Many business men at forty are fat and flabby; tlicir arms are weak, their hands are soft and pulpy, their abdomens are prominent and jelly-like. When they run a błock for a tram, they j-raff and blow lilie disordered gasoline autos. Men get into this condi-tion bećause they sit still too much; becanse tliey eat moro tlian they need, and becanse tliey drink. No one gets into this eondition because be wishes to. It is against the wish of ereryone to have bis body in this kind of order. Ile well knows lliat it lessens bis working capacity, tbat it takes away a great deal of (be fiut of living; tbat it preyents bis enjoying yigorous tbings as lie did when a young man; and tbat it will próbably eut off years at the end of bis life. The reason that be does not come out of this eondition is that hc tbinks it will involve a serions modifiealion of his modę of liying, a serious altera-tion of bis business liabits. He tbinks it will involve