

Project Settings


Settings For:

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EJ CU YAH - Win32 Release |Yah.exe)

YAH - Win32 Debug IYah.exe)

Debug | Gustom Build C/C++ | Link | Res | < | ► Categorij: | General    Reset |

Warning Jevel:

| Level 3


r Warnings as errors

Debug info:

| Program Database


W Generale browse info Optimizations:

Disable (Dębu


Preprocessor definitions:

)WI N 32,_D E B U G ,_WI N D 0 WS ,_AFXD LL_M B CS Project Options:

/nologo /M D d AV3 /G m /GX /Z\ /O d /D ' Wl N 32'1 /D ^ "_DEBUG" /D ".WINDOWS" /D "_AFXDLL" /D    Z

"_MBCS" /FR"Debug/" /Fp"Debug/Yah.pch"    w

OK | Cancel | Help


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