8.    They went from Luxembourg to Switzerland by train. (T)

9.    They went from Switzerland to Paris by train. (F)

10.    Mr Long wants to go on holiday in France next year. (F)

II Find the words in the above text which mean (10 points):

1.    Two people who are together because they are married or in a relationship -

2.    A type of transport that is pulled by an engine along a railway linę -train

3.    A person who drives a car - motorist

4.    A group of houses in a country area - village

5.    A boat that carries people, vehicles or goods across a river or a narrow part of the sea -

PART II (20 points)

1.    Choose the correct answer (A or B) (10 points):

1 The school beli ring.....14:30.

A on B at

2.    He never ....the doorbehind him.

A close    B    closes

3.    We.....hire videos. We prefer going to the cinema.

A seldom    B    often

4.    The vet..............on a sick animal right now.

A operates B is operating

5.1........ Pam at the party last night.

A see    B    saw

6.    Issheyour......?

A brother's girlfriend B girlfriend's brother

7.    She has......hoovered the carpet.

A yet    B just

8. What does Jane............like?

A is    B look



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