Zasady układania elektrod, WSEiT, fizjoterapia, fizykoterapia

Zasady układania elektrod

Każdy pacjent powinien korzystać z własnego kompletu elektrod (lub własnej elektrody dopochwowej lub doodbytniczej)

Elektrod nie wolno układać:

w miejscu zranienia, stanu zapalnego skóry, na odleżynie, na boku szyi (w okolicy tętnicy szyjnej), wzdłuż lub w poprzek osi czaszki, na skórze owłosionej, wewnątrz ust, na oczach. Inne ograniczenia dla stymulacji znajdziesz na podstronie Przeciwwskazania

Elektrody samoprzylepne układa się (zależnie od wskazań)

w miejscu bólu lub otoczeniu miejsca bólu, w obszarze dermatomu właściwego dla miejsca odczuwania bólu, w otoczeniu rany lub odleżyny, wzdłuż przebiegu nerwów, na przyczepach mięśni lub w punkcie motorycznym mięśnia (miejscu wnikania do mięśnia nerwu ruchowego) i na przyczepie proksymalnym, przykręgosłupowo - równolegle do nerwów rdzeniowych lub ponad korzeniami nerwów obwodowych, przezstawowo

Elektrody dopochwowe lub doodbytnicze - aplikuje się zgodnie z przeznaczeniem w ten sposób, aby powierzchnie przewodzące prąd miały dobry kontakt ze ścianą pochwy lub kanału odbytu. Przed stymulacją, pacjent powinien oddać mocz lub stolec.

Przykładowe ułożenia elektrod do stymulacji przeciwbólowej

(inne ułożenia znajdziesz w instrukcji stymulatora)

* Rwa kulszowa

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Stosuj 2 kanały stymulacji. Ułóż dwie elektrody w odcinku lędźwiowym kręgosłupa na wysokości 4 i 5 kręgu lędźwiowego, a drugą parę elektrod wzdłuż przebiegu górnego odcinka nerwu kulszowego. Elektrody na plecach możesz również ułożyć wzdłużnie, jedną wyżej,drugą niżej / po tej samej stronie kręgosłupa po której odczuwasz ból. Stymulację możesz stosować 2-3 razy dziennie po 1-2 godziny. Nie musisz leżeć w czasie zabiegu. Zadbaj również o odciążenie kręgosłupa lędźwiowego w czasie snu, podkładając (w lezeniu na plecach) złożony koc pod kolana.


* Bóle kolan

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Bóle kolan mogą być spowodowane zabiegiem operacyjnym, urazem kolana lub zmianami zwyrodnieniowymi, osteoporozą, reumatyzmem i in. Elektrody ułóż jak na rysunku lub połącz kanały na krzyż zależnie od tego czy chcesz silniej oddziaływać na struktury ścięgien czy powierzchnie stawowe. Nie stymuluj rzepki. Jeżeli ból nie jest związany z operacja, urazem czy reumatyzmem to warto stymulować dodatkowo lędźwiowy odcinek kręgosłupa (L2-L3). Z tego poziomu wybiegają nerwy unerwiające powierzchnię stawów kolanowych i biodrowych. Ułóż na bolącym kolanie 1parę elektrod (na krzyż lub po bokach) a drugą parę elektrod na mięśniach grzbietu, na wysokości kręgów lędźwiowych L2-L3.



* Bóle ramion -

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stosuj jeden lub dwa kanały, jeśli odczuwasz ból po obu stronach. Zależnie od przyczyny bólu (przeciążenie, naderwanie, stłuczenie, ucisk na nerwy ruchowe lub naczynioruchowe) będą skuteczne różne parametry stymulacji. Wypróbuj zarówno częstotliwość 50 -70 Hz jak i 3 - 5 Hz. Czas impulsu ustaw na 100 - 150 mikrosekund a natężenie na dobrze odczuwalne ale nie silne. Silne natężenie może tylko zwiększyć ból.



  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of TENS?



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  1. Can TENS be safely used to a pregnant patient?

TENS units is not recommended used for the pregnancy unless under medical supervision.

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  1. Is TENS contraindicated for patients who suffering pacemaker or defibrillator?

