mb 09

mb 09


head and bctter body. It does not tako any apparatus —it ean be done anywhcrc; it takcs but little time. Ali tliat it demamis is the willingness lo do it on the part of thc man. Many men liaye, in a single month, changed the whole appearance of their bodies from one of weakness to one of strength, from a eondition of flabbiness to a eondition of solid i ty. It is a coni-irion achieTement for a man to inerease tho girth of his npper arm half an ineli, or even an inch, in a jnonth; to put two inches on his chest in,thc same length of time. If a mans muscles aro fat to bogiń vritli, he may expect in llve conrse of a month, to make them bard and museular. In tliis case he will not expect to inerease the size. as much as lie will if his arms are merely soft to hegin with and be bas fcimply to build np.


"We will begin wilk an explanation of liow to devel-op tlić arms. Ordinarily, in the gymnasium one pulls against weights running over a pulley, ot he lifts dumb bells, the objęci being to fnrnish. resistanee for thc muscles to work against; good results aro


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