7th February 2011
When I firsl met Sheriock, my new flatmate, he toki me my life Mory. He knew so much about me from the way I walk, the way I Icok and even from my mobile. And thats the thmg wilh him. 5.1._He sees nght through everyone in seconds.
But what s incredible is how little he knows about things which do not interesl him.
5.2._And last week I found out he did not know thal the Earth goes round the
Sun Seriously! He'$ such a bnlliant detective but at the same time there are these hlind spots which are really terrifying.
When I arranged to come over on Tuesday to see Sher1ock's fiat, I had no idea of what was going to happen. When I was Icoking around the rcom I wanted to
rent. suddenly a police offtcer came in. 5.3._Somebody had been murdered.
Sherlock decided to mvestigale and asked me to jom him. In the taxi. he explamed how he had deduced everything about me the previous day. I coutd try to expla>n it here but I thmk it's hetter if you go to his sile, wwv/.thescienceofdeduction.oo.uk, and see for yourself how his mind works.
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A. This morning, for example, he asked me who the (Vime Minister wos.
B. Ifs impossible to hide onything from Shedock.
C. You con’t imogme how quickly he found out about them.
D. Thafs whr1 he decided to look lor one.
E. Sncrlock, of coursc, dmący knew why hc wcs 'here.