunion based on adherence to the Hallelujah diet for at least 2 yr. Serum cobalamin and urinary methylmalonic acid (MMA) assays were performed. Follow-up with sublingual tablets, nutritional yeast, or probiotic supplements was carried out on subjects with abnormal MMA results. Results: 49 subjects were tested. Most subjects (10th to 90th percentile) had followed this diet 23-49 mo. 6 Subjects had serum B12 concns. <147 pmol/l (200 pg/mL). 37 Subjects (76%) had serum B12 concns. <221 pmol/l (300 pg/mL). 23 Subjects (47%) had abnormal urinary MMA concns. above or equal to 4.0 g/mg creatinine. Sublingual cyanocobalamin and nutritional yeast, but not probiotic supplements, significantly reduced group mean MMA concns. (tablet p < 0.01; yeast p < 0.05, probiotic > 0.20). Conclusions: The urinary MMA assay is effective for identifying early metabolic cobalamin deficiency. People following the Hallelujah diet and other raw-food vegetarian diets should regularly monitor their urinary MMA levels, consume a sublingual cobalamin supplement, or consume cobalamin in their food.

Indexing -- Section 18-2 (Animal Nutrition)

Fruit and vegetable juices

(carrot juice; metabolic vitamin B12 status on a mostly raw vegan diet with follow-up using tablets, nutritional yeast, or probiotic supplements)


(juice; metabolic vitamin B12 status on a mostly raw vegan diet with follow-up using tablets, nutritional yeast, or probiotic supplements)





(metabolic vitamin B12 status on a mostly raw vegan diet with follow-up using tablets, nutritional yeast, or probiotic supplements)

Intestinal bacteria

(probiotic; metabolic vitamin B12 status on a mostly raw vegan diet with follow-up using tablets, nutritional yeast, or probiotic supplements)


(vegetarian; metabolic vitamin B12 status on a mostly raw vegan diet with follow-up using tablets, nutritional yeast, or probiotic supplements)

68-19-9, Vitamin b12

516-05-2, Methylmalonic acid

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(metabolic vitamin B12 status on a mostly raw vegan diet with follow-up using tablets, nutritional yeast, or probiotic supplements)

Supplementary Terms

vegan diet vitamin B12 status


1) Herbert, V; Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease 1994, 402

2) Norman, E; Am J Med 1993, 94, 589

3) Herbert, V; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 48, 852

4) Albert, M; Nature 1980, 283, 781

5) Malkmus, G; God's Way to Ultimate Health 1995

6) Crane, M; J Nutr Med 1994, 4, 419

7) Miller, D; Am J Clin Nutr 1991, 53, 524

8) Matchar, D; Am J Med Sci 1994, 308, 276

9) Matchar, D; Ann Intern Med 1987, 106, 707

10) Allen, R; Am J Hematol 1990, 34, 90

11) Moelby, L; J Intern Med 1990, 228, 373

12) Pennypacker, L; J Am Geriatr Soc 1992, 40, 1197

13) Kuzminski, A; Blood 1998, 92, 1191

14) Glantz, S; Primer of Biostatistics 1997

15) Dong, A; Ann Nutr Metab 1982, 26, 209

16) Rauma, A; J Nutr 1995, 125, 2511

17) Chanarin, I; Lancet 1985, ii, 1168

18) Dagnelie, P; Am J Clin Nutr 1991, 53, 695

19) Anon; Methylcobalamin Altern Med Rev 1998, 3, 461

20) Mayer, G; Neuropsychopharmacology 1996, 15, 456

21) Herbert, V; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59(suppl), 1213

22) Crane, M; Veg Nutr 1998, 2-3, 87

23) Hokir, B; Am J Clin Nutr 1999, 70(suppl), 576

24) Bar-Sella, P; Isr J Med Sci 1990, 26, 309

25) Haddad, E; Am J Clin Nutr 1999, 70(suppl), 586

26) Helman, A; Am J Clin Nutr 1987, 45, 785

27) Schneede, J; Pediatr Res 1994, 36, 194

28) Specker, B; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 47, 89

86. Lu, Shao-Chun; Wu, Wen-Huey; Lee, Chien-An; Chou, Hsu-Fang; Lee, Huei-Rong; Huang, Po-Chao. LDL of Taiwanese vegetarians are less oxidizable than those of omnivores. Journal of Nutrition (2000), 130(6), 1591-1596.


