A Monster Prowls the Mountains of Southlands
Rosę Red irusts no one with her secrei. She hides in (he forest, her face veiled in rags. shunning the company of all $ave her old father and her nanny goat. Her life is bleak and lonely.
Until she meets a privileged young man sent to spend his summcr in the mountains. Headstrong young Leo startles cvcryone by befriending Rosę Red, and togethcr thcy begin scarching for the monster rumorcd to be stalking thcsc lands.
But the hunt, which began as a gamę, holds grcatcr risk than eithcr imagines. Soon both are forced to test their trust in each other as a far morę terrifying scourge puts their entirc land at risk.
Praise for Heartless, the first in the TALES OF GOLDSTONE WOOD
“A fun debut novel chat is hard to put down and carries a sirong message...” ScboolLibraryJournal
“With meaningful thcmcs as well as parallcls to Christian thcology, classical romanticism, and traditional fairy tales, Heartless is an easy journcy to be pulled into...." ForeWordReviews
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