Gone to Green, by Judy Christie
"...Rcfrc»hinj{Iv rcalbłic rcligkw* fiction, fhi* novel ł» un.ifr.utl to nddro* thc injusticesol scxistn. rac Lun. and eomiption as well as ihc spiritual dcva«ation that oftcn accompamcs the kivs of lovcd one*. Yct thcse ilarkcr narr.tt lvc tonc» bcautifuliy hi^hli^ht thc novcł’s rocssajjc of"fricndship, community, ant! God* tCSBMiring and iransfonnativc Iow.” —Publisher* Wcekly starrcd rcview
The Cali of Zulina, by Kay Marshall Strom
"Thi* compcllinii Jr.itn.i will challenge rcudcrs to rcmcnibcr skwery s hrutiil h istoty, and ics hcroic charactcr* will inspire thein. Highly rccommcndod.”
—Library Journal ojrred rcvlcw
Surrender the Wind, by Rita Gerlach
"I ani purcly a roin-incc render, and yct you htx>ked me tn with a war sccne, tif uli thinifs! I would havc ncver he1łcvcd ii. You set thc iikxxI N-autihilly and havc a clcan, strong. lyrical way wilh wotds. You have donc your rescarch wdl cntnigh to transport nie Nick to thc wartom period of”colotiial tlmc*."
—Julie Lcssman, auihor of The Daughttrs of Boston serics
One Imperfect Christmas, by Myra Johnson
“Dcbut novelist Mym Johnson ushers us into thc Christmas scason with a fresh and cxciting story th.it will glvc you a diuckie and a special watnith."
—DiAnn Mills, autlior of Amikrn My licati and Breach of Trust
The Prayers of Agnes Sparrow, by Joyce Magnin
“Bcwarc of The Prayers oj Agnes Spam.ru. Jusr when you havc hec orne fully enchamcd by ifs marvclous quirky :anincv*. you will suddcnly bc taken to your knees by Its polgnant inuh tcllin« aNiut what it nneans to bc divincly hunian. I‘m conyinccd that Ym our knees' t« cxactly W herc Joyce Magnin planncd for us to land all along."—Nancy Rue, co-author of Hcaling Wutcrs (Sullitim Crisp Senes) 2009 Novel of thc Year
The Fence My Father Built, by Linda S. Clare
"...Linda CŁirc reiuuuU us with her writinc th.u ts wisc, funny, and hearthnsikinu, that what tnatters iiK»st in lifc are the pcople we lovc and the One who gave thein to us."—Giną Ochsner. Dark Iforsę Litcrary, winner of thc Oregon Book Award and thc Flanncry 0’Cbnnor Award for Short Fiction
eye of the god, by Ariel Allison
•Rllcd with action on three contmcnts, cyc of the gad ts a rNcting fast-poccd thriller, Nit u ts Abby—who, In spite of anotber letdown by a nian, renttins fillcd with hopc who make* Ariel Allison* tale a super read."—Uarriet Klausncr