The vegetarians in Taiwan consume diets high in polyunsatd. fatty acids. To investigate whether this dietary pattern results in higher susceptibility of low-d. lipoproteins (LDL) to oxidn., 109 long-term (85 yr) male and female vegans and lactovegetarians (31-45 yr old) and matched omnivores were involved in a 24-h recall dietary assessments and blood lipid anal. The subjects formed 3 groups (men and women from Taipei, women from Hualien). Body mass index and blood pressure were lower in all vegetarian groups vs. the omnivore control groups. Vegetarians consumed less energy (except in men) and less protein, fat, and cholesterol. The mean polyunsatd./satd. fatty acid (P/S) ratio of 2.4 in vegetarian diet was about 2-times that in omnivore diets. The concns. of blood plasma total- and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), but not of HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), were lower and the resulting HDL-C/LDL-C ratio was 38, 46, and 30% higher in the Taipei female and male and Hualien groups than in matched omnivores. Blood plasma triglyceride concns. were lower only in the Hualien vegetarians (31%) than in the matched omnivores. The lag time of conjugated diene formation in Cu-induced LDL in vitro oxidn. was longer in Taipei females (62%), male (29%), and Hualien (38%) groups. The prodn. of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) from LDL after 2-4 h of oxidn. was 22-32% less in samples from Taipei male and Hualien vegetarians than from matched omnivores. The lag time of LDL oxidn. was neg. correlated to LDL arachidonic (r = -0.55) and eicosapentaenoic (r = -0.47) acid contents. The LDL TBARS prodn. was neg. related to LDL linoleic acid content (r = -0.36), but pos. related to LDL arachidonic (r = 0.56) and eicosapentaenoic (r = 0.45) acid levels. No significant differences were found in the dietary vitamin C and E intakes and plasma LDL -tocopherol concns. between vegetarians and omnivores. Thus, vegetarian diets may decrease the susceptibility of LDL to oxidn. despite their higher dietary P/S fatty acid ratio.

Indexing -- Section 18-7 (Animal Nutrition)


(lipid; vegetarian nutrition and blood plasma low-d. lipoprotein oxidn. susceptibility in Taiwanese humans)


Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(low-d.; vegetarian nutrition and blood plasma low-d. lipoprotein oxidn. susceptibility in Taiwanese humans)

Blood plasma

Nutrition, animal

(vegetarian nutrition and blood plasma low-d. lipoprotein oxidn. susceptibility in Taiwanese humans)

Fatty acids, biological studies

Glycerides, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(vegetarian nutrition and blood plasma low-d. lipoprotein oxidn. susceptibility in Taiwanese humans)


(vegetarian; vegetarian nutrition and blood plasma low-d. lipoprotein oxidn. susceptibility in Taiwanese humans)

57-10-3, Hexadecanoic acid, biological studies

57-11-4, Octadecanoic acid, biological studies

57-88-5, Cholesterol, biological studies

59-02-9, Tocopherol

60-33-3, 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (9Z,12Z)-, biological studies




544-63-8, Tetradecanoic acid, biological studies




Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(vegetarian nutrition and blood plasma low-d. lipoprotein oxidn. susceptibility in Taiwanese humans)

50-81-7, Vitamin c, biological studies

1406-18-4, Vitamin e

Role: FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); USES (Uses)

(vegetarian nutrition and blood plasma low-d. lipoprotein oxidn. susceptibility in Taiwanese humans)

Supplementary Terms

nutrition vegetarian blood lipoprotein oxidn susceptibility


Abbey, M; Am J Clin Nutr 1993, 57, 391

Agren, J; Lipids 1995, 30, 365

Berry, E; Am J Clin Nutr 1991, 53, 899

Beuge, J; Methods Enzymol 1978, 52, 302

Brants, H; J Am Coll Nutr 1990, 9, 292

Carew, T; Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1987, 84, 7725

Chen, J; J Formosan Med Assoc 1965, 65, 65

Connell, B; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 48, 910

Department of Health; Taiwan Nutrient Databases 1998

Draper, A; Br J Nutr 1993, 69, 3

Dwyer, T; Annu Rev Nutr 1991, 11, 61

Esterbauer, H; Free Rad Res Commun 1989, 6, 67

Fogelman, A; Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 1980, 77, 2214

Gown, A; Am J Pathol 1986, 125, 191

Griffin, M; Diabet Med 1997, 14, 741

Havel, R; J Clin Invest 1955, 34, 1345

Kaplan, L; J Clin Lab Anal 1987, 1, 147

Ko, Y; Nutr Rep Int 1983, 28, 1375

Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Eur J Epidemiol 1995, 11, 207

Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Ann Nutr Metab 1995, 39, 334

Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Ann Nutr Metab 1997, 41, 365

Kurzer, M; Annu Rev Nutr 1997, 17, 353

Lepage, G; J Lipid Res 1986, 27, 114

Levy, Y; Ann Nutr Metab 1996, 40, 243

Markwell, M; Anal Biochem 1978, 87, 206

Melby, C; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59, 103

Nagyova, A; Ann Nutr Metab 1998, 42, 328

Palinski, W; Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1989, 86, 1372

Pan, W; Am J Clin Nutr 1993, 58, 354

Peterson, D; Lancet 1994, 343, 1528

Rauma, A; Am J Clin Nutr 1995, 62, 1221

Reaven, P; J Clin Invest 1993, 91, 668

Sacks, F; J Am Med Assoc 1985, 254, 1337

Sarkkinen, E; Eur J Clin Nutr 1993, 47, 623

Schwab, U; J Nutr 1998, 128, 1703

Sparrow, C; J Clin Invest 1992, 89, 1885

Tesar, R; Am J Clin Nutr 1992, 56, 699

Tikkanen, M; Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1998, 95, 3106

Tsai, P; J Nutr Biochem 1999, 10, 631

Yla-Herruala, S; J Clin Invest 1989, 84, 1086

87. Allen N E; Appleby P N; Davey G K; Key T J Hormones and diet: low insulin-like growth factor-I but normal bioavailable androgens in vegan men. British journal of cancer (2000), 83(1), 95-7.


Mean serum insulin-like growth factor-I was 9% lower in 233 vegan men than in 226 meat-eaters and 237 vegetarians (P = 0.002). Vegans had higher testosterone levels than vegetarians and meat-eaters, but this was offset by higher sex hormone binding globulin, and there were no differences between diet groups in free testosterone, androstanediol glucuronide or luteinizing hormone.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Male


*Androgens: BL, blood

Androstane-3,17-diol: AA, analogs & derivatives

Androstane-3,17-diol: AN, analysis


Biological Markers

Cross-Sectional Studies


*Diet, Vegetarian

England: EP, epidemiology


*Insulin-Like Growth Factor I: AN, analysis

Luteinizing Hormone: BL, blood


Prostatic Neoplasms: EP, epidemiology

Risk Factors

Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin: AN, analysis

Testosterone: BL, blood

Registry Numbers

25126-76-5 (Androstane-3,17-diol)

27195-25-1 (androstane-3,17-diol glucuronide)

58-22-0 (Testosterone)

67763-96-6 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor I)

9002-67-9 (Luteinizing Hormone)

Chemical Names

0 (Androgens)

0 (Biological Markers)

0 (Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin)

88. Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, Marica; Blazicek, P.; Kopcova, J.; Bederova, A.; Babinska, K. Homocysteine levels in vegetarians versus omnivores. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism (2000), 44(3), 135-138.


Vitamin B12, folate, and vitamin B6 are the main determinants of homocysteinemia. The vegan diet provides no vitamin B12, but also less strict forms of alternative nutrition may lead to deficits of this vitamin. The blood plasma homocysteine levels were measured in 62 lacto- and lactoovovegetarians and 32 vegans vs. 59 omnivores consuming traditional diet. In vegetarians the av. homocysteine level was 13.18 vs. 10.19 M in omnivores; the frequency of hyperhomocysteinemia was 29 vs. 5% in omnivores. In vegans the av. homocysteine value was 15.79 M (53% of individual values were >15 M). Omnivores consume the recommended amt. of methionine, but in individuals consuming alternative diets the intake of methionine is deficient (as assessed by food frequency questionnaire) due to lower content of methionine in plant proteins. Under conditions of lower dietary methionine availability the remethylation pathway prevails; thus vitamin B12 and folate status was evaluated in relation to the homocysteine levels. The blood serum vitamin B12 levels were lower in the alternative nutrition groups (214.8 pM in vegetarians, 140.1 pM in vegans vs. 344.7 pM in omnivores); a deficit (<179.0 pM) was found in 26% vegetarians and 78% vegans vs. none in omnivores. The serum folate levels were within the range of ref. values in all groups, but lower in omnivores. Thus, mild hyperhomocysteinemia in alternative nutrition is a consequence of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Indexing -- Section 18-2 (Animal Nutrition)

