CAUTION Lubrication and Fuel
Motor Lubrlcption: The motor is lubricate |
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cod with gasoiine. |
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red miles mi |
x one pint of oil |
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id with ono |
and one half gal |
Best results are obtained when the |
on is thoroughly | |
mixed with the gasoiine CAUTION: NEYER 1 |
FORGE'F<"t |
ing into the tank. HE OIL WHEN |
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Bing with oil as enplained se choke on carburetor
It kas been found by experi< grades of oil ure beat suitcd to U .......
will be thrown out ot i ta norma! position by the action of the starter spring. Check np on the oi! level in
After the motor has been ran the first 500 milcs drain the oil from the transmission housing and fluah it out with a thin oil and refill with fresh oil. Re-peat this every 1000 milea thereafter.
Having fllled the tank with tb
s follow
Open petcock under tank
air heli. Open throttle aoout qnarter way. rnrow in High Gear by pressing right toe pedał down. Re-lease clutch Gong leror on left aide) by drawing lc»er back towards saddle. Press down on step-starter lever a few timea. This primea the carburetor. NEVER U SE STEP-STARTER WHEN MACHINĘ IS IN LOW GEAR because of risk of damage to starter owing to great sdditional forco reąuired to tum over motor through nil of the transmission gears. Now open up the choke on the air beli half way, leavlng throttle in same position. Step yigorously on Starter Levor and motor should start to run. Depending on atmospheric conditions slight Tariationa of above on throttle posl-tlon and air boli position are somctimes necessary. Having started the motor, it Is adrlsable to shift into Iow gear before engaging the clutch. Push the clutch leyer forward slowly in order to avoid a sudden jerk in starting, and regulate the motor speed by means of the throttle. When the machinę has gained headway, close the throttle momentarlly and at the same timo shift into high gear. Do not run motorcyde faster than 20 miles per hour for iirst 800 milea.