mb 37

mb 37


ftne lincs running outward and downward from the spinał eolumn show tlić imensity of tbo eifort that is being madę. The distended veins on Ihe forearm are also indications of a smilai' ehaiacter. This exereise shonld be earried on as are the others.

Iłlnstrations Nos. 3 and 19 show exercises which aro dosigned to bc generał—a łarge fraction of alt tbo nrascles of the body are worldng at once. ]n No. 18 the snperficial nrusde of the neek is shown jn its great aetmty.

There is one clangor to włiieh these generał ex-erc-ises are exposed, that is, when so many muscles arc used at once in suc-h a yigorous way, the błood pressure of tbo body is inereased with great rapidity. If the exerciscs are donc excessiveły, the beart will be madę irritabłe and sometimes oyer-developed. I have hnown a number of persons who, secing the good effeets of these exexcises, haye coneluded that if the amount prescribed in these exercises wonld be good, twice as much would be twice as good, and haye oyer-done the matter seriousły. iły father was once pre-soribing for an Hawaiian chief to whom he gave some pills, with instructions to takc one three times


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