flnd their helper and turn it over to show that they are at school and ready to worki
You can use the pattems ln a variety of ways to create customized manipulatives and games for your students. Following are a few fun ideas to try.
# Puzzles Iroite students to choose their favorite pattern to make a puzzle.
Simply copy the pattern and help children glue it to a piece of tagboard.
Have them color in the picture with markers or crayons. Then have them cut the tagboard into different-shaped pieces to make a Jigsaw puzzle. Students can storę their puzzle pieces in a plastic bag and trade them with their classmates.
$ Concentratlon Choose ten pattems for the cards and make two copies of each (you will need to reduce the patterns). Invite children to cut out the patterns and glue each one to an index card. Have children tum all their cards facedown and turn over cards two at a time until they have matched each card with its partner.
* Lotto Use the pattems to make a lotto gamę. Four can play. Choose ten patterns for the gamę and make five copies of each one (you will need to reduce the images first). Provide children with sheets of construction paper or tagboard and invite them to choose six different pictures to glue to the sheet to create their own lotto board. They then glue the remaining pictures to index cards. Imrtte children to color their boards and cards. Place the cards in a pile facedown and imdte children to play the gamę as follows: One child picks the top card off the pile. If it matches a picture on that child’s board, the child places it on the board over the matching picture. If not, the card is placed facedown in a second pile. Children take tums picking cards and making matches until one child’s board is fuli.