TENS is not recommended for patients with know heart disease without physical evaluation of possible risk. TENS devices can affect the operation of demand type cardiac pacemakers. So it not suitable for those using a demand type pacemaker. And do not stimulate over the eyes or carotid sinus nerves. If you have epilepsy or heart disease please seek medical advice before use.

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  1. What is the safety of using TENS?

Indications: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is used for the symptomatic relief and management of chronic (long-term) Intractable pain and as an adjunctive treatment in the management of post surgical and post traumatic acute pain problems.

Contraindications: TENS devices can affect the operation of demand type cardiac pacemakers. TENS is not recommended for patients with known heart disease without physical evaluation of risk. Do not Stimulate over the eyes or carotid sinus nerves. Do not apply TENS either transcerebrally or transthoracically. Do not apply TENS for undiagnosed pain syndromes until etiology is established.

Warnings: This device should be used only under the continued supervision of a physician. TENS is ineffective for pain of central origin. TENS has no curative value. It is a symptomatic treatment which suppresses pain sensation which would otherwise serve as a protective mechanism. Safety of TENS devices for use during pregnancy or delivery had not been established. For external use only. Electronic equipment such as ECG Monitors and EKG alarms may not operate properly when TENS is in use. Keep out of the reach of children.

Caution: Federal law (USA) restricts to sale by or on the order of a physician.

Precautions: Avoid using TENS while operating machinery or vehicles. Turn the stimulator off before applying or removing electrodes. Long-term stimulation at the same electrode site may cause skin irritation. Use only for the specific pain problem prescribed by physician. Effectiveness is dependent upon patient selection.

Adverse Reactions: Possible allergic reaction, Skin irritation or electro-burn under self-adhesive electrode.

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  1. Please suggest the treating points for using TENS device?

The following picture shows how to use in a properly points. And place the electrodes on the dark point.

Elbow Pain

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Post-Podiatric Surgery

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Knee Pain

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Bio Glove using reference picture

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  1. Please illustrate how to use the Uro TENS-P?

Few examples of electrode placement for various conditions. And place the electrodes on the nerve way.

Treatment intensity: Different intensity for different people or follow the doctor's indication.
Treatment time: 1~2 times each day, 20 minutes every time.

Sour waist ans back pain


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Incontinence problem; Alleviating injury pain

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  1. Please illustrate how to use the Dental TENS device?

For maxillary procedures place both electrodes over the apecies of the bicuspids just below the zygoma. Place the electrode attached to the RED color(+) of lead wire on the treatment side of the face.

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  1. What is the safety of using EMS device?

Indications: The EMS is intended to be used in


Precautions/Side Effects: Long-term stimulation at the same electrode site may cause skin irritation. Should this occur, remove the electrodes and discontinue stimulation, consult your clinician to determine cause of irritation. The safety of stimulation for use during pregnancy or delivery has not been established.

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  1. Please suggest the treating points for the EMS device?

The following picture shows how to use in a properly points. And place the electrodes on the dark point.

Shoulder Dislocation

Back Re-Education

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Hip Muscle

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Quadriceps Strengthening

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  1. Please illustrate how to use the Pelvic MS device?

Treatment: Incontinence problem, Alleviating injury.

    1. The following picture shows how to use in a properly points.

      0x01 graphic

      Treatment intensity: Different intensity for different people or follow the doctor's indication.
      Treatment time: 1~2 times each day, 20 minutes every time.

    2. Optional Probe to use: Apply suitable gel on the conductive rings of the probe. Set up the treatment program following doctor's instructions. Then, place the probe into the vagina (for woman) or anus (for man) about 5~7 cm deep.

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      Treatment time: 1~2 times each day, 15~30 minutes every time.

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  1. What is different between a TENS and Electrical Muscle Stimulator?

TENS is designed to help relieve certain types of chronic and acute pain. It is used to simulate the nerve, muscle and cells via surface skin by low electricity to make the brain produce endorphin naturally and then to reach the goal of relieving syndromes and stopping pain.

Electrical muscle stimulator (EMS) works by sending electronic stimulation to the muscle; thus allowing the muscle to contract hundreds of times per minute. This contracting of the muscles increases blood flow to the muscles which benefits tired aching muscles; and expedites the healing. The muscle stimulation can assist in re-educating and rebuilding injured muscles when you are unable to physically exercise.

