The Rsgard Trilogy • Book 1
Asgard is a planet-sizcd artcfact prescntly orbiting a star on thc cdgc of thc galaxy, although its ultimatc origins rcmain stubbornly mystcri-ous. It secms to consist of a serics of conccntric sphcres, cach of which was oncc host to scvcral complcx civilizations, but thc outcr laycrs are now dcscrtcd and scalcd off; thosc immcdiatcly bcncath thc surfacc arc cxtrcmcly cold.
Since its discovcry by thc Tctrax—thc most accomplishcd spaccfaring spccics in thc galactic arm—scavcngers from dozens of other specics havc accumulatcd in a hastily-improviscd city* busily scouring thc outcr laycrs for artefaets that might offer clucs to thc advanccd tcchnologics involvcd in thc construction of Asgard. Thcrc is also fcrvcnt compctition to find a way down into thc lowcr lcvcls, whcrc treasures of cvcn greater valuc might be lurking.
One of thc fcw humans involvcd in this hcctic scarch is Mikc Rousseau; as thc story begins hc has all-but-cxhaustcd his Capital and is trying to obtain financial support for another far-ranging foray into thc cold levels. When a fcllow human named Myrlin arrivcs on Asgard rcquińng a sponsor to offer him temporary accommodation, Mikc passes him on to a friend whose financial situation is somewhat less parlous, Saul I .yndrach. Ali thrcc of them arc, howcvcr, swiftly caught up in a violcnt conflict; Lyndrach has found a way down into thc lowcr lcvcls and thc compctition to possess thc sccrct has tumed nasty.
A vormyran gangster named Amara Guur kidnaps Saul and scizcs thc rccord of his last (continucd on back flap)