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DataDict • Win32 Debug
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^ CDaoFieldExchange ^ CDaoQueryDef Cci CD aoR ecordset 5) CD aoR ecordset 5) CD aoR ecordset Class Members 0 co Member Functions
5) CD aoR ecordset: :AddNew CD aoR ecordset:: CanAppend CD aoR ecordset:: CanB ookmark CD aoR ecordset:: CancelU pdate CD aoR ecordset:: CanR estart CD aoR ecordset:: CanS croll CD aoR ecordset:: CanT ransact CD aoR ecordset:: CanU pdate
[=ll CD aoR ecordset:: CD aoR ecordset 1 5) CD aoR ecordset: :Close ^ CD aoR ecordset: :Delete
CD aoR ecordset:: D oFieldE xchange CD aoR ecordset:: Edit CD aoR ecordset:: FilICache CD aoR ecordset: :Find CD aoR ecordset:: FindFirst CD aoR ecordset:: FindLast CD aoR ecordset:: FindN ext CD aoR ecordset:: FindPrev CD aoR ecordset:: G etAbsolutePositi CD aoR ecordset:: G etB ookmark CD aoR ecordset:: G etCacheS ize CD aoR ecordset:: G etCacheS tart CD aoR ecordset:: G etCurrentl ndex CD aoR ecordset:: G etD ateCreated CD aoR ecordset:: G etD ateLastU pd< CD aoR ecordset:: G etD ef aultD B N ar
pDatabase Contains a pointer to a CDaoDatabase object or the value NULL. If not NULL and the CDaoDatabase objeefs Open memberfunction has notbeen calledto connect itto the data source.the recordset attempts to open itforyou during its own Onen cali. Ifyou pass NULL, a CDaoDatabase object is constructed and connected foryou using the data source Information you specified ifyou derivedyour recordset class from CDaoRecordset
Constructs a CDaoRecordset object. You can either use CDaoRecordset directly or derive an application-specific class from CDaoRecordset. You can use ClassWizard to derive your recordset classes.
Notę If you derive a CDaoRecordset class, your derived class must supply its own constructor. In the constructor of your derived class, cali the constructor CDaoRecordset::CDaoRecordset, passing the appropriate parameters along to it.
Pass NULL to your recordset constructor to have a CDaoDatabase object constructed and connected for you automatically. This is a useful shortcut that does not require you to construct and connect a CDaoDatabase object priorto constructing your recordset. Ifthe CDaoDatabase object is not open, a CDaoWorksnace object will also be created foryou that uses the default workspace. For morę Information, see CDaoDatabase::CDaoDatabase.
For morę Information about constructing recordsets, see the article DAO: Creatina. Openina. and Closina DAO Obiects in Programming with MFC.
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