was being madę by the model. Illustrations Nos. 5 and 7 show the triceps on the back of the upper arm as it is pulling against the biceps.
The ncxt part of the body to bc csereised is the tiliouldcr. This is best done at the same linie that the upper back is being dereloped. Illustrations l\Tos. 3 and 15 show these muscles in most vigorous contraction. The muscle on top of the shoulder, the deltoid, and the great surface muscle of the upper back are pulling the shoulder up and lifting the arm; while the great museles of the chest arę pulling the arm forward, and the othcr fibres of the trapezius are pulling the shoulder back and down. The result is that the slioulders and arms are set as if in iron. These great masses of muscles, pulling with all iheir inherent force, bind the joints together with the greatest solidity. The illustrations show well the contraction of these muscles, The extent to which tliis contraction is earried on ówer otker joints is well sliown. The double linę of muscle extending Jialf way down the middle of the linek shows two muscles which puli the shoulrler together; their de-Telopment is well sliown in To. 3. The tremen-dous sweep of the great band of muscle coming from