Testy Gimnazjalne8

Testy Gimnazjalne8

Trans:<rvpcia magraw

scenes in Westminster Abbey. Finally discover how an ancient London Ley linę, like the Rosę Lyne, bas some odd connections... The trip starts at Trafalgar Square at 1:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

Adapted from a tourist leaflet

The grizzly bear is one of the eight types of bears living on the earth today. It can be found especially in the United States and Canada. The grizzly's average age when it dies in the wild is 25 years. This animal is extremely intelligenl with great learning abilities and a long term memory. Grizzlies are typically brown, although sometimes their fur can have white spots. This rather solitary animal has an omnivorous diet and eats as much as 15 per cent of its body weight daily in meat or 25 per cent in fruit and other plants. Female grizzlies give birth during winter and may have up to four baby-bears, yet twins are most common. This usually happens every three or four years. Grizzly bears may be dangerous to humans, particulariy if they are surprised or if a human comes between a mother and her young.

Adapted from English Matters 712007

1.    Did you see Tom yesterday?

2.    Why are you late for school again?

3.    Hello, this is my friend Jack.

4.    Where's Mary?

5.    Help yourself to the cake.

Goodevening,thisisacustomerserviceannouncement. We have some special offers today. Wholesome sliced bread is significantly reduced tonight and sells at half price, at only 40 pence per loaf. Fresh orange juice is only 70 pence per one litre, which is much cheaper than before. You can save 30 pence per litre if you buy today. Also, you can get cottage cheese at an attractive discount - the current price is 3.50 pounds per kilo.

Please notę that the storę doses today at 8 o'dock. Enjoy your shopping. Thank you for your attention.

lialogue 1

T: Your grades are very poor, let’s have a look at your notes in the register. See, the last test you definitely failed. Very poor....

S: Could I retake it?

T: If you stay longer in the afternoon tomorrow, you can try. Do you think you have learnt everything properly? Or would you like to have some morę time?

S: You never know, do you, but I think l'll do much better this time. What time can I do it?

Dialogue 2

Woman 1: His grades are very poor, Pm really worried.

Woman 2: Did you talk to him?

Woman 1: Surę. I talk to him every day and he promises, promises but in fact he doesn't care. What can I do? What would you do if you were in my shoes?

Woman 2: Weil, does he have a friend? I mean a really dose friend? Or a girlfriend? Pd try to meet them and find out the real reasons. Maybe he needs a private tutor and a few extra lessons to catch up?

Woman 1:1 haven't thought of that.

Hello, my name is Sam. Most people in Britain have a garden next to their house. Everybody wants their house and garden to look nice in all weathers. Every town in Britain has one or morę DIY - Do It Yourself centres. These are sort of supermarkets for the home and garden. These places are very popular with the British at weekends. My father enjoys making things out of wood and improving things in the house. He’s madę a new fence for the garden all by himself. I tried to help him, but I cut my finger and wasn't able to do anything.

Speaker 2

Hello. my name is Mary. My mum and dad go out and visit friends at least once a week. Sometimes me and my brother go too. Every Thursday after school Jim and I go to see our gran, who lives in another part of town. But my favourite pastime is hanging out with my friends. If I have a lot of homework, I use the Internet to chat with them, or we text one another. We often go to the cinema on Fridays or meet at each other's homes. We seldom play outdoor sports but Jim and his friends are keen on basketball and quite often they have a gamę in the school gym after dasses.

Speaker 3

Hello, my name is Jenny. When I have nothing to do, I choose quiet activities, like sewing, knitting, embroidery. The radio is on and I am happy to sit, listen to it and to do things especially on rainy weather. Recently, I discovered the Internet and have madę lots of new friends. I mail them nearly every day and sometimes I go to bed really late. It's a time consuming activity but I really enjoy it, especially that I live in a smali village and have very few neighbours to chat to. They’re usually very busy. I don't work. I retired three years ago and have plenty of free time nowadays. I live on my own, and my cat is my only companion. I wish he could talk to me.



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