Testy Gimnazjalne9

Testy Gimnazjalne9

Transkrypcja nagrań

The conditions in the mountains aren't easy, even when there's no snów, but the roads look slippery... Luckily it's not raining at the moment. Yeah... Number six overtakes all the cydists! Exciting! Yeah... Weil done! The doudy sky means it's easier to cyde southwards... The sun isn't shining straight into their eyes, they're not dazzled. The weather is perfect for the race.


29 Dialogue 1

Man: My goodness! Where’s my wallet? It's not in my pocket! I lost it!

Woman: But you've just had it when you were paying for our lunch!

Man: Yes, that's right. I think I left it on the table.

Woman: So let's hurry and drive there quickly. Maybe it's still there. Careful! The lights are red!

Dialogue 2

Man: Here you are, dear. I got everything you asked me to buy. Here's bread, milk, cornflakes, and red apples. III put the milk in the fridge, just move a little bit, I can't open the door. Did I forget to buy anything?

Woman: What about the newspaper?

Man: l'm sorry, I forgot. HI go to the newsagent's right away.

1.    Howareyou?

2.    Thanks for helping me.

3.1've finished. Look!

4.1'm tired.

5. Get well soon!

If things go wrong, don't panie. To contact the emergency services in any EU country, dial 112. Report any theft to the local police. You will need to endose the police report when making your insurance or compensation daim. Cancel any lost or stolen credit cards immediately. If your passport has been stolen, report it to your country's consulate or embassy as well as to the police. For free advice on your rights as a traveller and any other rights and where to go for help, telephone Europę Direct service on 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 from anywhere in the EU.

Adapted from a tourist brochure

Girl: Are you OK, Jeff? You don't look very happy.

Boy: Oh, Betty. I've had an argument with my parents. They don't give me enough pocket money.

Girl: I see. How much do you get?

Boy: Six pounds a week.

Girl: That's pretty fair. My friends don’t get that much.

Boy: Fine, but with me things are different. When I go into town, I can't afford anything. Everything is so expensive.

Girl: So what? I have five pounds and I can manage.

Boy: But I do graffiti. The paint is so expensive. I take part in competitions and I won one last month.

Girl: Why don‘t you take a paper round at weekends?

Boy: HI have to think about it.

Man: I can't see anything yet... Oh, now! They are coming! They are coming towards me! They look very hot and tired, number 18 takes a sip of water...

Announcement 1

Good evening. This is the manager speaking. The women's aerobics dass is starting now in the hall on the first floor. The men's kick-boxing starts in twenty minutes' time in the basement hall. Due to the rainy weather the outdoor area is dosed. Thank you.

Announcement 2

The fiction books are on the first floor, and the dictionaries and reference books are on the second floor. You can find books on learning English there, too. You can't borrow morę than three books at a time. Remember to take your books to the reception desk so the lady can check them out for you. Thank you.

Announcement 3

Attention. please! Ladies and gentlemen! There's a little boy called Tommy at the front desk on the groundfloor. He’s wearing a navy blue jacket and grey trousers. The boy says he‘s four years old and has come here to shop for toys with his brother Jack. Please, don’t leave your children on their own. Tommy is waiting for his brother at the information desk.

Announcement 4

Attention, please! This is the manager speaking. Due to the reporting of two thefts during the last two hours, we kindly request that you take proper care of your personal belongings. Especially, you should pay attention when you're entering and leaving the hall after the show. Don't leave anything valuable in your coats which you leave in the doak room. Beware of pickpockets! Thank you.

1. What do you think of James?

2.1 like strawberry ice cream.

3.    How much are these apples?

4.    Have you finished?

5.    It’s very hot in this room.

A new pet passport was introduced in 2004 making it easier to travel with pets. All cats and dogs need one, and it is accepted across the European Union as proof that a pet has received the anti-rabies vaccination. However, Ireland, Malta, Sweden and the United Kingdom also require proof that the vaccination has been effective. The necessary tests




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