mb 41

mb 41


łax the \rill of most men; it is sliort onoiigli to be witliin the ability of most men; it affords linie enough to secure results which should be ample encourage-ment for eontinuation for another montli.

Second, haring settled tlić lengtli of time that the programme will be followed out, next determine aliści nt cl y how much time eacli day, and at w kat time these exexcises will be cariied on. Ten minutes in the morning will do, but ten minutes in the morning and night will do morę. It will be well to make a written record of one’s purposes.

Tllird, measure the girth of your forearnc, upper aritis eontraeted (euts Yos. 12 and 20), and straight, cliest eontraeted and espanded, waist, thigh and ncck. If yon c-an get tkese measurements taken by someone who is familiar with sueh work, they will be accurate and satisfaetory. Yon should have your measurements taken agam at the end of the montli in exactly the same way that they were taken at the beginning. They should, of course, bc taken wilhout any cloth-ing on, that is, next to the skin, otlierwise they will he quite unreliable. Ann should be as in Xo. 13 when measured, not Ne. 20.


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