of the upper arm and Hic cli es t. The reason is this: the muscles whieh elosc the hand are, some of them, attachcd to ihe forearm, thus the tendons have to pass through the wrist. In order that they maj work effieicntly it is necessary that the wrist be held rigid. You eann«t possibly elinch your hand hard and have the wrist frce of movement. Xow, in order to have the wrist held in a rigid position, all the muscles run-ning froin it np to the forearm (and some of tkem run to the lower part of the upper arm), must be eontraeted witli great rigor. The elbow joint must also be held rigid, for the muscles whick atlacli to the upper arm could not aet cJTteiently were their points of origin morable, so it is necessary for the muscles whic-h c-ontrol the elbow to be eontraeted vigorouslv. Tiiese muscles, sonie of tliem, go up and attach. to the fhoułder blade and clavicle. So the muscles whieh hołd the skoulder must be ilxed in order that the big muscles of the chest and back may harc solid snpport. Tlie ribs have to bc fixed solidly. In order to fix the ribs solidly we have to stop brealbing. When a person takes hołd of anything with the hand and squeezes it as hard as possiblc, he holds his hreath.