Blood plasma

(homocysteine levels in vegetarian vs. omnivore humans in relation to vitamin B12 and folate status)


(vegetarian; homocysteine levels in vegetarian vs. omnivore humans in relation to vitamin B12 and folate status)

6027-13-0, L-Homocysteine

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(homocysteine levels in vegetarian vs. omnivore humans in relation to vitamin B12 and folate status)

59-30-3, Folic acid, biological studies

68-19-9, Vitamin b12

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process); USES (Uses)

(homocysteine levels in vegetarian vs. omnivore humans in relation to vitamin B12 and folate status)

63-68-3, L-Methionine, biological studies

Role: FFD (Food or feed use); BIOL (Biological study); USES (Uses)

(homocysteine levels in vegetarian vs. omnivore humans in relation to vitamin B12 and folate status)

Supplementary Terms

blood homocysteine vitamin B12 folate nutrition vegetarian omnivore


1) Finkelstein, J; J Nutr Biochem 1990, 1, 228

2) Selhub, J; JAMA 1993, 270, 2693

3) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Physiol Res 1992, 41, 243

4) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Clin Biochem Metab 1999, 7, 185

5) Herbert, V; Am J Clin Nutr 1988, 48, 852

6) Millet, P; Am J Clin Nutr 1989, 50, 718

7) Strmiska, F; Food Tables 1992

8) Vester, B; Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1991, 29, 549

9) Boushey, C; JAMA 1995, 274, 1049

10) Ueland, P; Clin Chem 1993, 39, 1764

11) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Cas Lek Cesk 1999, 138, 528

12) Shimakawa, T; Ann Epidemiol 1997, 7, 285

13) Ashkenazi, S; Clin Pediatr (Phila) 1987, 26, 662

14) Festen, H; Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl 1991, 188, 1

15) Herbert, V; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59, 1213

16) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Lab Diagn 1999, 4, 4

17) Anon; J Ministry Health SR 1997, 45, 58

18) Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Hygiena 1999, 44, 30

19) Pietrzik, K; Eur J Pediatr 1998, 157(suppl), 135

89. Outila T A; Lamberg-Allardt C J Ergocalciferol supplementation may positively affect lumbar spine bone mineral density of vegans. Journal of the American Dietetic Association (2000), 100(6), 629.

Controlled Terms

Body Mass Index

*Bone Density: DE, drug effects

Bone Density: PH, physiology

Calcium: ME, metabolism

Calcium: PH, physiology

*Diet, Vegetarian

*Dietary Supplements

Ergocalciferols: AD, administration & dosage

Ergocalciferols: ME, metabolism

*Ergocalciferols: PD, pharmacology

Femur Neck: DE, drug effects

Femur Neck: PH, physiology


Lumbar Vertebrae: DE, drug effects

Lumbar Vertebrae: PH, physiology

Parathyroid Hormone: BL, blood

Vitamin D: PH, physiology

Registry Numbers

1406-16-2 (Vitamin D)

7440-70-2 (Calcium)

Chemical Names

0 (Ergocalciferols)

0 (Parathyroid Hormone)

90. Outila T A; Karkkainen M U; Seppanen R H; Lamberg-Allardt C J Dietary intake of vitamin D in premenopausal, healthy vegans was insufficient to maintain concentrations of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and intact parathyroid hormone within normal ranges during the winter in Finland. Journal of the American Dietetic Association (2000), 100(4), 434-41.


