Nutrition Facts

Srrv.tif. S:xc 1/12 Cftkf {S4g) Scn-.np* Pci Omumrr 11

.\mvun( Per Sfjvtng

CuUitUt IV) Colona it*m F*'. 110


Total F»t 12#;


Satur-itcsl Fa* ^


Chokftrrol 15 mg


Sod rem 140 mg


ToUl GirfcohydraU 2*g


DieUryFtb<r Ig


Sugan 15g_

Pnrtrin 2g

ViUmxo A 0% * Vfocmn C 0%

Cal mim 2% • Tron 4S

'f««l Du)> V0m *4 W « a 2.C« <»>-rx <i<*. V*£i JcK vt>x* rwy k< hf te- u kwa to »hj c**n< M«4a


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