Corning February 2011
Devyn Quinn
A Dark Tides Novel
Gwcn Lonikc has ncver cmbraccd hcr mcrmaid hcritagc, prcfcrring to livc as a luiman. So whcn hcr sister. Tessa, rcturns from thc Mcditcrrancan with news that she inadvcrtcntly opened thc gateway to a lost mcrmaid kingdom—and accidcntally lot thc ill-intentioncd and dangerous quccn cscapc into thc human world—Gwcn is conccrncd ahout thc potcntial threat to hcr idyllic lifc.
Meanwhilc, a covcrt ops group has caught wind of paranormal activity in thc Mcditcrrancan and traced thc action back to Port Rock. Agent Blakc Whitaker is far from happy whcn hes assigncd to his hometown to stakc out thc situation. But whcn hc discovcrs his target is thc sister of Gwcn, his high school crush, mcmorics and feelings comc flooding back to him. Can Blakc hidc his truć mission from Gwcn—and can Gwcn kccp hcr mcrmaid identity a sec ret, cvcn as thc quccn hunts dcsperatcly for thc Lonikc sisters? Its only a matter of tirnc bcforc thc truth comcs out on both sides. but as thc danger rises, both nuist choosc to surrender their trust to cach other.
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