OBJECTIVE: To study vitamin D status and bone metabolism of premenopausal vegetarians and omnivores during a 1-year period. DESIGN: Longitudinal, observational study. Bone mineral density was measured, blood samples from fasting subjects were obtained, and 24-hour urinary samples were collected in February 1994, August 1994, and January 1995. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [S-25(OH)D] and intact parathyroid hormone (S-iPTH) concentrations were measured and intestinal calcium absorption was estimated. Dietary intakes of vitamin D and calcium were calculated. SUBJECTS/SETTING: Six vegans, 6 lactovegetarians, and 16 omnivores living in Helsinki, Finland. STATISTICAL ANALYSES PERFORMED: Student-Newman-Keuls test; unbalanced, repeated-measures multiple analysis of variance; analysis of covariance; Pearson correlation test; and linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Dietary intake of vitamin D was significantly lower in vegans (P < .05, yearly mean +/- standard deviation = 0.09 +/- 0.06 microgram/day) and in lactovegetarians (P < .05, 0.7 +/- 0.4 microgram/day) compared with omnivores (4.0 +/- 2.1 micrograms/day). Throughout the year S-25(OH)D (P = .01) concentrations were lower and S-iPTH (P = .01) concentrations were higher in vegans than in omnivores and lactovegetarians. Bone mineral density in the lumbar region of the spine was lower in vegans (yearly mean +/- standard deviation = 1.034 +/- 0.174 g/cm2) than in omnivores (P = .05, 1.177 +/- 0.099 g/cm2) and tended to be lower than that in lactovegetarians (P = .17, 1.138 +/- 0.06 g/cm2). Bone mineral density in the neck of the femur tended to be lower in vegans (0.843 +/- 0.116 g/cm2) than in omnivores (P = .07, 0.999 +/- 0.138 g/cm2) and lactovegetarians (P = .15, 0.961 +/- 0.059 g/cm2). No seasonal variation was found in bone mineral density in the study groups.

CONCLUSIONS: At northern latitudes, dietary intake of vitamin D in vegans was insufficient to maintain S-25(OH)D and S-iPTH concentrations within normal ranges in the winter, which seems to have negative effects on bone mineral density in the long run. APPLICATIONS: An increase in vitamin D intake should generally be recommended for vegans at least during winter, or selections of foodstuffs fortified with vitamin D should be broadened in northern latitudes.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Female


Body Mass Index

*Bone Density: DE, drug effects

Bone Density: PH, physiology

Calcium: AN, analysis

Calcium: UR, urine

Densitometry, X-Ray

*Diet, Vegetarian: AE, adverse effects


Femur: PH, physiology



Longitudinal Studies

Lumbar Vertebrae: PH, physiology

*Parathyroid Hormone: BL, blood

Phosphates: UR, urine




Statistics, Nonparametric


*Vitamin D: AD, administration & dosage

*Vitamin D: AA, analogs & derivatives

Vitamin D: BL, blood

Vitamin D: ME, metabolism

Vitamin D: PD, pharmacology

Vitamin D Deficiency: ET, etiology

Vitamin D Deficiency: PP, physiopathology

Registry Numbers

1406-16-2 (Vitamin D)

64719-49-9 (25-hydroxyvitamin D)

7440-70-2 (Calcium)

Chemical Names

0 (Parathyroid Hormone)

0 (Phosphates)

91. Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M.; Simoncic, R.; Bederova, A.; Babinska, K.; Beder, I. Correlation of carnitine levels to methionine and lysine intake. Physiological Research (Prague) (2000), 49(3), 399-402.


Plasma carnitine levels were measured in two alternative nutrition groups - strict vegetarians (vegans) and lactoovovegetarians (vegetarians consuming limited amts. of animal products such as milk products and eggs). The results were compared to an av. sample of probands on mixed nutrition (omnivores). Carnitine levels were correlated with the intake of essential amino acids, methionine and lysine (as substrates of its endogenous synthesis), since the intake of carnitine in food is negligible in the alternative nutrition groups (the highest carnitine content is in meat, lower is in milk products, while fruit, cereals and vegetables contain low or no carnitine at all). An av. carnitine level in vegans was significantly reduced with hypocarnitinemia present in 52.9 % of probands. Similarly, the intake of methionine and lysine was significantly lower in this group due to the exclusive consumption of plant proteins with reduced content of these amino acids. Carnitine level in lactoovovegetarians was also significantly reduced, but the incidence of values below 30 mol/l was lower than in vegans representing 17.8 % vs. 3.3 % in omnivores. Intake of methionine and lysine was also significantly reduced in this group, but still higher compared to vegans (73 % of protein intake covered by plant proteins). Significant pos. correlation of carnitine levels with methionine and lysine intake in alternative nutrition groups indicates that a significant portion of carnitine requirement is covered by endogenous synthesis. Approx. two thirds of carnitine requirement in omnivores comes from exogenous sources. The results demonstrate the risks of alternative nutrition with respect to the intake of essential amino acids, methionine and lysine, and with respect to the intake and biosynthesis of carnitine.