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  1. What is the safety of using IF device?

Caution: Federal law (USA) restricts to sale by or on the order of a physician. Keep out of the reach of children.

Indications: Interferential Stimulator (IF) devices are used for the symptomatic relief and management of chronic (long-term) Intractable pain and as an adjunctive treatment in the management of post surgical and post traumatic acute pain problems.

Contraindications: Interferential Stimulator (IF) devices can affect the operation of demand type cardiac pacemakers. Interferential Stimulator (IF) is not recommended for patients with known heart disease without physical evaluation of risk. Do not Stimulate over the eyes or carotid sinus nerves. Do not apply Interferential Stimulator (IF) for undiagnosed pain syndromes until etiology is established. Any electrode placement that causes current to flow transcerebrally (through the head).

Warnings: This device should be used only under the continued supervision of a physician. Interferential Stimulator (IF) is not effective for pain of central origin. (i.e., headache). Interferential Stimulator (IF) is of no curative value; it is a symptomatic treatment which suppresses pain sensation which would otherwise serve as a protective mechanism on the outcome of the clinical process. Safety of Interferential Stimulator (IF) devices for use during pregnancy or delivery had not been established. For external use only. Electronic equipment such as EKG Monitors and EKG alarms may not operate properly when Interferential Stimulator (IF) is in use.

Precautions: Avoid adjusting controls while operating machinery or vehicles. Turn the stimulator off before applying or removing electrodes. Long-term stimulation at the same electrode site may cause skin irritation. Use only for the specific pain problem prescribed by physician. Effectiveness is dependent upon patient selection.

Adverse Reactions: Possible allergic reaction, Skin irritation or electro-burn under self-adhesive electrode.

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  1. Please suggest the treating points for the Interferential device?

The following picture shows how to use in a properly points. And place the electrodes on the dark point.

Back Pain


Tennis Elbow

Neuroma Pain

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  1. What is the safety of using HVG device?

Caution: Federal law (USA) restricts to sale by or on the order of a physician. Keep out of the reach of children.

Indications: High volt pulsed galvanic stimulation may be used, with a physician's prescription for a variety of reasons. They include maintaining or increasing range of motion, re-educating muscles, reducing motor spasticity, increasing local blood circulation, preventing or retarding disuse atrophy and managing post-traumatic or post-surgical pain conditions.

Contraindications: Cancer patients or anyone with a demand type pacemaker should not use high volt pulsed galvanic stimulation.


Precautions: Precautions should be observed.

Additional Precautions:

Adverse Effects: Burns beneath the electrodes and skin irritation have been reported with the use of electrical muscle stimulators.

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  1. Please suggest the treating points for using the High Voltage?

(1) Electrode placement:0x08 graphic

(2) The following picture shows how to use in a properly points. And place the electrodes on the black point.

Heel Pain

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Spinal Fusion / Laminectomy

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  1. What is safety of using Micro Current?

Indications: Micro Current (MC) devices are used for the symptomatic relief and management of chronic (long term) intractable pain and as an adjunctive treatment in the management of postsurgical traumatic acute pain problems.




Adverse Reactions: Possible allergic reaction, skin irritation or electro-burn under self-adhesive electrode.

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  1. Please suggest the treating points for using the Micro Current device?

The following picture shows how to use in a properly points, and place the electrodes on the black point.

Elbow Pain

Primary Treatment
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Alternate Treatment
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Hand Pain

Primary Treatment
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Alternate Treatment
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  1. Please illustrate how to use the Ear Acu-Point Stim device?


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Reference for Treatment Setting



Output Current





Turn to mA first, then adjust to µA 3~5 minutes later



Blood pressure-control


Turn to mA first, then adjust to µA 3~5 minutes later




Turn to HIGH and mA first, then adjust to LOW and µA 3~5 minutes later



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  1. What is safety of using COMB STIM device?

Caution: Federal law USA restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. Keep out of the reach of children.



Precautions / Side Effects: Long-term stimulation at the same electrode site may cause skin irritation. Should this occur, remove the electrodes and discontinue stimulation, consult your clinician to determine cause of irritation. The safety of stimulation for use during pregnancy or delivery has not been established.