Indexing -- Section 18-2 (Animal Nutrition)


(vegetarian; correlation of carnitine levels to methionine and lysine intake)

541-15-1, Carnitine

Role: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except adverse); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study)

(correlation of carnitine levels to methionine and lysine intake)

56-87-1, Lysine, biological studies

63-68-3, Methionine, biological studies

Role: BPR (Biological process); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study); PROC (Process)

(correlation of carnitine levels to methionine and lysine intake)

Supplementary Terms

carnitine vegetarian diet methionine lysine


Borum, P; Annu Rev Nutr 1983, 3, 233

Cederblad, G; Am J Clin Nutr 1987, 45, 725

Dwyer, J; Annu Rev Nutr 1991, 11, 61

Feller, A; J Nutr 1988, 118, 541

Hoppel, C; Fed Proc 1982, 41, 2853

Khan-Siddiqui, L; Am J Clin Nutr 1980, 33, 1259

Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Physiol Res 1992, 41, 243

Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Bratisl Lek Listy 1993, 94, 621

Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Ann Nutr Metab 1995, 39, 334

Krajcovicova, M; Cor Vasa 1998, 40, 285

Krajcovicova-Kudlackova, M; Cas Lek Ces 1999, 138, 528

Krahenbuhl, S; Life Sci 1996, 59, 1579

Lombard, K; Am J Clin Nutr 1989, 50, 301

Pearson, D; Methods of Enzymatic Analysis 1974, 1758

Rebouche, C; Clinical Aspects of Human Carnitine Deficiency 1986, 1

Rebouche, C; Annu Rev Nutr 1998, 18, 39

Strmiska, F; Food Tables 1992

Wagner, P; Laboratory Reference Values 1996

92. Lavine J B Blindness in a vegan. The New England journal of medicine (2000), 343(8), 585; author reply 585-6.

Controlled Terms

Avitaminosis: ET, etiology

*Blindness: ET, etiology

*Diet, Vegetarian: AE, adverse effects


*Vitamin B Deficiency: ET, etiology

93. Finkel H E Blindness in a vegan. The New England journal of medicine (2000), 343(8), 585; author reply 585-6.

Controlled Terms

*Anemia, Megaloblastic: ET, etiology

Blindness: ET, etiology

*Diet, Vegetarian: AE, adverse effects


Laboratory Techniques and Procedures

*Vitamin B Deficiency: DI, diagnosis

Vitamin B Deficiency: ET, etiology

94. Milea D; Cassoux N; LeHoang P Blindness in a strict vegan. The New England journal of medicine (2000), 342(12), 897-8.

Controlled Terms

Check Tags: Male


Anemia, Megaloblastic: ET, etiology

Avitaminosis: ET, etiology

*Blindness: ET, etiology

*Diet, Vegetarian: AE, adverse effects


*Optic Nerve Diseases: ET, etiology

Vitamin B 12 Deficiency: CO, complications

95. Hanninen, O.; Kaartinen, K.; Rauma, A.-L.; Nenonen, M.; Torronen, R.; Hakkinen, S.; Adlercreutz, H.; Laakso, J. Antioxidants in vegan diet and rheumatic disorders. Toxicology (2000), 155(1-3), 45-53.