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  1. Can I place both electrodes over various muscle groups at the same time?

Yes, the EMS unit has two single outlet leads and four electrode pads to stimulate more than one muscle at one treatment.

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  1. How to use electrode?

Place the electrodes on the point around the pain / surgical site or follow the doctor's indication. Please see the following pictures.

Treatment 1:
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Treatment 2:
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  1. Is photon therapy as same as using lasers from treatment?

Although the therapy is similar. Therapeutic laser light is generally either visible (red) or invisible (infrared). Photon therapy operates in both the visible and infrared spectrum of light.

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  1. What is the effect of infrared ray on human body?

For example:

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  1. How does light actually effect and help on human's health problems?

There are actually three pathways, which are now well documented, in scientific papers. The first pathway prompts the brain to release of cortisol and other healing hormones. This is important because the brain has the ability to switch off and ignore pain signals. The third pathway is the improvements made to the way the cells work and produce energy. A wide range of conditions from sports injuries to non-healing ulcers and form rheumatism to chronic fatigue.

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  1. What is the Facial Ultrasound?

Ultrasound has been used on the beautification only for 20 years. Ultrasound permeates into deep skin texture with transformed hear and micro vibration to reach revival effect. It internal heat to massage the cells and cause a movement and vibration of the cell nucleus, which is turn cause a regeneration of the cells.

Vibration and the cavitations would remove old cuticle and oiled waste out of the pores. It will reduce acne that orange peel look, wrinkles and puffiness, remove the dead skin cell layer, abolish pigment disorders, promote total skin clarity and drive products deep into the skin.

The deep heat helps to relieve pain, inflammation, reduces muscle spasms, and accelerates healing. Depending on the treatment area, range of motion may be increased.

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  1. Can ultrasonic beauty treatments make wrinkles disappear?

Ultrasonic beauty care product is a high quality device; it helps reduce the rate of skin aging. Quality ultrasonic beauty care device expected to repair some existing skin cell damage, plus improve the health of some of the underlying cells and tissues. So it can make wrinkle more smoothing.

Ultrasound stimulating deeper penetration into the skin and by deliver special creams deeper into lower layer of the skin, it often soft the appearance of fine lines, making the skin looks younger, firmer and healthier. Improvements are seems usually by few times.

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  1. Should I use gel specially for ultrasound treatment?

Ultrasound cannot transmit in the air. If the treatment head hoes not completely contact with the skin, the result would not meet your expectation. Researches display, the transmission proportion of ultrasound in the air is 0, about 50% in general water, 60% in distilled water, near 70% in glue matter, and above 70% in special gel. Besides, another efficacy of ultrasound is the promote the skin absorbing outside matters, no matter nutrition or dirt. Hence, the transmission is worthy to be noticed, Except cleaning your skin before using ultrasound device, we also suggested you use special gels or creams (they must be certified by hygiene organization) in case side effects.

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  1. Is beauty care ultrasonic able to be used on all types of skin? How many times is suitable for daily use?

Ultrasonic beauty is suitable for all types of normal skin. Generally speaking, there are five types of skin: oily, dry, neutral, hypersensitive and trouble skin. The former three skin is no problem at all for using ultrasonic beauty device; while the later ones (the poisoned, metabolism-imbalance, burned skin, etc.), we suggest you go to the doctor and ask for correct treatment before using any beautifier.

When use Ultrasound, we suggest to massage your skin for 10 to 15 minutes everyday which will help your skin more beautiful.

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  1. How soon can I feel relief after treating by these devices?

The answer for this is depends on the person who use and the commitment from the therapy. These units are designed to be used several times a day. Patients who treat as recommended often feel results within the first week or two, but relief can take 30-60 days in some cases. Each case is different, and some conditions are much more difficult to successfully treat than others. The majority of patients who follow the recommended treatment guidelines do achieve significant results.

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  1. Are there any adverse reactions will occur when I use these medical devices?

Possible allergic reaction to tape or gel. Possible skin irritation or electrode burn under electrode. If skin irritation persists, discontinue use and consult a physician.


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