Plants are rich natural sources of antioxidants in addn. to other nutrients. Interventions and cross sectional studies on subjects consuming uncooked vegan diet called living food (LF) have been carried out. We have clarified the efficacy of LF in rheumatoid diseases as an example of a health problem where inflammation is one of the main concerns. LF is an uncooked vegan diet and consists of berries, fruits, vegetables and roots, nuts, germinated seeds and sprouts, i.e. rich sources of carotenoids, vitamins C and E. The subjects eating LF showed highly increased levels of beta and alfa carotenes, lycopene and lutein in their sera. Also the increases of vitamin C and vitamin E (adjusted to cholesterol) were statistically significant. As the berry intake was 3-fold compared to controls the intake of polyphenolic compds. like quercetin, myricetin and kaempferol was much higher than in the omnivorous controls. The LF diet is rich in fiber, substrate of lignan prodn., and the urinary excretion of polyphenols like enterodiol and enterolactone as well as secoisolaricirecinol were much increased in subjects eating LF. The shift of fibromyalgic subjects to LF resulted in a decrease of their joint stiffness and pain as well as an improvement of their self-experienced health. The rheumatoid arthritis patients eating the LF diet also reported similar pos. responses and the objective measures supported this finding. The improvement of rheumatoid arthritis was significantly correlated with the day-to-day fluctuation of subjective symptoms. In conclusion the rheumatoid patients subjectively benefited from the vegan diet rich in antioxidants, lactobacilli and fiber, and this was also seen in objective measures.

Indexing -- Section 18-7 (Animal Nutrition)


Dietary fiber



Rheumatoid arthritis

(antioxidants in vegan diet and rheumatic disorders)

Carotenes, biological studies


Role: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except adverse); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study)

(antioxidants in vegan diet and rheumatic disorders)

Muscle, disease

(fibromyalgia; antioxidants in vegan diet and rheumatic disorders)


(vegetarian; antioxidants in vegan diet and rheumatic disorders)

50-81-7, Vitamin c, biological studies

117-39-5, Quercetin

127-40-2, Lutein

502-65-8, Lycopene

520-18-3, Kaempherol

529-44-2, Myricetin

531-95-3, Equol

580-72-3, Matairesinol

1406-18-4, Vitamin e

29388-59-8, Secoisolariciresinol

78473-71-9, Enterolactone

80226-00-2, Enterodiol

Role: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except adverse); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); BIOL (Biological study)

(antioxidants in vegan diet and rheumatic disorders)

Supplementary Terms

antioxidant vegan diet rheumatoid arthritis


Adlercreutz, H; J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1995, 52(1), 97

Adlercreutz, H; Bailliere's Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998, 12(4), 605

Agren, J; Lipids 1995, 30, 365

Cirillo, M; Miner Electrolyte Metab 1997, 23, 265

Denis, L; Eur Urol 1999, 35, 377

Dwyer, J; Annu Rev Nutr 1991, 11, 61

Folch, J; J Biol Chem 1957, 226, 497

Fraser, G; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59, 1117S

Hakkinen, S; J Agric Food Chem 1999, 47, 2274

Hanninen, O; Appetite 1992, 19, 243

Herbert, V; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59, 1213S

Hertog, M; J Agric Food Chem 1992, 40, 2379

Hertog, M; J Agric Food Chem 1993, 41, 1242

Kaartinen, K; Scand J Rheumatol in press 2000

Key, T; Proc Nutr Soc 1999, 58, 271

Ling, W; J Nutr 1992, 122, 924

Mantere-Alhonen, S; Microbiol Aliments Nutr 1994, 12, 399

Mills, P; Am J Clin Nutr 1994, 59(Suppl), 1136

Nagyova, A; Ann Nutr Metab 1998, 42, 328

Nellis, H; Anal Chem 1983, 55, 270

Nenonen, M; Br J Rheumatol 1998, 37, 274

Nenonen, M; Dissertation Kuopio University 1995, 76

Outila, T; Scand J Nutr 1998, 42, 98

Peltonen, R; Appl Environ Microbiol 1992, 58, 3660

Peltonen, R; Br J Rheumatol 1997, 36, 64

Peltonen, R; Dissertation Ann Universitatis Turkuensis Med Odotol 1994, 143, 96

Rauma, A; J Nutr 1995, 125, 2511

Rauma, A; Am J Clin Nutr 1995, 62, 1221

Roy, S; Dissertation Kuopio University 1994, 27

Ryhanen, E; Milchwissenschaft 1993, 48, 255

Scott, D; The EULAR Handbook of Standard Methods first ed 1993

Steinmetz, K; Cancer Causes Control 1991, 2, 325

Wigmore, A; Living Textbook: The Alchemy of Change to Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Well Being thru Living Foods 1990


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